
Guide STING Maphack Configuration Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Gix, May 8, 2016.

  1. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Section 1 - Understanding the Configuration Options.
    Section 2 - How to set the configurations.
    Section 3 - Setting up Items, for hidden and special coloring.
    Section 4 - Setting up The UBER Items (T,H,D keys, and organs) for special coloring.
    Section 5 - Items Codes, Monsters, Missiles, Virtual keys, etc.
    Section 6 - Setting up skill timers to display on your screen.

    Section 1 - Understanding what the various configurations ARE.

    There's alota stuff in there. Takes a while to figure out, and for the not so computer literate.. well you may be lost entirely. So I'll explain all of the major points, briefly.

    Reveal Act Automap Key - Don't mess with this. You don't need to. Default has Automap automatically revealed. This is just extra work.
    Reveal Level Automap Key - Same goes for this one.
    View Equipment Key - This allows you to view another players equipment. To use this, hover the mouse over the target player, and hit the hotkey. (Must be done in town)
    View Info Page Key - This is a handy tool. It shows you all your little misc stats, such as crushing blow, frw, fhr, ect. Saves time so you don't have to add manually.
    View Info Page Key - Uh... this just gives you more key options for this command? the turns it off, I'd leave it turned off. Save those extra keys for other things.
    Save Item List Key - Very handy tool. This will list all the items on the character you're currently using in a file on your computer. Good for mule inventorying, and setting up trade lists.
    Give Merc Potion Keys[<SLOT NO>] -

    Socket Protect Toggle - I love this feature. This keeps you from dropping gems, ect, into items with sockets unintentionally. Turn off to put things into sockets.
    Inventory Protect Toggle - This protects your inventory, similar to the socket protect. While this is turned on, you can NOT pick up items out of your inventory.
    Input Line Toggle -
    Message Log Toggle - Turns on a message log which records all messages spoken in Diablo 2 games. (this is accessible via the message log button on the Maphack gui)
    Message Filter Toggle -
    Outside Select Toggle - Allows you to select non-hostile players outside of town.
    Right Click Swap Toggle -
    Auto Reveal Automap Toggle - Don't mess with this. This is what automatically reveals the acts map for you.
    Last Game Name Toggle - Nice feature - this will make it so that when you leave a game, the name of the last game you were in stays in the join/create game slot (name only, not password)
    Show Packet 64 Toggle -
    Stop Minimize Toggle - This is a godsend for you clumsy people. While this is enabled, you wont be able to accidentally minimize D2.
    Show Npc Intros Toggle - This hides the "hello you are you I am me" BS that all NPC's say to you the first time you talk to them with a character.
    Show Videos Toggle - This hides the act movies when you're first progressing through with a character.
    Show Quest Button Toggle - This hides the 'quest' button that appears every time your quest journal is updated.

    Show Cast Skills Toggle - This feature crashes my game every time I use it. Advised you leave it alone for now.
    Show State Skills Toggle - Same as above.
    Show Skill Levels[All] - Same as above.

    Unit Indices Toggle -
    Unit Numbers Toggle -
    List Room Presets Key -

    Don't touch these unless you know what your doing
    New Version Dll Action
    Extrawork Dll Action
    New Warden Module Action
    - DONT TOUCH THIS ENTIRE SECTION, Unless you're smarter than me. (Or just an idiot.) Messing with this can make MH detectable to Blizzard, resulting in your ban.

    Quick Exit Game Key - Handy feature. This sets a key to instantly exit you from the game - saves you from deaths, and just makes things easier.
    Tppk Protect Toggle - Sets chicken stuff to protect you from TPPK's.

    Tppk Skill Levels[Lightning Fury Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Charged Bolt Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Ice Blast Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Lightning Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Chain Lightning Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Glacial Spike Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Meteor Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Blizzard Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Hydra Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Frozen Orb Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Bone Spear Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Bone Spirit Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Twister Skill]
    Tppk Skill Levels[Tornado Skill]
    - Set what TPPK skills you want to avoid here, if I understand it right.

    Chicken Ping Toggle - This is the turn on/off config for chicken ping. (set ping # below)
    Chicken Normal Toggle - This is the turn on/off config for chicken life. (set chicken life below.)
    Chicken Hostile Toggle - This is the turn on/off config for chicken HOSTILE life. (set chicken hostile life below) - this chickens if your life reaches the specified point, and someone has hostiled you.

    Chicken Ping - Set the ping # you want to chicken at here. (You'll chicken if you hit this number or higher.)
    Chicken Normal Life - Set the amount of life you want to chicken at here.
    Chicken Hostile Life - Set the amount of hostile life you want to chicken at here.

    Full Visuals Toggle - This turns on/off ALL visuals given by MH as a group. (all of the ones listed below.)
    Weather Toggle - Sets a key to toggle on/off the weather.
    Infravision Toggle - Sets a key to toggle on/off the Infravision.
    Screen Shake Toggle - Sets a key to toggle on/off the screen shake.
    Screen Fade Toggle - Sets a key to toggle on/off the screen fade.
    Light Radius Toggle[1] - Sets a key to toggle on/off the light radius[1].
    Light Radius Toggle[2] - Sets a key to toggle on/off the light radius[2].
    Invis Units Toggle -

    Perm Show Orbs Toggle -
    Life Bar Transparency - This appears to be the shade of the life bar over someone's head when you hover the cursor over them.
    Life Bar Colour - This is the color of the life bar over other players heads.
    Light Radius[1] - Sets ambient brightness (reduces in game shadow so you can see the whole screen)
    Light Radius[2] - Another lighting control. The defaults on these two work fine, I wouldn�t bother with them.
    Other Font Toggle -
    Other Font Size -
    Cursor Blob File -

    Replacement Fonts[<FONT NO>] -

    Center Scroll Map Key - This centers the Automap on you, if you're using the SCROLL LOCK feature.
    Scroll Map Toggle - This turns on the map scrolling.
    Scroll Map Area Colour - This changes the color of the 'box' shown on the Automap while using the SCROLL LOCK feature.
    Scroll Map Speed - This is how fast you can scroll through the Automap with SCROLL LOCK on.
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle -

    #VOCAB Game Time Toggle - This turns the timer on and off (how long you've been in the game).
    #VOCAB Clock Toggle - This turns the clock on and off.
    #VOCAB Server Ip Toggle - This hides/shows the server IP. (Seeing this is very handy for finding Dclone games.)
    #VOCAB Game Experience Toggle - This hides the XP meter at the bottom of the list. (How much XP you've earned in the current game.)

    Automap Info Toggles[1+] -
    Automap Info Toggles[5] -
    Automap Info Toggles[6] -
    Automap Info Toggles[7] -
    Automap Info Toggles[8] -

    Automap Infos[1] -
    Automap Infos[2] -
    Automap Infos[3] -
    Automap Infos[4] -
    Automap Infos[5] -
    Automap Infos[6] -
    Automap Infos[7] -
    Automap Infos[8] -

    Overlap Arrows Toggle - This turns on/off overlapping of the level target arrows. (these are found below)(arrows appear on right side of Automap under text)

    Target Arrow Toggles[1] - This turns on/off Arrow #1 which points towards (default) next level/area.
    Target Arrow Toggles[2] - This turns on/off Arrow #2 which points (default) to the quest in the area.
    Target Arrow Toggles[3] - This turns on/off Arrow #3 which points (default) to the waypoint in the area.

    Target Arrow Colours[1] - This is the color of arrow #1
    Target Arrow Colours[2] - This is the color of arrow #2
    Target Arrow Colours[3] - This is the color of arrow #3

    Level Targets[1][All] - this sets all arrows towards the specified variable. Leave this alone (edit the specific lines below.)
    Level Targets[2][All] - this sets all arrows towards the specified variable. Leave this alone (edit the specific lines below.)
    Level Targets[3][All] - this sets all arrows towards the specified variable. Leave this alone (edit the specific lines below.)

    Level Targets - One line will due for ALL of these. This is the arrow on the right side of your screen, below the xp meter. These are set up by default, but are missing a LOT of things. See the configuring section for more information.

    Automap Level Names Toggle - This turns on/off the names of staircases, ect, on Automap.
    Automap Party Default -
    Automap Names Default -
    Mini Shrines Toggle - This turns on/off the mini pictures by the shrines on Automap.
    Level Name Colour -
    Staff Tomb Level Desc - This changes the notifier on the correct Tal Rosha's Tomb. Default is a little green star.
    Automap Fade Trans -
    Waypoint Blob File -

    Active Rooms Toggle -
    Active Rooms Colour -

    Yard Radius Toggle -
    Yard Radius Decrease Key -
    Yard Radius Increase Key -
    Yard Radius Colour -
    Yard Radius Default -

    Unit Blob File[Player] -
    Unit Blob File[Monster] -
    Unit Blob File[Object] -
    Unit Blob File[Missile] -
    Unit Blob File[Item] -

    Group Colours[<GROUP NO>] -
    Group Hiddens[<GROUP NO>] -
    Group Blob Files[<GROUP NO>] -
    Group Chickens[<GROUP NO>] -
    Group Rules[<GROUP NO>] -

    Chicken Rule Toggle[<NUMBER>] -
    Chicken Rule Life[<NUMBER>] -

    #VOCAB Good Gold Number - This sets the amount of gold considered "Good". Put this number at the lowest that you want your attention drawn to. (you can also hide BAD gold, so set this as the minimum you want to see period if you go that route.)
    #VOCAB Poor Gold Colour - This sets the color you want 'poor' gold to appear. You can also set this to HIDE 'poor' gold.
    #VOCAB Good Gold Colour - This is the color you want 'good' gold to appear, to help draw your attention.

    #VOCAB Hidden Item Level -
    #VOCAB Hidden Item Value -

    There are a few Vocab item groups here. Leave them alone unless you know what your doing.

    #VOCAB Chicken Nearby Toggle -
    #VOCAB Chicken Nearby Life -

    #VOCAB Hostile Player Chicken -
    Chicken Rule Toggle[1] -
    Chicken Rule Life[1] -

    #VOCAB Hostile Player Group -
    Group Colours[6] -
    Group Chickens[6] -

    Chests TC Toggle -
    Automap Chests Toggle -

    Closed Chest Group -
    Locked Chest Group -
    Evil Urn Group -
    Stash Group -
    Portal Group -

    Closed Chest Colour -
    Locked Chest Colour -
    Evil Urn Colour -
    Stash Colour -
    Portal Colour -

    Distant Party Group -
    Distant Party Colours -

    Player Groups [<PLAYER CLASS>][<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Player Colours[<PLAYER CLASS>][<OWNER TYPE>] -

    Player Colours[All][Owner Self] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Party] -
    Player Groups[All][Owner Hostile] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Other] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Dieing] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Dead] -

    Automap Missiles Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Hidden Missiles Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Missile Automaps[<MISSILE>] -

    Automap Missiles Toggle[All] -
    Hidden Missiles Toggle[All] -

    Missile Automaps[All] -
    Missile Automaps[Skill Missiles] -
    Missile Automaps[All Arrows] -
    Missile Automaps[Firewall Missiles] -
    Missile Automaps[Frozen Orb Missiles] -

    Missile Colours[All][Owner None] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Player] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Monster] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Party] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile][All][True] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Other] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Dead] -

    Missile Colours[Vine Beast Death Missile][Owner Dead] -

    Monster Levels Toggle -
    Monster TC Toggle -
    Monster Desc Colour -

    Npc Group -
    Npc Colour -

    Monster Death Anims[<MONSTER>] -
    Automap Monsters Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Hidden Monsters Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Monster Automaps[<MONSTER>] -
    Monster Groups [<MONSTER>][<OWNER TYPE>][<MONSTER TYPE>] -
    Monster Colours[<MONSTER>][<OWNER TYPE>][<MONSTER TYPE>] -

    Monster Death Anims[All] -
    Monster Death Anims[Shenk] -

    Automap Monsters Toggle[Owner None] -
    Automap Monsters Toggle[Owner Dead Viable] -
    Hidden Monsters Toggle[All] -

    Monster Automaps[Hydra 1] -
    Monster Automaps[Assassin Traps] -
    Monster Automaps[Druid Raven] -
    Monster Automaps[Bonewall] -

    Monster Colours[All][Owner None] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner None][Monster Minion+] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Self] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Party] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Hostile] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Other] -

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Dolls] -
    Monster Colours[Barbarian Fighters] -
    Monster Colours[Act 3 Hireling][Owner None] -
    Monster Colours[Assassin Traps][Owner Hostile] -
    Monster Colours[Raised Skeletons][Owner Party, Owner Other] -
    Monster Colours[Possible Revives][Owner Party, Owner Other] -

    Monster Colours[All][Owner Dieing] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Dead] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Dead Viable] -

    Monster Colours[Assassin Traps][Owner Dead] -

    Champion Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Ghostly Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Fanatic Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Possessed Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Berserker Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.

    Extra Strong Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Extra Fast Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Cursed Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Magic Resistant Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Fire Enchanted Desc: - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Lightning Enchanted Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Cold Enchanted Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Thief Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Mana Burn Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Teleportation Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Spectral Hit Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Stone Skin Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Multiple Shots Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.

    Might Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Holy Fire Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Holy Shock Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Conviction Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Fanaticism Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.

    Monster Immunities Toggle - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Resist Toggle - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resist.

    Monster Immunity Desc[Physical Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Magic Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Fire Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Lightn Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Cold Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Poison Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.

    Monster Resist Descs[Physical Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Magic Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Fire Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Lightn Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Cold Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Poison Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.

    Ethereal Item Prefix - The tag value you specify here will appear BEFORE the name of an ethereal item. Example - "ETHEREAL Short Sword"
    Ethereal Item Postfix - The tag value you specify here will appear AFTER the name of an ethereal item. Example - "Short Sword ETHEREAL"
    Rune Numbers Toggle - This turns on/off the runes number beside its name.
    Socket Numbers Toggle - This turns on/off the number of sockets an item has beside its name.
    Item Levels Toggle - This turns on/off the ilvl beside the items name.
    Item Value Toggle - This turns on/off the items value beside its name. (handy for money making)
    Item Value Minimum - Setting this will ONLY show you values on items that have this value or higher. (So if you set it for 35000, only things with a sell value of 35000 will have a value beside the name.)
    View Socketables Toggle - This allows you to separate gems/runes/jewels in the item description, to see exactly what the things you put in sockets do. (Does NOT remove items from sockets, it only shows you what they do.)
    Broken Item Colour - This changes the color of the names on items that are broken. (durability 0)
    Perm Show Item Toggle -
    Automap Items Toggle -
    Hidden Items Toggle: - This allows you to turn on/off HIDDEN ITEMS. (handy to get all those low potions, bolts, arrows, and such off your screen when you don't want them.)
    Ground Item Desc Toggle - This lets you see the items FULL stats by hovering the mouse over it while its on the ground. (like you would see when its in your inventory)
    Show Item Gleam Toggle - This turns on/off the little white sparkle all items have by default.

    Item Colours[Ear] - This is set to automatically hide ears. No other use.

    Item Colours[Jewel] - This is set so you can easily change the color of jewels.
    Item Colours[All][Rare] - This is set so you can easily change the color of rares.
    Item Colours[All][Unique] - This is set so you can easily change the color of uniques.
    Item Colours[Quest Items] - This is set so you can easily change the color of quest items.
    Item Colours[Junk Items] - This is set so you can easily change the color of junk items.
    Item Groups[Item Gold] -

    Charm Colours[All][Magic] - This is set so you can easily change the color of MAGIC charms. (not anni/gheeds/hft.)
    Rune Colours[12+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Runes of a minimum number or higher (default is 12 and up)

    Rejuv Pot Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Rejuv potions
    Healing Pot Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Healing Potions
    Mana Pot Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Mana Potions

    Gem Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of All Gems
    Amethyst Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Amethysts
    Topaz Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Topaz
    Sapphire Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Sapphires
    Emerald Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Emeralds
    Ruby Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Rubies
    Diamond Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Diamonds
    Skull Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Skulls

    Section 2 - How to configure the various settings.

    First, lets start with BASIC configuration. This consists of 3 things, which all things that can be set to a KEY have. Beside these codes, you'll see between 1 and 3 things (off on the right.) Make certain these three things are separated by commas, as in the example. No commas=no workie.

    Taking the Socket Protection default line for an example.
    These three things MUST be in this order. Not all three things will always appear. when they do not, you can add them if you like. Its not advised that you remove them, if they're already there, to ensure that MH continues to function properly.
    0 - This is the Default On/Off status of the keyed ability. 1 is On, 0 is Off.
    -1 - This is the Key that the setting has set to it. -1 means there is NO key set. (Look below for a list of keys you can bind.)
    "Socket protect" - This is the message that will appear when you toggle the setting. This message can be ANYTHING you want. Just make sure its in quotes. "these". Make sure you ONLY put this line on a variable that can be toggled with a key. Otherwise you might mess somethin up.

    Second, Activating, and de-activating specific lines. This is VERY easy, and does not require deleting/adding lines all the time. To DEACTIVATE a line, put two slashes in front of the line. (//) you will see a lot of this in the default configuration. Those lines are deactivated. To activate these lines, simply delete the two slashes.

    Third, changing the colors on various things. Anywhere you can change a color, the color codes/names in the chart give inside the Maphack readme file will do the job. Just open and scroll down, and pay attention.. you cant miss it.

    Fourth, its time to go over the lines that require more specific configuration. These lines are pulled in ORDER from section 1, however ONLY the lines that require special configurations have been pulled down.

    Chicken Ping - Default here is 0, because default is chicken ping turned off. If you use chicken ping, select a number (for instance, we'll say a ping of 100). Enter 100 where the 0 is located. When chicken ping is turned on with that, any time you hit a ping spike that puts you at 100 or higher, you will automatically chicken from the game. I recommend something higher (like 500) or you're gona be chickening from a LOT of games. (ping spikes suck hehe)
    Chicken Normal Life - There are two possible ways to set this variable. Using any regular number will automatically chicken when you hit that number of life or lower. Any number below 100, with a - infront of it, and you will chicken at that life percent. (if I'm reading it right.) so -30 would chicken you at 30% life or lower.
    Chicken Hostile Life - There are two possible ways to set this variable. Using any regular number will automatically chicken when you hit that number of life or lower. Any number below 100, with a - infront of it, and you will chicken at that life percent. (if I'm reading it right.) so -30 would chicken you at 30% life or lower.
    Life Bar Transparency - This seems to control the lightness/darkness of the bar above other players head when highlighted. higher number=lighter bar.
    Life Bar Colour - Changes the color of the bar over other players heads. See above for color info.

    Font changing area - There's a few settings you can use here.

    Scroll Map Area Colour - This is the color of the box showing the area on the map that you see on your screen when using scroll lock.
    Scroll Map Speed - This is how fast you scroll across the map when using scroll lock. (higher number=faster. duh.)
    Automap Info Toggles[5] -
    Automap Info Toggles[6] -
    Automap Info Toggles[7] -
    Automap Info Toggles[8] -
    Automap Infos[1] -
    Automap Infos[2] -
    Automap Infos[3] -
    Automap Infos[4] -
    Automap Infos[5] -
    Automap Infos[6] -
    Automap Infos[7] -
    Automap Infos[8] -
    Target Arrow Colours[1] - Sets the color for arrow #1 (next level arrow)
    Target Arrow Colours[2] - Sets the color for arrow #2 (quest arrow)
    Target Arrow Colours[3] - Sets the color for arrow #3 (waypoint arrow)
    Level Targets - These are very interesting, a fun option to play with. What this is, specifically, is the arrow(s) below your xp meter on the right hand side of the auto map. There are three general arrows. Next Level(the area you go to, in order to move forward), Quest(the quest that happens to be in that area. like the Den of Evil in the Blood Moor), and Waypoint(the waypoint for the area you're in.) Setting this is relatively easy, also. The target that you set for these arrows is very versitile. Anything from objects (cairn stones, orifice) to creatures (izual, cow king) next level areas, and so on. (See vocab file to find out exact names for things.)

    There are four sections to configuring a line for this. They're all pretty easy.
    Level Targets - This needs to go in front of every line for this. Tells MH what your trying to do.
    [1] - this is the arrow number your specifying. #1 arrow is on top, #2 in middle, #3 on bottom. (also see above to find out their colors)
    [Blood Moor] - This is the area you want the arrow ACTIVE in. This is NOT where you want to GO, this is where you ARE. In this case, I'm in the Blood Moor. So what can I find from the blood moor? next line!
    : Cold Plains - This is where you want to go. Make SURE you have the colon ( : ) in front of this part of the line. This can be ANYTHING that's in the same area. So for blood moor, this can be Den of Evil, Rogues Encampment, or Cold Plains.
    When editing this, keep in mind that the three lines with [all] at the end will show nearly all next quest/next waypoint/next level arrows FOR you. You don�t need to add all of them in individually.
    Note - You cannot set these arrows to point at things such as shrines, at this time. Get over it.
    Note#2 - If you use the [all] lines, make sure you leave alone the codes for things such as the book in arcane sanct, and orifice, so you have arrows for those things.
    Staff Tomb Level Desc - Place here what you want to show up by the right tomb. (this is accompanied by a color. See above for color change info.)
    Waypoint Blob File -
    Active Rooms Colour -
    Yard Radius Colour -
    Yard Radius Default -
    Unit Blob File[Player] -
    Unit Blob File[Monster] -
    Unit Blob File[Object] -
    Unit Blob File[Missile] -
    Unit Blob File[Item] -
    Group Colours[<GROUP NO>] -
    Group Hiddens[<GROUP NO>] -
    Group Blob Files[<GROUP NO>] -
    Group Chickens[<GROUP NO>] -
    Group Rules[<GROUP NO>] -
    #VOCAB Good Gold Number - This sets the amount of gold considered "Good". Put this number at the lowest that you want your attention drawn to. (you can also hide BAD gold, so set this as the minimum you want to see period if you go that route.)
    #VOCAB Poor Gold Colour - This sets the color you want 'poor' gold to appear. You can also set this to HIDE 'poor' gold. See the color chart for color changes.
    #VOCAB Good Gold Colour - This is the color you want 'good' gold to appear, to help draw your attention. See the color chart for color changes.
    #VOCAB Hidden Item Level -
    #VOCAB Hidden Item Value -
    Closed Chest Group -
    Locked Chest Group -
    Evil Urn Group -
    Stash Group -
    Portal Group -
    Closed Chest Colour - Changes the color of chests on your Automap.
    Locked Chest Colour - Changes the color of locked chests on your Automap.
    Evil Urn Colour - Changes the color of stashes on your Automap. (hidden stashes, not the thing in town)
    Stash Colour - Changes the color of the name of your stash.
    Portal Colour - Changes the color of portal NAMES, not the portals themselves.

