
Have a question

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by notalma, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. notalma

    notalma Senior Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Hello i have a question , how much pgems u think i need to get 30+hp any skiller (on 94+ gc) i know its luck could be instant could be never but average who is doing that a lot maybe he know about how much? Bcs i have about 700 pgems and dont know sell or try to make, and if i buy gc 94+ lvl for about sur what skillers i should reroll what to leave?
  2. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    As you said, everything is based on luck, I would say between 1 and 4k you are likely to get one, the problem is they are not always good.
    Rolling charms with gems is considered gambling. As with all types of gambling - there are no guarantees , all involve taking a risk for a chance of higher reward. Selling the gems however, will yield you profit every time you find a buyer. You must choose what is more important to you. For 640 gems you can get a 100% Ber rune, or you can gamble them and try to get something better. The problems with high level grand charms is that you are basically forced to re-roll some of the skillers, which would otherwise bring you some runes, because you need to roll something that is more expensive than the charm itself. If you roll a LS 20 life, for example, and it is worth Sur, you cannot sell it, because the charm has a higher value.
    Skillers that are pretty much useless with HP mods , I will list them in two categories, both of them are worthless to me, but only one of the categories might be considered worthless to you.

    Amazon - Bow and Crossbow, Passive and Magic
    Barb - Combat , Masteries , Warcries**
    Assassin - Shadow Disciplines** , Martial Arts
    Necromancer - Curses, Summoning**
    Druid - Shapeshift** , Summoning**
    Paladin - Offensive, Defensive

    Skillers that do not have ** behind them are completely worthless to me.
    Skillers that do have ** behind them are usually worth something ( You can get a "decent" rune for them ), but I feel like they slow me down a lot, so I re-roll them.

    Although profit is made by selling them, I consider it a waste of time. The reason is, most of the high level grand charms go for Sur Lo at the the moment, you can find one cheaper or one more expensive. Some of these skillers are worth ber to ber plus , if you sell one for ber that means you have made a profit of Lo. Now, for this Lo rune, you need to find a buyer ( These are not easy to sell either ) and you need to find yourself another grand charm, which takes time. I do not consider this time as being worth it , so I re-roll them until I get something better that is actually worth selling. I think this technique is not used by a lot of people, but part of the "wealthier" group of players, if I may say, would agree with me. Depending on what runes have value to you, you will need to readjust this system, so that it works for you. If you don't have a lot of runes now, a Lo rune might worth a lot to you, but as time passes and you accumulate more runes, you will probably adapt the better one ( my opinion ).

    If you decide to your gems, which I consider to be the better decision if you collect them by yourself, best of luck.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
    notalma likes this.
  3. notalma

    notalma Senior Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    wow thank a lot mate, just have one more question, making in gc 88 lvl maybe worth more?
  4. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Charms with lower level do not have a chance to get the Suffix " of vita" ( 41-45 life ) , which on some skillers increases the price dramatically.
    So, on charms with iLvl 80-88 you can get up to 40 life, the bonus on these charms is that they are very easy to find and you can keep whatever skiller you roll on it, if you feel like it.
  5. Erbhy

    Erbhy Senior Member

    May 29, 2016
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    I usually spend the gems I find in my runs to roll lvl 90 GC's. I probably could have sold the Pgems for much more than I have ever gotten in value from charms, but I do find the rolling charming ;)
    Best GC I rolled was a Lightning SK with 12 fhr. I rolled plenty of other clean skillers or skillers with low hp or useless adds. Have fun :)
  6. notalma

    notalma Senior Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    ok i will buy gc 90+ lvl and try to make it thanks a lot guys ;)
    And does cube lvl or ur own lvl have any difference?
  7. Quinneczech

    Quinneczech Fat! Old! HardCORE! Forum Legend

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Nope, only item lvl of charm matters...
  8. devilsreject

    devilsreject Forum Legend

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I personally prefer rolling in a hell game with my top level character - just a personal choice. I rolled tons of skillers with HP, FHR etc. on charms with iLVL 80. The cube level is completely irrelevant in such cases. And one more thing to add - the beauty of this game is that you never know what you're going to get - no matter how much you try to calculate drops, MFing, rolling or whatsoever Diablo II is always giving you different stuff to deal with. The only craftable thing which is affected by character level is ring or amulet crafting (level 95 character needed for +2 skills and 20 cast rate).
    Good luck and I hope I see you asking for a price check for an expensive skiller soon!
  9. dafranco

    dafranco Forum Legend

    May 21, 2015
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    Its All about luck.
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