
Solved Hoarding items? Problem solved!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Welma, Mar 1, 2017.

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  1. Welma

    Welma Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    Last week I had 16 bers, 1 jah, 1 sur, 17 java skillers, 17 elem skillers, griffon 16/15, different anix and torches, including sorc and pala, 9 or 10 soj, a couple of bks, lots of sc hp, 5/5 facets, a bunch of gems and skulls, eth javelins, crafted amies and rings, various CTAs stacked in 2 full accounts that had about 20 socket quests.

    I gave it all away for free.

    Most common questions I got were: "ladder reset?", "are you quitting?" and my personal favorite "why????"

    There's no ladder reset, I'm not quitting, but the real question people should ask is: "why not?" :)

    Basically I hoarded all those items like a mad man without a real intention of ever using them more than a dozen
    times. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    So I encourage everyone to do this. It's nice to help people and fun to start from zero, even if the next reset won't be happening anytime soon.

    TLDR: if u are an item-hoarder, like I was, give it all away for free and start again from scrach. It's very liberating and fun! After all, it's just a game :)
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
    V4mpir, Vacholindyr, notalma and 2 others like this.
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Simple tag for everyone helping other members (especially new players) in this community: #respect
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  3. Tzutzu79

    Tzutzu79 You're too late, Hahaha.. Moderator

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I did this once, not long time ago, and You encouraged me to do this again...very eliberating thing. You are absolutely right, it's fun and challenging
    Bravo, frate!
    Welma likes this.
  4. notalma

    notalma Senior Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    i do this all the time ( ofc i am not that rich i just give them starting items) but u sir are real hero :D
    Welma likes this.
  5. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    It might be liberating for you, but you are taking away that very same feeling from the players you are donating stuff to. Back when I was playing HC I thought, at one point, to delete my heroes and start over, but never reached the point of actually doing it. Some of the things you are giving away are fine, some are not ( I don't think they should be in the Giving Away category, but that's just my opinion ). Since the last reset ( I've only been here for 3 months now ) , but a lot of new players have started, I have helped out a dozen of them. There are very few players though that start and want to take on things by themselves ( no handouts ) , which I believe is where the challenge comes from. I think starting fresh is fine for some people, I would never do it on softcore, because to me it is pointless, but when I was playing on HC , where is mostly PvM based , the real fun was in the beginning, when I just started. I was rushing myself, gearing myself, died quite a few times , but experienced great pleasure when I finally succeeded in having a "kind of" geared sorc for basic farming. Then, quickly after that the pleasure started diminishing when I started to get wealthier. On softcore, most of the player play for purpose - to eventually have a geared hero for PvP, which is what I am aiming for. So, owning more things on that realm does not kill the desire for playing in me, but on hardcore I did. I can imagine that happening to people that play PvM mostly, whether it is HC or SC , that they will actually experience great joy in doing that. I, however, think that this is a choice that people make, if I did it - I would not give away all of my stuff to random players ( does not matter whether they are new or not ) , because some of the things you gave away ( runes for example ) , I believe players should work for, because thats part of the game. With the gem selling situation here is pretty easy anyway for them to get started.
    I am , however, supporting with both hands to not hoard stuff you do not need - sell them to somebody else, so they are of any use. There's no need to hold on to some rare things that you might never need, ie a rare item for a class you don't like at all.
    Didn't mean to dislike your idea, I was just expressing my opinion. Congratulations for doing it :)
    And yes, it is just a game, games are played for fun, if doing that brings you joy that should be more than enough.
    Fatty180, Erbhy, Welma and 2 others like this.
  6. dafranco

    dafranco Forum Legend

    May 21, 2015
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  7. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Totally agree, there are items that shouldn't be in the `give away` category and I have to say I was never a fan of he moment when people that quit are giving away all their stuff into random games as some will be greedy and taken lots of items even if they already have a nice build compared to a new player and at the same time some people might not experience the fun to loot those items themselves, therefore they might get bored faster since they are not required to farm those items anymore. Still it's anyone's choice about what to do with his own items.
  8. Welma

    Welma Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    I'm no hero, lol
    The real heroes are the ones who sacrifice their personal time to make THIS possible :)
    Here's how I see things: helping a few people will encourage them into doing the same for others, and they in turn will help others, and so on.. at least that's what's what I hope will happen.
    If someone wants a certain item, he will get it either by mf-ing, trading or re-rolling it (ie. ls 45hp). Even the most expensive item can be obtained after a month of playing here if you visit the forum regularly for item price checks, competitions and guides. Indeed, they might get bored faster if they are not required to farm those items anymore, but we're talking about a small percentage of players that, in my opinion, aren't true d2 fans, don't really appreciate this community and it's just a matter of time before they stop playing.

    But, as you said...

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  9. Erbhy

    Erbhy Senior Member

    May 29, 2016
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    When I first started on this server shortly after the newest Ladder reset, I met a guy who gave me a bunch of stuff so we could eventually farm together and get wealthier. We eventually got wealthier and started a "clan" with a bunch of other guys we helped, and we had a fine little community. After ~2 months time of playing, a lot of the newer players I have "given back" to, i.e. given free starter stuff to I have never seen online again, which I think is what Klaus explained very well. This has made me stop doing these hoarder items giveaways, and I instead just sell them to Akara instead, only because I dont want new players to get discouraged by getting starter items quickly. I have some minor items I do keep a stock of, such as Vipermagi or Tokens, which I give to new players if they ask for it.
    Even though I experienced this, I am sure that the players who got your items were very happy for it. Just my 2 cents ;)
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  10. Welma

    Welma Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    So you met a guy who gave you a lot of free stuff and you are still playing :)
    About the players that you never saw online, maybe they would have stopped playing even if you hadn't helped them. There's no way of knowing for sure... unless you can go back in time and refuse to help them :rolleyes:
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  11. Erbhy

    Erbhy Senior Member

    May 29, 2016
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    Yea, I know. It is just kinda weird how none of those I helped stayed around even a month. I guess I'm only staying around on the server in hopes of rebuilding my old Bnet chars :D
  12. Welma

    Welma Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2016
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    I've been kinda busy in the past year or so, but now I'm back to hoarding :)
    I will start donating as soon as I finish gearing up my main chars!

    Moderator Note: Please avoid necroing year+ old threads.
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    Fatty180 and Tzutzu79 like this.
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