    Distant Party Group -
    Distant Party Colours - Changes the color of party members that are far away, on your Automap.
    Player Groups [<PLAYER CLASS>][<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Player Colours[<PLAYER CLASS>][<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Self] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Party] -
    Player Groups[All][Owner Hostile] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Other] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Dieing] -
    Player Colours[All][Owner Dead] -
    Automap Missiles Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Hidden Missiles Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Missile Automaps[<MISSILE>] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner None] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Player] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Monster] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Party] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile][All][True] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Other] -
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Dead] -
    Missile Colours[Vine Beast Death Missile][Owner Dead] -
    Monster Desc Colour - Changes the color of the monster.. description? Name, I think. (will be verified in final version)
    Npc Group -
    Npc Colour -
    Monster Death Anims[<MONSTER>] - Turns off death animations for the monsters specified in the []'s
    Automap Monsters Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Hidden Monsters Toggle[<OWNER TYPE>] -
    Monster Automaps[<MONSTER>] -
    Monster Groups [<MONSTER>][<OWNER TYPE>][<MONSTER TYPE>] -
    Monster Colours[<MONSTER>][<OWNER TYPE>][<MONSTER TYPE>] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner None] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner None][Monster Minion+] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Self] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Party] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Hostile] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Other] -
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Dolls] -
    Monster Colours[Barbarian Fighters] -
    Monster Colours[Act 3 Hireling][Owner None] -
    Monster Colours[Assassin Traps][Owner Hostile] -
    Monster Colours[Raised Skeletons][Owner Party, Owner Other] -
    Monster Colours[Possible Revives][Owner Party, Owner Other] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Dieing] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Dead] -
    Monster Colours[All][Owner Dead Viable] -
    Monster Colours[Assassin Traps][Owner Dead] -
    Champion Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Ghostly Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Fanatic Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Possessed Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Berserker Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified class.
    Extra Strong Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Extra Fast Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Cursed Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Magic Resistant Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Fire Enchanted Desc: - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Lightning Enchanted Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Cold Enchanted Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Thief Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Mana Burn Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Teleportation Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Spectral Hit Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Stone Skin Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Multiple Shots Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified ability.
    Might Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Holy Fire Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Holy Shock Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Conviction Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Fanaticism Aura Desc - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified aura.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Physical Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Magic Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Fire Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Lightn Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Cold Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Immunity Desc[Poison Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified immunity.
    Monster Resist Descs[Physical Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Magic Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Fire Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Lightn Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Cold Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Monster Resist Descs[Poison Resist] - The value set here will appear on creatures with the specified resistances.
    Ethereal Item Prefix - The tag value you specify here will appear BEFORE the name of an ethereal item. Example - "ETHEREAL Short Sword"
    Ethereal Item Postfix - The tag value you specify here will appear AFTER the name of an ethereal item. Example - "Short Sword ETHEREAL"
    Item Value Minimum - Setting this will ONLY show you values on items that have this value or higher. (So if you set it for 35000, only things with a sell value of 35000 will have a value beside the name.)
    Broken Item Colour - This changes the color of the names on items that are broken. (durability 0)
    Item Colours[Ear] - This is set to automatically hide ears. No other use.
    Item Colours[Jewel] - This is set so you can easily change the color of jewels.
    Item Colours[All][Rare] - This is set so you can easily change the color of rares.
    Item Colours[All][Unique] - This is set so you can easily change the color of uniques.
    Item Colours[Quest Items] - This is set so you can easily change the color of quest items.
    Item Colours[Junk Items] - This is set so you can easily change the color of junk items.
    Item Groups[Item Gold] -
    Charm Colours[All][Magic] - This is set so you can easily change the color of MAGIC charms. (not anni/gheeds/hft.)
    Rune Colours[12+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Runes of a minimum number or higher (default is 12 and up)
    Rejuv Pot Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Rejuv potions
    Healing Pot Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Healing Potions
    Mana Pot Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Mana Potions
    Gem Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of All Gems
    Amethyst Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Amethysts
    Topaz Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Topaz
    Sapphire Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Sapphires
    Emerald Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Emeralds
    Ruby Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Rubies
    Diamond Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Diamonds
    Skull Colours[1+] - This is set so you can easily change the color of Skulls

    Section 3 - Setting up the item lines.

    There are two major reasons you want to even mess with items in the Maphack config.

    Maphack can NOT read bonuses and the like on items! It can not tell if a claw has +3 to lightning sentry, it can not tell if a superior armor has increased ED or increased Durability! But it can make things more obvious for you. Maphack is meant as a TOOL, not a replacement for the players brain. This is Mousepad's official view, and the farthest he will ever go is to set chicken life levels in Maphack.

    ALL OF THE FOLLOWING LINES SHOULD GO AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR CONFIG FILE, AWAY FROM EVERYTHING ELSE! This allows for easy access and editing, and ensures you wont accidentally mess up another command.

    #1 - Maphack can change the color of items to alert you to their presence. Looking for those nice Ethereal 0/6 socket CB's? This can change the color of that items name when you hit alt, and EVEN make it show up on the Automap!

    This is a sample of a basic item line. I'm using a 5 socket Crystal Sword on this example, with ethereal/non ethereal not specified.
    There are SEVEN basic parts to this code. And they're ALL important. Not all items will have all parts of the code, use your head. If its a rune, it cant have a quality, sockets, it cant be ethereal.. heh. Just use your brain. [​IMG]
    #1 - Item Colours - This part of the code is as basic as it gets. This should be on ALL item codes you use. This is what tells Maphack that this is a code to change the color of an item.
    #2 - [Crystal Sword] - This area is quite variable, and should be. This is the item(s) that you want to discolor. You can have multiple items in this place, if you want the same thing from all of them. (Example.. wanting 0/5 socket crystal swords and flails for CTA).
    To add more than one item in a single line, use one of these methods.
    [Crystal Sword, Flail] - this method is just a comma and a space between the item names. make sure they're all inside the brackets. []
    [Normal Swords] - this is a general item statement. This, specifically, would effect ALL these items. (Note, they're all normal swords.) Short Sword, Scimitar, Saber, Falchion, Crystal Sword, Broad Sword, Long Sword, War Sword, Two Handed sword, Flamberge, Giant Sword, Bastard Sword, Claymore, Great Sword
    There is a full list of the general statements on mousepad's forums. The direct link to the forum thread listing these is Here.
    #3 - [2,3] - This is a must.. the quality of the item you're specifying. The numbers are in order. 1=crude/cracked/otherwise damaged. 2=normal 3=superior 4=magic 5=set 6=rare 7=unique 8=crafted. To add more than one quality here, use the same method as the item names.
    #4 - [Ethereal, Real] - This is the ethereal marker. Personally, for every item with the possibility of being Ethereal, I add this exact line, for easier editing later. This will pick up eth and non-eth items. When you specify with this, [Ethereal] would pick up eth items and [Real] would pick up non-eth items.
    #5 - [1,6] - This is pretty straight forward. How many sockets do you want the item to have? You can add as many numbers as you want in there, just separate them with commas and keep in mind that [1]=0 sockets, [2]=1 socket, [3]=2 sockets, [4]=3 sockets, [5]=4 sockets, [6]=5 sockets. Note - magical and up items will not show up as having sockets until after being identified.
    #6 - : RED, 0x0e - There are two variables in this section. Beyond those variables, ALWAYS make sure you have the colon there! If its not in your code, it WONT WORK!
    The first, the color BEFORE the comma. - This is the color the items NAME will appear when you hit ALT, or when your mouse cursor is over it.
    The second, the color AFTER the comma. - This is the color the item will appear in your MAP. If you do NOT want this item to appear on your map, simply DONT put the second color on there! Simple!
    #7 - // Crystal Sword for CTA - This is the least important section. All it does, is tell note for you what the line is. It can be whatever you want, or it can not be there at all. If you use it, make SURE you put the // in front of it, otherwise Maphack will think its a part of the code, and mess up.

    #2 - Maphack can HIDE items that you don�t need to see! This is a very nice feature, it REALLY helps keep the crowding off the screen when in Baal runs, and the like.

    First, sit down, and decide all the items you want to hide. (the hidden items CAN be shown by the touch of a button - default is keypad plus. So don�t fear that you loose them forever!)

    A list of suggestions for these items include - Cracked/Crude/Low Quality items. Healing/Mana potions (all I allow the game to show me is supers). The weapon potions (poison gas, exploding, ect.). Arrows and Bolts (who ever needs to see these anyway? a good zon restocks regularly.) Also, above, there is a setting to hide low $ gold piles. A very handy feature.
    This is a sample line for adding an item to your hidden items list.
    There are four basic sections to these items. They're quite easy, so don�t worry, you have far fewer decisions to make when HIDING an item, than when highlighting an item (as above).
    #1 - Item Colours - Yep. We're still dealing with these bad boys. It just makes life simpler though, because you have one less command you gota worry about. Put these on ALL hidden item lines, too.
    #2 - [Bolts, Arrows] - This is, once again, the item in question. This particular one is for Bolts, and Arrows. Both. However, there are OTHER ways to fill this section out! See below for information.
    [Bolts] - this targets a single, or multiple items, based on their exact name. Handy for those specific items.
    [Normal Swords] - this works JUST like in the change item color area. This would hide ALL normal swords from your sight, unless you turn them on with the key. [​IMG]
    [all] - This selects ALL items. When using this, its highly advised you have something else to specify exactly what you mean - for instance, a quality. if you used [all][1], that would hide all items of level 1 quality (cracked, low quality, ect.)
    #3 - I know I only said 4 basic sections, and its true in most cases. Unless your being specific. If you want an item of a certain QUALTY, you'd put that here. The format is [1], or [2, 3]. Look at the changing item colors section to see what qualities are what.
    #4 - Again, I know I said four! This is for you really really picky people. If you want to hide a certain item, but only if its ethereal, or only if its not ethereal, this is where you add the ethereal marker. the format is [Ethereal] or [Real].
    #5 - Yea yea yea! Stop bugging me! I know I said 4! Ugh! This is for the socket area. If you want to hide an item that�s so specific, you only want to see it if it has a certain number of sockets? You can hide all the other ones here. (IE: Mage plate, hide them all that have 1, 2, or 4 sockets.) The format is [1, 2, 4] (using the example) see above for specific instructions.
    #6 - : -1, -2 - Ok! Back on track! This is the COLOR area. Yep, that�s right, to hide an item, we're changing its color! This changes it to an INVISIBLE color though. And it even works on the ground. Yay? [​IMG] Use the exact code as shown in the example, to hide an item. You wont ever change this code, when HIDING items. As before, make sure you have the colon in there! Or it wont work!
    #7 - // Hide bolts and Arrows - Ok, this is simple again. Its just a note for you so you know what the code does. Make sure, again, that you're putting this part behind the //, or it will mess up.

    Section 4 - UBER ITEMS!

    Now, looking through ALL the item lists, you wont ever find the 3 keys (terror, hate, destruction), or the three organs.

    That's because they are NOT in there! But that's ok. We can fix that. This editing takes a bit more work than the rest, HOWEVER, the final color codes are EXACTLY like the codes in the previous section. So, to change the colors AWAY from what the lines of code I will show you have, just follow THOSE directions when your done here! [​IMG]

    Step #1 - Open the Maphack .exe file. Everything you need to edit is accessible through the buttons there.
    Step #2 - Click on the button that says "View Vocab File".
    Step #3 - Find the line listed in the box below in the vocab file. (This can be done quickly. Copy the line, the using Ctrl+F, use the find feature to find the line.)
    tr2, *Scroll of Resistance: 2138
    Step #4 - BELOW that line (DO NOT MESS WITH THAT LINE, simply go below it and add new ones,) input the following 6 lines of code.
    k1, *Pandemonium Key 1: 2139
    pk2, *Pandemonium Key 2: 2140
    pk3, *Pandemonium Key 3: 2141
    bey, *Baal's Eye: 2142
    dhn, *Diablo's Horn: 2143
    mbr, *Mephisto's Brain: 2144

    Step #5 - SAVE the vocab file, then close it. Once its closed, on the Maphack.exe, find the "Edit Config File" Button, and open that up.
    Step #6 - Find the line listed in the box below. Again, this is easily done using the Ctrl+F keys, the FIND feature. (To make this simple, if you have NOT yet done any item editing, put this at the very bottom of your config file.)
    //Rune Colours[12+]: 
    Step #7 - BELOW that line (AGAIN, DO NOT MESS WITH THAT LINE!) input the following six lines of code.
    Item Colours[Pandemonium Key 1]: Orange, Orange //Terror Key
    Item Colours[Pandemonium Key 2]: Orange, Orange //Hate Key
    Item Colours[Pandemonium Key 3]: Orange, Orange //Destruction Key
    Item Colours[Diablo's Horn]: Orange, Orange // Horn
    Item Colours[Baal's Eye]: Orange, Orange // Eye
    Item Colours[Mephisto's Brain]: Orange, Orange // Brain

    Now, all your uber items will appear with orange names, and orange on the minimap. Change the colors or whatever to your preference.

    Section 5 - Items Codes, Monsters, Missiles, Virtual keys, etc.

    Items codes and other various numbers and settings can be found inside the d2hackmap.vcb located inside of the maphack folder or down below:
    //*Weapon items*

    //Normal Weapons
    Hand Axe, hax: 1
    Axe, axe: 2
    Double Axe, 2ax: 3
    Military Pick, mpi: 4
    War Axe, wax: 5
    Large Axe, lax: 6
    Broad Axe, bax: 7
    Battle Axe, btx: 8
    Great Axe, gax: 9
    Giant Axe, gix: 10
    Wand, wnd: 11
    Yew Wand, ywn: 12
    Bone Wand, bwn: 13
    Grim Wand, gwn: 14
    Club, clb: 15
    Scepter, scp: 16
    Grand Scepter, gsc: 17
    War Scepter, wsp: 18
    Spiked Club, spc: 19
    Mace, mac: 20
    Morning Star, mst: 21
    Flail, fla: 22
    War Hammer, whm: 23
    Maul, mau: 24
    Great Maul, gma: 25
    Short Sword, ssd: 26
    Scimitar, scm: 27
    Sabre, sbr: 28
    Falchion, flc: 29
    Crystal Sword, crs: 30
    Broad Sword, bsd: 31
    Long Sword, lsd: 32
    War Sword, wsd: 33
    Two Handed Sword, 2hs: 34
    Claymore, clm: 35
    Giant Sword, gis: 36
    Bastard Sword, bsw: 37
    Flamberge, flb: 38
    Great Sword, gsd: 39
    Dagger, dgr: 40
    Dirk, dir: 41
    Kris, kri: 42
    Blade, bld: 43
    Throwing Knife, tkf: 44
    Throwing Axe, tax: 45
    Balanced Knife, bkf: 46
    Balanced Axe, bal: 47
    Javelin, jav: 48
    Pilum, pil: 49
    Short Spear, ssp: 50
    Glaive, glv: 51
    Throwing Spear, tsp: 52
    Spear, spr: 53
    Trident, tri: 54
    Brandistock, brn: 55
    Spetum, spt: 56
    Pike, pik: 57
    Bardiche, bar: 58
    Voulge, vou: 59
    Scythe, scy: 60
    Poleaxe, pax: 61
    Halberd, hal: 62
    War Scythe, wsc: 63
    Short Staff, sst: 64
    Long Staff, lst: 65
    Gnarled Staff, cst: 66
    Battle Staff, bst: 67
    War Staff, wst: 68
    Short Bow, sbw: 69
    Hunter's Bow, hbw: 70
    Long Bow, lbw: 71
    Composite Bow, cbw: 72
    Short Battle Bow, sbb: 73
    Long Battle Bow, lbb: 74
    Short War Bow, swb: 75
    Long War Bow, lwb: 76
    Light Crossbow, lxb: 77
    Crossbow, mxb: 78
    Heavy Crossbow, hxb: 79
    Repeating Crossbow, rxb: 80

    //Throwing Potions
    Rancid Gas Potion, gps: 81
    Oil Potion, ops: 82
    Choking Gas Potion, gpm: 83
    Exploding Potion, opm: 84
    Strangling Gas Potion, gpl: 85
    Fulminating Potion, opl: 86

    //Quest Items
    Decoy Gidbinn, d33: 87
    The Gidbinn, g33: 88
    Wirt's Leg, leg: 89
    Horadric Malus, hdm: 90
    Hell Forge Hammer, hfh: 91
    Horadric Staff, hst: 92
    Shaft of the Horadric Staff, msf: 93

    //Exceptional Weapons
    Hatchet, 9ha: 94
    Cleaver, 9ax: 95
    Twin Axe, 92a: 96
    Crowbill, 9mp: 97
    Naga, 9wa: 98
    Military Axe, 9la: 99
    Bearded Axe, 9ba: 100
    Tabar, 9bt: 101
    Gothic Axe, 9ga: 102
    Ancient Axe, 9gi: 103
    Burnt Wand, 9wn: 104
    Petrified Wand, 9yw: 105
    Tomb Wand, 9bw: 106
    Grave Wand, 9gw: 107
    Cudgel, 9cl: 108
    Rune Scepter, 9sc: 109
    Holy Water Sprinkler, 9qs: 110
    Divine Scepter, 9ws: 111
    Barbed Club, 9sp: 112
    Flanged Mace, 9ma: 113
    Jagged Star, 9mt: 114
    Knout, 9fl: 115
    Battle Hammer, 9wh: 116
    War Club, 9m9: 117
    Martel de Fer, 9gm: 118
    Gladius, 9ss: 119
    Cutlass, 9sm: 120
    Shamshir, 9sb: 121
    Tulwar, 9fc: 122
    Dimensional Blade, 9cr: 123
    Battle Sword, 9bs: 124
    Rune Sword, 9ls: 125
    Ancient Sword, 9wd: 126
    Espandon, 92h: 127
    Dacian Falx, 9cm: 128
    Tusk Sword, 9gs: 129
    Gothic Sword, 9b9: 130
    Zweihander, 9fb: 131
    Executioner Sword, 9gd: 132
    Poignard, 9dg: 133
    Rondel, 9di: 134
    Cinquedeas, 9kr: 135
    Stiletto, 9bl: 136
    Battle Dart, 9tk: 137
    Francisca, 9ta: 138
    War Dart, 9bk: 139
    Hurlbat, 9b8: 140
    War Javelin, 9ja: 141
    Great Pilum, 9pi: 142
    Simbilan, 9s9: 143
    Spiculum, 9gl: 144
    Harpoon, 9ts: 145
    War Spear, 9sr: 146
    Fuscina, 9tr: 147
    War Fork, 9br: 148
    Yari, 9st: 149
    Lance, 9p9: 150
    Lochaber Axe, 9b7: 151
    Bill, 9vo: 152
    Battle Scythe, 9s8: 153
    Partizan, 9pa: 154
    Bec de Corbin, 9h9: 155
    Grim Scythe, 9wc: 156
    Jo Staff, 8ss: 157
    Quarterstaff, 8ls: 158
    Cedar Staff, 8cs: 159
    Gothic Staff, 8bs: 160
    Rune Staff, 8ws: 161
    Edge Bow, 8sb: 162
    Razor Bow, 8hb: 163
    Cedar Bow, 8lb: 164
    Double Bow, 8cb: 165
    Short Siege Bow, 8s8: 166
    Large Siege Bow, 8l8: 167
    Rune Bow, 8sw: 168
    Gothic Bow, 8lw: 169
    Arbalest, 8lx: 170
    Siege Crossbow, 8mx: 171
    Ballista, 8hx: 172
    Chu Ko Nu, 8rx: 173

    //Quest Items
    Khalim's Flail, qf1: 174
    Khalim's Will, qf2: 175

    //Normal Weapons (Assassin)
    Katar, ktr: 176
    Wrist Blade, wrb: 177
    Hatchet Hands, axf: 178
    Cestus, ces: 179
    Claws, clw: 180
    Blade Talons, btl: 181
    Scissors Katar, skr: 182

    //Exceptional Weapons (Assassin)
    Quhab, 9ar: 183
    Wrist Spike, 9wb: 184
    Fascia, 9xf: 185
    Hand Scythe, 9cs: 186
    Greater Claws, 9lw: 187
    Greater Talons, 9tw: 188
    Scissors Quhab, 9qr: 189

    //Elite Weapons (Assassin)
    Suwayyah, 7ar: 190
    Wrist Sword, 7wb: 191
    War Fist, 7xf: 192
    Battle Cestus, 7cs: 193
    Feral Claws, 7lw: 194
    Runic Talons, 7tw: 195
    Scissors Suwayyah, 7qr: 196

    //Elite Weapons
    Tomahawk, 7ha: 197
    Small Crescent, 7ax: 198
    Ettin Axe, 72a: 199
    War Spike, 7mp: 200
    Berserker Axe, 7wa: 201
    Feral Axe, 7la: 202
    Silver edged Axe, 7ba: 203
    Decapitator, 7bt: 204
    Champion Axe, 7ga: 205
    Glorious Axe, 7gi: 206
    Polished Wand, 7wn: 207
    Ghost Wand, 7yw: 208
    Lich Wand, 7bw: 209
    Unearthed Wand, 7gw: 210
    Truncheon, 7cl: 211
    Mighty Scepter, 7sc: 212
    Seraph Rod, 7qs: 213
    Caduceus, 7ws: 214
    Tyrant Club, 7sp: 215
    Reinforced Mace, 7ma: 216
    Devil Star, 7mt: 217
    Scourge, 7fl: 218
    Legendary Mallet, 7wh: 219
    Ogre Maul, 7m7: 220
    Thunder Maul, 7gm: 221
    Falcata, 7ss: 222
    Ataghan, 7sm: 223
    Elegant Blade, 7sb: 224
    Hydra Edge, 7fc: 225
    Phase Blade, 7cr: 226
    Conquest Sword, 7bs: 227
    Cryptic Sword, 7ls: 228
    Mythical Sword, 7wd: 229
    Legend Sword, 72h: 230
    Highland Blade, 7cm: 231
    Balrog Blade, 7gs: 232
    Champion Sword, 7b7: 233
    Colossus Sword, 7fb: 234
    Colossus Blade, 7gd: 235
    Bone Knife, 7dg: 236
    Mithril Point, 7di: 237
    Fanged Knife, 7kr: 238
    Legend Spike, 7bl: 239
    Flying Knife, 7tk: 240
    Flying Axe, 7ta: 241
    Winged Knife, 7bk: 242
    Winged Axe, 7b8: 243
    Hyperion Javelin, 7ja: 244
    Stygian Pilum, 7pi: 245
    Balrog Spear, 7s7: 246
    Ghost Glaive, 7gl: 247
    Winged Harpoon, 7ts: 248
    Hyperion Spear, 7sr: 249
    Stygian Pike, 7tr: 250
    Mancatcher, 7br: 251
    Ghost Spear, 7st: 252
    War Pike, 7p7: 253
    Ogre Axe, 7o7: 254
    Colossus Voulge, 7vo: 255
    Thresher, 7s8: 256
    Cryptic Axe, 7pa: 257
    Great Poleaxe, 7h7: 258
    Giant Thresher, 7wc: 259
    Walking Stick, 6ss: 260
    Stalagmite, 6ls: 261
    Elder Staff, 6cs: 262
    Shillelagh, 6bs: 263
    Archon Staff, 6ws: 264
    Spider Bow, 6sb: 265
    Blade Bow, 6hb: 266
    Shadow Bow, 6lb: 267
    Great Bow, 6cb: 268
    Diamond Bow, 6s7: 269
    Crusader Bow, 6l7: 270
    Ward Bow, 6sw: 271
    Hydra Bow, 6lw: 272
    Pellet Bow, 6lx: 273
    Gorgon Crossbow, 6mx: 274
    Colossus Crossbow, 6hx: 275
    Demon Crossbow, 6rx: 276

    //Normal Orbs (Sorceress)
    Eagle Orb, ob1: 277
    Sacred Globe, ob2: 278
    Smoked Sphere, ob3: 279
    Clasped Orb, ob4: 280
    Jared's Stone, ob5: 281

