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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fatty180, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    Hi everyone i am 16years old boy so i ask same question many times the reason behind that is because my IQ lvl is low and i have low memory rememberance.for example if someone explained to me in class i wouldnt even remember what he/she explained after 10 minutes i start to lose what i learned today.In d2 many people get anger or rage sort of that on me.
    So guys I am so much sorry for many troubles i caused to u i try my best to remember it.
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  2. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    You are just as smart as you give yourself credit for, if you think low of yourself, its gonna be stuck with you. Isolate yourself from those negative emotions :)
    Also IQ levels is not really relevant to how you get through life, I'm sure if most of the people here took an IQ test the results would not be pleasant, but we are all here and we are going through life.
    Wish you best of luck, if it is possible to recover from this, but even if it isn't , you are going to be all right :)
    Fatty180 and Nopik like this.
  3. Erbhy

    Erbhy Senior Member

    May 29, 2016
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    I also tend to ask a lot of questions, especially about D2, as I tend to focus on other things as D2 is only a game, and a fine little hobby for me in my spare time. So you are not alone with the questions :)
    I have only seen you as one of the most friendly guys on this server, so I am not able to understand why someone would get angry with you.
    So just keep up with your always positive attitude, and atleast I will be happy ;)

    Also, here is some music I am listening to right now (the full album), idk why I am posting it, but I felt like it:
    Fatty180 likes this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    There are people with short-term memory and long-term memory, IQ level is not related to this in most cases. If you don't remember something then google itself and our forum search button are at your disposal and can be used as many times as you need.
    Fatty180 and Nopik like this.
  5. devilsreject

    devilsreject Forum Legend

    Jul 3, 2016
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    When you started playing I helped you with rush and some basic items. You were asking tons of strange questions - I answered them peacefully. As far as I know you do remember me quite well also. In my eyes you're a very good lad and you deserve the proper explanations about whatever you need - real life problems, diablo 2, stuff like how the universe was created etc. I am always going to be there for youngsters like you. You're with an excellent attitude, even considering what you written in this topic and stuff like that shouldn't bother you at all. With a lot of practice you can greatly improve the memory problem (start taking notes and such).
    Anyhow getting to the subject - I hope a nice lad like you doesn't get down about stuff like this. Always contact me whenever you need to ask or simply to speak with someone.

    About people who rage at you - there will always be people like this. Its a certain type of human psychology - you can't do much to stop it. The only way is to push yourself to improve in the fields you're lacking. I believe in time you will get to a much better level than you ever expected simply by making an effort about it.

    Cheers and keep on going forward, young lad!
    Fatty180, MadVisions and Erbhy like this.
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