
Guide Baal Run Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by TimmyDeezNuts, Feb 11, 2018.

  1. TimmyDeezNuts

    TimmyDeezNuts Rezident Ninja Forum Legend

    Aug 6, 2016
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    This guide is meant to be a general courtesy/etiquette guide for Baal Hell Runs (hereinafter referred to as BH, not to be confused with BH maphack). This is not a defined set of rules, but simply a guide to help explain some common courtesy to enable the BH runs to run smoothly and effectively. I have been a part of many BH runs where there is some confusion or frustration involved that may cause the flow of the BH to slow down, or at worst stop entirely. The following is just meant to help the BH runs continue at a good pace so everyone can get the exp they need to level up.

    Making BH Games
    Anyone can start a series of BH runs at any time. If you wish, you can name the runs such as I call mine "Deez Baals-1, Deez Baals-2, etc" or just simply make "Bh1, Bh2" and go. It is expected that the person who created the BH runs will be the person who runs/fly to Throne and TP for everyone else to join. It is usually understood that this person will create all ng (new games) after this and continue providing a TP in Throne for the other players. If the creator needs a break, they will usually ask a certain player, or any player who is willing, to create the next game for them (or a number of games if they need a longer break).

    During BH Games
    It is expected that every player in the BH game will contribute to the BH run in some way. This means either teleport to Throne and provide TP for the others, attack the waves of mobs, or provide some utility service such as a high-level BO Barb. If you join a BH run with the sole purpose of farming random areas, clearing Chaos by yourself for exp, or just being AFK in the corner leeching exp without providing any assistance to the group; you maybe subject to some negativity/trolling/"why are you here?" dialogue. This is because BH is a group activity we participate in, and expect all members to contribute. You can run a full game of loaders on this server by yourself so there is no need to join a full BH run for exp/drops.

    In addition to the above, it is generally understood that in a group setting such as this, you allow the highest skilled player to use their skills for the group. For example if you are a non-Barb class with CTA (or Barb with lower-BO) and there is a specific BO-Barb in the BH run, then you should allow the highest skilled player to provide the BO and not cancel their buff effect by casting your lower-level skill. The same applies for auras, etc. If there are multiple Paladins in a game and one has a higher Concentration aura, etc. then the lower Paladin should switch to a different aura to provide some additional support to the party. The goal is to support the party in the best way possible to ensure the BH runs as fast as possible. Necros should cast Lower Resist usually, or Amp Damage/Decrepify if the party is mostly melee, Assassins should avoid Mind Blast/Shadow Master to prevent the delay caused by monsters joining our team.

    There are some exceptions to the above statements I would like to mention. If you are a lower-level player (70-85ish) especially if you're not equipped with gear yet, it's not an issue for you to hide behind a pillar to gain exp and try to survive. If you are able to provide some support such as a curse or aura, then that is a bonus. Otherwise just wait until your character is strong enough to survive the minion waves to try to contribute to the party.

    When the BH Becomes Full
    This is a topic of a lot of discussion and there is no solid answer here. Most of times the BH run becomes so popular that there are more people trying to join then the game will support. If you find yourself on the outside of a full BH run you have a couple options. First, is to create a new named/branded BH and tele to Throne yourself to create a new series of BH runs. Other than waiting for the next open BH in line which can be done by using the /games command that displays the BH public games who won't appear in the games list due to being full, this is your best choice in this scenario. The second, and less popular option, is to create the next BH run in the series and tele to Throne yourself. While this will provide a quick Throne for the soon-to-join players, it will disrupt the creators rhythm even if you tele to Throne. The least popular option, and the possible series-ending choice, is to make the next game and wait for others to join. This not only disrupts the creator's rhythm but in some situations can end the BH series altogether. This is what many players consider BM and can be potentially fatal for the BH run which is why it's against the community common sense rules. I strongly advise not to do this.

    On a separate note, when you are trying to fill a BH, it is perfectly acceptable to mention the name in the main chat channel so long as you're not spamming it. In an attempt to fill the game it is perfectly acceptable to multi-load characters into the BH run. Once the BH gains popularity and more players join, it is fair/more polite to drop your extra loaders to allow other players to join and gain exp.

    BH is the most common way to level up and it takes a village (or some very dedicated individuals) to gain the exp we need to reach the top few levels. This guide was simply meant to help everyone reach an understanding of some basic courtesies to ensure the BH goes smoothly and quickly so we can all climb that ladder as fast as possible. If there is anything I missed here, or anything you disagree with/want to add, please feel free to comment.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2018
    Phaennor, MadVisions, ashcool and 4 others like this.
  2. Quinneczech

    Quinneczech Fat! Old! HardCORE! Forum Legend

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Very well written!

    Maybe some well experienced baal runners can give out some advices, how to speed up the baalrun.
    For example: If there is a dedicated bo barb and the baalparty is powerful enough, owner of that bo barb should always try to stun all spawning monsters with war cry - it will prevent mobs from spreading, wave 3 minions will not cast hydras etc.
    Fatty180 and TimmyDeezNuts like this.
  3. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    First of all excellent guide

    My best Average 1 baal per minute is (1:50 to 2:20)
    If no hydras spawned =1:25 to 1:30.
    With Javazon and hammerdin with cleansing aura active and a Stunner singer barb for wave 3

    There should be right for creators to Loot drops during waves+ Baals isnt it? Since they make Baalruns Tele to throne room and kill mobs etc and people join for exp only.

    And There is a little Difference in exp of baal on players 3 or 4 vs baal on players 8 Exp gain.
    Since Baals exp is glitched something from p3 mode onwards.

    As @Quinneczech mentioned about Stunning wave 3 with a Warcry skill is pretty Legit i use it all the time when ever i join baalruns.

    P.S: Do Not use Cleansing Aura Skill on paladin if there is a player using exp shrine in ur area ( It reduces the duration of Exp shrine and they are counted as positive curse)
  4. Quinneczech

    Quinneczech Fat! Old! HardCORE! Forum Legend

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Are you sure about this? Its a first time i have heard something like that and even internets are silent about it :)
    BadKid and Fatty180 like this.
  5. TimmyDeezNuts

    TimmyDeezNuts Rezident Ninja Forum Legend

    Aug 6, 2016
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    I haven't heard this one before, and I'd have to disagree with you on this. Drops are there for the whole party.
    @Fatty180 is correct about this, it is listed on the wiki here
    Gix, Quinneczech and Fatty180 like this.
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