
New member, old player. Curious about pvp on this server. Is it popular?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kodachi, Jun 30, 2017.

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  1. Kodachi

    Kodachi Member

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Hello, it is a pleasure to stumble upon this server. I used to be a fairly serious d2 player, specifically the pvp side of it. It got to the point that I would play for 8-12 hours straight, every day, for years doing little but pvping, trading for pvp oriented items, or organizing and meeting up with potential and current clan members to establish the baddest 4v4 group on USEast.

    I want to know, is this a server full of PvM kiddos? Or are there cut-throats here? I don't like east, it is full of hacks, cheats, and dupes. It does have some good members, but the community is fairly toxic compared to what it was, at least as far back as I remember during the 2005 era when I quit playing.

    I am currently downloading the patch now, and will definitely give this server a look. I just want to know ahead of time, is there a thiving, and a skillful pvp community?

    I would feel pretty salty if I ended up being able to 1v7 people without breaking a sweat. Wasn't that hard on East either tbh.

    Also, what are the rules for BMing, and is there a PvP section? Sure would be nice if there was. Also, if someone uses healing pots vs me, am I allowed to NK them and talk shit? Or do I have to report it to a mod?

  2. zguby

    zguby The Second Coming Forum Legend

    Nov 29, 2016
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    Hi and welcome!
    Usually on any server you will go, the pvm players > pvp players , but you will find some "Duel" games pretty much in every day, also we have some pvp events where you can show your skill.
    The good thing here is that you wont find cheats/dupes/bots and on rare ocassions you will find toxic players (thats up to your behaviour against others too).

    that depends on how good you play, the only one who can answer that question is yourself by seeing the results in duels.
    Server rules and some respectable rules for pvp can be found here . Some pvp rules are not mandatory (regarding gear, etc.), you can talk with the player that you duel and establish the rules. (but the ones like " no killing naked " must be followed).
    If you feel that someone breaks the rules, you can /ignore and stop dueling him. You can report the dude in the Player report area if is a serious problem.

    Enjoy your staying !
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    Fatty180, inayat and Gix like this.
  3. Cave

    Cave Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2016
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    Nowadays public duel games aren't as popular as they used to be in the beginning of a ladder. It's quite a natural process, I believe. I do agree with with zguby that majority of players are sticking strictly to pvm (though you can find a "lost soul" in a duel game, who just hosts and attacks everyone, but the outcome of such an action is obvious - the culprit easily dies and leaves). They're usually the ones who use full rejuv potions or steal gold but that doesn't happen often.
    Based on my experience and this only my personal opinion, this server has only a handful really good PvP/TvT players and if you manage to bump into them, no matter how good you think you are, I believe they will provide quite a challenge for you.

    And I think it's crucial to emphasize that those duel events that zguby mentioned almost always are aimed at low level players.
    Gix and Fatty180 like this.
  4. MadVisions

    MadVisions Supporter

    Jul 8, 2014
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    Not so srs pvp sceene here. But not sure how high the skill cap was in 2005era, you missed some tactic developed later on. Not sure if you followed the game by any means be it jsp youtube or whatever. Back to the server though, people are mainly pvm and wolf dru focused here. Was trying to set up some kind of fpk community also pw'd accs to some widerly known pvp ppl who i trusted, but even thisway the "project" ended up failing due to lack of intrest / decent players with viable chars. Also it worths to mention whoever i invited here to pvp (including myself too) complayned about mysterious lag issues that couldnt be solved thisfaar.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 30, 2017, Original Post Date: Jun 30, 2017 ---
    Also i have a video topic in the general section check it out. All footage is from this server ... easyer if i ling i guess: http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/general-pvp-videos-topic.539421/
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    Kodachi likes this.
  5. Kodachi

    Kodachi Member

    Jun 30, 2017
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    I did notice some lag as well. I was pretty hyped last night but I am starting to think this is not the server for me. One thing I will comment on, by making it a ban worthy offense to PK others outside of a duel, it puts the responsibility on the administrators to take care of threats, rather than putting the responsibility on the individual to make their own PvP character and handle a problem themselves, or with their friends. This in truth, is why PvP became so popular on the other servers, and in my opinion, why Diablo II had such a long lasting end game. The final boss (other players), could never really be defeated.
    MadVisions likes this.
  6. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @Kodachi, you are from US, while the guy above you is from Hungary so he's much closer from the EU server than you might be from our US server in this case. Depending on your location your ping could be lower or higher as we are not hosting hundreds of servers across the globe like official server does and in such case the server you connect to could be so much closer to your living place, hence the lower ping you might get. Anyway, his issue is not location but rather his own pc and we've been through this many times before including me helping him to perform tests and showing that neither our provider or his doesn't have any issues but doesn't seem to get it, nor has the knowledge to understand technical network stuff since his so called lag are actually constant graphic black screens that aren't related to ping and connectivity, besides he didn't always experience them and couple other people confirmed they had the same issue in other games such as world of warcraft so it's client sided. While we're not in control of any issues that comes outside of our provider's network, it's easy to trace issues on our side since they are always transparent and we use one of best, if not the best, hosting provider world wide having tens of thousands of customers and best peering, but location is always important no matter how good any provider is. Additionally we got our own monitoring tools but just like in any competitive game some will find different reasons to complain about when they loose against their opponent. It's not the case here but it does happen very often in any game.

    While bnet didn't had a rule (actually they had no rules except spam/cheating/extrem bad language or innapropiate character names) against those who went in random non-pvp games and started pk-ing people (hence why the community was so toxic) we do have one here since things are bit different nowdays and especially in private realms, however that is not the reason why pvp was popular back in the days. It's simple logic, you're talking about how things were in 2005 so that's 12 years ago when this game was so much more popular and the official server had tens of thousands online. Even though the pvm community has always been much larger than the pvp one, the fact that there were tens of thousands of players made it easier to meet more pvp-ers while nowdays the game doesn't have more than 10% of those players and sadly bots are included here as well. I mean you cannot expect a game to be as popular as it was 12 years ago with all the new games and development that's being made nowdays so if you're looking for some pure pvp place and compare it to those days then such thing doesn't exist. Best off is to go with @zguby's advice and see for yourself and then take a decision, rather than not even starting playing the game as I doubt that back in 2005 you asked on bnet forums if it's worth playing this game or not, even before playing it. Who knows, you might like it or not.
    Cascada and TimmyDeezNuts like this.
  7. Kodachi

    Kodachi Member

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Just dropping my thoughts, I don't mean to offend, and I would actually love to work with you and the community to make the server more pvp friendly. I think it could actually be, in fact, quite profitable, considering how much a grudge between players or clans can encourage people to only seek out the best of the best. Rare jewels, 45 life skill GCs, rare diadems, .08 items, etc. Either way, thanks for hosting, I am glad to know there is still a thriving community.
  8. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You didn't offended anyone, don't worry but make sure you follow our community rules as I've noticed your previous post has received couple warning points and advertising or talking about other realms than ours is a bannable offence. Anwyay you can get there in a fair amount of time, besides people help newcomers a lot with starting items and the exp is higher at first too so it's easy enough to catch up but it's all up to you. As I said, the game is not as popular as it used to be 12 years ago so you will need to lower your expectations. That being said, I wish you good luck.
    Cascada likes this.
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