
Magic find europebattle

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by milenskipln, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. milenskipln

    milenskipln Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Hi everyone I think this question should be only to admins but i will post it here so everyone can read it.
    I want to ask admins or moderators or game masters this kind of people, do you need magic find gear on this server, is magic find capped at one point ?
    For the answer I trust the people that made the server not the users. Thank you all.

    Earlier there was a post from some bulgarian member in your best find of the day section that he found zod in travincal.
    One or two admins said him this is fake and banned him.
    I think I will support this member not because that he is from my country. I think fiding Zod in travincal is normal and obvious when all the uniques there (not the councils) are level 85. I did found an Sacred Armor there and I have a screen on it. From those witches or I dont know how they are called but they just blocked my hero and I killed them just one time. You wouldnt believe as I didnt also but here is a prove.

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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2021
  2. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Some thoughts:
    1. Rune drops and magic find % are TOTALLY unrelated. Rune drops you get with 0% MF and with 500% MF are the same.
    2. This is based on playing the game on this server: for act bosses and quest-related bosses, all the items that drop are of unique quality; 3 exceptions from this rule (when unique becomes rare): 1. base item does not have a unique variant (ex: mirrored boots), 2. the unique version has already dropped in the game, 3. some shady (to me at least) circumstances.
    For the rest of the mobs - normal, champions, random unique packs - the drops are D2 vanilla, or otherwise put, they are affected by MF %.
    3. For Sting MH, there is a RTC (rune treasure chest toggle), which, if enabled, tells you from which RTC a mob can drop. RTC 17 is all up to Zod, RTC 16 up to Jah and Cham a.s.o.
    Nopik, Gix and milenskipln like this.
  3. milenskipln

    milenskipln Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Thank you for reply but I dont understand a lot of stuff that you are saying really because I am standart player you are using words for overpros or pro players.
    In your 1. quote I want to answer that I already know this stuff that mf dont affect runes and charms
    for 2. quote only admin or creator of the server can tell for sure.
    for quote 3. I am using BH because with string you need different type of configs etc. that are super hard and etc.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Magic find works just as it does in the original game, it uses the same mechanics. Do you need MF to find items here or in the original game? No you don't but having MF will increase the chances for an item to be magic, rare, set or unique when it drops. In here, due to increased drop rates, some bosses and unique monsters will guarantee you a unique item drop so depending on where are you farming you may or may not need as much MF value while everywhere else vanilla formula applies. Have in mind that RNG is part of any game though so having MF 0 or 1000 doesn't guarantee you the drop of a certain item.
    There isn't a magic find cap but you need to take into consideration the diminishing returns of using MF. If you are going to use magic find gear then you need to figure out how much kill speed you are sacrificing because killing speed is the most important thing when you're farming. Too much MF and your killing speed is going to suffer and you will be less efficient with your farming.

    You may want to use a different wording here such as "banned him from that specific thread" or simply "temporarily blocked from posting in that thread" and also link us that specific post if you are tagging someone from way back because I cannot recall any recent scenario. Posting fake drops in the best find of the day thread may lead to that user being temporarily blocked from posting in that specific thread (not from the game or anywhere else) for about a week or so unless the user decides to repeat that but so far I don't think we had more than 3 or 4 people who did such thing and faked their drops in a silly manner. Furthermore, other players posting in that thread will report such actions right away so you won't even need a staff member to constantly check every single screenshot because people will tag us almost immediately if something is worth investigating. Since you haven't posted any link I have no idea what screenshot are you talking about but whenever that happened there are other posts explaining what's wrong with the screenshot too so you might want to read the whole story of it.

    I suggest reading some MF guides and discussion threads, there are several of them posted around here that explains exactly how MF works and what it does such as this thread http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/magic-find-tips-tricks-info.542775/
    Kefflar32, kiwifruit and milenskipln like this.
  5. milenskipln

    milenskipln Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Gix you are GOD thanks for the answer pure GOD
    Gix my screenshot was uploaded to imgur where everyone can see it I dont know why it dont work for you but i will upload it for you here in the site

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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2021
  6. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You're very welcome, @sphinx25 and others have been spot on with their answers and guides as well so you can definitely take an experienced player's advice for granted.
    PS: I've corrected the bottom link in my previous post to redirect to the proper magic find tips and tricks guide thread. That's just an example though, there are more guides you can read through.

    We can see the image in your first post as well, although if you wish to use imgur.com then you need to insert the direct image link instead such as this one https://i.imgur.com/opLLpPE.jpg or you could simply click on the three dots then Get share links after uploading your image to imgur.com and simply copy the BBCode from there https://gyazo.com/4fdafec987cfb27fb412c89f96671e47
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2021
    colder, sphinx25 and milenskipln like this.
  7. milenskipln

    milenskipln Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    I just want to share something with you guys that is very interesting.
    I deleted all my heroes while i was playing for 2 or 3 months.
    After that i saw this video in youtube and started grinding from 0.
    Blessedone and sphinx25 like this.
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