    //Normal Weapons (Amazon)
    Stag Bow, am1: 282
    Reflex Bow, am2: 283
    Maiden Spear, am3: 284
    Maiden Pike, am4: 285
    Maiden Javelin, am5: 286

    //Exceptional Orbs (Sorceress)
    Glowing Orb, ob6: 287
    Crystalline Globe, ob7: 288
    Cloudy Sphere, ob8: 289
    Sparkling Ball, ob9: 290
    Swirling Crystal, oba: 291

    //Exceptional Weapons (Amazon)
    Ashwood Bow, am6: 292
    Ceremonial Bow, am7: 293
    Ceremonial Spear, am8: 294
    Ceremonial Pike, am9: 295
    Ceremonial Javelin, ama: 296

    //Elite Orbs (Sorceress)
    Heavenly Stone, obb: 297
    Eldritch Orb, obc: 298
    Demon Heart, obd: 299
    Vortex Orb, obe: 300
    Dimensional Shard, obf: 301

    //Elite Weapons(Amazon)
    Matriarchal Bow, amb: 302
    Grand Matron Bow, amc: 303
    Matriarchal Spear, amd: 304
    Matriarchal Pike, ame: 305
    Matriarchal Javelin, amf: 306

    //*Armor items*

    //Normal Armor
    Cap, cap: 1001
    Skull Cap, skp: 1002
    Helm, hlm: 1003
    Full Helm, fhl: 1004
    Great Helm, ghm: 1005
    Crown, crn: 1006
    Mask, msk: 1007
    Quilted Armor, qui: 1008
    Leather Armor, lea: 1009
    Hard Leather Armor, hla: 1010
    Studded Leather, stu: 1011
    Ring Mail, rng: 1012
    Scale Mail, scl: 1013
    Chain Mail, chn: 1014
    Breast Plate, brs: 1015
    Splint Mail, spl: 1016
    Plate Mail, plt: 1017
    Field Plate, fld: 1018
    Gothic Plate, gth: 1019
    Full Plate Mail, ful: 1020
    Ancient Armor, aar: 1021
    Light Plate, ltp: 1022
    Buckler, buc: 1023
    Small Shield, sml: 1024
    Large Shield, lrg: 1025
    Kite Shield, kit: 1026
    Tower Shield, tow: 1027
    Gothic Shield, gts: 1028
    Leather Gloves, lgl: 1029
    Heavy Gloves, vgl: 1030
    Chain Gloves, mgl: 1031
    Light Gauntlets, tgl: 1032
    Gauntlets, hgl: 1033
    Boots, lbt: 1034
    Heavy Boots, vbt: 1035
    Chain Boots, mbt: 1036
    Light Plated Boots, tbt: 1037
    Greaves, hbt: 1038
    Sash, lbl: 1039
    Light Belt, vbl: 1040
    Belt, mbl: 1041
    Heavy Belt, tbl: 1042
    Plated Belt, hbl: 1043
    Bone Helm, bhm: 1044
    Bone Shield, bsh: 1045
    Spiked Shield, spk: 1046

    //Exceptional Armor
    War Hat, xap: 1047
    Sallet, xkp: 1048
    Casque, xlm: 1049
    Basinet, xhl: 1050
    Winged Helm, xhm: 1051
    Grand Crown, xrn: 1052
    Death Mask, xsk: 1053
    Ghost Armor, xui: 1054
    Serpentskin Armor, xea: 1055
    Demonhide Armor, xla: 1056
    Trellised Armor, xtu: 1057
    Linked Mail, xng: 1058
    Tigulated Mail, xcl: 1059
    Mesh Armor, xhn: 1060
    Cuirass, xrs: 1061
    Russet Armor, xpl: 1062
    Templar Coat, xlt: 1063
    Sharktooth Armor, xld: 1064
    Embossed Plate, xth: 1065
    Chaos Armor, xul: 1066
    Ornate Plate, xar: 1067
    Mage Plate, xtp: 1068
    Defender, xuc: 1069
    Round Shield, xml: 1070
    Scutum, xrg: 1071
    Dragon Shield, xit: 1072
    Pavise, xow: 1073
    Ancient Shield, xts: 1074
    Demonhide Gloves, xlg: 1075
    Sharkskin Gloves, xvg: 1076
    Heavy Bracers, xmg: 1077
    Battle Gauntlets, xtg: 1078
    War Gauntlets, xhg: 1079
    Demonhide Boots, xlb: 1080
    Sharkskin Boots, xvb: 1081
    Mesh Boots, xmb: 1082
    Battle Boots, xtb: 1083
    War Boots, xhb: 1084
    Demonhide Sash, zlb: 1085
    Sharkskin Belt, zvb: 1086
    Mesh Belt, zmb: 1087
    Battle Belt, ztb: 1088
    War Belt, zhb: 1089
    Grim Helm, xh9: 1090
    Grim Shield, xsh: 1091
    Barbed Shield, xpk: 1092

    //Normal Pelts(Druid)
    Wolf Head, dr1: 1093
    Hawk Helm, dr2: 1094
    Antlers, dr3: 1095
    Falcon Mask, dr4: 1096
    Spirit Mask, dr5: 1097

    //Normal Helms (Barbarian)
    Jawbone Cap, ba1: 1098
    Fanged Helm, ba2: 1099
    Horned Helm, ba3: 1100
    Assault Helmet, ba4: 1101
    Avenger Guard, ba5: 1102

    //Normal Shields (Paladin)
    Targe, pa1: 1103
    Rondache, pa2: 1104
    Heraldic Shield, pa3: 1105
    Aerin Shield, pa4: 1106
    Crown Shield, pa5: 1107

    //Normal Shrunken Heads (Necromancer)
    Preserved Head, ne1: 1108
    Zombie Head, ne2: 1109
    Unraveller Head, ne3: 1110
    Gargoyle Head, ne4: 1111
    Demon Head 1, ne5: 1112

    //Normal Items (Circlets)
    Circlet, ci0: 1113
    Coronet, ci1: 1114
    Tiara, ci2: 1115
    Diadem, ci3: 1116

    //Elite Helms
    Shako, uap: 1117
    Hydraskull, ukp: 1118
    Armet, ulm: 1119
    Giant Conch, uhl: 1120
    Spired Helm, uhm: 1121
    Corona, urn: 1122
    Demonhead, usk: 1123

    //Elite Armor
    Dusk Shroud, uui: 1124
    Wyrmhide, uea: 1125
    Scarab Husk, ula: 1126
    Wire Fleece, utu: 1127
    Diamond Mail, ung: 1128
    Loricated Mail, ucl: 1129
    Boneweave, uhn: 1130
    Great Hauberk, urs: 1131
    Balrog Skin, upl: 1132
    Hellforge Plate, ult: 1133
    Kraken Shell, uld: 1134
    Lacquered Plate, uth: 1135
    Shadow Plate, uul: 1136
    Sacred Armor, uar: 1137
    Archon Plate, utp: 1138

    //Elite Shields
    Heater, uuc: 1139
    Luna, uml: 1140
    Hyperion, urg: 1141
    Monarch, uit: 1142
    Aegis, uow: 1143
    Ward, uts: 1144

    //Elite Gloves
    Bramble Mitts, ulg: 1145
    Vampirebone Gloves, uvg: 1146
    Vambraces, umg: 1147
    Crusader Gauntlets, utg: 1148
    Ogre Gauntlets, uhg: 1149

    //Elite Boots
    Wyrmhide Boots, ulb: 1150
    Scarabshell Boots, uvb: 1151
    Boneweave Boots, umb: 1152
    Mirrored Boots, utb: 1153
    Myrmidon Greaves, uhb: 1154

    //Elite Belts
    Spiderweb Sash, ulc: 1155
    Vampirefang Belt, uvc: 1156
    Mithril Coil, umc: 1157
    Troll Belt, utc: 1158
    Colossus Girdle, uhc: 1159

    //Elite Helms
    Bone Visage, uh9: 1160

    //Elite Shields
    Troll Nest, ush: 1161
    Blade Barrier, upk: 1162

    Elite Pelts (Druid)
    Alpha Helm, dr6: 1163
    Griffon Headdress, dr7: 1164
    Hunter's Guise, dr8: 1165
    Sacred Feathers, dr9: 1166
    Totemic Mask, dra: 1167

    //Exceptional Helms (Barbarian)
    Jawbone Visor, ba6: 1168
    Lion Helm, ba7: 1169
    Rage Mask, ba8: 1170
    Savage Helmet, ba9: 1171
    Slayer Guard, baa: 1172

    //Elite Shields (Paladin)
    Akaran Targe, pa6: 1173
    Akaran Rondache, pa7: 1174
    Protector Shield, pa8: 1175
    Gilded Shield, pa9: 1176
    Royal Shield, paa: 1177

    //Elite Shrunken Heads (Necromancer)
    Mummified Trophy, ne6: 1178
    Fetish Trophy, ne7: 1179
    Sexton Trophy, ne8: 1180
    Cantor Trophy, ne9: 1181
    Hierophant Trophy, nea: 1182

    //Elite Pelts (Druid)
    Blood Spirit, drb: 1183
    Sun Spirit, drc: 1184
    Earth Spirit, drd: 1185
    Sky Spirit, dre: 1186
    Dream Spirit, drf: 1187

    //Elite Helms (Barbarian)
    Carnage Helm, bab: 1188
    Fury Visor, bac: 1189
    Destroyer Helm, bad: 1190
    Conqueror Crown, bae: 1191
    Guardian Crown, baf: 1192

    //Elite Shields (Paladin)
    Sacred Targe, pab: 1193
    Sacred Rondache, pac: 1194
    Kurast Shield, pad: 1195
    Zakarum Shield, pae: 1196
    Vortex Shield, paf: 1197

    //Elite Shrunken Heads (Necromancer)
    Minion Skull, neb: 1198
    Hellspawn Skull, nec: 1199
    Overseer Skull, ned: 1200
    Succubus Skull, nee: 1201
    Bloodlord Skull, nef: 1202

    //*Misc items*
    Elixir, elx: 2001
    hpo: 2002
    mpo: 2003
    hpf: 2004
    mpf: 2005
    Stamina Potion, vps: 2006
    Antidote Potion, yps: 2007
    Rejuvenation Potion, rvs: 2008
    Full Rejuvenation Potion, rvl: 2009
    Thawing Potion, wms: 2010
    Tome of Town Portal, tbk: 2011
    Tome of Identify, ibk: 2012
    Amulet, amu: 2013
    Viper Amulet, Top of the Horadric Staff, vip: 2014
    Ring, rin: 2015
    Item Gold, gld: 2016
    Scroll of Inifuss 1, bks: 2017
    Scroll of Inifuss 2, Key to the Cairn Stones, bkd: 2018
    Arrows, aqv: 2019
    Torch, tch: 2020
    Bolts, cqv: 2021
    Scroll of Town Portal, tsc: 2022
    Scroll of Identify, isc: 2023
    Heart, hrt: 2024
    Brain, brz: 2025
    Jawbone, jaw: 2026
    Eye, eyz: 2027
    Horn, hrn: 2028
    Tail, tal: 2029
    Flag, flg: 2030
    Fang, fng: 2031
    Quill, qll: 2032
    Soul, sol: 2033
    Scalp, scz: 2034
    Spleen, spe: 2035
    Key, key: 2036
    The Black Tower Key, luv: 2037
    Potion of Life, xyz: 2038
    A Jade Figurine, j34: 2039
    The Golden Bird, g34: 2040
    Lam Esen's Tome, bbb: 2041
    Horadric Cube, box: 2042
    Horadric Scroll, tr1: 2043
    Mephisto's Soulstone, mss: 2044
    Book of Skill, ass: 2045
    Khalim's Eye, qey: 2046
    Khalim's Heart, qhr: 2047
    Khalim's Brain, qbr: 2048
    Ear, ear: 2049
    Chipped Amethyst, gcv: 2050
    Flawed Amethyst, gfv: 2051
    Amethyst, gsv: 2052
    Flawless Amethyst, gzv: 2053
    Perfect Amethyst, gpv: 2054
    Chipped Topaz, gcy: 2055
    Flawed Topaz, gfy: 2056
    Topaz, gsy: 2057
    Flawless Topaz, gly: 2058
    Perfect Topaz, gpy: 2059
    Chipped Sapphire, gcb: 2060
    Flawed Sapphire, gfb: 2061
    Sapphire, gsb: 2062
    Flawless Sapphire, glb: 2063
    Perfect Sapphire, gpb: 2064
    Chipped Emerald, gcg: 2065
    Flawed Emerald, gfg: 2066
    Emerald, gsg: 2067
    Flawless Emerald, glg: 2068
    Perfect Emerald, gpg: 2069
    Chipped Ruby, gcr: 2070
    Flawed Ruby, gfr: 2071
    Ruby, gsr: 2072
    Flawless Ruby, glr: 2073
    Perfect Ruby, gpr: 2074
    Chipped Diamond, gcw: 2075
    Flawed Diamond, gfw: 2076
    Diamond, gsw: 2077
    Flawless Diamond, glw: 2078
    Perfect Diamond, gpw: 2079
    Minor Healing Potion, hp1: 2080
    Light Healing Potion, hp2: 2081
    Healing Potion, hp3: 2082
    Greater Healing Potion, hp4: 2083
    Super Healing Potion, hp5: 2084
    Minor Mana Potion, mp1: 2085
    Light Mana Potion, mp2: 2086
    Mana Potion, mp3: 2087
    Greater Mana Potion, mp4: 2088
    Super Mana Potion, mp5: 2089
    Chipped Skull, skc: 2090
    Flawed Skull, skf: 2091
    Skull, sku: 2092
    Flawless Skull, skl: 2093
    Perfect Skull, skz: 2094
    Herb, hrb: 2095
    Small Charm, cm1: 2096
    Large Charm, cm2: 2097
    Grand Charm, cm3: 2098
    rps: 2099
    rpl: 2100
    bps: 2101
    bpl: 2102
    El Rune, r01: 2103
    Eld Rune, r02: 2104
    Tir Rune, r03: 2105
    Nef Rune, r04: 2106
    Eth Rune, r05: 2107
    Ith Rune, r06: 2108
    Tal Rune, r07: 2109
    Ral Rune, r08: 2110
    Ort Rune, r09: 2111
    Thul Rune, r10: 2112
    Amn Rune, r11: 2113
    Sol Rune, r12: 2114
    Shael Rune, r13: 2115
    Dol Rune, r14: 2116
    Hel Rune, r15: 2117
    Io Rune, r16: 2118
    Lum Rune, r17: 2119
    Ko Rune, r18: 2120
    Fal Rune, r19: 2121
    Lem Rune, r20: 2122
    Pul Rune, r21: 2123
    Um Rune, r22: 2124
    Mal Rune, r23: 2125
    Ist Rune, r24: 2126
    Gul Rune, r25: 2127
    Vex Rune, r26: 2128
    Ohm Rune, r27: 2129
    Lo Rune, r28: 2130
    Sur Rune, r29: 2131
    Ber Rune, r30: 2132
    Jah Rune, r31: 2133
    Cham Rune, r32: 2134
    Zod Rune, r33: 2135
    Jewel, jew: 2136
    Malah's Potion, ice: 2137
    Scroll of Knowledge, 0sc: 2138
    Scroll of Resistance, tr2: 2139

