
Guide Druid (Elemental)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Gi-Joe, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. Gi-Joe

    Gi-Joe Supporter

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Wind drood is a nice one in pvp-pvm.. good for both.
    i write it to here what u need for crate :p
    read this and make your wind dru :)

    Breakpoints – very crucial part of every build out there, learn these or be forever stuck in a black hole of nOObness.

    FHR Frames (With a swinging weapon)
    0% 14
    3% 13
    7% 12
    13% 11
    19% 10
    29% 9
    42% 8
    63% 7

    FHR Frames

    0% 13
    5% 12
    10% 11
    16% 10
    26% 9
    39% 8
    56% 7
    86% 6
    152% 5

    FCR Frames
    0% 18
    4% 17
    10% 16
    19% 15
    30% 14
    46% 13
    68% 12
    99% 11
    163% 10

    FBR Frames



    Strength - Enough for any gear
    Dexterity - None (if you're vita) and enough for max block
    Vitality - Everything else
    Energy - None

    Skill placement.

    1 Arctic Blast

    20 Cyclone Armor

    20 Tornado

    20 Hurricane

    20 Twister

    20 Oak Sage

    1 Ravens

    1 Spirit Wolves

    1 Grizzly Bear



    2Druid, 2-3 tornado, 1 soc pelt - this is pretty easily obtainable and works great

    Crown of Ages (CoA) - Great source of DR, FHR and sockets. (Preferably soc’d with Ber/Ber or Ber/-15%req,15%res jewel.)


    Enigma – Preferably in a light weight armour such as light plate, Breast Plate, Mage plate. No real other options than this due to a major strength boost along with teleport.


    Spirit shield – Great source of FCR and FHR with small amounts of res. (Also have a lower FCR one on switch for BO)

    [Max Block]
    Stormshield – Great block % and DR.

    Hoto – If you’re not going 163 this is the best overall weapon.

    Switch weapon – Call to arms, For bo.


    2 Druid, 18+ FCR, Life/str/res – Best option for 163 FCR but also expensive/rare

    2 Druid, 18+ random modded ammy – Although not as sexy as the above amulet it gets the job done.

    Mara’s – If you’re going 99 FCR this is the ammy you’ll want.

    2 Druid, 10 FCR, High dex – Nice for a 99 max block setup.

    Arach’s – 1 skill and 20 FCR are the main point of this belt.

    Verdungo’s – Gives a decent amount of FHR and DR along with a nice vita boost.


    10 FCR, strength, dexterity and + life and res are bonuses.

    Bul-Katho’s – If you are aiming for 99 fcr I’d suggest these.

    (*Stash Rings*)

    Wisp Projector – Sorb, no more to it.

    Dwarf Star – As well sorb.

    Raven Frost – Good for max block setup, also carries sorb that is next to useless.
    7: Gear setups
    This section will take a run down of the gear setups that should be worn. I’ll be covering 99 FCR vita, 99 FCR Max block, 99/174 Vita, 163 FCR vita.

    163 FCR/99 FHR vita: Useful for a vs. all situation.
    Jalal’s/5 nado pelt/Coa/Kira’s (All depending on situation)
    2 skill, 18+ fcr amulet
    2x FCR rings
    35 FCR spirit shield
    Suicide Branch/Wizpike
    Trang oul’s

    99 FCR/99 FHR vita: Useful for a vs. all situation.
    Jalal’s/5 nado pelt/Coa/Kira’s (Again go according to who you are facing)
    2x Bul-katho’s
    33+ FCR spirit shield
    Blood fists

    99 FCR/174 FHR: Useful for DvD or DvN (Druid vs. Druid and Druid vs. Nec)
    Coa/5 nado pelt (Either 2 soc or 1 soc with base fhr)
    Mara’s/ +2 druid + 100 life amulet
    1x Bul-Katho’s
    1x FCR ring
    35 FCR spirit shield
    35 FCR spirit weapon
    Shadow Dancer’s
    Trang Oul’s

    99 FCR/99 FHR Max block: Useful for a vs. all situation.
    Jalal’s/5 nado
    Mara’s/+2 druid +100 life amulet
    2x FCR rings
    Shadow Dancer’s
    Trang oul’s

    Some pvp strategy vs:


    WW – If you’re max block this should be a duel that is in your favor but if vita you still have a good chance. Keep mobile and keep watch for when they’re using leap or tele. Summon stack is crucial in this match up so keep them up at all times.

