hey diablo 2 community well i just wanted to give u a review about this tournament that it was fun amazing but losing is what made me sad(noob player now) I went straight to the andariel and i didnt sticked with the team,didnt even read rules about defenders section which resulted in a Defeated. Anyways it was fun,awesome i would say it was pretty intense fast. Sorry to defenders for they lost cuz of me. For gameplay https://www.twitch.tv/videos/161154169
You had no clue about the event rules apparently. There is a guy telling you in that stream that you can go back to town and refill hp, potions, etc as many times as you want and you're saying "you can't?" The event is a lot of fun when people do read the rules which is what you should have done atleast several times considering the list is small otherwise it will only ruin the experience for the other participants.
Calm down jesus... Its an event for a reason. If people are really getting upset at loosing because someone didn't impulse a rule then they shouldn't be in the event in the first place.
Not sure whom are you telling to calm down but do you really think people are ok for someone to signup for an event and not take a couple minutes to read the rules at all? Of course they will get upset (maybe not in this particular event but ironman pvm is a good example) when loosing because it's a competition and prizes are involved, which is why they signup to the event in the first place. People get upset even when loosing a simple duel, be sure they will get upset during a competition too because they do join for fun and expect to have fun but this is not always possible. Additionally this is also about respecting the GMs time that host these events and people who spent their time to come up with the event and the rules to make sure it's balanced. The idea is that you do need to read the rules before signing up for the event, it's pretty straight forward because you don't want someone to keep interrupting and asking questions in the middle of it especially since most players have their time limited and don't want to spend countless hours for an event that it's supposed to last half an hour, besides that's why the event has a public thread that everyone can read so the GM won't have to explain everything about it to 8 or more different players, individually which is time consuming and annoying. The moment when you personally are going to participate in your very first event all of this will make a whole lot more sense. Anyway @Fatty180, pretty sure no one got mad because you guys lost but do read the rules next time as you could have teleport back to town, buy stuff, restore your hp as many times as you wanted to and survive a lot more, thus helping eachother and don't forget to level during the pvp phase if you decide to protect andy nearby, otherwise it's a good strategy to wait the attackers ~2 screens away from the BM waypoint and give them hell.
I hope they will ban fire trap assa next time. She is really to OP for this. Another cool tournament would be lvl 30 ffa