    Skeleton: 1
    Returned 1: 2
    Bone Warrior 1: 3
    Burning Dead: 4
    Horror: 5
    Zombie: 6
    Hungry Dead: 7
    Ghoul: 8
    Drowned Carcass: 9
    Plague Bearer 1: 10
    Afflicted 1: 11
    Tainted 1: 12
    Misshapen 1: 13
    Disfigured 1: 14
    Damned 1: 15
    Foul Crow 1: 16
    Blood Hawk 1: 17
    Black Raptor 1: 18
    Cloud Stalker 1: 19
    Fallen: 20
    Carver 1: 21
    Devilkin 1: 22
    Dark One 1: 23
    Warped One: 24
    Brute: 25
    Yeti: 26
    Crusher: 27
    Wailing Beast: 28
    Gargantuan Beast: 29
    Sand Raider 1: 30
    Marauder 1: 31
    Invader 1: 32
    Infidel 1: 33
    Assailant 1: 34
    unused Gorgon: 35
    unused StoneStalker: 36
    unused SerpentQueen: 37
    unused StygianWatcher: 38
    Ghost 1: 39
    Wraith 1: 40
    Specter 1: 41
    Apparition: 42
    Dark Shape: 43
    Dark Hunter: 44
    Vile Hunter: 45
    Dark Stalker: 46
    Black Rogue: 47
    Flesh Hunter: 48
    Dune Beast: 49
    Rock Dweller: 50
    Jungle Hunter: 51
    Doom Ape: 52
    Temple Guard 1: 53
    Moon Clan 1: 54
    Night Clan 1: 55
    Blood Clan 1: 56
    Hell Clan 1: 57
    Death Clan 1: 58
    Fallen Shaman: 59
    Carver Shaman 1: 60
    Devilkin Shaman 1: 61
    Dark Shaman 1: 62
    Warped Shaman: 63
    Quill Rat 1: 64
    Spike Fiend 1: 65
    Thorn Beast: 66
    Razor Spine 1: 67
    Bush Barb: 68
    Sand Maggot: 69
    Rock Worm: 70
    Devourer: 71
    Giant Lamprey: 72
    Blood Maggot 1: 73
    Tomb Viper 1: 74
    Claw Viper 1: 75
    Salamander 1: 76
    Pit Viper 1: 77
    Serpent Magus 1: 78
    Sand Leaper: 79
    Cave Leaper 1: 80
    Tomb Creeper 1: 81
    Tree Lurker: 82
    Cliff Lurker: 83
    Huntress 1: 84
    Saber Cat 1: 85
    Night Tiger: 86
    Hell Cat: 87
    Itchies: 88
    Black Locusts: 89
    Plague Bugs: 90
    Hell Swarm: 91
    Dung Soldier: 92
    Death Beetle: 93
    Scarab 1: 94
    Steel Scarab 1: 95
    Bone Scarab: 96
    Dried Corpse: 97
    Decayed: 98
    Embalmed: 99
    Preserved Dead: 100
    Cadaver 1: 101
    Hollow One: 102
    Guardian 1: 103
    Unraveler 1: 104
    Horadrim Ancient 1: 105
    Baal Unraveler: 106
    unused DamnedHorde: 107
    unused TwistedHorde: 108
    unused WickedHorde: 109
    unused UnholyHorde: 110
    Carrion Bird 1: 111
    Undead Scavenger: 112
    Hell Buzzard: 113
    Winged Nightmare: 114
    Sucker: 115
    Feeder: 116
    Blood Hook: 117
    Blood Wing: 118
    Gloam 1: 119
    Swamp Ghost: 120
    Burning Soul 1: 121
    Black Soul 1: 122
    Arach 1: 123
    Sand Fisher: 124
    Poison Spinner: 125
    Flame Spider: 126
    Spider Magus: 127
    Thorned Hulk 1: 128
    Bramble Hulk: 129
    Thrasher: 130
    Spikefist: 131
    Ghoul Lord 1: 132
    Night Lord 1: 133
    Dark Lord 1: 134
    Blood Lord 1: 135
    The Banished: 136
    Desert Wing: 137
    Fiend 1: 138
    Gloombat 1: 139
    Blood Diver: 140
    Dark Familiar: 141
    Rat Man 1: 142
    Fetish 1: 143
    Flayer 1: 144
    Soul Killer 1: 145
    Stygian Doll 1: 146
    Deckard Cain 1: 147
    Gheed: 148
    Akara: 149
    dummy chicken: 150
    Kashya: 151
    dummy rat: 152
    dummy RogueTown: 153
    dummy HellMeteor: 154
    Charsi: 155
    Warriv 1: 156
    Andariel: 157
    dummy Smallbird: 158
    dummy Largebird: 159
    dummy Bat: 160
    Dark Ranger: 161
    Vile Archer 1: 162
    Dark Archer 1: 163
    Black Archer: 164
    Flesh Archer: 165
    Dark Spearwoman: 166
    Vile Lancer 1: 167
    Dark Lancer 1: 168
    Black Lancer 1: 169
    Flesh Lancer: 170
    Skeleton Archer: 171
    Returned Archer 1: 172
    Bone Archer 1: 173
    Burning Dead Archer 1: 174
    Horror Archer 1: 175
    Warriv 2: 176
    Atma: 177
    Drognan: 178
    Fara: 179
    dummy Cow: 180
    Sand Maggot Young: 181
    Rock Worm Young: 182
    Devourer Young: 183
    Giant Lamprey Young: 184
    Blood Maggot Young 1: 185
    dummy Camel: 186
    Blunderbore 1: 187
    Gorebelly: 188
    Mauler 1: 189
    Urdar: 190
    Sand Maggot Egg: 191
    Rock Worm Egg: 192
    Devourer Egg: 193
    Giant Lamprey Egg: 194
    Blood Maggot Egg 1: 195
    dummy Act2Male: 196
    dummy Act2Female: 197
    dummy Act2Child: 198
    Greiz: 199
    Elzix: 200
    Geglash: 201
    Jerhyn: 202
    Lysander: 203
    dummy Act2Guard: 204
    dummy Act2Vendor1: 205
    dummy Act2Vendor2: 206
    Foul Crow Nest: 207
    Blood Hawk Nest: 208
    Black Raptor Nest: 209
    Cloud Stalker Nest: 210
    Meshif 1: 211
    Duriel: 212
    Undead Rat Man: 213
    Undead Fetish: 214
    Undead Flayer: 215
    Undead Soul Killer 1: 216
    Undead Stygian Doll 1: 217
    unused DarkGuard: 218
    unused DarkKnight: 219
    unused BloodGuard: 220
    unused BloodKnight: 221
    unused DarkPaladin: 222
    unused BloodMage: 223
    unused Demonist: 224
    unused BlackMagus: 225
    unused Diabolist: 226
    unused DeathMage: 227
    Maggot: 228
    Mummy Sarcophagus: 229
    Radament: 230
    unused FireBeast: 231
    unused IceGlobe: 232
    unused LightningBeast: 233
    unused PoisonOrb: 234
    Flying Scimitar: 235
    Zakarumite: 236
    Faithful: 237
    Zealot 1: 238
    Sexton: 239
    Cantor: 240
    Heirophant 1: 241
    Heirophant 2: 242
    Mephisto: 243
    Diablo: 244
    Deckard Cain 2: 245
    Deckard Cain 3: 246
    Deckard Cain 4: 247
    Swamp Dweller: 248
    Bog Creature: 249
    Slime Prince: 250
    The Summoner: 251
    Tyrael: 252
    Asheara: 253
    Hratli: 254
    Alkor: 255
    Ormus: 256
    Izual: 257
    Halbu: 258
    Water Watcher Limb: 259
    River Stalker Limb: 260
    Stygian Watcher Limb: 261
    Water Watcher Head: 262
    River Stalker Head: 263
    Stygian Watcher Head: 264
    Meshif 2: 265
    Deckard Cain 5: 266
    Flavie: 267
    Blood Raven: 268
    dummy bug: 269
    dummy scorpion: 270
    Rogue Scout: 271
    Rogue Hireling, Act 1 Hireling: 272
    dummy RogueTownShoot: 273
    Gargoyle Trap: 274
    Returned Mage 1: 275
    Bone Mage 1: 276
    Burning Dead Mage 1: 277
    Horror Mage 1: 278
    RatMan Shaman: 279
    Fetish Shaman: 280
    Flayer Shaman 1: 281
    Soul Killer Shaman 1: 282
    Stygian Doll Shaman 1: 283
    Larva: 284
    Sand Maggot Queen: 285
    Rock Worm Queen: 286
    Devourer Queen: 287
    Giant Lamprey Queen: 288
    Blood Maggot Queen: 289
    Clay Golem: 290
    Blood Golem: 291
    Iron Golem: 292
    Fire Golem: 293
    dummy Familiar: 294
    dummy Act3Male: 295
    Night Marauder: 296
    dummy Act3Female: 297
    Natalya: 298
    Flesh Spawner 1: 299
    Stygian Hag: 300
    Grotesque 1: 301
    Flesh Beast 1: 302
    Stygian Dog: 303
    Grotesque Wyrm 1: 304
    Doom Caster: 305
    Strangler 1: 306
    Storm Caster 1: 307
    Corpulent: 308
    Corpse Spitter: 309
    Maw Fiend 1: 310
    Doom Knight 1: 311
    Abyss Knight: 312
    Oblivion Knight 1: 313
    Quill Bear: 314
    Spike Giant: 315
    Thorn Brute: 316
    Razor Beast: 317
    Barbed Giant: 318
    dummy Snake: 319
    dummy Parrot: 320
    dummy Fish: 321
    dummy Evil Hole 1: 322
    dummy Evil Hole 2: 323
    dummy Evil Hole 3: 324
    dummy Evil Hole 4: 325
    dummy Evil Hole 5: 326
    trap firebolt 1: 327
    trap unknown1: 328
    trap unknown2: 329
    trap poison: 330
    trap chainlightning: 331
    Kaelan: 332
    dummy InvisoSpawner: 333
    unused DiabloClone: 334
    Sucker Nest: 335
    Feeder Nest: 336
    Blood Hook Nest: 337
    Blood Wing Nest: 338
    Act 2 Hireling: 339
    dummy MiniSpider: 340
    PrisonFL: 341
    PrisonFR: 342
    PrisonBL: 343
    PrisonBR: 344
    Bonewall: 345
    Council Member 1: 346
    Council Member 2: 347
    Council Member 3: 348
    Turret 1: 349
    Turret 2: 350
    Turret 3: 351
    Hydra 1: 352
    Hydra 2: 353
    Hydra 3: 354
    trap pillar: 355
    dummy seven tombs: 356
    Decoy: 357
    Valkyrie: 358
    dummy Act2Hireling: 359
    Iron Wolf, Act 3 Hireling: 360
    Balrog 1: 361
    Pit Lord 1: 362
    Venom Lord: 363
    Necroskeleton: 364
    Necromage: 365
    Griswold: 366
    Compelling Orb: 367
    Tyrael 1: 368
    Dark Wanderer: 369
    trap nova 1: 370
    dummy SpiritMummy: 371
    Lightning Spire: 372
    Fire Tower: 373
    Slinger 1: 374
    Spear Cat 1: 375
    Night Slinger 1: 376
    Hell Slinger: 377
    dummy Boba Fett: 378
    dummy Darth Maul: 379
    Returned Mage 2: 380
    Bone Mage 2: 381
    Death Mage: 382
    Horror Mage 2: 383
    Returned Mage 3: 384
    Bone Mage 3: 385
    Burning Dead Mage 2: 386
    Horror Mage 3: 387
    Returned Mage 4: 388
    Bone Mage 4: 389
    Burning Dead Mage 3: 390
    Horror Mage 4: 391
    Hell Bovine: 392
    window right: 393
    window left: 394
    Spear Cat 2: 395
    Night Slinger 2: 396
    Rat Man 2: 397
    Fetish 2: 398
    Flayer 2: 399
    Soul Killer 2: 400
    Stygian Doll 2: 401
    dummy Mephisto Spirit: 402
    The Smith: 403
    Trapped Soul 1: 404
    Trapped Soul 2: 405
    Jamella: 406
    Izual's Ghost: 407
    Rat Man 3: 408
    Hadriel: 409
    Hephasto The Armorer: 410
    Wake of Fire: 411
    Charged Bolt Sentry: 412
    Lightning Sentry: 413
    Blade Sentinel: 414
    Invis Pet: 415
    Inferno Sentry: 416
    Death Sentry: 417
    Shadow Warrior: 418
    Shadow Master: 419
    Raven: 420
    Spirit Wolf: 421
    Dire Wolf: 422
    Spirit of Barbs: 423
    Heart of Wolverine: 424
    Oak Sage: 425
    Plague Poppy: 426
    Cycle of Life: 427
    Vine Creature: 428
    Grizzly: 429
    Eagle: 430
    Wolf: 431
    Bear: 432
    Barricaded Door 1: 433
    Barricaded Door 2: 434
    Prison Door: 435
    Barricaded Tower: 436
    Rot Walker: 437
    Reanimated Horde: 438
    Prowling Dead: 439
    Unholy Corpse 1: 440
    Defiled Warrior: 441
    Siege Beast: 442
    Crush Beast: 443
    Blood Bringer: 444
    Gore Bearer: 445
    Demon Steed: 446
    Snow Drifter: 447
    Abominable: 448
    Chilled Froth: 449
    Frozen Abyss: 450
    Fallen Wolfrider: 451
    Carver Wolfrider: 452
    Devilkin Wolfrider: 453
    Enslaved: 454
    Slayer 1: 455
    Ice Boar: 456
    Fire Boar: 457
    Hell Spawn 1: 458
    Ice Spawn: 459
    Greater Hell Spawn 1: 460
    Greater Ice Spawn: 461
    Fanatic Enslaved: 462
    Berserker Slayer: 463
    Consumed Ice Boar: 464
    Consumed Fire Boar: 465
    Frenzied Hell Spawn: 466
    Frenzied Ice Spawn: 467
    Insane Hell Spawn: 468
    Insane Ice Spawn: 469
    Succubus 1: 470
    Vile Temptress: 471
    Stygian Harlot: 472
    Hell Temptress 1: 473
    Blood Temptress: 474
    Siren 1: 475
    Vile Witch 1: 476
    Stygian Fury: 477
    Blood Witch: 478
    Hell Witch 1: 479
    Overseer, Shenk: 480
    Lasher: 481
    Overlord: 482
    Blood Boss: 483
    Hell Whip: 484
    Demon Portal 1: 485
    Demon Portal 2: 486
    Demon Portal 3: 487
    Demon Portal 4: 488
    Demon Portal 5: 489
    Demon Portal 6: 490
    Demon Portal 7: 491
    Demon Portal 8: 492
    Demon Imp 1: 493
    Demon Rascal: 494
    Demon Gremlin: 495
    Demon Trickster 1: 496
    Demon Sprite: 497
    Catapult S: 498
    Catapult E: 499
    Catapult Siege: 500
    Catapult W: 501
    Frozen Creeper: 502
    Frozen Terror: 503
    Frozen Scourge: 504
    Frozen Horror: 505
    Frozen Scorch: 506
    Moon Lord 1: 507
    Night Lord 2: 508
    Blood Lord 2: 509
    Hell Lord 1: 510
    Death Lord: 511
    Larzuk: 512
    Anya Town: 513
    Malah: 514
    Nihlathak Town: 515
    Qual Kehk: 516
    Catapult Spotter S: 517
    Catapult Spotter E: 518
    Catapult Spotter Siege: 519
    Catapult Spotter W: 520
    Deckard Cain 6: 521
    Tyrael 2: 522
    Barbarian Fighter 1: 523
    Barbarian Fighter 2: 524
    Barricade Wall Right: 525
    Barricade Wall Left: 526
    Nihlathak: 527
    Anya: 528
    Evil Demon Hut: 529
    Death Mauler 1: 530
    Death Brawler: 531
    Death Slasher: 532
    Death Berserker: 533
    Death Brigadier: 534
    Barbarian Captive: 535
    Act 5 Townguard 1: 536
    Act 5 Townguard 2: 537
    Talic Statue: 538
    Madawc Statue: 539
    Korlic Statue: 540
    Talic: 541
    Madawc: 542
    Korlic: 543
    Baal Throne: 544
    Baal Crab: 545
    Baal Taunt: 546
    Putrid Defiler: 547
    Wretched Defiler: 548
    Fetid Defiler: 549
    Rancid Defiler: 550
    Rank Defiler: 551
    Pain Worm: 552
    Torment Worm: 553
    Agony Worm: 554
    Menace Worm: 555
    Anguish Worm: 556
    Bunny: 557
    Baal Council Member: 558
    Baal Venom Lord: 559
    Baal Crab to Stairs: 560
    Act 5 Hireling 1hs: 561
    Act 5 Hireling 2hs, Act 5 Hireling: 562
    Festering Appendages 1: 563
    Festering Appendages 2: 564
    Festering Appendages 3: 565
    Festering Appendages 4: 566
    Festering Appendages 5: 567
    Injured Barbarian 1: 568
    Injured Barbarian 2: 569
    Injured Barbarian 3: 570
    Baal Crab Clone: 571
    Minion of Destruction 1: 572
    Minion of Destruction 2: 573
    Minion of Destruction 3: 574
    Worldstone Effect: 575
    Burning Dead Archer 2: 576
    Bone Archer 2: 577
    Burning Dead Archer 3: 578
    Returned Archer 2: 579
    Horror Archer 2: 580
    Afflicted 2: 581
    Tainted 2: 582
    Misshapen 2: 583
    Disfigured 2: 584
    Damned 2: 585
    Moon Clan 2: 586
    Night Clan 2: 587
    Hell Clan 2: 588
    Blood Clan 2: 589
    Death Clan 2: 590
    Foul Crow 2: 591
    Blood Hawk 2: 592
    Black Raptor 2: 593
    Cloud Stalker 2: 594
    Claw Viper 2: 595
    Pit Viper 2: 596
    Salamander 2: 597
    Tomb Viper 2: 598
    Serpent Magus 2: 599
    Marauder 2: 600
    Infidel 2: 601
    Sand Raider 2: 602
    Invader 2: 603
    Assailant 2: 604
    Death Mauler 2: 605
    Quill Rat 2: 606
    Spike Fiend 2: 607
    Razor Spine 2: 608
    Carrion Bird 2: 609
    Thorned Hulk 2: 610
    Slinger 2: 611
    Slinger 3: 612
    Slinger 4: 613
    Vile Archer 2: 614
    Dark Archer 2: 615
    Vile Lancer 2: 616
    Dark Lancer 2: 617
    Black Lancer 2: 618
    Blunderbore 2: 619
    Mauler 2: 620
    Returned Mage 5: 621
    Burning Dead Mage 4: 622
    Returned Mage 6: 623
    Horror Mage 5: 624
    Bone Mage 5: 625
    Horror Mage 6: 626
    Horror Mage 7: 627
    Huntress 2: 628
    Saber Cat 2: 629
    Cave Leaper 2: 630
    Tomb Creeper 2: 631
    Ghost 2: 632
    Wraith 2: 633
    Specter 2: 634
    Succubus 2: 635
    Hell Temptress 2: 636
    Siren 2: 637
    Hell Witch 2: 638
    Vile Witch 2: 639
    Gloam 2: 640
    Black Soul 2: 641
    Burning Soul 2: 642
    Carver 2: 643
    Devilkin 2: 644
    Dark One 2: 645
    Carver Shaman 2: 646
    Devilkin Shaman 2: 647
    Dark Shaman 2: 648
    Bone Warrior 2: 649
    Returned 2: 650
    Gloombat 2: 651
    Fiend 2: 652
    Moon Lord 2: 653
    Hell Lord 2: 654
    Scarab 2: 655
    Steel Scarab 2: 656
    Flayer 3: 657
    Stygian Doll 3: 658
    Soul Killer 3: 659
    Flayer 4: 660
    Stygian Doll 4: 661
    Soul Killer 4: 662
    Flayer Shaman 2: 663
    Stygian Doll Shaman 2: 664
    Soul Killer Shaman 2: 665
    Temple Guard 2: 666
    Temple Guard 3: 667
    Guardian 2: 668
    Unraveler 2: 669
    Horadrim Ancient 2: 670
    Horadrim Ancient 3: 671
    Zealot 2: 672
    Zealot 3: 673
    Heirophant 3: 674
    Heirophant 4: 675
    Grotesque 2: 676
    Flesh Spawner 2: 677
    Grotesque Wyrm 2: 678
    Flesh Beast 2: 679
    Blood Maggot 2: 680
    Blood Maggot Young 2: 681
    Blood Maggot Egg 2: 682
    Slayer 2: 683
    Hell Spawn 2: 684
    Greater Hell Spawn 2: 685
    Arach 2: 686
    Balrog 2: 687
    Pit Lord 2: 688
    Demon Imp 2: 689
    Demon Trickster 2: 690
    Undead Stygian Doll 2: 691
    Undead Soul Killer 2: 692
    Strangler 2: 693
    Storm Caster 2: 694
    Maw Fiend 2: 695
    Blood Lord 3: 696
    Ghoul Lord 2: 697
    Dark Lord 2: 698
    Unholy Corpse 2: 699
    Doom Knight 2: 700
    Doom Knight 3: 701
    Oblivion Knight 2: 702
    Oblivion Knight 3: 703
    Cadaver 2: 704