    Singer – Not really that big of a concern but if you’re lacking FHR and you’re a vita build they could really screw you over. Don’t let these guys on you, keeping your distance and you should be fine.

    Frenzy – Another build that really isn’t a big deal seeing as their main attack focuses on 2 targets only (usually your summons more often then you). Don’t get to comfortable though they can still hit pretty hard.

    Lycan Barb – Unlike their superior druid cousins they can only use feral rage (An attack that only can target one enemy) which is a massive downside to their chances of winning here. But like all builds don’t get cocky and you should be alright.

    Conc barbs and Zerkers – I’m putting these 2 together because they play so similar. (One dealing physical damage and the other magical). Again they can only focus on 1 enemy so your summons come in real handy here. This is another fairly easy duel.


    ES/vita Fireball/Lighting – Before we get into this a quick note on fireball: It can and will cause quite a bit of splash damage so it is a good idea to not use a ton of summons here. As for dueling them it’s pretty straight forward. Keep away from their attacks and take advantage of a good namelock.

    Blizzard – Personally, this is my most hated build to duel against EVER, the massive amounts of minus res can get quite annoying so stacking up on res is your friend here as well as cyclone armour don’t forget to recast it when it breaks. Keep pressure on them make them play defensive give them NO time to aim up a good blizzard.

    Es/Vita Nova sorcs – These can take out all your summons relatively quick so keep an eye out for when they tele close by. Keep a few nados on or near you at all times as their plan is to telebomb on top of you.

    Es/Vita Orb sorc – Not nearly as much as a problem as any other sorc build. Keep your summons up and your cyclone healthy and you should be fine. They don’t deal a ton of damage if you’re only getting hit by a small amount of shards; the orb is a good chunk of damage though. Like with the blizzer don’t give them too many opportunities to take a good shot at you.


    Pure light trapper – This build varies on how the player plays. If they are very defensive don’t even bother with them wait them out until they go on the offensive. Make a mind field of nados for when they’re teleing around you can also provoke them into running into this “field of nados” if need be, simply by teleing very close and/or on them to make them start moving away from you and hopefully into a few nados.

    WW/Trap – Play these exactly like a trapper that takes risks of getting close to you once and awhile. Summons help with both the WW and traps by taking blows. Try to always have nados around you to keep them from them taking a chance to WW.

    WW/Fire trap – These guys focus on stunning you into your FHR frames and keeping you there while they WW away. There’s no offensive way to play against this build without getting stunned to all hell other then that treat them like any other WW sin.

    Kickers – Like zeal and fury they can cut down your summons fast to get at you. But unlike those builds this one can utilize fire traps to also keep you pinned down. So either catch them off guard while laying traps or get them without their traps around.


    Wind – This is a pretty boring duel usually, the basic duel goes out with who’s stupider to run into who’s nados. There’s a tactic I like to use called “walking-in-nado” or either “inside-nados” which is where you will spam a few nados and then run into them therefore making it impossible to tele on you without taking damage themselves.

    Fireclaw Bear – Like Some of the barb builds this one can only target one person so it can be tricky for them to get at you. Cyclone armour is also a huge help here seeing as their main source of damage IS fire. If they have a small amount of maul charged up watch your *** as they can send you into some serious stun.

    Maul Bear – This is exactly like dueling a Fireclaw bear but using physical damage (and usually a slower attack speed.)

    Rabies/Fury – You cannot win this duel sorry ………………On a serious note, this build will go after your summons and attempt to rabies them which will infect you causing some pretty bad damage. Don’t be stupid and give them to many chances to swipe at you with fury OR rabies and keep your distance.

