
Guide STING Maphack Configuration Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Gix, May 8, 2016.

  1. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    This is from d2hackmap.vcb
    Pandemonium Key 1, k1: 2140
    Pandemonium Key 2, pk2: 2141
    Pandemonium Key 3, pk3: 2142
    This should be in your config
    Item Colours[2140-2142][2]: 1,0x62  // 0=White 1=Red 2=Green 3=Blue 4=Dark Gold 5=Grey 6=Nothing 7=Light Gold 8=orange 9=Yellow
    0x62 = red in minimap
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  2. Ha0s

    Ha0s Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    Can someone help me with a line so i could see blue/yellow javelins?
  3. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    In the first post of this topic you can find this list
    Get the codes from there of what items you need and put them in a line. In same post you can find this aswel.
    Last edited: May 4, 2018
    Gix likes this.
  4. Quinneczech

    Quinneczech Fat! Old! HardCORE! Forum Legend

    Feb 6, 2017
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    I wonder, if anyone has in his config complete list of set items sorted by sets e.g. line with items from TR set, IK, etc... It would help me alot managing my holy grail, since I am too lazy to write down all of them by myself.. :)
  5. TanHakPa

    TanHakPa Active Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    1. How to dissapear the green line fm my char to Den of evil for example in act 1 ?
    2. How to hide ears(killed char)on ground
    3. How to make only enemy missles visible,not mine.i mean when i dueling pnb vs pnb nekro, i want to see only enemy spirits
    4 If someone have complete maphack designed for dueling? Pls post it here
    Last edited: May 8, 2018
  6. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Last edited: May 13, 2018
    TanHakPa likes this.
  7. TanHakPa

    TanHakPa Active Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Thanks apriciate Atox - real game Master :)
    Atox likes this.
  8. TBE

    TBE Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Is there a command to show up runes that are higher than 20 on the minimap? I like the way that charms appears like triangles...
    I have searched but nothing found or the mistake is mine?
  9. Nopik

    Nopik Game Master

    Dec 13, 2014
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    any item can be shown on map, just need to add color code from table posted above. For example 0x60 is orange

    Rune Colours[20+]: 8, 0x60 //High Runes colored orange
    Quinneczech likes this.
  10. TBE

    TBE Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    thanks mate everythings looks perfect now!
  11. xirfalos

    xirfalos Member

    May 13, 2018
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    hello, I've search and I did not find how to resolve my problem. I don't have target indication on my minimap like green line for WP and red line for area level exit. What I need to do?
  12. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hi there @xirfalos ,
    Green line
    Minimap Size: 1 // This is the range of the line
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84 // This is the colour of the line
    Red line
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Colour codes if you want different colours
  13. xirfalos

    xirfalos Member

    May 13, 2018
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    @Atox I've look that guide : and in my .cfg file I don't have those line
    Overlap Arrows Toggle - This turns on/off overlapping of the level target arrows. (these are found below)(arrows appear on right side of Automap under text)
    Target Arrow Toggles[1] - This turns on/off Arrow #1 which points towards (default) next level/area.
    Target Arrow Toggles[2] - This turns on/off Arrow #2 which points (default) to the quest in the area.
    Target Arrow Toggles[3] - This turns on/off Arrow #3 which points (default) to the waypoint in the area.
    and much more