    Arrow missile: 1
    Javelin missile: 2
    Bighead1: 3
    Bighead2: 4
    Bighead3: 5
    Bighead4: 6
    Bighead5: 7
    Spike1: 8
    Spike2: 9
    Spike3: 10
    Spike4: 11
    Spike5: 12
    FireArrow: 13
    CRArrow1: 14
    CRArrow2: 15
    CRArrow3: 16
    CRArrow4: 17
    CRArrow5: 18
    Blood1: 19
    Blood2: 20
    BigBlood1: 21
    BigBlood2: 22
    ShaFire1: 23
    ShaFire2: 24
    ShaFire3: 25
    ShaFire4: 26
    ShaFire5: 27
    MagicArrow: 28
    IceArrow: 29
    FireExplode: 30
    IceExplode: 31
    Bolt missile: 32
    Andrial: 33
    BigHeadExp: 34
    ShamanExp: 35
    ThrowAxe: 36
    ThrowKnife: 37
    Glaive missile: 38
    PoisonJav: 39
    PoisonJavCloud: 40
    ColdArrow: 41
    ExplodingArrow: 42
    ExplodingArrowExplode: 43
    PlagueJavelin 1: 44
    OilPotion missile: 45
    ExplosivePotion: 46
    FulminatingPotion missile: 47
    RancidGasPotion missile: 48
    ChokingGasPotion missile: 49
    StranglingGasPotion missile: 50
    Not Used: 51
    ExplosivePotionExp: 52
    ExplosivePotionDebris1: 53
    ExplosivePotionDebris2: 54
    ExplosivePotionDebris3: 55
    HolyBolt: 56
    ChargedBolt: 57
    SanctuaryBolt: 58
    FireBolt: 59
    IceBolt: 60
    InfernoFlame1: 61
    InfernoFlame2: 62
    FireBall: 63
    Mummy1: 64
    Mummy2: 65
    Mummy3: 66
    Mummy4: 67
    Blaze: 68
    FirewallMaker: 69
    Firewall: 70
    GooSpit1: 71
    GooSpit2: 72
    GooSpit3: 73
    GooSpit4: 74
    GooSpit5: 75
    GooSplat: 76
    Sand Pile: 77
    UnHolyBolt1: 78
    UnHolyBolt2: 79
    UnHolyBolt3: 80
    UnHolyBolt4: 81
    SanctuaryCenter: 82
    FireExplosion 1: 83
    StuckArrow: 84
    FootPrint: 85
    ImmolationArrow: 86
    GuidedArrow: 87
    FreezingArrow: 88
    FreezingArrowExplode1: 89
    FreezingArrowExplode2: 90
    Nova: 91
    IceBlast: 92
    BlessedHammer 1: 93
    ChainLightning 1: 94
    FistOfAres: 95
    ChillBlood: 96
    GlacialSpike: 97
    Teleport: 98
    LightningBolt: 99
    LightningHit: 100
    Meteor: 101
    MeteorCenter: 102
    MeteorTail: 103
    MeteorExplode: 104
    FireSmall: 105
    FireMedium: 106
    MonBlizCenter: 107
    MonBliz1: 108
    MonBliz2: 109
    MonBliz3: 110
    MonBliz4: 111
    MonBlizExplode1: 112
    MonBlizExplode2: 113
    MonBlizExplode3: 114
    Teeth: 115
    CorpseExplosion: 116
    PoisonCorpseExplosion: 117
    MonsterCorpseExplode: 118
    PoisonNova: 119
    FrostNova: 120
    Rogue1: 121
    Rogue2: 122
    Rogue3: 123
    Bat Lightning Bolt: 124
    Bat Lightning Trail: 125
    SkMage1: 126
    SkMage2: 127
    SkMage3: 128
    SkMage4: 129
    VampireFireball: 130
    VampireFirewallMaker: 131
    VampireFirewall: 132
    VampireMeteor: 133
    VampireMeteorCenter: 134
    VampireMeteorExplode: 135
    Raven1: 136
    Raven2: 137
    AmphibianGoo1: 138
    AmphibianGoo2: 139
    TentacleGoo: 140
    AmphibianExplode: 141
    PoisonPuff: 142
    CurseEffectRed: 143
    SpiderGooLay: 144
    FetishInferno1: 145
    FetishInferno2: 146
    SpiderGoo: 147
    CurseCast: 148
    Howl: 149
    Shout: 150
    Dust: 151
    RedLightMissile: 152
    GreenLightMissile: 153
    BlueLightMissile: 154
    WhiteLightMissile: 155
    CorpsePoisonCloud: 156
    ChillBloodCloud: 157
    ChillBloodPuff: 158
    BlizzardCenter: 159
    Blizzard1: 160
    Blizzard2: 161
    Blizzard3: 162
    Blizzard4: 163
    BlizzardExplode1: 164
    BlizzardExplode2: 165
    BlizzardExplode3: 166
    ThunderStorm1: 167
    ThunderStorm2: 168
    ThunderStorm3: 169
    ThunderStorm4: 170
    MonsterLight: 171
    PoisonBall: 172
    DiabLight: 173
    Redemption: 174
    RedemptionFail: 175
    HandOfGod: 176
    DiabFire: 177
    FingerMageSpider: 178
    Electric ThrowAxe: 179
    DiabWallMaker: 180
    DiabWall: 181
    CurseAmplifyDamage: 182
    CurseDimVision: 183
    CurseWeaken: 184
    CurseIronMaiden: 185
    CurseTerror: 186
    CurseAttract: 187
    CurseReverseVampire: 188
    CurseConfuse: 189
    CurseDecrpify: 190
    CurseLowerResist: 191
    CurseCenter: 192
    BoneSpear: 193
    BoneSpirit: 194
    ColdUnique: 195
    LightUnique: 196
    SKBowArrow1: 197
    SKBowArrow2: 198
    SKBowArrow3: 199
    SKBowArrow4: 200
    SKBowArrow5: 201
    Nova1: 202
    Nova2: 203
    AndyPoisonBolt: 204
    TeethExplode: 205
    LightningJavelin: 206
    LightningFury: 207
    BoneWallMaker: 208
    NecroMage1: 209
    NecroMage2: 210
    NecroMage3: 211
    NecroMage4: 212
    Sparkle: 213
    MultipleShotArrow: 214
    MultipleShotBolt: 215
    ChargedStrikeBolt: 216
    BoneSpearExplode: 217
    PoisonExplosionCloud: 218
    BoneCast: 219
    BattleCry: 220
    PrimePoisonCloud: 221
    PlagueJavCloud: 222
    RancidGasCloud: 223
    ChokingGasCloud: 224
    StranglingGasCloud: 225
    BugLightning: 226
    PantherJav1: 227
    PantherJav2: 228
    PantherJav3: 229
    PantherJav4: 230
    ImmolationFire: 231
    FuryLightning: 232
    LightningStrike: 233
    FistoftheHeavensDelay: 234
    FistoftheHeavensBolt: 235
    Warcry: 236
    BattleCommand: 237
    BattleOrders: 238
    PantherPotOrange: 239
    PantherPotGreen: 240
    MeteorFire: 241
    Trap Spike Right: 242
    Trap Spike Left: 243
    Trap Cursed Skull Right: 244
    Trap Cursed Skull Left: 245
    Trap Poison Ball Right: 246
    Trap Poison Ball Left: 247
    Hydra: 248
    BoneSpearTrail: 249
    GrimWardSmallStart: 250
    GrimWardSmall: 251
    GrimWardSmallStop: 252
    GrimWardMediumStart: 253
    GrimWardMedium: 254
    GrimWardMediumStop: 255
    GrimWardLargeStart: 256
    GrimWardLarge: 257
    GrimWardLargeStop: 258
    ZakarumLight: 259
    GrimWardScare: 260
    FrozenOrb: 261
    FrozenOrbBolt: 262
    FrozenOrbNova: 263
    FrozenOrbExplode: 264
    ChillingArmorBolt: 265
    FireExplosion 2: 266
    BlowGun: 267
    ChainLightning 2: 268
    ReviveSmall: 269
    ReviveMedium: 270
    ReviveLarge: 271
    MonGlacialSpike: 272
    IceBreakSmall: 273
    IceBreakMedium: 274
    IceBreakLarge: 275
    IceBreakSmoke: 276
    Mephisto missile: 277
    Firehead: 278
    Whilrwind: 279
    ArcaneLightningBolt: 280
    FrogFire: 281
    FrogCold: 282
    FrogPois: 283
    DesertFireBall: 284
    BRDeathControl: 285
    BRDeathLightningBolt: 286
    BRDeathLightningHit: 287
    DenOfEvilLight: 288
    CairnStones: 289
    CairnStonesSky: 290
    CairnStonesGround: 291
    TowerMist: 292
    TowerMistTrail: 293
    BRDeathSmokeS1: 294
    BRDeathSmokeNU: 295
    BRDeathSmokeDT: 296
    BRDeathSpiritS1: 297
    BRDeathSpiritNU: 298
    BRDeathSpiritDT: 299
    MephistoDeathControl: 300
    MephistoFirewallMaker: 301
    MephistoFirewall: 302
    MephistoFlyingRocksBig: 303
    MephistoExplosionBig: 304
    MephistoFlyingRocksSmall: 305
    MephistoExplosionSmall: 306
    MephistoDoNotDraw: 307
    AndyControl0: 308
    AndyFirewallMaker: 309
    AndyFirewall: 310
    AndyColumnFireBase: 311
    AndyColumnFire: 312
    AndyFallingDebris1: 313
    AndyFallingDebris2: 314
    AndyFallingDebris3: 315
    AndyDebrisExplosion1: 316
    AndyDebrisExplosion2: 317
    AndyDebrisExplosion3: 318
    AndyDebrisExplosion4: 319
    AndyDebrisExplosion5: 320
    WillowispLightningBolt: 321
    QueenPoisonCloud: 322
    Dirt Pile: 323
    UndeadMissile1: 324
    UndeadMissile2: 325
    UndeadMissile3: 326
    UndeadMissile4: 327
    BoneSpiritExplode: 328
    DopplezonExplode: 329
    MonBoneSpirit: 330
    TowerMistFade: 331
    CountessFirewall: 332
    TowerChestSpawner: 333
    HellMeteorLaunch1: 334
    HellMeteorLaunch2: 335
    HellMeteorUp: 336
    HellMeteorDown: 337
    HellMeteorBall: 338
    HoradricStaff missile: 339
    HoradricLightning: 340
    HoradricLight: 341
    RegurgitatorCorpse: 342
    RegurgitatorCorpseExplode: 343
    HighPriestLightning 1: 344
    IceBreakSmallMelt: 345
    IceBreakLargeMelt: 346
    LeapKnockBack: 347
    RadamentDeath: 348
    RadamentHandOfGod: 349
    RadamentHolyBolt: 350
    TaintedSunControl: 351
    TaintedSunFlash: 352
    TaintedSunBall: 353
    QueenDeathCenter: 354
    QueenDeathGlob: 355
    QueenDeathSplat1: 356
    QueenDeathSplat2: 357
    HealingBolt: 358
    MephistoHoleDelay: 359
    MephistoHoleBirth: 360
    MephistoHoleNeutral: 361
    MephistoHoleDeath: 362
    MephistoHoleDead: 363
    DurielDeathControl: 364
    DurielDeathRock: 365
    DurielDeathDebris: 366
    DurielDeathSmoke: 367
    MephistoExplosion: 368
    OrbMist: 369
    OrbMistTrail: 370
    OrbMistFade: 371
    Pilum missile: 372
    Diablo Appears: 373
    HFControl: 374
    HFFragment1: 375
    HFFragment2: 376
    HFFragment3: 377
    HFSpirit1: 378
    HFReserved3: 379
    Izual Control: 380
    Izual Mist Loop: 381
    Izual Mist Fade: 382
    Izual Lightning: 383
    Izual Lightning Trail: 384
    Cairn Stones Bolt: 385
    Bomb in Air: 386
    Bomb on Ground: 387
    Bomb Explosion: 388
    Shock Field In Air: 389
    Shock Field On Ground: 390
    ThrowingStar: 391
    AcidSpray: 392
    Blade Creeper: 393
    Distraction: 394
    Distraction Fog: 395
    Distraction Puff: 396
    Distraction Start: 397
    Distraction End: 398
    ImpInfernoFlame1: 399
    ImpInfernoFlame2: 400
    BaalLightningBolt 1: 401
    BaalLightningTrail 1: 402
    BaalLightningBolt 2: 403
    BaalLightningTrail 2: 404
    ImpFireball: 405
    ImpFireballExplode: 406
    CatapultChargedBall On Catapult: 407
    CatapultChargedBall: 408
    CatapultChargedBallBolt: 409
    Imp Spawn Monsters: 410
    Catapult Spike Ball On Catapult: 411
    Catapult Spike Ball: 412
    Catapult Spike In Air: 413
    Catapult Spike On Ground: 414
    Catapult Spike Explosion: 415
    Catapult Cold Ball On Catapult: 416
    Catapult Cold Ball: 417
    Catapult Cold Explosion: 418
    Catapult Plague Ball On Catapult: 419
    Catapult Plague Ball: 420
    Catapult Plague Cloud: 421
    Catapult Meteor Ball On Catapult: 422
    Catapult Meteor Ball: 423
    Catapult Meteor Fire: 424
    Tower Death: 425
    Healing Vortex: 426
    SuicideCorpseExplode: 427
    SuicideFireExplode: 428
    SuicideIceExplode: 429
    ExplodingJavalin: 430
    ExplodingJavalinExplosion: 431
    LightingTrailingJavalin: 432
    LightJavalinTrail: 433
    LightJavalinExplosion: 434
    IceJavalin: 435
    IceJavalinExplode: 436
    PlagueJavelin 2: 437
    PlagueJavlinExplode: 438
    AdvLightTrailingJav 1: 439
    AdvLightTrailingJav 2: 440
    AdvLightJavExplode: 441
    SucFireBall: 442
    SucFireBallExplode: 443
    SucFireBallTrail: 444
    SucShockFieldMissile: 445
    SucShockFieldMissileExp: 446
    SucShockField: 447
    HellFireMissile: 448
    HellFireExA: 449
    HellFireExB: 450
    Imp Charged Bolt: 451
    Imp Teleport: 452
    Moltenboulder: 453
    MoltenBoulderEmerge: 454
    MoltenBoulderExplode: 455
    MoltenBoulderFirePath: 456
    MoltenBoulder FlyingRocks: 457
    FireStorm: 458
    FireStormMaker: 459
    ArcticBlast1: 460
    ArcticBlast2: 461
    Erruption Center: 462
    Erruption Crack 1: 463
    Erruption Crack 2: 464
    Erruption Smoke 1: 465
    Erruption Smoke 2: 466
    Vine Beast Walk 1: 467
    Vine Beast Walk 2: 468
    Vine Beast Neutral: 469
    Vine Beast Attack: 470
    Vine Beast Death: 471
    Vines: 472
    Vines Trail: 473
    Vines Wither: 474
    Plague Vines: 475
    Plague Vines Trail: 476
    Plague Vines Wither: 477
    Twister: 478
    Tornado: 479
    Volcano: 480
    Volcano Overlay Fire: 481
    Volcano Debris 2: 482
    Volcano Explosion: 483
    Volcano Small Fire: 484
    DragonBreath Missile: 485
    LureProjectile: 486
    LureCenter: 487
    LureCloud: 488
    ImpMiss1: 489
    ImpMiss2: 490
    ImpMiss3: 491
    ImpMiss4: 492
    ImpMiss5: 493
    FrozenHorror ArcticBlast1: 494
    FrozenHorror ArcticBlast2: 495
    SentryChargedBolt: 496
    SentrySpikeInAir: 497
    SentrySpikeOnGround: 498
    Recycler Delay: 499
    Recycler Vine: 500
    Recycler Fade: 501
    Recycler Explosion: 502
    Death Mauler missile: 503
    Death Mauler Trail: 504
    Death Mauler Trail Fade: 505
    BladeFury1: 506
    BladeFragment1: 507
    BladeFury2: 508
    BladeFragment2: 509
    BladeFury3: 510
    BladeFragment3: 511
    ShockWave: 512
    LightningTalons: 513
    LightningTalonsTrail: 514
    PhoenixTrail: 515
    RabiesPlague: 516
    RabiesContagion: 517
    Wake of Destruction maker: 518
    Wake of Destruction: 519
    DeathSentryExplode: 520
    TigerFury: 521
    TigerFuryTrail 1: 522
    TigerFuryTrail 2: 523
    Inferno Sentry 1: 524
    Inferno Sentry 2: 525
    Ancient throwing axe: 526
    SentryLightningBolt 1: 527
    SentryLightningHit 1: 528
    Anya Center: 529
    Anya Icicle: 530
    Anya IceImpact: 531
    Anya IceSteam: 532
    Anya IceMagic: 533
    DragonTail Missile: 534
    DragonFlight: 535
    DragonFlightMaker: 536
    Progressive Radius Damage: 537
    Vine Beast Walk 1 Fade: 538
    Vine Beast Walk 2 Fade: 539
    Vine Beast Neutral Fade: 540
    Vine Recycler Delay: 541
    Ancient Death Center: 542
    Ancient Death Cloud: 543
    lightning charge up nova: 544
    ChainLightningCharge up: 545
    Pain Worm Appear: 546
    Baal Taunt Control: 547
    Baal Taunt Lightning: 548
    Baal Taunt Lightning Trail: 549
    Baal Taunt Poison: 550
    Baal Spawn Monsters: 551
    Mindblast Hit: 552
    Blade Shield Missile: 553
    Blade Shield Attachment: 554
    Baal Inferno: 555
    Baal Nova: 556
    FistsOfFireExplode: 557
    FistsOfFireFirewall: 558
    ClawsOfThunderBolt: 559
    ClawsOfThunderNova: 560
    BladesOfIceExplode: 561
    BladesOfIceCubes: 562
    BladesOfIceCubesMelt: 563
    RoyalStrikeMeteor: 564
    RoyalStrikeMeteorCenter: 565
    RoyalStrikeMeteorTail: 566
    RoyalStrikeMeteorExplode: 567
    RoyalStrikeMeteorFire: 568
    RoyalStrikeChainLightning: 569
    RoyalStrikeChaosIce: 570
    World Stone Chip 1: 571
    World Stone Chip 2: 572
    World Stone Chip 3: 573
    World Stone Chip 4: 574
    HighPriestLightning 2: 575
    InfernoFlame 3: 576
    Mindblast Center: 577
    ArmageddonControl: 578
    ArmageddonRock: 579
    ArmageddonTail: 580
    ArmageddonExplosion: 581
    HurricaneSwoosh: 582
    HurricaneCart: 583
    HurricaneRock: 584
    HurricaneSack: 585
    HurricaneTree: 586
    HurricaneVase: 587
    BaalCorpseExplodeDelay: 588
    BaalCorpseExplodeExplosion: 589
    Baal Cold Maker: 590
    Baal Cold Trail: 591
    Baal Spawn Monsters Explode: 592
    ImpMiss21: 593
    ImpMiss22: 594
    ImpMiss23: 595
    ImpMiss24: 596
    ImpMiss25: 597
    AnyaSteam1: 598
    AnyaSteam2: 599
    AncientsGuide: 600
    AncientsMarker: 601
    AncientsControl: 602
    OverseerControl: 603
    Nihlithak1: 604
    Nihlithak2: 605
    Nihlithak3: 606
    NehlithakControl: 607
    NehlithakSwoosh: 608
    NehlithakDebris1: 609
    NehlithakDebris2: 610
    NehlithakDebris3: 611
    NehlithakDebris4: 612
    NehlithakGlow: 613
    BaalTeleport: 614
    BaalCloneDeath: 615
    AnyaSteamVent: 616
    AnyaSteam: 617
    NehlithakHole: 618
    NehlithakHoleLight: 619
    VolcanoFireTrail: 620
    NehlithakGlow2: 621
    NehlithakBoneChips: 622
    BaalCorpseExplodeFade: 623
    ArmageddonFire: 624
    IceSparkle: 625
    BaalFX Control: 626
    BaalFX Spirit 1: 627
    BaalFX Spirit 2: 628
    BaalFX Spirit 3: 629
    BaalFX Spirit 4: 630
    BaalFX Spirit 5: 631
    BaalFX Baal Head Appear: 632
    BaalFX Baal Head 1: 633
    BaalFX Baal Head 2: 634
    BaalFX Baal Head 3: 635
    BaalFX Tyreal Debris 1: 636
    BaalFX Tyreal Debris 2: 637
    BaalFX Tyreal Debris 3: 638
    BaalFX Tyreal Debris Break: 639
    Worldstone shake: 640
    BlessedHammer 2: 641
    SentryLightningBolt 2: 642
    SentryLightningHit 2: 643
    LightningTowerNova: 644
    skbowarrow6: 645
    skbowarrow7: 646
    skbowarrow8: 647
    bighead6: 648
    viper_poisjav: 649
    viper_poisjavcloud: 650
    viper_fire: 651
    viper_firecloud: 652
    viper_bonespear: 653
    countessfirewallmaker: 654
    baal taunt lightning control: 655
    baal taunt poison control: 656
    explodingarrowexp2: 657
    freezingarrowexp3: 658
    pantherjav5: 659
    spike6: 660
    cr_arrow6: 661
    skmagepois: 662
    skmagecold: 663
    skmagefire: 664
    skmageltng: 665
    succubusmiss: 666
    willowisplightningbolt2: 667
    mummyex: 668
    goospitex: 669
    impmissex: 670
    diablogeddoncontrol: 671
    diablogeddonrock: 672
    diablogeddontail: 673
    diablogeddonexplosion: 674
    diablogeddonfire: 675
    megademoninferno: 676
    trapfirebolt 2: 677
    trappoisonjavcloud: 678
    trapnova 2: 679
    mephfrostnova: 680
    mephlight: 681

    //** Levels **

    Rogue Encampment: 1
    Blood Moor: 2
    Cold Plains: 3
    Stony Field: 4
    Dark Wood: 5
    Black Marsh: 6
    Tamoe Highland: 7
    Den of Evil, Den Evil: 8
    Cave Level 1: 9
    Underground Passage Level 1: 10
    Hole Level 1: 11
    Pit Level 1: 12
    Cave Level 2: 13
    Underground Passage Level 2: 14
    Hole Level 2: 15
    Pit Level 2: 16
    Burial Grounds: 17
    Crypt: 18
    Mausoleum: 19
    Forgotten Tower: 20
    Tower Cellar Level 1: 21
    Tower Cellar Level 2: 22
    Tower Cellar Level 3: 23
    Tower Cellar Level 4: 24
    Tower Cellar Level 5: 25
    Monastery Gate: 26
    Outer Cloister: 27
    Barracks: 28
    Jail Level 1: 29
    Jail Level 2: 30
    Jail Level 3: 31
    Inner Cloister: 32
    Cathedral: 33
    Catacombs Level 1: 34
    Catacombs Level 2: 35
    Catacombs Level 3: 36
    Catacombs Level 4: 37
    Tristram: 38
    The Secret Cow Level, Secret Cow Level: 39
    Lut Gholein: 40
    Rocky Waste: 41
    Dry Hills: 42
    Far Oasis: 43
    Lost City: 44
    Valley of Snakes, Valley Snakes: 45
    Canyon of the Magi, Canyon of Magi, Canyon Magi: 46
    Sewers Level 1: 47
    Sewers Level 2: 48
    Sewers Level 3: 49
    Harem Level 1: 50
    Harem Level 2: 51
    Palace Cellar Level 1: 52
    Palace Cellar Level 2: 53
    Palace Cellar Level 3: 54
    Stony Tomb Level 1: 55
    Halls of the Dead Level 1, Halls of Dead Level 1, Halls Dead Level 1: 56
    Halls of the Dead Level 2, Halls of Dead Level 2, Halls Dead Level 2: 57
    Claw Viper Temple Level 1: 58
    Stony Tomb Level 2: 59
    Halls of the Dead Level 3, Halls of Dead Level 3, Halls Dead Level 3: 60
    Claw Viper Temple Level 2: 61
    Maggot Lair Level 1: 62
    Maggot Lair Level 2: 63
    Maggot Lair Level 3: 64
    Ancient Tunnels: 65
    Tal Rasha's Tomb 1: 66
    Tal Rasha's Tomb 2: 67
    Tal Rasha's Tomb 3: 68
    Tal Rasha's Tomb 4: 69
    Tal Rasha's Tomb 5: 70
    Tal Rasha's Tomb 6: 71
    Tal Rasha's Tomb 7: 72
    Tal Rasha's Chamber: 73
    Arcane Sanctuary: 74
    Kurast Docks: 75
    Spider Forest: 76
    Great Marsh: 77
    Flayer Jungle: 78
    Lower Kurast: 79
    Kurast Bazaar: 80
    Upper Kurast: 81
    Kurast Causeway: 82
    Travincal: 83
    Arachnid Lair: 84
    Spider Cavern: 85
    Swampy Pit Level 1: 86
    Swampy Pit Level 2: 87
    Flayer Dungeon Level 1: 88
    Flayer Dungeon Level 2: 89
    Swampy Pit Level 3: 90
    Flayer Dungeon Level 3: 91
    Kurast Sewers Level 1: 92
    Kurast Sewers Level 2: 93
    Ruined Temple: 94
    Disused Fane: 95
    Forgotten Reliquary: 96
    Forgotten Temple: 97
    Ruined Fane: 98
    Disused Reliquary: 99
    Durance of Hate Level 1, Durance Hate Level 1, Durance Level 1: 100
    Durance of Hate Level 2, Durance Hate Level 2, Durance Level 2: 101
    Durance of Hate Level 3, Durance Hate Level 3, Durance Level 3: 102
    The Pandemonium Fortress, Pandemonium Fortress: 103
    Outer Steppes: 104
    Plains of Despair, Plains Despair: 105
    City of the Damned, City of Damned, City Damned: 106
    River of Flame, River Flame: 107
    Chaos Sanctuary: 108
    Harrogath: 109
    Bloody Foothills: 110
    Frigid Highlands: 111
    Arreat Plateau: 112
    Crystalline Passage: 113
    Frozen River: 114
    Glacial Trail: 115
    Drifter Cavern: 116
    Frozen Tundra: 117
    Ancients' Way: 118
    Icy Cellar: 119
    Arreat Summit: 120
    Nihlathak's Temple: 121
    Halls of Anguish, Halls Anguish: 122
    Halls of Pain, Halls Pain: 123
    Halls of Vaught, Halls Vaught: 124
    Abaddon: 125
    Pit of Acheron, Pit Acheron: 126
    Infernal Pit: 127
    Worldstone Keep Level 1, Worldstone Level 1: 128
    Worldstone Keep Level 2, Worldstone Level 2: 129
    Worldstone Keep Level 3, Worldstone Level 3: 130
    Throne of Destruction, Throne Destruction: 131
    The Worldstone Chamber, Worldstone Chamber: 132

    // *Special object names*
    Cairn Stone: 314
    Tree of Inifuss:313
    Horazon's Journal:427
    Izual on Minimap, Minimap Izual: 300
    Anya on Minimap, Minimap Anya: 1468
    Hellforg on Minimap, Minimap Hellforge: 376

    //*Virtual keys*
    VK_LBUTTON: 0x01
    VK_RBUTTON: 0x02
    VK_CANCEL: 0x03
    VK_MBUTTON: 0x04
    VK_XBUTTON1: 0x05
    VK_XBUTTON2: 0x06
    VK_BACK: 0x08
    VK_TAB: 0x09
    VK_CLEAR: 0x0C
    VK_RETURN: 0x0D
    VK_SHIFT: 0x10
    VK_CONTROL: 0x11
    VK_MENU: 0x12
    VK_PAUSE: 0x13
    VK_CAPITAL: 0x14
    VK_JUNJA: 0x17
    VK_FINAL: 0x18
    VK_HANJA, VK_KANJI: 0x19
    VK_ESCAPE: 0x1B
    VK_CONVERT: 0x1C
    VK_ACCEPT: 0x1E
    VK_SPACE: 0x20
    VK_PRIOR: 0x21
    VK_NEXT: 0x22
    VK_END: 0x23
    VK_HOME: 0x24
    VK_LEFT: 0x25
    VK_UP: 0x26
    VK_RIGHT: 0x27
    VK_DOWN: 0x28
    VK_SELECT: 0x29
    VK_PRINT: 0x2A
    VK_EXECUTE: 0x2B
    VK_INSERT: 0x2D
    VK_DELETE: 0x2E
    VK_HELP: 0x2F
    VK_0: 0x30
    VK_1: 0x31
    VK_2: 0x32
    VK_3: 0x33
    VK_4: 0x34
    VK_5: 0x35
    VK_6: 0x36
    VK_7: 0x37
    VK_8: 0x38
    VK_9: 0x39
    VK_A: 0x41
    VK_B: 0x42
    VK_C: 0x43
    VK_D: 0x44
    VK_E: 0x45
    VK_F: 0x46
    VK_G: 0x47
    VK_H: 0x48
    VK_I: 0x49
    VK_J: 0x4A
    VK_K: 0x4B
    VK_L: 0x4C
    VK_M: 0x4D
    VK_N: 0x4E
    VK_O: 0x4F
    VK_P: 0x50
    VK_Q: 0x51
    VK_R: 0x52
    VK_S: 0x53
    VK_T: 0x54
    VK_U: 0x55
    VK_V: 0x56
    VK_W: 0x57
    VK_X: 0x58
    VK_Y: 0x59
    VK_Z: 0x5A
    VK_LWIN: 0x5B
    VK_RWIN: 0x5C
    VK_APPS: 0x5D
    VK_SLEEP: 0x5F
    VK_NUMPAD0: 0x60
    VK_NUMPAD1: 0x61
    VK_NUMPAD2: 0x62
    VK_NUMPAD3: 0x63
    VK_NUMPAD4: 0x64
    VK_NUMPAD5: 0x65
    VK_NUMPAD6: 0x66
    VK_NUMPAD7: 0x67
    VK_NUMPAD8: 0x68
    VK_NUMPAD9: 0x69
    VK_ADD: 0x6B
    VK_DECIMAL: 0x6E
    VK_DIVIDE: 0x6F
    VK_F1: 0x70
    VK_F2: 0x71
    VK_F3: 0x72
    VK_F4: 0x73
    VK_F5: 0x74
    VK_F6: 0x75
    VK_F7: 0x76
    VK_F8: 0x77
    VK_F9: 0x78
    VK_F10: 0x79
    VK_F11: 0x7A
    VK_F12: 0x7B
    VK_F13: 0x7C
    VK_F14: 0x7D
    VK_F15: 0x7E
    VK_F16: 0x7F
    VK_F17: 0x80
    VK_F18: 0x81
    VK_F19: 0x82
    VK_F20: 0x83
    VK_F21: 0x84
    VK_F22: 0x85
    VK_F23: 0x86
    VK_F24: 0x87
    VK_NUMLOCK: 0x90
    VK_SCROLL: 0x91
    VK_OEM_NEC_EQUAL: 0x92 //'=' key on numpad
    VK_OEM_FJ_JISHO: 0x92 //'Dictionary' key
    VK_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU: 0x93 //'Unregister word' key
    VK_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU: 0x94 //'Register word' key
    VK_OEM_FJ_LOYA: 0x95 //'Left OYAYUBI' key
    VK_OEM_FJ_ROYA: 0x96 //'Right OYAYUBI' key
    VK_LAUNCH_APP1: 0xB6
    VK_LAUNCH_APP2: 0xB7
    VK_OEM_1: 0xBA //';:' for US
    VK_OEM_PLUS: 0xBB //'+' any country
    VK_OEM_COMMA: 0xBC //',' any country
    VK_OEM_MINUS: 0xBD //'-' any country
    VK_OEM_PERIOD: 0xBE //'.' any country
    VK_OEM_2: 0xBF //'/?' for US
    VK_OEM_3: 0xC0 //'`~' for US
    VK_OEM_4: 0xDB //'[{' for US
    VK_OEM_5: 0xDC //'\|' for US
    VK_OEM_6: 0xDD //']}' for US
    VK_OEM_7: 0xDE //''"' for US
    VK_OEM_8: 0xDF
    VK_OEM_AX: 0xE1 //'AX' key on Japanese AX kbd
    VK_OEM_102: 0xE2 //"<>" or "\|" on RT 102-key kbd.
    VK_ICO_HELP: 0xE3 //Help key on ICO
    VK_ICO_00: 0xE4 //00 key on ICO
    VK_ICO_CLEAR: 0xE6
    VK_PACKET: 0xE7
    VK_OEM_RESET: 0xE9
    VK_OEM_PA1: 0xEB
    VK_OEM_PA2: 0xEC
    VK_OEM_PA3: 0xED
    VK_OEM_ATTN: 0xF0
    VK_OEM_COPY: 0xF2
    VK_OEM_AUTO: 0xF3
    VK_OEM_ENLW: 0xF4
    VK_ATTN: 0xF6
    VK_CRSEL: 0xF7
    VK_EXSEL: 0xF8
    VK_EREOF: 0xF9
    VK_PLAY: 0xFA
    VK_ZOOM: 0xFB
    VK_PA1: 0xFD

