
Solved Light sorc or Hdin for mf and key runs ?

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by HeroicDesire, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. HeroicDesire

    HeroicDesire Active Member

    Mar 27, 2017
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    Hey guys so I managed to get the runes to either make a infinity for a light sorc or a enigma for a hdin.
    Noteworthy is that I don't have eschutas or grif for the lightsorc and I wonder what would be better for mf and key runs ?
    Ty in advance
  2. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    It depends on what you want better. If I was the one to pick - go for the Light sorc and upgrade as you go. Light sorceress has the potential to become one of the best farmers in the game, while Hammerdin doesn't. He will be cheaper to build in the beginning, but can in no way outshine the lightning sorceress. For keys , sorceress is better ( Except for Destruction keys ) simply because of the better frames.
    Hammerdin on this patch is only good for Nihlathak runs with AutoTP, not much else. If that is what you are after, and you can make pretty good profits there, you can go with him. It is repetitive and not suitable for any player. If you want to farm more zones - go for the Sorceress. It is going to be a lot more expensive though, you can get an Eschuta 3/20 for Ohm to Lo at the time of writing, but the inventory itself is very expensive. You need 10+ skillers and they go for Lo each. The best things about light sorc's is that it is very popular here and her gear retains its price probably better than anything else. So, if you decide one day that you do not want to play with her, you can get almost 100% of your investment back.
    Buying an Infinity would be a bad decision - buy one and save a couple of runes. There are very few monsters that remain LI after Conviction and they tend to not have a lot of hit points, which means the Infinity does not need to have high ED ( -Light res on it is completely irrelevant ). Invest the runes you save from it in gear, starting with the Griffon. -Light res here is far more important than + to Light damage. Bad ones start at Ber Lo in most cases, the perfect one on a budget would be 20-10.
    Best of luck.
    Vacholindyr likes this.
  3. HeroicDesire

    HeroicDesire Active Member

    Mar 27, 2017
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    Hey thanks that was very informative!
    When you said "Buying an Infinity would be a bad decision - buy one and save a couple of runes." you mean I should buy one instead of making one myself ?
  4. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Writing an Infinity = 2 ber
    Buying a low Infinity = Ber Sur
    Sur = 1/3 to 2/3 Griffon.
  5. HeroicDesire

    HeroicDesire Active Member

    Mar 27, 2017
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    Aaah okay thanks alot !
  6. zguby

    zguby The Second Coming Forum Legend

    Nov 29, 2016
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    They are both very good farmers, if you see the chat, there are quite a lot of paladins too alongside sorcs. Sorceress are more squishy so you have to take care how you play it, especially if you build heavily towards MF, while the paladins are far more resistant @ 75 ctb.
    I find sorceress much faster in 1p games, but it totally depends on the build you choose cause the same can be in 8p games too. You need to find a balance in build between MF gear and stuff you need to do some dmg / get resistance and reach your caps cause you want a fast clear.
    I also recommend to play full vita so you will spend all your skill points in synergies for damage. The only thing is that your MF source will be from items only and not from smc's unlike the paladin, because you will need more skillers, but still you can get a decent amount of mf if you want to farm with.
    Item wise is your choice, like the eschuta, that is not that expensive, but if you want MF, i would say occulus is ur best choice.
    TimmyDeezNuts likes this.
  7. rarti

    rarti Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2016
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    I would suggest using Crescent Moon runeword instead of eschuta would cost you a um rune and will every other upgrade you make will be more and more efficient
    Nopik likes this.
  8. HeroicDesire

    HeroicDesire Active Member

    Mar 27, 2017
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    Yeah I will definitely try that out !
    The only problem is that I'm somewhat low on resis and will even lose more if I switch out my hoto and I'm not sure if I still hit the 117 fcr bp
  9. TimmyDeezNuts

    TimmyDeezNuts Rezident Ninja Forum Legend

    Aug 6, 2016
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    I agree with everything you said, except for this. I have a 650mf blizz sorc with only 2 skillers, and even without those I have no trouble handling the areas I farm with her (AT, LK, trav). Granted the areas she runs are limited because of single ele, I don't personally think skillers are a must for MF. My lite sorc only has one, with very low MF, but she can clear chaos and WSK without problem, just a little patience. My hdin has 200MF with no charms and 2 skillers, and has been the source of my best rune drops.