    I don't know where I can found a d2hackmap.cfg that got all those line
  14. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    @xirfalos you can always add those lines yourself, I will provide you the lines from my personal cfg.
    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1 
    Level Name Colour: White 
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Here" 
    Minimap Size: 1 
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1 
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84 
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1 , 0x62 
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1 , 0x62 
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1  , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1 , 0x62 
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62 
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1 , 0x62
    and the full cfg, if you need one.
    Show CFGCheck Info : 0 
    Enable Language Check : 0 
    GameFilterSupport: 1
    Localization Support: 0 
    CFG Version Eng : "Config By Atox 1.0 "
    Reload Config Key:              VK_NUMPAD9          //Reload the config While inGame
    Reveal Act Automap Key:         VK_SUBTRACT         //Reveal the act
    Quick Exit Game Key:            -1        //Instant exit the game
    Quick Next Game Key:            VK_R         //Instant exit the game  for the next one
    Quick Next Game Key2:           -1                  //Instant exit the game  for the next one
    Quick Back To Town Key:         VK_E            //Make portal and put you back in town
    Use Custom Font Toggle:         2, VK_9              //Custom Fonts 
    Auto Invite Toggle:             1, VK_U             //Auto invite other players in your game
    Auto Party Toggle:              1, VK_U             //Auto accept other players invites
    Auto Loot Permit :              1, VK_NUMPAD4       //Auto check the Loot Permit feature ( HC ONLY )
    Wisper Notice Toggle:           0, VK_NUMPAD5       //
    View Equipment Key:             VK_K                //View other players equipment while hover the mouse on them
    View Player Stats Key:          VK_H         //View other Players Stats while hover the mouse on them
    First Player Stat Key:          -1                  //Show you more stats
    Next Player Stat Key:           VK_HOME       //Show you more stats
    Previous Player Stat Key:       VK_OEM_COMMA        //Show you more stats
    Perm Show Items Toggle:         1, VK_F             //Permanent show items on the ground
    Monster Resists Toggle:         1, VK_D             //
    Socket Protect Toggle:          1, VK_INSERT        //Socket Protection
    View Socketables Toggle:        0, VK_J             //Let's you to see the base and what is in the socket. Separated
    Item Basic Stats Toggle:        0, VK_J             //Let's you to see the base and what is in the socket. Separated
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0 ,VK_J             //Let's you to see the base and what is in the socket. Separated
    Item Value Toggle:              0, VK_V             //Show how much the item cost.
    Item Levels Toggle:             1, VK_L             //Show the iLvl of the item
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1, -1               //
    //Bug 保护 , 第3位  1 为进游戏校验  2 为触发任务时校验(巴尔转身,封印开完,老墨房间)
    //BugKD Toggle:                   1, -1  , 2          //no clue
    //BugKM Toggle:                   1, -1  , 2          //no clue
    //BugKB Toggle:                   1, -1  , 2          //no clue
    //More Ilvl Of the item
    Item QLevel Toggle:             0, VK_NUMPAD6       // Quality level
    Item MLevel Toggle:             0, VK_NUMPAD6       // Magic level
    Item ALevel Toggle:             0, VK_NUMPAD6       // 
    Item After Cube Toggle:         0, VK_NUMPAD6       // 
    Hidden Items Toggle:            1, VK_CONTROL       //
    Switch Item Show Mode:          VK_9                // 模式切换按键,大键盘9
    Default Item Show Mode :        1                   // 默认物品显示模式,默认1
    Show Identified Item :          1, -1               //显示已辨识物品,已辨识物品不做隐藏
    Show Base Stat:                 1, VK_OEM_4         //显示人物基础属性,'[{'
    Default Game Name:              "Atox 1"                  //设置默认游戏名,注意引号必须有
    Default Game Password:          ""                  //设置默认游戏密码
    ULC Mask Toggle:                1, -1               //屏蔽ULC动画, 1屏蔽 0不屏蔽
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle:           0, -1               //bug保护提示后是否自动退出游戏 0 不退出 1退出
    Bug Alert Times:                3                   //bug提示次数 
    Townportal Nums Alert :         5                   //回城卷轴数量提示
    Skip Quest Message:             8                   //跳过NPC任务提示 0 不跳过 非0跳过速度
    Item ExtInfo Toggle :          0, -1               //开启命令
    Item ExtInfo File Eng:    "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg"             //英文文档
    Item ExtInfo File Chi:    "ItemInfo_Chi.cfg"             //中文文档
    Default ExtInfo Colour :       8                     //默认颜色
    State Monitor Toggle: 1 , -1
    State Monitor[2] : 1 , "POISON" ,
    State Monitor[9] : 1 , "AMPLY DMG" ,
    State Monitor[58] : 1 , "LIFE TAP" ,
    State Monitor[59] : 1 , "CONFUSE" ,
    State Monitor[57] : 1 , "ATTRACT" ,
    State Monitor[56] : 1 , "TERROR" ,
    State Monitor[55] : 1 , "IRONMAIDEN" ,