    Pure Fury – Exactly like dueling a hybrid wolf without the fear of a rabies ripping your summons and most of your life to shreds.

    Fire caster – Cyclone is your best friend here, so keep it up at all times. Get on these guys fast and don’t give them time to recast Armageddon or fissure since they can deal a good amount of damage fairly quickly.


    Bow – Pretty easy match if you catch a good telebomb and pin them down with FHR lock. As soon as your summons are gone I’d suggest getting them back up fast seeing as GA can rip you up fairly quickly if you don’t have any block.

    Light java – Lightning fury is going to shred your summons and if you telebomb without any summons charged strike will make quick work of you. Same game plan as vs. the bowa get on them fast and get them into an FHR lock.

    Poison Java – Really not a big concern seeing as with ANY amazons you can really screw them over with FHR lock. All I can say here is avoid poison clouds.


    Bone – Teeth is going to be a problem seeing as it can wipe out all your summons very fast. Necs can also use IBS (Invisible bone spirit) against you. So stay close and don’t let them take advantage of a good teeth chance. Necs have some pretty bad FHR frames so an FHR lock is viable here also.

    Poison Nova – Another skill that will make quick work of any summons and you if you get hit by it. Keep your distance and hope they tele into a stray nado. Also take any chances for a good namelock/Unsummon locks.

    Summoning – Tricky build if you’re the vita build but luckily nados can pass right through summons and make contact with them so use this to your advantage. Keep a good “walk-in-nado” thing going on and you should prevent them from getting jumping on top of you.


    Hammer – Most people think these are pretty unstoppable when it comes to PvP which is VERY untrue seeing as any decent wind druid will demolish an hdin. Summon stack is your best friend, keep them on the run don’t let them get a chance to regroup. Once you’re on top of them spam them with nados and they’ll go down but keep an eye on your summon count, if it’s 1-2 wolves left I’d suggest hopping out of there and recasting.

    Smiters – Another fairly simple build to take down. Never get directly on top of these guys unless you’re a sure win. Take close range teles and hit them with a nado and tele back on out, rinse and repeat.

    FoH – Probably the easiest matchup for a wind druid seeing as summons make this build pretty useless. Tele on them and their a goner.

    Liberator/Vanquisher – Probably the most versatile PvP character in the game so keep your senses high when dueling one of these. They’ll charge you down if you have no summons or block. Watch out for hammerfields, once you hit one of those they’ll probably be on you with either charge or smite to finish the job.

    Auradin – These guys will just keep running so either go for a nice unsummon lock and wait for them to stop moving or tele somewhere ahead of them and make a fairly random wall of nados. If their stacked don’t even bother dueling them.

    Zeal – Summons are very helpful here but they won’t last long if all your doing is telebombing. Use a very similar tactic to that of dueling a smiter and you should be fine.

    so many google changer need for this lol XD :) Have fun!

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
  2. Cave

    Cave Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2016
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    a piece of advice for you. Dont present this guide as your own work. You didnt write it, you just copied it from the internet. Would be nice if people who are copying guides, wont forget to mention the real author. And this is obviously Oilerfans pvp wind druid guide which exists on the internet for more than 7 years.
    North44 and melihsoykan like this.
  3. melihsoykan

    melihsoykan Senior Member

    Jul 17, 2016
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    Yes you have to mention the real author.
  4. Gi-Joe

    Gi-Joe Supporter

    Aug 17, 2016
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    hi there!
    yes i copied this.
    no need to search it only here the forum.
  5. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    What this sentence means?
  6. Gi-Joe

    Gi-Joe Supporter

    Aug 17, 2016
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    this means that you do not have to invest time in the search
    much time I saved for you!
    excuse me, that I tried to help it...
  7. melihsoykan

    melihsoykan Senior Member

    Jul 17, 2016
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    This Is not good.
  8. Escorb4r

    Escorb4r Supporter

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Next time give credit to the one who made this guide , thats all people are saying . you made it look like you made this guide and didnt just copy it .
    AngryShapes likes this.
  9. Gi-Joe

    Gi-Joe Supporter

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Okay esco.
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