    All, Everything: 0+

    Yes, True, On: 1
    No, False, Off, None, Null: 0

    Default: -1
    Hide, No Show: -2

    White: 0
    Red: 1
    Green, Green 1: 2
    Blue: 3
    Gold, Gold 1: 4
    Grey: 5
    Black: 6
    Gold 2: 7
    Orange: 8
    Yellow: 9
    Green 2: 10
    Purple: 11
    Green 3: 12

    Low Quality, Inferior, Crude, Cracked, Damaged: 1
    Normal: 2
    High Quality, Superior: 3
    Magical, Magic: 4
    Set: 5
    Rare: 6
    Unique: 7
    Crafted, Craft: 8

    Not Ethereal, Not Ethreal, Real: 1
    Ethereal, Ethreal, Unreal: 2

    Chipped, Lesser: 1
    Flawed, Light: 2
    Flawless, Strong: 4
    Perfect, Greater: 5

    Junk: Stamina Potion, Antidote Potion, Thawing Potion-Tome of Identify, Arrows, Bolts-Scroll of Identify, Key, Ear, Rancid Gas Potion-Fulminating Potion, Mephisto's Soulstone, Minor Healing Potion-Greater Healing Potion, Minor Mana Potion-Greater Mana Potion
    Headbands: Circlet-Diadem
    Normal Armor: Cap-Spiked Shield, Wolf Head-Coronet
    Normal Weapons: Hand Axe-Shaft of the Horadric Staff, Katar-Scissors Katar, Eagle Orb-Maiden Javelin
    Normal Items: Normal Armor, Normal Weapons
    Exceptional Armor: War Hat-Barbed Shield, Tiara, Alpha Helm-Hierophant Trophy
    Exceptional Weapons: Hatchet-Chu Ko Nu, Quhab-Scissors Quhab, Glowing Orb-Ceremonial Javelin
    Exceptionals, Exceptional Items: Exceptional Armor, Exceptional Weapons
    Elite Armor: Diadem-Blade Barrier, Blood Spirit-Bloodlord Skull
    Elite Weapons: Suwayyah-Demon Crossbow, Heavenly Stone-Matriarchal Javelin
    Elites, Elite Items: Elite Armor, Elite Weapons

    All Arrows: Arrow missile, FireArrow, MagicArrow, IceArrow, Bolt missile, ColdArrow, ExplodingArrow, ImmolationArrow, GuidedArrow, FreezingArrow, MultipleShotArrow, MultipleShotBolt

    Automap Missles Toggle: Automap Missiles Toggle
    Missle Blob File: Missile Blob File
    Hostile Missle Colour: Hostile Missile Colour
    Guided Missle Colour: Guided Missile Colour
    Chicken Hit Points: Chicken Life
    Chicken Hostile Nearby: Chicken Hostile Nearby Toggle
    Item Unitids Toggle: Unit Numbers Toggle
    Corpse Toggle: Hidden Corpse Toggle
    Show Shenk Death Anim: Monster Death Anims[Shenk]
    Rare Item Colour: Item Colours[All][Rare]
    Unique Item Colour: Item Colours[All][Unique]
    Jewel Colour: Item Colours[Jewel]
    View Inventory Key: View Equipment Key

    //*35000 item*
    Gold_Armor: Ancient Armor,Tigulated Mail-Mage Plate,Dusk Shroud-Archon Plate
    Gold_Helm: Winged Helm,Grand Crown,Grim Helm,Tiara-Demonhead 2,Bone Visage
    Gold_Shield: Heater-Ward,Troll Nest,Blade Barrier
    Gold_Belt: Spiderweb Sash-Colossus Girdle
    Gold_Boots: Scarabshell Boots-Myrmidon Greaves
    Gold_Gloves: Vambraces-Ogre Gauntlets
    Gold_Class: Totemic Mask,Savage Helmet,Slayer Guard,Guilded Shield,Royal Shield,Heirophant Trophy,Blood Spirt-Bloodlord Skull
    Gold_Items: Gold_Armor,Gold_Helm,Gold_Shield,Gold_Belt,Gold_Boots,Gold_Gloves,Gold_Class

    Elite_Polearm: Ogre Axe-Giant Thresher
    Elite_Spears: Hyperion Spear-War Pike
    Act2_Pet_Weapons: Elite_Polearm,Elite_Spears


    fire resist, fr: 1
    cold resist, cr: 2
    lighting resist, lr: 3
    poison resist, pr: 4
    exit game: 1
    back to town: 2

    Section 6 - Setting up skill timers to display on your screen.

    You may add skill timers to your maphack configuration by following this example http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/sting-maphack-configuration-guide.537869/page-17#post-920235
    Effect Name Effect Number
    NONE 0
    FREEZE 1
    POISON 2
    COLD 11
    INFERNO 12
    BLAZE 13
    ENCHANT 16
    WEAKEN 19
    STUNNED 21
    SLOWED 24
    SHOUT 26
    TAUNT 27
    MIGHT 33
    PRAYER 34
    THORNS 36
    STAMINA 41
    TERROR 56
    ATTRACT 57
    LIFETAP 58
    CONFUSE 59
    DODGE 65
    AVOID 66
    EVADE 68
    PIERCE 69
    WARMTH 70
    JUSTHIT 86
    BLUE 90
    RED 91
    FRENZY 94
    BERSERK 95
    REVIVE 96
    MANAPOT 106
    SHATTER 107
    PREGNANT 110
    111 111
    RABIES 112
    BLOOD_MANA 114
    BURNING 115
    MAUL 117
    WOLF 139
    BEAR 140
    ATTACHED 143
    INVIS 146
    BARBS 147
    OAKSAGE 149
    VINE_BEAST 150
    RECYCLED 154
    CLOAKED 156
    FADE 159

    To see all the colors that you can use, look here.


    Credits: sting, lunatic, atox
    Herlikium, realaki, Ezekiel and 12 others like this.
  2. Adouken_D

    Adouken_D Member

    Apr 9, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Thanks for this, Gix!! Very usefull guide
  3. edvirt

    edvirt Member

    Mar 29, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    can you share your cfg file
  4. horizon21

    horizon21 Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Here's an end-game cfg I put together. I recommend using the default cfg until you have gathered some starter items/ have a somewhat beefy character. This is a work in progress, I have not checked whether all of the valuable set items will be shown, you can do so yourself if you want to.

    EDIT: Currently all surperior items are showing up and I cannot figure out how to hide the unwanted ones. I've specified that some should be hidden ("3"), however it appears that maphack ignores this preference. If anyone knows what I can do to fix it please post here.

    Show CFGCheck Info : 0
    Enable Language Check : 0
    GameFilterSupport: 0
    Localization Support: 0
    CFG Version Eng : "Config by horizon21. Version 0.3"

    Reload Config Key: VK_NUMPAD9
    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT
    View Player Stats Key: VK_OEM_2
    First Player Stat Key: -1
    Next Player Stat Key: -1
    Previous Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_COMMA
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 0, VK_6
    Monster Resists Toggle: 0, -1
    Socket Protect Toggle: 0, VK_INSERT
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_9
    Item Basic Stats Toggle: 0, VK_9
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0, VK_9
    Item Value Toggle: 0, -1
    Item Levels Toggle: 1, VK_8
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 0, -1
    Quick Next Game Key: VK_F12
    View Equipment Key: VK_Y
    Hidden Items Toggle: 0, VK_7
    Switch Item Show Mode: VK_9
    Default Item Show Mode : 0
    Show Identified Item : 1, -1
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_OEM_4

    Default Game Name: ""
    Default Game Password: ""
    ULC Mask Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Alert Times: 3
    Skip Quest Message: 8

    Item ExtInfo Toggle : 1 , -1
    Item ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg"
    Default ExtInfo Colour : 8

    State Monitor Toggle: 0 , -1

    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2
    Show Ping Toggle: 0, -1
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, -1

    //Kill Count Toggle: 0, -1, 3
    //GetHit Count Toggle: 0, -1, 2

    //Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1
    //Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1
    //Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1

    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1

    //Scroll Mode: 2
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_J
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_H
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_Y
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_U
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N

    Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10

    //Player Blob File: "blobplayer"
    //Monster Blob File: "blobmonster"
    //Object Blob File: "blobchest"
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot"
    //Item Blob File: "blobitem"
    //Boss Blob File: "blobBoss"
    //Npc Blob File: "blobNpc"
    //My Blob File: "blobMe"
    //Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse"

    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Weather Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Screen Shake Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY

    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1
    Auto Reveal Act: 1
    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1
    Auto Next Game Name: 1
    Auto Next Game Password: 1

    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq"
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1

    Unknown Warden Mod Action: 0
    Extrawork Dll Action: 0
    Version Checking Dll Action: 0

    Enter Game Sound : 0
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1

    Message Log Toggle: 2
    Message Log File Size : 1000

    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1
    Server Ip Toggle: 0, -1
    Area Level Toggle: 1, -1

    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL

    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1
    //Life Bar Transparency: 2
    //Life Bar Colour: 0x08

    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1

    Dangerous Monster Action: back to town
    Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD8
    Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr

    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1
    Level Name Colour: White
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Here"
    Minimap Size: 3
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1

    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 0
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Monster Resists Toggle: 0, -1
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Level Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Boss Name Toggle: 1 , -1

    Automap Items Toggle: 0, VK_DIVIDE
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1
    Automap Party Default: 1
    Automap Names Default: 1

    Auto Invite Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD4
    Auto Party Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD5
    Auto Loot Permit : 0, VK_NUMPAD6

    //Item Colours[?]: ?

    //Example :-
    //Item Colours[Shako][Unique]: 1,0x20 //show unique shako name red and automap white
    Item Colours[Ear]: -2 //hide ears

    Item Colours[All][Unique]: Gold
    Item Colours[All][Set]: 10
    Item Colours[All]][Rare]: 9
    Item Colours[All][8]: 8
    Item Colours[Ear]: -1,-2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Town Portal]: -2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Identify]: -2
    Item Colours[Key]: -2
    Item Colours[Arrows]: -2
    Item Colours[Bolts]: -2
    Item Colours[Jewel]: 11
    Item Colours[Jewel][Unique]: Gold
    Charm Colours[All][3]: 8
    Charm Colours[All][Unique]: Gold
    Item Colours[Antidote Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Thawing Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Rancid Gas Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Choking Gas Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Stamina Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Oil Potion]: -2
    Healing Pot Colours[1+]: -2
    Mana Pot Colours[1+]: -2
    Rejuv Pot Colours[1]: -2
    Rejuv Pot Colours[2+]: White
    Gem Colours[1+]: 8
    Amethyst Colours[1+]: 8
    Amethyst Colours[4+]: 8
    Topaz Colours[1+]: 8
    Topaz Colours[4+]: 8
    Sapphire Colours[1+]: 8
    Sapphire Colours[4+]: 8
    Emerald Colours[1+]: 8
    Emerald Colours[4+]: 8
    Ruby Colours[1+]: 8
    Ruby Colours[4+]: 8
    Diamond Colours[1+]: 8
    Diamond Colours[4+]: 8
    Skull Colours[1+]: 8
    Skull Colours[4+]: 8
    Item Colours[2140-2146][2]: 1,0x62

    Rune Colours[1-16]: -2
    Rune Colours[17+]: Red

    Good Gold Number: 5000
    Good Gold Colour: 0
    Poor Gold Colour: -2

    //Example :-
    //Poor Gold Colour: -1,-2 /// that makes items invisible when you press alt

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 1, -1
    Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1

    Party Player Text Colour: 2
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb

    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b

    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra3

    Monster Desc Colour: Red
    Enchantment Descs: 0
    Extra Strong Desc: -2
    Extra Fast Desc: -2
    Cursed Desc: -2
    Magic Resistant Desc: -2
    Fire Enchanted Desc: -2
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: -2
    Cold Enchanted Desc: -2
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: -2
    Teleportation Desc: -2
    Spectral Hit Desc: -2
    Stone Skin Desc: -2
    Multiple Shots Desc: -2
    Ghostly Desc: -2
    Fanatic Desc: -2
    Possessed Desc: -2
    Berserker Desc: -2
    Champion Desc: 0

    // Auras Enhanted:
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: -2
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: -2
    Conviction Aura Desc: -2
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: -2

    // Immunities:
    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: -2
    Magic Immunity Desc: -2
    Fire Immunity Desc: -2
    Lightning Immunity Desc: -2
    Cold Immunity Desc: -2
    Poison Immunity Desc: -2

    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x08

    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0x62
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x5b
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x97
    Other Missile Colour: 0x84
    Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[teeth]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "[Eth]"
    Ethereal Item Postfix: -2


    //EXAMPLE: ITEM COLOURS[ITEMS # IN D2HACKMAP.VCB][ITEM QUALITY TO HIDE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]: -2 // -2 means hidden

    //1 Low Quality, Cracked, Damaged
    //2 Normal (white)
    //3 Superior
    //4 Magic
    //5 Set
    //6 Rare
    //7 Unique
    //8 Crafted

    Item Colours[84][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // exploding potion hidden

    //****** AMULETS,RINGS AND JEWELS******
    Item Colours[2013][4]: -2 //Magic Amulets are hidden
    Item Colours[2015][4]: -2 //Magic Rings arehidden

    //Normal Items (Circlets)
    Item Colours[1113-1116][1,2,3,4]: -2 //White and Magic are hidden

    //******NORMAL/EXCEPTIONAL WEAPONS AND ARMOR - A LOT is hidden. consult d2hackmap.vcb for details******

    //Normal Weapons
    Item Colours[1-2][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[3][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 //Double Axe for RW shown
    Item Colours[4-21][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[22][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 //Flails for RW
    Item Colours[23-29][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[30][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 //Crystal Sword for RWs
    Item Colours[31-80][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2

    //Exceptional Weapons
    Item Colours[94-110][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[111][1,4,5,6]: -2 // Hand of Blessed Light shown
    Item Colours[112-113][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[114][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[115-121][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[122][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Ali Baba Shown
    Item Colours[123-148][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[149][1,2,3,4,5,6,]: -2 // Hone Sundan Shown
    Item Colours[150-173][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2

    //Normal Armor
    Item Colours[1001-1022][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1023][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Pelta Lunata SHOWN (LLD)
    Item Colours[1024-1030][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1031-1032][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Chance Guards and Magefists SHOWN
    Item Colours[1033][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Frostburn HIDDEN
    Item Colours[1034][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Hotspur SHOWN (LLD, normal duels)
    Item Colours[1035-1036][1,2,3,4,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1037][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Goblin Toe SHOWN
    Item Colours[1039][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Lenymo SHOWN (LLD)
    Item Colours[1038-1041][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1042][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Goldwrap SHOWN (GF)
    Item Colours[1043-1046][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2

    //Exceptional Armor
    Item Colours[1047-1050][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // War Hat HIDDEN
    Item Colours[1051-1052][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Valkyrie Wing and Crown of Thieves SHOWN
    Item Colours[1053-1054][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1055][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 //Vipermagi SHOWN
    Item Colours[1056-1059][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1060-1062][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Shaftstop, Duriel's Shell, Skullder's Ire SHOWN
    Item Colours[1063][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1064][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Toothrow SHOWN
    Item Colours[1065-1067][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1068][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Mage Plate Norm and Surp SHOWN
    Item Colours[1069-1074][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1075][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 //Rare gloves shown
    Item Colours[1076][1,2,3,5,7]: -2 // Magic Sharkskin Gloves SHOWN - Blood Craft Gloves
    Item Colours[1077][1,2,3,7]: -2 // Hit Power Gloves Craft
    Item Colours[1078][1,2,3,5,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1079-1080][1,2,3,5,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1081-1082][1,2,3,4,5]: -2
    Item Colours[1083][1,2,3,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1084-1086][1,2,3,4,5]: -2
    Item Colours[1087-1088][1,2,3,4,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1089][1,2,3,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1090][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Vampire's Gaze Shown
    Item Colours[1091-1092][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2

    //******ELITE ARMOR******
    //Elite Helms
    Item Colours[1117][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Harlequin Crest Shown
    Item Colours[1118-1120][1,2,3,4,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1121][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Nightwing Veil Shown
    Item Colours[1122][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Corona only - Shown/Runewords
    Item Colours[1123][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Demon Head Only - Shown/Runewords
    Item Colours[1160][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Bone Visage Only - Shown/Runewords

    //Elite Armor
    Item Colours[1124][1,4,6]: -2 //Duskshroud - Shown
    Item Colours[1125-1126][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1127][1,4,6]: -2 //Wirefleece - Shown
    Item Colours[1128-1130][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1131][1,4,6]: -2 //Great Hauberk - Shown
    Item Colours[1132-1133][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1134][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Kraken shell - not Shown
    Item Colours[1135][1,4,6]: -2 //Lacquered Plate - Shown
    Item Colours[1136][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1137][1,4,6]: -2 //Sacred Armor - Shown
    Item Colours[1138][1,4,6]: -2 //Archon Plate - Shown

    //Elite Gloves
    Item Colours[1145][1,2,3,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1146][1,2,3]: -2 //Vampirebone Gloves - Crafting
    Item Colours[1147-1149][1,2,3,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1147-1148][7]: -2

    //Elite Boots
    Item Colours[1150-1154][1,2,3,4]: -2

    //Elite Belts
    Item Colours[1155-1159][1,2,3,4]: -2

    //Elite Shields
    Item Colours[1139-1140][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1141][1,4,6]: -2 //Hyperion only - Hidden Dream/Dragon Runeword
    Item Colours[1142][1,4,6]: -2 //Monarch - Shown
    Item Colours[1143][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1144][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Ward only - Shown
    Item Colours[1161][1,4,6]: -2 //Troll Nest - Hidden Dream/Dragon Runeword
    Item Colours[1162][1,2,3,4,6]: -2

    //******ELITE WEAPONS******
    //Elite Axes
    Item Colours[197-200][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[201][1,4,6]: -2 //Berserker Axe - Shown
    Item Colours[202-203][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[204][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Decapitator only - Shown
    Item Colours[205-206][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[197-206][7]: -2

    //Elite Wands
    Item Colours[207-210][1,4,6]: -2 //Runeword White
    Item Colours[207-208][7]: -2

    //Elite Maces
    Item Colours[211-213][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[214][1,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[215-221][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[211][7]: -2
    Item Colours[213-217][7]: -2
    Item Colours[220-221][7]: -2

    //Elite Swords
    Item Colours[222-225][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[226][1,4,6]: -2 //Phase Blade - Shown
    Item Colours[227-233][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[234][1,4,6]: -2 //Colossus Sword - Shown
    Item Colours[235][1,4,6]: -2 //Colossus Blade - Shown
    Item Colours[222-225][7]: -2
    Item Colours[227-232][7]: -2

    //Elite Daggers
    Item Colours[236-239][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // Wizardspike HIDDEN

    //Elite Throwing
    Item Colours[240-243][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[240-242][7]: -2

    //Elite Javelins
    Item Colours[244-248][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[244-248][7]: -2

    //Elite Spears
    Item Colours[249-252][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[253][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior War Pike only - Shown

    //Elite Polearms
    Item Colours[254][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Orge Axe - Hidden
    Item Colours[255][1,4,6]: -2 //Colossus voulge - Shown
    Item Colours[256][1,4,6]: -2 //Thresher - Shown
    Item Colours[257][1,4,6]: -2 //Cryptic Axe - Shown
    Item Colours[258][1,4,6]: -2 //Great Poleaxe - Shown
    Item Colours[259][1,4,6]: -2 //Giant Thresher - Shown

    //Elite Staves
    Item Colours[260-264][1,2,3,4,6]: -2

    //Elite Bows
    Item Colours[265-267][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[268][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Great Bow - Hidden
    Item Colours[269][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[270][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Crusader Bow only - Shown
    Item Colours[271][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[272][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Hyrda Bow only - Shown

    //Elite Crossbows
    Item Colours[273-274][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[275][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Colossus Crossbow - Shown
    Item Colours[276][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[274-276][7]: -2

    //******ASSASSIN KATARS******
    //Assassin Normal Weapons
    Item Colours[176-182][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //Assassin Exceptional Weapons
    Item Colours[183-189][1,2,3,4]: -2 //Rare Only
    //Assassin Elite Weapons
    Item Colours[190-194][1,2,3,4]: -2 //Rare Only
    Item Colours[195][1,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[196][1,4,6]: -2 //Scissors Suwayyah, Chaos Runeword - Hidden
    Item Colours[176-187][7]: -2
    Item Colours[189-196][7]: -2

    //******SORCERESS ORBS******
    //Sorceress Normal Orbs
    Item Colours[277-301][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Only Set and Unique - Shown

    ******AMAZON WEAPONS******
    //Amazon Normal Weapons
    Item Colours[282-286][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    //Amazon Exceptional Weapons
    Item Colours[292-295][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    //Amazon Elite Weapons
    Item Colours[302][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[303][1,4,6]: -2 //Grand Matron Bow - Shown
    Item Colours[304-306][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[302-306][7]: -2

    //******DRUID PELTS******
    //Druid Normal Pelts
    Item Colours[1093-1097][1,2,3,4]: -2 //Only Rare - Shown
    //Druid Exceptional Pelts
    Item Colours[1163-1167][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Only Rare - Shown
    //Druid Elite Pelts
    Item Colours[1183-1187][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Only Rare - Shown

    //******BARBARIAN HELMS******
    //Barbarian Normal Helms
    Item Colours[1098-1102][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Barb Helms all types Hidden
    //Barbarian Exceptional Helms
    Item Colours[1168-1172][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //Barbarian Elite Helms
    Item Colours[1188-1192][1,2,3,4,6]: -2

    //Necromancer Normal Shrunken Heads
    Item Colours[1108-1112][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //Necromancer Exceptional Shrunken Heads
    Item Colours[1178-1182][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //Necromancer Elite Shrunken Heads (Necromancer)
    Item Colours[1198-1202][1,2,3,4,6]: -2

    //******PALADIN SHIELDS******
    //Paladin Normal Shields
    Item Colours[1103-1107][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2
    //Paladin Exceptional Shields
    Item Colours[1173-1177][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2
    //Paladin Elite Shields (Paladin)
    Item Colours[1193][1,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1194][1,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1195-1197][1,4]: -2 //Kurast, Zakarum, Vortex Paladin Shields shown
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2016
    YesOrNo and DemonHunter like this.
  5. YesOrNo

    YesOrNo Active Member

    May 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Can you please tell me how to use this? simply copy +paste all instead of what i have in cfg file? Thanks
  6. horizon21

    horizon21 Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Hi there, all you need to do is make a backup of your "d2hackmap.cfg", then replace the text of your "d2hackmap.cfg" with the text in the spoiler of my post. I might be updating it occasionally, so keep an eye out.
  7. NoCopyRight

    NoCopyRight Forum Legend

    Dec 13, 2014
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    @YesOrNo In all cases, if you need a random cfg for Mh just tell me and i'll give you a link mediafire with my cfg! (Yes just need copy +paste all instead of what i have in cfg file)
    JHorianski likes this.
  8. YesOrNo

    YesOrNo Active Member

    May 19, 2016
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    pls give me your config Nocopyright, i tried to copy , it loads but still shows all items on the ground, i tried 1,2,3 tried show hidden items(ctrl default), still nothing. A link to your cfr file would be highly appreciated. :p
  9. NoCopyRight