    State Monitor[19] : 1 , "WEAKNES" ,
    State Monitor[12] : 1 , "INFERNO" ,
    State Monitor[13] : 1 , "BLAZE" ,
    State Monitor[113] : 1 , "-DEFENSE" ,
    State Monitor[114] : 1 , "MANA2 " ,
    State Monitor[115] : 1 , "MANA3 " ,
    State Monitor[11] : 1 , "-Cold" ,
    State Monitor[61] : 1 , "LowerRes" ,
    State Monitor[62] : 1 , "OpenWound" ,
    State Monitor[60] : 1 , "Decrepify" ,
    State Monitor[1] : 1 , "Freeze" ,
    State Monitor[8] : 3 , "Salvation" ,
    State Monitor[159] : 3 , "FADE" ,
    State Monitor[149] : 9 , " OakSage" ,
    State Monitor[16] : 3 , "ENCHANT" ,
    State Monitor[10] : 3 , "Frozen Armor" ,
    State Monitor[20] : 3 , "Chilling Armor" ,
    State Monitor[88] : 3 , "Shiver Armor" ,
    State Monitor[14] : 4 , "BONEARMOR" ,    
    State Monitor[32] : 8 , " BO" ,
    State Monitor[51] : 8 , " BC" ,
    State Monitor[26] : 8 , " SHOUT" ,
    State Monitor[134] : 7 , "+DMG" ,
    State Monitor[128] : 7 , "+ARMOR" ,
    State Monitor[129] : 7 , "+COMBAT" ,
    State Monitor[130] : 7 , "+LIGHT" ,
    State Monitor[131] : 7 , "+FIRE" ,
    State Monitor[132] : 7 , "+COLD" ,
    State Monitor[133] : 7 , "+POISON" ,
    State Monitor[135] : 7 , "+MANA" ,
    State Monitor[136] : 7 , "+STAMINA" ,
    State Monitor[137] : 7 , "+EXP" ,
    State Monitor[101] : 2 , "HOLY SHIELD" ,
    State Monitor[38] : 2 , "THUNDER STORM" ,
    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2
    Show Ping Toggle: 0, -1 , 
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, -1 
    Kill Count Toggle: 1, -1, 9
    GetHit Count Toggle: 1, -1, 9
    Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1 
    //Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1 
    Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1 
    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE 
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL 
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1 
    //Scroll Mode: 2 
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_J 
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_H
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_Y
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_U
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N
    Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12 
    Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10
    Player Blob File: "blobplayer" 
    Monster Blob File: "blobmonster" 
    Object Blob File: "blobchest" 
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot" 
    Item Blob File: "blobitem" 
    Boss Blob File: "blobBoss" 
    Npc Blob File: "blobNpc" 
    My Blob File: "blobMe" 
    Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse" 
    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY 
    Weather Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY 
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY 
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY 
    Screen Shake Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY 
    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1 
    Auto Reveal Act: 1 
    AutoMap Toggle: 0, -1 
    Auto Next Game Name: 1 
    Auto Next Game Password: 1 
    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq" 
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1 
    Unknown Warden Mod Action: 0
    Extrawork Dll Action: 0 
    Version Checking Dll Action: 0 
    Enter Game Sound : 0 
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1 
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1 
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1 
    Message Log Toggle: 2 
    Message Log File Size : 1000 
    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1 
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1 
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1 
    Server Ip Toggle: 0, -1 
    Area Level Toggle: 1, -1 
    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1 
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL 
    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77 
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77 
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55 
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1 
    //Life Bar Transparency: 2 
    //Life Bar Colour: 0x08 
    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1 
    Dangerous Monster Action: back to town 
    Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD8
    Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr
    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1 
    Level Name Colour: White 
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<==Here" 
    Minimap Size: 1 
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1 
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84 
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1 , 0x62 
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1 , 0x62 
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1  , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1 , 0x62 
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62 
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1 , 0x62
    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 0 
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1 
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1 
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 0, -1 
