
Oh where did I find Zod ~~

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Minty, Nov 9, 2017.


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Poll closed Nov 16, 2017.
  1. I read this thread cause I was bored. Yeah it wasn't helpful much.

  2. Man, I just want to play Diablo. Stop writing about Diablo

  1. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    I found Zod once. Yap once! Not twice.
    I don't care about did you find 100 zods or not just read me out till the end.
    A guy spoke to me on our server recently telling me, Arcane Sanctuary on hell has a nice chance on misc drops.
    Convincing me that Spirit classes that can run out of map have the highest chance for misc.
    ( misc are Charms, Runes, Gems )
    I think there is some truth to it.
    I always stumble upon more than 3 runes in Arcane on hell.
    On Glacial trail, and Drifter Cavern also almost always some rune drop similar to pits. ( mostly 2 runes drop )
    The way guy spoke about classes and chances ; it seemed to me like he knows more about Diablo than me, did I 100% believe him, no. But there is some truth to it. It doesn't matter which rune does drop ( sheal or tir ) as long as rune drop is almost 100% certain like on countess.By his story and now my intuition, and from my experience I am starting to believe him now.
    If there is a rune drop that is 100%. ( the chance that rune will be Zod is 0.0000blah ).
    Not to confuse you all further. Arcane is Area level 79 and as game says it gives up to Cham, cannot deliver Zod in that area.
    I found my Zod in Act 5 on first monster i killed, and now many times I do the same, right outside the act 5 to the topright.
    Keep in mind. Arcane Sanctuary ( area level 79 ), Bloody Foothills ( area level 80 ).
    Do you see the pattern of where Cham and Zod drop? ( Cham as highest on area lvl 79, and zod that starts to appear on area lvl 80 )
    Anyway hope this reading made you bored. Cause it ain't fun reading some Noob talkin about diablo. Cheers all have fun Looting and Crafting.
    ( p.s There are a lot of areas named from 79-81 - That are easily farmed than Area levels you often go to find runes you just have too see which levels are those. )
    Whole point of my text was to see if someone knows about this Misc drop that happens more often on Spirit classes that are found In Arcane, Glacial,
    and I got mine from creature like Dac Farren ( the one that teleports ) . - idk if that's a spirit class or not, or was that guy who spoke me about Arcane
    telling the truth so the Thread goes.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  2. Escorb4r

    Escorb4r Supporter

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Plot twist to the story, he actually used 14,281,868,906,496 el runes to make the zod by cubing :tup:
    Fatty180, Nopik and TimmyDeezNuts like this.
  3. Quinneczech

    Quinneczech Fat! Old! HardCORE! Forum Legend

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Fun fact - you cannot make zod by cubing all ELs by yourself. Human life is too short for that :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 9, 2017, Original Post Date: Nov 9, 2017 ---
    I was curious, how long it would take, so ive made some calculations.

    To make it simple, i was counting with 1 second for putting each rune into the cube (it may look long, but i didnt count with making space in ur inventory, pressing transmute button, refilling your cubing char with more fresh runes, etc; its just for some basic maths).

    So, what do you think? How long would it take? :)

    With official patch, where no custom modifications are made and it takes 3 runes to create higher rune (up to pul, from pul its 2 again), it would take stunning 679.312,6 years. Yup, 679 thousand years of continuous clicking, with no time to rest, sleep, live...

    However, with custom changes on our server, it takes much shorter. Only 272,4 years!

    Lets start cubing, guys! :p
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  4. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Telling about Zod was from my own personal experience, just to back up some facts about Levels and where rune drops.
    I thought the topic should evolve around Misc ( Runes, Gems, and Charms... ). About these Spirit classes I heard about ( lol ) that have a better drop on Misc, and I wanted honest opinion. On misc drop etc.
    I did aim for thread to be about this rumor, and I am starting to think it's plausible. Quinnczech Lol did you really just do that. Smack!
  5. Botlike

    Botlike Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
    Fatty180 likes this.
  6. SGPB75

    SGPB75 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    In google - "Rune finder guide by Urlik" - very useful and detailed information about the game!!!
    I saw this almanac for the first time in 2005 on 1.10, and despite the differences today (1.13 patch...) is quite useful...

    In this server - (Zod from personal experience...And from a few times!) - Super Chest in Halls of Pain/Anguish* in BH** game/s...

    *The run in Halls of Pain/Anguish is very fast, when you open only the chest - without killing some monsters...
    **In full BH game/s, the Sparkly Chest in Icy Cellar is also a good choice - especially with combination with Snapchip...

    For Bers - the Super Chests in LK - RULZZZ ! ! !
    Again - in full BH game/s - a lot of Bers...

    G L H F!
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
  7. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    From Urlik's guide you can pick up or focus on the following.

    1.Number of players involved in game to change the drop.
    ( 3-8 players better drop )

    2.Special and Sparkly chests.

    Should be explained thru Table&Graphics explaining where to look for them on what lvl etc.
    *remember one thing about chests ( kill all the monsters first then start opening chests ) - those 200 keys on our server are life saver.

    3.Where does Cham and Zod drop & which Bosses do drop them.
    ( like do not get confused Zod starts dropping on area lvl 80 when you kill a monster that is Unique or Champion - higher lvl from lvl area ).
    If you find a monster in area lvl 79 that is leve higher than 82 than yap. Zod possibility.

    4. First killl ( means you teleport and first kill should be that Monster or Boss )
    *for Baal and Bosses ( thing is someone clears everything and leaves first kill to another player to have that chance )
    First kill applies for Runes. I don't know should it apply for items ( but my thoughts it does apply )

    Try to remember 2 additional things about Urlik's guide beside 4 i Mentioned.

    1) That you can clear map as 1 and then join 3-4 players depending how many you need to change the drop chance. ( very important )

    2)That little table in the end explaining how rune drop works - its a table 3x3 cm - very small (* if you know a place where rune drop often and is area lvl 80 go for it ).
    [This table only says- If you have an often Sheal or any low Rune drop in high lvl area, chance of that Sheal being Zod.]
  8. dahappygoat

    dahappygoat Senior Member

    Nov 12, 2017
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    I actually read that number outloud to myself... :D
  9. Godhard

    Godhard Senior Member

    Aug 5, 2017
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    After reading this treat was testing out Arcane Sanctuary, 3 runs and really a LOT of jewels and gems for crafting - nice!
    Highest rune so far - Pul
  10. balabanov91

    balabanov91 Member

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I Vote for chaos sanctuary today i got zod from there and i always get good rune drops there Screenshot007.jpg Screenshot005.jpg
  11. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Great Job Balabanov91, Yeah it was probably spirit class that affected the drop. Chaos spawns that class, class I try to spawn on Glacial Trail by creating always new 123125412 game fast.
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