
Finished Protect Andariel Event [PVP][TVT](9) @ Sunday 14th May at 4:00 PM UTC

Discussion in 'Events' started by inayat, May 11, 2017.

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  1. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Protect Andariel
    [PVP] [TVT] (9)
    Event type: Protect Andariel (PVP)
    Level: 9
    Hosted by: inayat
    Assisted by:
    Date & Time
    : Sunday, 14th May at 4:00 PM UTC
    Registration will open at:
    2:00 PM UTC (two hours before the actual event start)
    Use /time command in game to check server time and your local time.
    Note: All players must show up within 15 minutes before the actual event start time.
    Important: Turn off chicken to avoid being kicked out of the game by opening your maphack configuration file and removing or uncommenting all lines refering to chicken life option.

    Protect Andariel is an event played on Hardcore where participants create a new character and collect gear while leveling to 9 then they split into two teams (attackers and defenders) whose goal is to either kill or protect andariel from being killed. Multiple games can run at the same time, depending on the number of participants and available referees.

    - You must add the host to your friends list (this is to prevent muling, cheating, etc)
    - You must create a new hardcore character for this event
    - Your new character will be name tagged (prefix or suffix will be given by the host before the event starts) example: TAG-Astinos
    - You are not allowed to join any games (public games, go on runs, etc) with this character before the game made by host

    - You must add everyone to party and stay allied during leveling phase
    - You are not allowed to return to town until you hit level 9
    - You are not allowed to go above level 9
    - You cannot pick up any class specific item that isn't for your character, leave it or give it to somebody else but please don't take it to inconvenience the other players
    - Gold is shared between all party members no matter who picks it up so doesn't matter over gold
    - You are only allowed to use items you find and gold you find to buy items
    - You are allowed to add gems into weapons, armor, etc
    - You must come back to town as soon as you are level 9
    - When you are level 9 you may respec your character, shop from Charsi, Gheed, Akara, etc
    - You cannot leave the game or kill Blood Raven
    - You may trade with other contestants at any time

    - Two teams will be formed on a random basis, through https://www.random.org/lists/
    - Attackers team objective is to kill Andariel
    - Defenders team objective is to stop attackers from killing Andariel
    - You must have all members of the opposing team hostiled during pvp phase
    - No mercenaries
    - Black Marsh waypoint will be provided by the GM
    - When all fighting contestants verify they are ready the match will begin
    - You are allowed to use identify and town portal scrolls
    - You are allowed to return to town and heal yourself or restock potions, just keep in mind there is a timer you must respect
    - All potions including throwing potions are allowed, except rejuvenation ** NO REJUVENATION ALLOWED **
    - Defending team will start from black marsh waypoint and gets a 30 seconds head start before the match begins
    - Attacking team will follow from black marsh waypoint after the 30 seconds have elapsed and GM says GO!
    - Defenders are not allowed to wait for the attackers straight at the black marsh waypoint, move a few screens away or wait somewhere further
    - The timer will be set to 20 minutes
    - Countdown timer starts when everyone is ready and GM says GO!

    - Attackers must kill andariel before the timer expires otherwise the defending team wins
    - Defenders must protect andariel until timer reaches zero count otherwise attacking team wins

    To be announced (TBA)
    Rewards are given per each game.

    In order to signup for the event post a reply with your account name in this thread, once the signups are open.

    Complaining about how unfair the fight was, swearing at other players, spamming, etc will get you disqualified and blacklisted, however we are open to suggestions that will help us improve following events.
    These rules are to make your enjoyment as much as possible, not to restrict you, please follow them and do not try to cheat.
    Goplexer likes this.
  2. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Registration is now open!

    In order to signup for the event post a reply with your account name in this thread.
    Important: Turn off chicken to avoid being kicked out of the game by opening your maphack configuration file and removing or uncommenting all lines refering to chicken life option.
  3. rarti

    rarti Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2016
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  4. Radu Durican

    Radu Durican Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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  5. Goplexer

    Goplexer Senior Member

    May 11, 2017
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  6. Dean

    Dean Active Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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  7. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Registration is now closed!
    Since we dont have enough players to start event.
    All players who signed up will receive a Lo rune for their effort.
    I will personally contact you in-game for your reward.
    Last edited: May 15, 2017
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