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1 
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, -1 
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1 
    Player Level Toggle: 0 ,-1 
    Player Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1 
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1 
    Boss Name Toggle: 1 , -1 
    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE 
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1 
    Automap Party Default: 1 
    Automap Names Default: 1 
    Auto Invite Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD4 
    Auto Party Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD5 
    Auto Loot Permit : 0, VK_NUMPAD6
    //Item Colours[?]: ?
    //Example :-
    Item Colours[Shako][Unique]: 1,0x20 //show unique shako name red and automap white
    Item Colours[Ear]: -2 //hide ears
    Item Colours[All][Unique]: Gold , 0x54
    Item Colours[All][Set]: 2, 0x84
    Item Colours[All]][Rare]: 9,0xa7
    Item Colours[All][8]: 8
    Item Colours[Ear]: -1,-2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Town Portal]: -2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Identify]: -2
    Item Colours[Key]: -2
    Item Colours[Arrows]: -2
    Item Colours[Bolts]: -2
    Item Colours[Jewel]: 7, 0x0e
    Item Colours[Jewel][Unique]: 11, 0x9b
    Item Colours[2096,2098]: 7, 0x0e //All Charms
    Item Colours[2096,2098][7]: 11, 0x9b //All Charms mmm if the 7 is Unique?
    Item Colours[2097]: -2  // All Lager Charms Hiden
    Item Colours[2097][7]: 11, 0x9b // Hellfire Torch
    Item Colours[Antidote Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Thawing Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Rancid Gas Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Choking Gas Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Stamina Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Oil Potion]: -2
    Healing Pot Colours[1+]: -2
    Mana Pot Colours[1+]: -2
    Rejuv Pot Colours[1]: -2
    Rejuv Pot Colours[2+]: White
    Gem Colours[1+]: -2 
    Amethyst Colours[1+]: -2 
    Amethyst Colours[4+]: 12,0x76   
    Topaz Colours[1+]: -2 
    Topaz Colours[4+]: 12,0x76
    Sapphire Colours[1+]: -2 
    Sapphire Colours[4+]: 12,0x76
    Emerald Colours[1+]: -2 
    Emerald Colours[4+]: 12,0x76   
    Ruby Colours[1+]: -2 
    Ruby Colours[4+]: 12,0x76   
    Diamond Colours[1+]: -2 
    Diamond Colours[4+]: 12,0x76   
    Skull Colours[1+]: -2 
    Skull Colours[4+]: 12,0x76   
    Item Colours[2140-2146][2]: 1,0x62 
    Rune Colours[1-14]:        0,-1,-1,-1       // 0=White 1=Red 2=Green 3=Blue 4=Dark Gold 5=Grey 6=Nothing 7=Light Gold 8=orange 9=Yellow
    Rune Colours[15-20]:       9,-1,-1,-1       //4,6,7,8,9,10,11,15,20,21
    Rune Colours[21+]:         8,0x69,0x69,0x69  //High Runes
    Good Gold Number: 8000
    Good Gold Colour: 0
    Poor Gold Colour: -2
    //Example :-
    //Poor Gold Colour: -1,-2 /// that makes items invisible when you press alt
    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1 
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 1, -1 
    Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08 
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08 
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08 
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08 
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08 
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1 
    Party Player Text Colour: 2 
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9 
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1 
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f 
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b 
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f 
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb 
    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE 
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62 
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b 
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66 
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68 
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f 
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f 
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b 
    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra3 
    Monster Desc Colour: Red 
    Enchantment Descs: 0 
    Extra Strong Desc: -2
    Extra Fast Desc: -2
    Cursed Desc: -2
    Magic Resistant Desc: -2
    Fire Enchanted Desc: -2
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: -2
    Cold Enchanted Desc: -2
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: -2
    Teleportation Desc: -2
    Spectral Hit Desc: -2
    Stone Skin Desc: -2
    Multiple Shots Desc: -2
    Ghostly Desc: -2
    Fanatic Desc: -2
    Possessed Desc: -2
    Berserker Desc: -2
    Champion Desc: 0
    // Auras Enhanted:
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: -2
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: -2
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: -2
    Conviction Aura Desc: -2
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: -2
    // Immunities: 
    Immunity Descs : 0 
    Physical Immunity Desc: -2
    Magic Immunity Desc: -2
    Fire Immunity Desc: -2
    Lightning Immunity Desc: -2
    Cold Immunity Desc: -2
