
MF Sorc Blizz

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by facuacdc, Jan 17, 2017.

  1. facuacdc

    facuacdc Senior Member

    Jan 12, 2015
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    Hi people, how are you?

    I need help with this build. I want to have a good MF sorc blizz but i don't know so much in the stats points 'cause spells are:

    1 warmth
    1 static field
    1 telequisis
    1 teleport
    20 ice bolt
    20 ice blast
    20 glacial spike
    20 blizzard
    20 cold mastery
    optional: 1 frozen armor; shiver armor and chilling armor.

    Now the stats:
    Strength: enough for gear (Stormshield Monarch or Spirit monarch)
    Dex: How many I need to put in for max block? I need max block in this char?
    Vita: the rest.
    Energy: none.

    The equipment is the best MF possible with or without Tal Rasha set:
    Occy with Ist, Shako with Topaz, Stormshield, Chance guards, Tal Rasha armor with Topaz, 2x Naguel with 30 MF, War Traveler and Goldwarp. Inventory: charms with MF and res.

    ¿Is it good? Thanks a lot.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
  2. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    For dmg just max blizzard with all synergies and cold mastery.
    Try to get tal armor, amu and belt for mf boost.
    And no, you dont need max block.
    facuacdc likes this.
  3. Maintenance

    Maintenance Active Member

    Nov 19, 2016
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    Well even tho u can go without maxblock. It can be helpful versus melee monsters. If u decide to do that use stormshield which can bring u good amount of block + ist rune or Mosser shield which can give block too + 2x Ist runes. Anyway the dex depends on your level. You must put points in dexterity to reach 75% block chance which is the max. Yet anytime u level up your block will downgrade which means u will have to put 1-2 extra points :)
    facuacdc likes this.
  4. facuacdc

    facuacdc Senior Member

    Jan 12, 2015
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    So, ¿how many points in Dex you recommend? If i want to use maxblock, of course.
  5. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Stormshield has nice high block, but when going all vita,
    i would not really recommend going full block, unless you using life skillers/sc's
    to get max block at lvl 94with stormshield, you would need a total dex of around 200 -ish
    facuacdc likes this.
  6. facuacdc

    facuacdc Senior Member

    Jan 12, 2015
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    ¿200 pts in Dex? Oh..
  7. aethyllnor

    aethyllnor Supporter

    Apr 24, 2015
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    Have you considered the runeword splendor? It's good for sorc's and has MF!!! :)
  8. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    I wouldn't go for max block if not playing on hardcore. Stormshield is good for block, has a socket, resist and a massive amount of damage reduction, however it will hurt your faster cast rate and damage a bit, and since you will be MF-ing a lot, it would be a good idea to get the best damage possible with your MF gear. You two best options for a non max block sorc would be Grim Shield or Spirit Monarch.Spirit is better, but has higher STR requirement, if you dont want to put that many points in strength, you can use the Grim Shield, which gives you 1 to all and faster cast rate. Inayat pointed you in the right direction with the skills, I usually max Ice Bolt last, because it's not used a lot, if at all. You need 1 point in all the armors ( highly suggested , Shivering armor works best ). As for the gloves, for me I would choose rare gloves with MF and some resist, stats if possible. There are a lot of people that believe Extra Gold from monsters hurts the drop, I believe that to be true, and the gloves give 200 extra gold, if I'm not mistaken. You would want to get a few cold skillers as well.
    Basically, what I would advise you to do is this:
    Ice Bolt, Ice Blast, Glacial Spike, Blizzard, Cold mastery - 20 points.
    1 point in each armor, use the Shivering armor
    You can put a point into frozen orb, but I don't do that.
    Telekinesis - 1 point
    Teleport - 1 point
    Static Field - 1 point
    Warmth - 1 point, you can put the rest of your points here, if you are having mana issues ( You might be running Insight on hireling, which would be best to replace with Infinity when it's possible )

    Helm - Shako - Topaz , Ist
    Weapon - Oculus - Ist
    Shield - Spirit or Grim Shield - Spirit is better imo.
    Armor - Tal Rasha - Ist, Topaz
    Belt - Tal Rasha
    Amulet - Tal Rasha - If you don't have the Armor or Belt you can use Mara, since you will not be getting the synergies.
    Gloves - I would highly advise you to look for ones with 20+ MF and some resist, fire or lightning. Can be replaced by Chance Guards.
    Boots - I would highly advise you to look for ones with 20+ MF and some resists. Can be replaced safely by War Trevellers , since they do not provide you with extra gold.
    Rings - You can use double Nagel rings, or use one in conjunction with a Bul Kathos ring, if your damage is not quite sufficient.
    Using Spirit ( 33+ ) will provide the 9th FCR Frame 63, which I believe to be sufficient enough for a runner.

    For inventory you need small charms with MF, Cold skillers. You are going to need at least a few. Since naturally Blizzard's damage is high, compared to her other skills, you can go without skillers as well, but they would highly benefit you, since you will be doing faster runs = more runs in a period of time = more items.
    This would make a good blizz sorc farmer, tho I believe that with sufficient gear a Lightning sorc ( Light or a Nover ) would make a better runner.
    As I already pointed out that a max block sorceress for softcore, in my opinion, is a bad decision, putting this many points on dex will get you really low on life, and while you still will have max block and quite some damage reduction ( 10 from Shako, 35 from Stormshield ) you will still be vulnerable in some cases, if you are not using CTA.
    facuacdc likes this.
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