    NoCopyRight Forum Legend

    Dec 13, 2014
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    @YesOrNo Of course my friend, here it is:

    // D2 HackMap 2.0v by Emma- //

    Show CFGCheck Info : 1 //
    Enable Language Check : 0  //
    GameFilterSupport: 0 //
    Localization Support: 3 //

    Auto Invite Toggle: 0,VK_NUMPAD8 //
    Auto Party Toggle: 0,VK_NUMPAD7 //
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_9,
    Reload Config Key: VK_NUMPAD9 //
    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT //
    Wisper Notice Toggle: 0,-1
    View Equipment Key: VK_0 //
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1,VK_8 //
    Socket Protect Toggle: 0,VK_NUMPAD2//
    Item Value Toggle: 0,VK_7//
    Item Levels Toggle: 1,VK_6//
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1,-1 //
    Hidden Items Toggle: 1, VK_ADD //
    //Hidden Items Toggle: 0, VK_CONTROL //隐藏LJ物品,CTRL键(笔记本用户去掉Hidden前面的//)
    Use Custom Font Toggle: 1,VK_NUMPAD1 //

    Switch Item Show Mode: -1//
    Default Item Show Mode : 1 //
    Show Identified Item : 1, -1 //
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_OEM_4 //

    ULC Mask Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Townportal Nums Alert : -1 //回城卷轴数量提示
    Skip Quest Message: 0 //
    Show Exp Toggle: 1,-1,1 //
    Show Ping Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Quick Exit Game Key: VK_5

    Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1 //

    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE //
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL //
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1 //

    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //
    Weather Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //
    Screen Shake Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY //

    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1 //
    Auto Reveal Act: 1 //
    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Auto Next Game Name: 1 //
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1 //

    Enter Game Sound : 0 //
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1 //
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1 //

    Message Log Toggle: 1 //
    Message Log File Size : 0000 //

    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1 //
    Server Ip Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Area Level Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Level Name Colour: White //
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==ACA" //

    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 //
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL //
    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77 //
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77 //
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55 //
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1 //

    Life Bar Transparency: 2 //
    Life Bar Colour: 0x08 //

    // 场景指示
    Minimap Size: 3 //
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1 //
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84 //

    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1 //遗忘高塔1层-遗忘高塔2层
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1 //遗忘高塔2层-遗忘高塔3层
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1 //遗忘高塔3层-遗忘高塔4层
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1 //遗忘高塔4层-遗忘高塔5层

    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1            //

    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][The Gidbinn]: 1 //
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1             //
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1   //
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1 //

    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1   //世界之石1层-世界之石2层
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1   //世界之石2层-世界之石3层
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1    //世界之石3层-毁灭王座

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b //
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b //

    Monster Colours[411]: 0x62 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x62 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x62 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x62 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x62 //Hydra1-Hydra3 火龙一次3头,分别对应1,2,3

    Monster Desc Colour: Red

    // 特殊属性怪物的显示的如下:

    Extra Strong Desc: "S" //
    Extra Fast Desc: "F" //
    Cursed Desc: "%2C" //
    Magic Resistant Desc: "%8m" //
    Fire Enchanted Desc: "%1FFFFF" //
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: "%9LE" //
    Cold Enchanted Desc: "%3CE" //
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: "%2mmmmm" //
    Teleportation Desc: "T" //
    Spectral Hit Desc: "H" //
    Stone Skin Desc: "%4SS" //
    Multiple Shots Desc: "%12MS" //
    Ghostly Desc: 0 //
    Fanatic Desc: "%11F" //
    Possessed Desc: 0 //
    Berserker Desc: "%4B" //
    Champion Desc: 0

    // Auras Enhanted:光环附着
    Might Aura Desc: "%4a" //
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: "%1a" //
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: "%0a" //
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: "%3CCCC" //
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: "%9a" //
    Conviction Aura Desc: "%11RRRR" //
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: "%5KKKK" //

    // Immunities:免疫属性
    Physical Immunity Desc: "%4i" //
    Magic Immunity Desc: "%8i" //
    Fire Immunity Desc: "%1i" //
    Lightning Immunity Desc: "%9i" //
    Cold Immunity Desc: "%3i" //
    Poison Immunity Desc: "%2i" //

    // 地图上各种图标显示
    Player Blob File: "blobcircle1" //
    Monster Blob File: "blobcross1" //
    Object Blob File: "blobcircle" //
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot" //
    Item Blob File: "blobitemX" //
    Boss Blob File: "blobcross2" // boss
    Npc Blob File: "blobcircle1" // npc
    My Blob File: "blobMe" //
    Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse" //

    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 1 //怪物死亡动画开关 0关闭 1开启
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1 //物MLVL等级显示开关 开
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1 //怪物TC等级显示开关 开
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1 //怪物Rune TC等级显示开关 开
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1 //怪物血量百分比显示
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1 //怪物距离显示
    Player Level Toggle: 0 ,-1 //玩家等级显示
    Player Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1 //玩家距离显示
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1 //玩家血量百分比显示
    Boss Name Toggle: 1 , -1 //几个boss的小地图名字显示

    Automap Party Default: 1 //小地图显示队友
    Automap Names Default: 1 //小地图队友名字
    Party Player Text Colour: 2 //组队玩家小地图名字颜色
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9 //中立玩家小地图名字颜色
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1 //敌对玩家小地图名字颜色
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f //中立玩家小地图图标颜色
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b //敌对玩家小地图图标颜色
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f //队友随从颜色
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb //自己的随从颜色
    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //小地图显示怪物开关
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62 //普通怪物颜色
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b //boss颜色
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66 //随从颜色
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68 //金怪颜色
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f //act5野蛮人颜色
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f //超级金怪颜色

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 //地面隐藏尸体开关 1 隐藏 0 不隐藏
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 //小地图显示怪物尸体显示开关

    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE //小地图显示箱子开关
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09 //箱子颜色
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x55 //带锁箱子的颜色

    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1,VK_DIVIDE // 地图上显示敌人的发射物攻击(向导箭、骨精灵等)
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0x62 // 敌人发射物的颜色
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x5b // 制导型发射物的颜色
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x97 // 玩家发射物的颜色
    Other Missile Colour: 0x84 // 其他发射物颜色

    // Missiles

    //Missile Automaps[All]: 1 //Show all missiles on automap
    //Missile Automaps[All Arrows]: 1 //Show all arrows on automap
    //Missile Automaps[Firewall Missiles]: 1 //Show firewall/blaze on automap
    //Missile Automaps[Frozen Orb Missiles]: 1 //Show frozen orb on automap

    Missile Colours[All][Owner None]: 0x50
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Player]: 0x97
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Self][Monster]: 0xcb
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Party]: 0x84
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile]: 0x62
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile][All][True]: 0x5b
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Other]: 0x0a
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Dead]: -1

    Missile Colours[Vine Beast Death Missile][Owner Dead]: -2 //Hide on ground

    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE // 小地图物品隐藏开关
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 // RUNE编号显示
    Socket Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 // 孔数显示
    Unit Numbers Toggle: 0, -1 // 单元数字开关(物品内部代码)
    Item Indexs Toggle: 0, -1 // 物品索引开关(map索引)
    Item FileIndexs Toggle: 0, -1 // 物品文件索引及类别等
    Item Life Per Level Toggle: 1,-1 // 按等级增加血量属性基础值显示(限于神符之语)
    Quest Item Colour: 4 // 任务物品颜色

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "" // Eth物品前缀
    Ethereal Item Postfix: "%2=Eth=" //后缀加绿色=eth=来标明

    Good Gold Number: 2000 // 优质gold定义
    Good Gold Colour: 0 // 优质gold颜色
    Poor Gold Colour: -1,-2,-2,-2 // 稀少gold
    Item Hide Lvl[0+][0+]: 0 // 物品显示级别下限

    Item Colours[0+][1-4,6]: -1,-2
    Item Colours[1+][5]: 12,-1
    Item Colours[Gold_Items][2,3,4,6]: -1,-1

    // 以下显示有用暗金装备 //
    Item Colours[1030][7]: -1,0x63 //血拳
    Item Colours[1031][7]: -1,0x63 //幸运守护 (MF手套);
    Item Colours[1032][7]: -1,0x63 //法师之拳
    Item Colours[1033][7]: -1,0x63 //霜燃
    Item Colours[1149][7]: -1,0x63 //碎钢-食人魔铁手套
    Item Colours[1146][7]: -1,0x63 //卓古拉之握-吸血鬼骸骨手套

    Item Colours[1055][7]: -1,0x68 //海蛇皮甲;
    Item Colours[1060][7]: -1,0x63 //谢夫特斯坦布(09物免甲);
    Item Colours[1062][7]: -1,0x63 //诗寇蒂的愤怒(ire);
    Item Colours[1063][7]: -1,0x63 //守护天使-圣堂武士外袍;
    Item Colours[1068][7]: -1,0x63 //魁黑刚的智慧-法师装甲;
    Item Colours[1127][7]: -1,0x63 //斗士的禍根-线羊毛皮甲;
    Item Colours[1127][7][2]: -1,0x68 //无形斗士的禍根-线羊毛皮甲;
    Item Colours[1132][7]: -1,0x68 //阿凯尼的荣耀-炎魔皮板甲;
    Item Colours[1134][7]: -1,0x63 //海王利维亚桑-海妖壳甲
    Item Colours[1137][7]: -1,0x68 //神圣盔甲(圣堂武士的力量/泰瑞尔的力量)
    Item Colours[1136][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形钢铁铠甲-阴影铠甲
    Item Colours[1124][7]: -1,0x63 //奥马斯长袍
    Item Colours[1061][7][2]: -1,0x63 //都瑞而甲壳
    Item Colours[1066][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形黑色黑帝斯

    Item Colours[1082][7]: -1,0x63 //纱织;
    Item Colours[1083][7]: -1,0x68 //战争之旅;
    Item Colours[1084][7]: -1,0x63 //蚀肉骑士;
    Item Colours[1152][7]: -1,0x63 //骸骨靴
    Item Colours[1154][7]: -1,0x63 //急速靴
    Item Colours[1151][7]: -1,0x63 //沙暴之旅
    Item Colours[1151][7][2]: -1,0x68 //无形沙暴之旅
    Item Colours[1037][7]: -1,0x63 //小妖精脚趾
    Item Colours[1081][7]: -1,0x63 //水上漂

    Item Colours[1086][7]: -1,0x63 //穿刺腰带;
    Item Colours[1089][7]: -1,0x63 //雷神之力 ;
    Item Colours[1156][7]: -1,0x63 //吸血圣王之圈-吸血鬼獠牙腰带;
    Item Colours[1155][7]: -1,0x63 //蛛网腰带(技能腰带)
    Item Colours[1157][7]: -1,0x63 //维而登戈的心结-秘银腰带(110物免腰带)

    //Item Colours[1091][7]: -1,0x63 //警戒之墙
    Item Colours[1142][7]: -1,0x63 //暴风之盾-统治者大盾(物免盾);
    Item Colours[1176][7]: -1,0x63 //饰金盾;
    Item Colours[1201][7]: -1,0x63 //女妖
    Item Colours[1182][7]: -1,0x63 //侏儒

    Item Colours[1045][7][2]: -1,0x63 //电吸头
    Item Colours[1048,1118][7][2]: -1,0x63 //岩石制动器
    Item Colours[1052][7][2]: -1,0x63 //盗贼头
    Item Colours[1090][7]: -1,0x63 //吸血鬼的凝视;
    Item Colours[1090][7][2]: -1,0x63 //吸血鬼的凝视;
    Item Colours[1115][7]: -1,0x63 //三重冠;
    Item Colours[1116][7]: -1,0x20 //权冠;
    Item Colours[1117][7]: -1,0x63 //军帽;
    Item Colours[1121][7]: -1,0x63 //螺旋頭盔
    Item Colours[1122][7]: -1,0x20 //年纪-头冠
    Item Colours[1123][7]: -1,0x63 //恶魔头盖骨面具
    Item Colours[1123][7][2]: -1,0x20 //无形恶魔头盖骨面具
    Item Colours[1167][7]: -1,0x63 //加尔的长发
    Item Colours[1172][7]: -1,0x63 //亚瑞特的面容-杀手防护面甲;

    Item Colours[71][7]: -1,0x63 //鸟弓-0-
    Item Colours[120][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形冰刚之眼
    Item Colours[124][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形擊頭者
    Item Colours[149][7]: -1,-1 //宏森丹
    Item Colours[149][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形宏森丹
    Item Colours[147][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形减速叉
    //Item Colours[62][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形烦恼诗集
    Item Colours[298][7]: -1,0x63 //怪异之球
    Item Colours[106][7]: -1,0x63 //李奥瑞克王
    Item Colours[122][7]: -1,0x63 //阿里巴巴;
    Item Colours[188][7]: -1,0x63 //巴特克的猛击 ;
    Item Colours[226][7]: -1,0x63 //幻化之刃
    Item Colours[233][7]: -1,0x63 //冠军之剑;
    Item Colours[235][7]: -1,0x63 //祖父之剑;
    Item Colours[272][7]: -1,0x63 //风之力-九头蛇弓(WF);
    Item Colours[271][7]: -1,0x63 //弑夫刃
    Item Colours[291][7]: -1,0x63 //眼球-涡流水晶;
    Item Colours[296][7]: -1,0x63 //泰坦;
    Item Colours[296][7][2]: -1,0x20 //无形泰坦;
    Item Colours[301][7]: -1,0x68 //次元碎片
    Item Colours[201][7]: -1,0x63 //狂战士斧
    Item Colours[257][7]: -1,0x63 //神秘之斧--盗墓者
    Item Colours[257][7][2]: -1,0x68 //无形神秘之斧---盗墓者
    Item Colours[256][7]: -1,0x63 //丧钟-锐利之斧
    Item Colours[256][7][2]: -1,0x20 //无形丧钟-锐利之斧
    Item Colours[212][7]: -1,0x63 //强威权杖
    Item Colours[264][7]: -1,0x63 //执政官之杖
    Item Colours[169][7]: -1,0x63 //金擊圓弧;哥德弓
    Item Colours[243][7][2]: -1,0x63 //ETH的翼斧
    Item Colours[210][7]: -1,0x20 //破隐-死亡之网
    Item Colours[214][7]: -1,0x63 //神使之杖
    Item Colours[218][7]: -1,0x63 //暴风之结
    Item Colours[254][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形破骨-食人魔之斧
    Item Colours[249][7][2]: -1,0x63 //无形爱里欧克之针
    Item Colours[2013,2015][7]: -1,0x68 //暗金项链,戒指

    //Item Colours[236][7]: -1,0x63 //骸骨小刀;
    //Item Colours[209][7]: -1,0x63 //巫妖法杖
    //Item Colours[1202][7]: -1,0x63 //血王之骨
    //Item Colours[1194][7]: -1,0x63 //神圣轻圆盾
    //Item Colours[107][7]: -1,0x63 //黑手之钥(男巫法杖);
    //Item Colours[172][7]: -1,0x63 //大炮;
    //Item Colours[242][7]: -1,0x63 //翼刀
    //Item Colours[253][7]: -1,0x63 //战枪
    //Item Colours[247][7]: -1,0x63 //鬼魂尖枪

    // 以下显示有用绿色套装装备 //

    Item Colours[1116][5]: 12,0x84 //马维娜的真实之眼 (亚马逊套装头环)
    Item Colours[303][5]: 12,0x84 //马维娜的施展 (亚马逊套装弓)

    Item Colours[1122][5]: 12,0x84 //格瑞斯华尔德的勇气 (游侠套装头盔)
    Item Colours[1197][5]: 12,0x84 //格瑞斯华尔德的荣耀 (游侠套装盾牌)
    Item Colours[214][5]: 12,0x84 //格瑞斯华尔德的救赎(游侠套装权杖)

    Item Colours[1135][5]: -1,0x84 //塔.拉夏的守护 (女巫套装漆甲)
    Item Colours[291][5]: 12,0x84 //塔.拉夏杖
    Item Colours[1087][5]: 12,0x84 //塔.拉夏腰带
    Item Colours[1053][5]: 12,-1 //塔.拉夏头盔
    Item Colours[2013][5]: 12,0x84 // Set 项链,也许是tal ammy

    Item Colours[1136][5]: 12,-1 //艾尔多的欺瞒 (德鲁依套装阴影甲)
    Item Colours[1083][5]: 12,0x84 //艾尔多的成长(鞋)

    Item Colours[1137][5]: 12,0x84 //不朽之王的灵魂牢笼 (野蛮人套装甲)
    Item Colours[229][5]: 12,0x84 //布尔凯索的部族守护 (神秘小剑)
    Item Colours[235][5]: 12,0x84 //布尔凯索的神圣代价 (巨神之刃)

    Item Colours[1158][5]: 12,0x84 //塔格奥之束带 (男巫套装腰带)
    Item Colours[1160][5]: 12,0x84 //塔格奥之外装 (男巫套装头盔)
    Item Colours[1077][5]: 12,0x84 //男巫套装手套
    Item Colours[1181][5]: 12,0x84 //男巫套装盾牌

    Item Colours[196][5]: 12,0x84 //娜塔亚的记号 (刺客套装爪)

    Item Colours[1132][5]: 12,-1 //沙撒璧的鬼魂释放者-炎魔皮板甲
    Item Colours[1050][5]: 12,-1 //沙撒璧的精神之鞘-轻钢盔

    Item Colours[1133][5]: 12,0x84 //娜吉的轻铠甲
    Item Colours[262][5]: 12,0x84 //娜吉的解密棒(tp杖)

    Item Colours[1051][5]: 12,0x84 //吉永之脸(cb头)

    Item Colours[1039][5]: 12,-1 //死神之守卫
    Item Colours[1029][5]: 12,-1 //死神之手

    Item Colours[1034][5]: 12,-1 //泰克雷的平头钉

    Item Colours[1011][5]: 12,0x84 //牛魔王之皮
    Item Colours[1035][5]: 12,0x84 //牛魔王之蹄
    Item Colours[1047][5]: 12,0x84 //牛魔王之角

    //Item Colours[1019][5]: -1,-1 //西刚甲
    //Item Colours[1043][5]: -1,-1 //西刚腰带
    //Item Colours[1033][5]: -1,-1 //西刚手套
    //Item Colours[1027][5]: -1,-1 //西刚盾
    //Item Colours[1038][5]: -1,-1 //西刚鞋
    //Item Colours[1005][5]: -1,-1 //西刚头盔

    Item Colours[2136]: -1,0x97 //珠宝
    Item Colours[2136][6]: -1,0x6f //亮金珠宝
    Item Colours[2136][7]: -1,0x68 //暗金珠宝
    item Colours[2096-2098]: 2,0x84 //护身符
    item Colours[2096][7]: -1,0x20 //usc
    Item Colours[2097][7]: -1,0x68 //ulc
    Item Colours[2098][7]: -1,0x63 //ugc
    Rune Colours[7-21]: 1,0x63 //低级符文
    Rune Colours[22+]: 8,0x20 //高级符文

    Item Colours[1034-1038,1080-1084,1150-1154][6]: -1,0x6f //亮金Rare的鞋子:
    Item Colours[1029-1033,1075-1079,1145-1149][6]: -1,0x6f //亮金Rare的手套:
    Item Colours[176-196][6]: -1,0x6f //亮金Rare的爪子:
    Item Colours[1113-1116][6]: -1,0x6f //亮金头环、头冠、三重冠、权冠
    Item Colours[104-107,207-210][6]: -1,-1 //亮金男巫手杖
    Item Colours[277-281,287-291,297-301][6]: -1,0x6f //亮金女巫ORB
    Item Colours[1108-1112,1178-1182,1198-1202][6]: -1,0x6f //亮金nec盾
    Item Colours[2013,2015][6]: -1,0x6f //亮金项链,戒指

    Item Colours[1029-1033,1075-1079,1145-1149][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色Cube手套材料
    Item Colours[1087,1157][4]: -1,-1 //蓝色Cube腰带材料
    Item Colours[1083,1153][4]: -1,-1 //蓝色cube靴子材料
    Item Colours[1142][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色的统治者大盾;
    Item Colours[1113-1116][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色的头环;
    Item Colours[2013,2015][4]: -1,-1 //蓝色项链,戒指;
    Item Colours[1124-1127,1131,1138][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色的精华轻甲;
    Item Colours[1163-1167,1183-1187][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色dru头盔;
    Item Colours[1098-1102,1168-1172,1188-1192][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色bar头盔;
    Item Colours[183-189,190-196][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色asn爪;
    Item Colours[104-107,207-210][4]: -1,-1 //蓝色nec杖;
    Item Colours[277-281,287-291,297-301][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色sor杖;
    Item Colours[1108-1112,1178-1182,1198-1202][4]: -1,0x97 //蓝色nec盾

    Item Colours[301][2,3]: -1,-1 //白色次元
    Item Colours[1116][2,3]: -1,-1 //白色权冠

    // 符文之语材料 //

    //Colossus Blade 巨神之刃
    Item Colours[235][3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: 1,0x9b

    //Colossus Sword 巨神之剑
    Item Colours[234][3][1,2][5]: 1,0x9b

    //Berserker Axe 狂战士斧
    Item Colours[201][2,3][1,2][1,4,5,6,7]: 1,0x9b

    //鬼魂之矛 战枪
    Item Colours[252,253][3][2][1,7]: 1,0x9b

    // 巨神之斧 锐利之斧 神秘之斧 巨长斧 鲛尾巨斧
    Item Colours[255,256,257,258,259][2,3][2][1,5,6,7]: 1,0x9b

    //Crystal Sword 水晶剑
    Item Colours[30][2,3][1,2][4,7]: 1,-1
    Item Colours[30][2,3][1,2][6]: 1,0x9b

    //Phase Blade 幻化之刃
    Item Colours[226][3][1][1,4,5,6,7]: 1,0x9b

    //Flail 链枷
    Item Colours[22][2,3][1,2][5]: 1,-1

    //巨战 神属 神使之杖
    Item Colours[18,111,214][2,3][1,2][1,4,6]: 1,0x9b

    //巨弓 阴影弓 女族长之弓 大院长之弓
    Item Colours[267][3][1][5]: 1,0x9b
    Item Colours[268][3][1][1,5]: 1,0x9b
    Item Colours[302,303][3][1][5]: 1,0x9b

    //Crusader Bow 十字軍之弓,Hydra Bow 九头蛇弓
    Item Colours[270,272][3][1][1,7]: 1,-1

    //Suwayyah 近身刃,Scissors Suwayh 近身剪
    Item Colours[190,196][2,3][1,2][1,4]: 1,0x9b

    //Pal Shield 圣骑士盾
    Item Colours[1193-1197][2,3][1][1,4,5]: 1,0x9b
    Item Colours[1193-1197][2,3][2][1,5]: 1,0x9b

    //Monarch 统治者大盾 Troll Nest 巨魔巢穴古盾
    Item Colours[1142][2,3][1,2][1,5]: 1,0x9b
    Item Colours[1161][2,3][1,2][1,4]: 1,0x9b

    Item Colours[1068,1124,1125,1127,1131,1137,1138][3][1][1,4,5]: 1,0x9b
    Item Colours[1124-1138][2][2][1,4,5]: 1,0x9b