    Poison Immunity Desc: -2
    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE 
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09 
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x97 
    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE 
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0xa4 
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x5b 
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x97 
    Other Missile Colour: 0x84
    Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[teeth]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[blessedhammer]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[All][Owner Hostile]: 0xa4
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    Ethereal Item Prefix: "[Eth]" 
    Ethereal Item Postfix: -2 
    //EXAMPLE: ITEM COLOURS[ITEMS # IN D2HACKMAP.VCB][ITEM QUALITY TO HIDE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]: -2 // -2 means hidden
    //1 Low Quality, Cracked, Damaged
    //2 Normal (white)
    //3 Superior
    //4 Magic
    //5 Set
    //6 Rare
    //7 Unique
    //8 Crafted
    Item Colours[84][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 // exploding potion hidden
    //****** AMULETS,RINGS AND JEWELS******
    Item Colours[2013][4]: -2 //Magic Amulets are hidden
    Item Colours[2015][4]: -2 //Magic Rings arehidden
    //Normal Items (Circlets)
    Item Colours[1113-1116][1,2,3]: -2 //Circlet, coronet, tiara, diadem
    Item Colours[1116][7]: 8, 0x68 //Diadem Griffon's Eye
    //******NORMAL/EXCEPTIONAL WEAPONS AND ARMOR - A LOT is hidden. consult d2hackmap.vcb for details******
    //Normal Weapons
    Item Colours[1-2][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[3][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2 //Double Axe Hiden ALL
    Item Colours[4-21][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[22][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 //Flails for RW
    Item Colours[22][3][1,2][1,5,6]: 2, 0x84 //Superior flails 0,4,5 soc for RW light green
    Item Colours[22][2][2][1,5,6]: 2, 0x84 //normal ETH flails 0,4,5 soc for RW light green
    Item Colours[23-29][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[30][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 //Crystal Sword for RWs
    Item Colours[31-80][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    //Exceptional Weapons
    Item Colours[94-103][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[104][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 //Suicide branch shown
    Item Colours[105-110][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[111][1,4,5,6]: -2 // Hand of Blessed Light shown
    Item Colours[112-113][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[114][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[115-121][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[122][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Ali Baba Shown
    Item Colours[123-148][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[149][1,2,3,4,5,6,]: -2 // Hone Sundan Shown
    Item Colours[150-173][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    //Normal Armor 
    Item Colours[1001-1022][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1023][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Pelta Lunata SHOWN (LLD)
    Item Colours[1024-1030][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1031-1032][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Chance Guards and Magefists SHOWN
    Item Colours[1033][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Frostburn SHOWN
    Item Colours[1034][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Hotspur SHOWN (LLD, normal duels)
    Item Colours[1035-1036][1,2,3,4,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1037][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Goblin Toe SHOWN
    Item Colours[1039][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Lenymo SHOWN (LLD)
    Item Colours[1038-1041][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1042][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Goldwrap SHOWN (GF)
    Item Colours[1043-1046][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    //Exceptional Armor
    Item Colours[1047-1050][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 // War Hat HIDDEN
    Item Colours[1051][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Valkyrie Wing SHOWN
    Item Colours[1052][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 //Grand Crown
    Item Colours[1053-1054][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 
    Item Colours[1055][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 //Vipermagi SHOWN
    Item Colours[1056-1059][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1060-1062][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Shaftstop, Duriel's Shell, Skullder's Ire SHOWN
    Item Colours[1063][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1064][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Toothrow SHOWN
    Item Colours[1065-1067][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1068][1,4,5,6,7]: -2 // Mage Plate Norm and Surp SHOWN
    Item Colours[1068][3][1][1,4]: 2, 0x84 // Mage Plate superior 0, 3soc colored light green
    Item Colours[1069-1074][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1075][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 //Rare gloves shown