    On the weapon, I definitely agree use occy, socket with ist, for higher MF. Also I think vigor is an awesome mod and makes occy way more viable then it was. If you're lacking FCR, farm some gold, gamble for some rare rings/ammy. Or save gems and jewels and craft them. This can solve both issues of FCR and rez if you're patient/lucky enough.
  10. HeroicDesire

    HeroicDesire Active Member

    Mar 27, 2017
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    I actually did that yesterday and got a usable one after like 25 tries [​IMG]
    I also found a 3 to lightning ormus which I could use for additional fcr instead of my tal armor if I decide to swap out hoto for crescent but I also have occy so I guess I will just try out what works best for me.
    I'm a bit lost tho like isn't 650 mf overkilling it ? I think I read somewhere that 300-400 is the sweet spot and from there on getting more damage is better because you can clear faster.
    I currently have 23k max dmg 275mf with ist tal armor or 29k max 160mf with ormus. I guess the ormus is way better when going for keys because mf doesn't affect these or runes.
  11. botez94

    botez94 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Hello there ! My personal opinion is to gear up to the point where you feel safe, and by that i mean u can kill every enemy encountered without losing too much hp or to the point u one shot them. Personally MF stat is the last thing to worry about. With 50mf on my sorc i found 3 spired and 1 corona in 150mf nihla runs+some nice runes and countless rings amulets and other stuff. Currently i am using my hammerdin to farm at 250MF and honestly the only differance I see is when I kill horde of powerful monsters in meaning of it drops blue/yellow items more frequently.
    Again, this is just my personal view.
    Good luck and have fun !
  12. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    MF is irrelevant when it comes to bosses ( Diablo, Baal, Nihlathak, especially Nihlathak and Travincal ). At these zones you do not need MF. But if you are farming regular 85 level areas it definitely matters. How do I know? Because I have spend around 40 hours ( raw farming time ) in 85 level zones alone in a game with about 160 MF and I haven't found a single item of the rare ones so far and I don't expect to find one now. Also, you are giving a pretty bad example with your runs, because I have done a lot of runs in Nihlathak to know that 150 runs in most of the time it will be very hard to find such drops + runes. I have discussed farming him with quite some people now and those that farm it on a regular basis already know that when you start you need thousands of runs before something good drops, not hundreds ( When I started I barely got any drops the first 4 000 runs ). I appreciate the fact that you are trying to help ,but when it comes to new players , please, avoid giving out examples where you got extremely lucky ( For the CoA, anyway, it is a good find, 3 Spired helms in most of the cases will have very little value, and it is I would say close to impossible to find 3 in 150 runs ). It would be very silly to think yourself, or give hopes to other players to think that they will profit from as little as 150 runs. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that MF is really underrated in this server, some areas have boosted drops and MF is not really required there, but for places like Mausoleum , Crypt , Pit, Ancient Tunnels , CS , WSK/ToD and other 85 areas not mentioned is a very good thing to have. Because of the higher drops it is absolutely possible to find any item with any amount of magic find, but that does not mean that it is useless. All it does is improve your chances in the end of the day, nobody says it is 100% necessary.
    TimmyDeezNuts and HeroicDesire like this.
  13. HeroicDesire

    HeroicDesire Active Member

    Mar 27, 2017
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    Very informative thanks alot!
    How much is the droprate increased? Is it increased only in some zones or everywhere?
  14. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    The drop is increased everywhere, but on these places MF is not really required. Travincal will drop a lot of unique items regardless of how much MF you have, there it only improves your chance of getting rare items, not uniques and same goes for Nihlathak. For other zones it is different. Most of the people that have tried farming with more MF don't want to go back to none after that. I didn't really share any opinions so far, because I was never really after unique items, but if I needed something I'd farm Nihlathak for it, to me this is the easiest way to find uniques. I have done a lot of runs with a few heroes there, with a lot of MF and with no MF , when it comes to uniques there really isn't any difference, you are going to be finding more rare items however.
    I mentioned my farming hours not to complain or something, but just to show that what is happening is very unlikely under normal circumstances. 40 hours means farming for 10 hours a day, for 4 days ( Thats not how I did it though ) and not find a single of the more rare uniques is very unlikely. It is all luck, so anything is possible, but it is not very likely to happen.
    I have no idea in what way the drops are modified here, but I'm inclining to believe they were increased equally for all zones. What I meant by "some zones are boosted" is that a lot of unique items drop there regardless of what % of magic find you have.
  15. botez94

    botez94 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Well, Klaus, that happened in my case, as I told you, personal opinion. That was the drop in my case and for the record one of the NW was 15/xx/8, one was 14/xx/x and one really low, can t remember, anyway i gaved the last 2 for free. It seems that u experimented a lot more than me who usually don t farm specific areas or something, when I am doing mf, i just take all map step by step and clear it out. There are few times when I run only one target. Good luck !
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