    //Nec Wands 男巫手杖
    Item Colours[13,14,105-107,207-210][2,3][1,2][1,3]: 1,0x9b

    Item Colours[1108-1112,1178-1182,1198-1202][2,3][1][1,3]: 1,0x9b

    // 选择显示不常用的东西 //

    //Item Colours[2019]: 0,-1 // 箭矢
    //Item Colours[2021]: 0,-1 // 十字弓弹

    Item Colours[2084]: 0,-1 // 大血瓶
    Item Colours[2089]: 0,-1 // 大蓝瓶
    item Colours[2011,2012]: 0,-1 // 回城书,辨识书
    item Colours[2022,2023]: 0,-1 // 回城卷轴,辨识卷轴
    item Colours[2009]: 11,-1 // 紫瓶,紫色

    item Colours[LGem]: -1,-1 // 低级宝石
    item Colours[HGem]: 1,0x62 // 高级宝石

    Item Colours[2140-2145]: 4,0x63 // 6boss key
    Item Colours[2146-2150]: 4,0x63 // 勋章和精华
    Item Colours[89]: 4,0x62 // 维特之脚
    Item Colours[Shaft of the Horadric Staff]: 4,0x1f // 赫拉迪克杖;
    Item Colours[Horadric Staff]: 4,0x1f // 未合成的仗
    Item Colours[Elixir]: 4,0x1f // 也忘了……
    Item Colours[Hell Forge Hammer]: 4,0x1f // 地狱溶炉铁锤
    Item Colours[The Gidbinn]: 4,0x1f // 吉得宾匕首
    Item Colours[Horadric Malus]: 4,0x1f // Imbue任务锤子,铁匠mm丢的
    Item Colours[2014,2017,2018,2024-2035,2037-2048,2137-2139,Khalim's Flail,Khalim's Will]: 4,-1 //特殊过关物品和任务物品

    P.D: Make a backup anyway.. Bind for hidden items = +(numberpad), Exit = 5 (no number pad) Show Gears on chars = 0 (no number pad) if you need know more binds just ask me or join on maphack.cfg (can edit binds too). Let me know! Enjoy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2017
    MGTOW1 and YesOrNo like this.
  10. YesOrNo

    YesOrNo Active Member

    May 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    thank you, i havent had the time lately to join game anymore but as soon as i can ill give you a feed back on it.

    p.s : i know how to set up bindkeys :).
    NoCopyRight likes this.
  11. WOND3RL4ND

    WOND3RL4ND Member

    Oct 6, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Thankyou for info.. :)
  12. iD212

    iD212 Member

    Nov 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Any tips on how to make the mh show ally/enemy players? i can only see ally merc as a green cross.
  13. Aradash

    Aradash Member

    Dec 17, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Esc -> options -> automap options -> show team :D:D:D
    U probably messed ur MH config so here's the defaults:
    Party Player Text Colour: 2
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb
    Gix likes this.
  14. devilsreject

    devilsreject Forum Legend

    Jul 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    Hey everyone - here's a slightly different cfg file I've written (clean, simple, easy to use)

    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT
    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1
    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE
    Quick Exit Game Key:
    Quick Back To Town Key: VK_5
    Quick Next Game Key: VK_E
    View Equipment Key: VK_0
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 1, VK_g
    Auto Reveal Act: 1

    //new features
    Auto Next Game Name: 1
    Auto Next Game Password: 1
    //First Player Stat Key: VK_6
    Previous Player Stat Key: VK_7
    Next Player Stat Key: VK_8
    Minimap Toggle: 1, 1
    Server Ip Toggle: 1, -1
    Minimap Cell Colour: 12
    Minimap Size: 6

    Show CFGCheck Info : 1
    Enable Language Check : 0 //Tu nic nie zmieniac
    GameFilterSupport: 0 //0 - wylaczony 1- wlaczony filter do gry widac go przy dolanczaniu do gry
    Localization Support: 0
    CFG Version Eng : "By Devilsreject"
    CFG Version Chi : "By Devilsreject"

    Reload Config Key: VK_NUMPAD9 // przeladuj ustawienia NumPad 9
    View Player Stats Key: VK_OEM_2

    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, -1
    Socket Protect Toggle: 0, VK_INSERT
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_9
    Item Basic Stats Toggle: 0, -1
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0 , -1
    Item Value Toggle: 1, -1
    Item Levels Toggle: 1, VK_8
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1, -1
    Show Ground Item Variable Desc Toggle: 1, VK_G

    //BugKD Toggle: 0, -1 , 2
    //BugKM Toggle: 0, -1 , 2
    //BugKB Toggle: 0, -1 , 2

    //Item QLevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6
    //Item MLevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6
    //Item ALevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6
    //Item After Cube Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6

    Hidden Items Toggle: 0, VK_ADD
    Default Item Show Mode: 1, -1
    Show Identified Item : 0, -1
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_OEM_4

    Default Game Name: "xz1" //Nazwa gry, proponuje zostawic puste bo bardzo to miesza przy wchodzeniu do jakis runow
    Default Game Password: "" // tu haslo doniej
    ULC Mask Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Alert Times: 3
    Townportal Nums Alert : 3
    Skip Quest Message: 8

    Item ExtInfo Toggle : 0 , -1
    Item ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg"
    Default ExtInfo Colour : 8

    State Monitor Toggle: 1 , -1

    State Monitor[2] : 1 , "Poison" , "O?¶?"
    State Monitor[11] : 1 , "ColdSlow" , "±u?pEU"
    State Monitor[61] : 1 , "LowerRes" , "?µµIµO??"
    State Monitor[62] : 1 , "OpenWound" , "?oN?"
    State Monitor[60] : 1 , "Decrepify" , "E?AI"
    State Monitor[1] : 1 , "Freeze" , "?o?Y"
    State Monitor[8] : 3 , "Salvation" , "?EOu"
    State Monitor[159] : 3 , "Fade" , "AUA?Iu?a"
    State Monitor[149] : 3 , " OakSage" , "Oak?ON?"
    State Monitor[16] : 3 , "QH" , "??»?"
    State Monitor[10] : 3 , "FrozenArmor" , "±u•aNb??"
    State Monitor[20] : 3 , "ChillingArmor" , "?®±uNb??"
    State Monitor[88] : 3 , "ShiverArmor" , "Ee±u??"
    State Monitor[32] : 3 , " BattleOrders" , "BON?"
    State Monitor[51] : 3 , " BattleCommand" , "BO??AU"
    State Monitor[26] : 3 , " Shout" , "BO•A"
    State Monitor[134] : 3 , "ShrineSkill" , "??AU?a"
    State Monitor[137] : 3 , "ShrineExp" , "??o??a"
    State Monitor[101] : 3 , "HolyShield" , "A}¶U"

    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2 //0 i 1 czy ma pokazywac exp dodatkowy nad dolnym panelem
    //ppShow Ping Toggle: 1, -1 // Czy ma pokazywac Ping na orbie many
    //Out Town Select Toggle: 1, -1

    //Kill Count Toggle: 0, -1, 3 // czy ma pokazywac ilosc zabitych mobow
    //GetHit Count Toggle: 0, -1, 2 // czy ma pokazywac ilosc otrzymanych ciosow

    Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1 //Czy ma pokazywac caly Extra Defense
    //Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1 //czy ma pokazywac pozycje party
    Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1 // czy ma pokazywac lvl w party na miniaturkach

    //ustawienia mapy
    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1

    //Scroll Mode: 2
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_J
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_H
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_Y
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_U
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N

    //Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    //Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    //Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    //Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    //Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10

    // tutaj nie zmieniac
    Player Blob File: "blobplayer"
    Monster Blob File: "blobmonster"
    Object Blob File: "blobchest"
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot"
    Item Blob File: "blobarrow"
    Boss Blob File: "blobBoss"
    Npc Blob File: "blobNpc"
    My Blob File: "blobMe"
    Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse"

    // Tutaj opcje grafiki jasnosc, cienie itp.
    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Weather Toggle: 0, VK_MULTIPLY
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Screen Shake Toggle: 0, VK_MULTIPLY

    //Tu nie zmieniamy nic
    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1
    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1

    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq"
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1

    //Extrawork Dll Action: 0
    //Version Checking Dll Action: 0

    Enter Game Sound : 0
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1

    Message Log Toggle: 2
    Message Log File Size : 1000

    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1 //Wyswietla czas trwania gry
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1 //Wyswietla zegar
    Layer Level No Toggle : 1, -1 //Nie pokazuje poziomu gry
    Server Ip Toggle: 1, -1 //Wyswietlanie IP servera
    Area Level Toggle: 1, -1 //Pokazuje ID miejsca w ktorym sie znajdujesz

    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_Scroll

    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1

    Life Bar Transparency: 2
    Life Bar Colour: 0x08

    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1

    Dangerous Monster Action: back to town
    Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD8
    Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr
    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1
    Level Name Colour: Green
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2 Avenu"
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Kurast Sewers Level 1][Kurast Sewers Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[118][Icy Cellar]: 1 ,0x62
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1

    //ustawnia mobow
    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 1
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Level Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Boss Name Toggle: 1 , -1

    //Automap Party Default: 1
    //Automap Names Default: 1

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 1, -1
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 0, -1
    //Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1

    Party Player Text Colour: 2
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x62
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb

    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x5b
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x5b
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0xcb
    Super Unique Colour : 0x84

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b

    //Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    //Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    //Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    //Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    //Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra3 ?dAuN??I3I?L??O?d?OO?1,2,3

    Monster Desc Colour: Green
    Enchantment Descs: 0
    Extra Strong Desc: "s"
    Extra Fast Desc: "f"
    Cursed Desc: "c"
    Magic Resistant Desc: "%MR"
    Fire Enchanted Desc: "%1F"
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: "%9L"
    Cold Enchanted Desc: "%3C"
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: "m"
    Teleportation Desc: "T"
    Spectral Hit Desc: "H"
    Stone Skin Desc: "%%4p"
    Multiple Shots Desc: ""
    Ghostly Desc: 0
    Fanatic Desc: 0
    Possessed Desc: 0
    Berserker Desc: 0
    Champion Desc: 0

    // Auras Enhanted:
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: "%4POSTITUTKA"
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: "%1A"
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: "%0A"
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: "%3A"
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: "%9A"
    Conviction Aura Desc: "%1PEDAL"
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: "%5KURVA"

    // Immunities:
    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: "%4i"
    Magic Immunity Desc: "%8i"
    Fire Immunity Desc: "%1i"
    Lightning Immunity Desc: "%9i"
    Cold Immunity Desc: "%3i"
    Poison Immunity Desc: "%2i"

    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x08

    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0x11
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x11
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x11
    Other Missile Colour: 0x11

    Missile Colours[All Arrows]: 0x97
    Missile Colours[Firewall, FireSmall, FireMedium]: 0x97
    Missile Colours[FrozenOrbBolt, FrozenOrbNova]: 0x97
    Missile Colours[Fireball, Iceblast]: 0x97
    Missile Colours[Firebolt, Icebolt]: 0x97
    Missile Colours[GlacialSpike, Hydra]: 0x97
    Missile Colours[Lightning fury, Lightning fury bolt]: 0x97

    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1
    Socket Numbers Toggle: 1, -1
    Unit Numbers Toggle: 0, -1
    Item Indexs Toggle: 0, -1
    Item FileIndexs Toggle: 0, -1
    Item Life Per Level Toggle: 1,-1
    Item Value Toggle: 1,VK_6 //Show item value
    Quest Item Colour: 3
    Ground Item Desc Toggle: 1, VK_G
    Auto Party Toggle: 1, VK_7

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "® "
    Ethereal Item Postfix: ""

    /////// SETOVE

    // TAL RASHA
    Item Colours[Amulet] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Death Mask] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Swirling Crystal] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Mesh Belt] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Lacquered Plate] [Set]: Green, 0x84

    /// TRANG-OUL
    Item Colours[Heavy Bracers] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Cantor Trophy] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Chaos Armor] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Troll Belt] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Bone Visage] [Set]: Green, 0x84

    /// ALDUR
    Item Colours[Battle Boots] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Shadow Plate] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Jagged Star] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Hunter's Guise] [Set]: Green, 0x84

    /// GRIS
    Item Colours[Vortex Shield] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Ornate Plate] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Caduceus] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Corona] [Set]: Green, 0x84

    /// IK
    Item Colours[Avenger Guard] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Ogre Maul] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[War Boots] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[War Belt] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[War Gauntlets] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Sacred Armor] [Set]: Green, 0x84

    /// MAVINA
    Item Colours[Diadem] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Grand Matron Bow] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Kraken Shell] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Battle Gauntlets] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Sharkskin Belt] [Set]: Green, 0x84

    /// NATALIYA
    Item Colours[Grim Helm] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Scissors Suwayyah] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Loricated Mail] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Mesh Boots] [Set]: Green, 0x84

    /// GOLD
    Good Gold Number : 1000
    Poor Gold Colour : -1, -2
    Good Gold Colour : 0,-1

    Item Colours[Quest Items] : -1, -2

    Item Colours[1-3][2]: -1, -2

    /// RUNI
    Rune Colours[1-11] : Grey, 0
    Rune Colours[12-21] : Green 2, 0
    Rune Colours[22+] : purple, 0x9b

    Item Colours[Yellow Key] : Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Green Key] : Green, 0x62
    Item Colours[Gold Key] : Gold, 0x60
    Item Colours[All][Magic] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[All][Rare] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[all][Unique] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[All][Set] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[2085,2086] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[1-306] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[1001-1202] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[2001-2102] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[2137-2145] : -1, -2
    Item Colours[2037-2048] : Gold, 0x60 /Quest Items
    Item Colours[2009] : white, 0xdd
    Item Colours[Small Charm] [Magic] : Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Large Charm] [Magic] : Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Grand Charm] [Magic] : Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Jewel] [Magic] : Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Small Charm] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Large Charm] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Grand Charm] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[88-93] : Blue, 0x97 /Quest Items
    Item Colours[2014] : Blue, 0x97 /Quest Items
    Item Colours[2017] : Blue, 0x97 /Quest Items
    Item Colours[2137-2142] : Gold, 0x60
    Item Colours[2143-2145] : white, 0xdd

    /////// PERFECTI
    Item Colours[Perfect Amethyst] : purple, 0x4b
    Item Colours[Perfect Sapphire] : blue, 0x91
    Item Colours[Perfect Emerald] : green, 0x80
    Item Colours[Perfect Ruby] : red, 0x0a
    Item Colours[Perfect Skull] : white, 0xdd
    Item Colours[Perfect Diamond] : grey, 0x20
    Item Colours[Perfect Topaz] : yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Flawless Diamond] : grey, 0x20
    Item Colours[Flawless Topaz] : yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Flawless Amethyst] : purple, 0x4b
    Item Colours[Flawless Sapphire] : blue, 0x91
    Item Colours[Flawless Emerald] : green, 0x80
    Item Colours[Flawless Ruby] : red, 0x0a
    Item Colours[Flawless Skull] : white, 0xdd
    Item Colours[Amethyst] : purple, 0x4b
    Item Colours[Flawed Amethyst] : purple, 0x4b
    Item Colours[Chipped Amethyst] : purple, 0x4b
    Item Colours[Sapphire] : blue, 0x91
    Item Colours[Flawed Sapphire] : blue, 0x91
    Item Colours[Chipped Sapphire] : blue, 0x91
    Item Colours[Chipped Emerald] : green, 0x80
    Item Colours[Emerald] : green, 0x80
    Item Colours[Flawed Emerald] : green, 0x80
    Item Colours[Ruby] : red, 0x0a
    Item Colours[Flawed Ruby] : red, 0x0a
    Item Colours[Chipped Ruby] : red, 0x0a
    Item Colours[Skull] : white, 0xdd
    Item Colours[Flawed Skull] : white, 0xdd
    Item Colours[Chipped Skull] : white, 0xdd
    Item Colours[Diamond] : grey, 0x20
    Item Colours[Flawed Diamond] : grey, 0x20
    Item Colours[Chipped Diamond] : grey, 0x20
    Item Colours[Topaz] : yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Flawed Topaz] : yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Chipped Topaz] : yellow, 0x0c

    /////// OSNOVI

    Item Colours[1124-1127] [3][1,2][1,4,5]: red, 0x62 /Dusck,Wurmhide,Scarab,Wire(ARMORI)
    Item Colours[1136-1138] [2,3][1,2][1,4,5]: red, 0x62 /Archon,Shadow,Sacred(ARMORI)
    Item Colours[1068] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62 /Mage Plate
    Item Colours[Light Plate] [3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62 /lp Plate
    Item Colours[1142] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62 /Monarch
    Item Colours[Great Hauberk] [3][1,2][1,4,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Gothic Plate] [3][1,2][1,4,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Grand Matron Bow] [3][1][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Matriarchal Bow] [3][1][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Flail] [2,3][1,2][1,5,6]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Crystal Sword] [2,3][1,2][4,6]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Berserker Axe] [2,3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Naga] [2,3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[War Axe] [2,3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Phase Blade] [2,3][1,2][4,6]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Cryptic Axe] [2,3][2][1,5,6]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Colossus Voulge] [2,3][2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Thresher] [2,3][2][1,5,6]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Runic Talons] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Greater Talons] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Feral Claws] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Suwayyah] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Greater Claws] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Blade Talons] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Scissors Katar] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Suwayyah] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Claws] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Scissors Suwayyah] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Wrist Sword] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Scissors Quhab] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Wrist Blade] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Quhab] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Jawbone Visor] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Horned Helm] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Avenger Guard] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Savage Helmet] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Slayer Guard] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Assault Helmet] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[War Scepter] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Zakarum Shield] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Vortex Shield] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Kurast Shield] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Sacred Targe] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Sacred Rondache] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Gilded Shield] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Eagle Orb] [2,3][1,2][1,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Sacred Globe] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Smoked Sphere] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Crystalline Globe] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Cloudy Sphere] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Sparkling Ball] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Swirling Crystal] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Eldritch Orb] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Jared's Stone] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Demon Heart] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Vortex Orb] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Dimensional Shard] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Clasped Orb] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Glowing Orb] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Heavenly Stone] [2,3][1,2][1,3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Diadem] [2,3][1][3,4]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Circlet] [2,3][1][3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Tiara] [2,3][1][3]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Colossus Blade] [2,3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Colossus Sword] [2,3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[1164-1192] [2,3][1,2][1,3,4,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[1198-1202] [2,3][1,2][1,3,4,5]: red, 0x62
    Item Colours[Crown] [2,3][1,2][1,4]: red, 0x62

    /////// SINI ITEMS
    Item Colours[Amulet] [Magic]: Blue, 0x97
    Item Colours[Coronet] [Magic]: Blue, 0x97
    Item Colours[Circlet] [Magic]: Blue, 0x97
    Item Colours[Diadem] [Magic]: Blue, 0x97
    Item Colours[Tiara] [Magic]: Blue, 0x97
    Item Colours[Sacred Armor] [Magic]: Blue, 0x97
    Item Colours[Dimensional Shard] [Magic]: Blue, 0x97
    Item Colours[Vortex Shield] [Magic]: Blue, 0x97

    /////// JULTI ITEMS
    Item Colours[Amulet] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Ring] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Coronet] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Jewel] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Circlet] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Diadem] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Tiara] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Avenger Guard] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Savage Helmet] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Slayer Guard] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Assault Helmet] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Bramble Mitts] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Vampirebone Gloves] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Vambraces] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Heavy Bracers] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Sharkskin Gloves] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Demonhide Gloves] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Heavy Gloves] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Gauntlets] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Leather Gloves] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Light Gauntlets] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Chain Gloves] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Runic Talons] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Greater Talons] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Feral Claws] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Suwayyah] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Greater Claws] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Blade Talons] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Wrist Sword] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Scissors Katar] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Suwayyah] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Scissors Suwayyah] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Scissors Quhab] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Katar] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Claws] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Quhab] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c
    Item Colours[Wrist Blade] [Rare]: Yellow, 0x0c

    /////// ZELENI ITEMS
    Item Colours[Amulet] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Vortex Shield] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Winged Helm] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Amulet] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Death Mask] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Swirling Crystal] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Mesh Belt] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Lacquered Plate] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Heavy Bracers] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Cantor Trophy] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Chaos Armor] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Troll Belt] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Bone Visage] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Battle Boots] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Shadow Plate] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Jagged Star] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Hunter's Guise] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Vortex Shield] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Ornate Plate] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Caduceus] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Corona] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Grim Helm] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Scissors Suwayyah] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Loricated Mail] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Mesh Boots] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Mirrored Boots] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Crusader Gauntlets] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Kraken Shell] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Long Sword] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Chain Gloves] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Ring] [Set]: Green, 0x84
    Item Colours[Heavy Boots] [Set]: Green, 0x84

    /////// UNIKALNI ITEMS
    Item Colours[Amulet] [Craft]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Ring] [Craft]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Amulet] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Ring] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Jewel] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Dimensional Shard] [Unique]: purple, 0x9b
    Item Colours[Diadem] [Unique]: purple, 0x9b
    Item Colours[Sacred Armor] [Unique]: purple, 0x9b
    Item Colours[Corona] [Unique]: purple, 0x9b
    Item Colours[Shako] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Sharkskin Boots] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Gilded Shield] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Spiderweb Sash] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[War Boots] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[War Belt] [Unique]:Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Wyrmhide Boots] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Ogre Gauntlets] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Light Gauntlets] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Gauntlets] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Archon Plate] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Scarabshell Boots] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Elder Staff] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Eldritch Orb] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Swirling Crystal] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Mesh Armor] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Monarch] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Hydra Bow] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Thresher] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Tiara] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Ceremonial Javelin] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Mithril Coil] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Bone Visage] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Wyrmhide] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Coronet] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Bramble Mitts] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Vampirefang Belt] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Grim Helm] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Boneweave Boots] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Slayer Guard] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Unearthed Wand] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Spired Helm] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Templar Coat] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Battle Boots] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Vampirebone Gloves] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Dusk Shroud] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Serpentskin Armor] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Demonhead 2] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Hierophant Trophy] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Troll Belt] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Colossus Girdle] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Runic Talons] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Legend Sword] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Winged Axe] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Colossus Blade] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[Myrmidon Greaves] [Unique]: Orange, 0x60
    Item Colours[2019] : white, 0
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2017
    Faltenrudel likes this.
  15. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I have removed all download links and included the latest maphack configurations in spoilers. Those who want to share their maphack configurations please feel free to follow other people's example and use SPOILER or CODE tags instead of download links as they are not reliable.
    devilsreject and Nopik like this.
  16. int24rain

    int24rain Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Hey guys!

    I have strange problem occured during configurating the maphack.
    On the row with the Quick Next Game Key i tried everything but it doesnt automatically setup a quick next game ;/

    Here how it looks like:

    I tried to change the VK keys to something different (not the same like its on this page "E") and nothing happens.

    How to fix it?
  17. devilsreject

    devilsreject Forum Legend

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Hi there!
    Try to switch it from VK_E to BACKSPACE for example with out the "VK_" code in front of the key you want to use.
    neofury likes this.
  18. int24rain

    int24rain Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Still doesn't working.

    Attached Files:

  19. devilsreject

    devilsreject Forum Legend

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Change both lines to the same thing and try.
  20. int24rain

    int24rain Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Nop, doesn't working at all.
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