    Item Colours[1076][1,2,3,5,7]: -2 // Magic Sharkskin Gloves SHOWN - Blood Craft Gloves
    Item Colours[1077][1,2,3,7]: -2 // Hit Power Gloves Craft
    Item Colours[1078][1,2,3,5,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1079-1080][1,2,3,5,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1081][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 // Sharkskin Boots
    Item Colours[1082][1,2,3,4,5,7]: -2 // Mesh boots
    Item Colours[1083][1,2,3,4]: -2 // Battle Boots
    Item Colours[1084-1086][1,2,3,4,5]: -2
    Item Colours[1087-1088][1,2,3,4,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1089][1,2,3,4]: -2 // war belt
    Item Colours[1090][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Vampire's Gaze Shown
    Item Colours[1091-1092][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    //******ELITE ARMOR******
    //Elite Helms
    Item Colours[1117][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Harlequin Crest Shown
    Item Colours[1118-1120][1,2,3,4,7]: -2
    Item Colours[1121][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2 // Nightwing Veil Shown
    Item Colours[1121][7]: 8, 0x68 //Nightwing's Veil Spired Helm
    Item Colours[1122][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Corona only - Shown/Runewords
    Item Colours[1122][7]: 8, 0x68 //Crown of Ages Corona
    Item Colours[1123][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Demon Head Only - Shown/Runewords
    Item Colours[1160][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Bone Visage Only - Shown/Runewords
    //Elite Armor
    Item Colours[1124][1,4,6]: -2 //Duskshroud - Shown
    Item Colours[1125-1126][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1127][1,4,6]: -2 //Wirefleece - Shown
    Item Colours[1128-1130][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1131][1,4,6]: -2 //Great Hauberk - Shown
    Item Colours[1132-1133][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1134][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Kraken shell - not Shown
    Item Colours[1135][1,4,6]: -2 //Lacquered Plate - Shown
    Item Colours[1136][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1137][1,4,6]: -2 //Sacred Armor - Shown
    Item Colours[1137][7]: 8, 0x68 //Templar's Might or Tyrael's Might Sacred Armor
    Item Colours[1138][1,4,6]: -2 //Archon Plate - Shown
    Item Colours[1124,1138][3][1][1,4,5]: 2, 0x84 //AP, DS - 0,3,4 socket superior colored light green
    //Elite Gloves
    Item Colours[1145][1,2,3,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1146][1,2,3]: -2 //Vampirebone Gloves - Crafting
    Item Colours[1147-1149][1,2,3,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1149][7]: 8, 0x68 //Steelrend Ogre Gauntlets
    Item Colours[1147-1148][7]: -2
    //Elite Boots
    Item Colours[1150-1154][1,2,3,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1154][7]: 8, 0x68 //Shadow Dancer Myrmidon Greaves
    //Elite Belts
    Item Colours[1155-1159][1,2,3,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1155][7]: 8, 0x68 //Arachnid Mesh
    //Elite Shields
    Item Colours[1139-1140][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1141][1,4,6]: -2 //Hyperion only - Hidden Dream/Dragon Runeword
    Item Colours[1142][1,6]: -2 //Monarch - only cracked and rare hiden
    Item Colours[1142][3][1,2][1,5]: 2, 0x84 //Superior monarch 0,4 soc colored light green
    Item Colours[1143][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1144][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Ward only - Shown
    Item Colours[1161][1,4,6]: -2 //Troll Nest - Hidden Dream/Dragon Runeword
    Item Colours[1162][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //******ELITE WEAPONS******
    //Elite Axes
    Item Colours[197-200][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[201][1,4,6]: -2 //Berserker Axe - Shown
    Item Colours[201][3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: 2, 0x84 //Superior Berserker Axe real, eth 0,4,5,6 soc colored light green 
    Item Colours[202-203][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[204][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Decapitator only - Shown
    Item Colours[205-206][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[197-206][7]: -2
    //Elite Wands
    Item Colours[207-210][1,4,6]: -2 //Runeword White
    Item Colours[207-208][7]: -2
    Item Colours[210][7]: 8, 0x68 //Death's Web - Unearthed Wand
    //Elite Maces
    Item Colours[211-213][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[214][1,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[215-221][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[211][7]: -2
    Item Colours[213-217][7]: -2
    Item Colours[220-221][7]: -2
    //Elite Swords
    Item Colours[222-225][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[226][1,4,6][1,2,3,4]: -2 //Phase Blade - Shown
    Item Colours[226][3][1,2][1,5,6,7]: 2, 0x84 //Superior Phase Blade real, eth 0,4,5,6 colored light green
    Item Colours[227-233][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[234][1,4,6]: -2 //Colossus Sword - Shown
    Item Colours[235][1,4,6]: -2 //Colossus Blade - Shown
    Item Colours[235][7]: 8, 0x68 //The Grandfather
    Item Colours[222-225][7]: -2
    Item Colours[227-232][7]: -2
    //Elite Daggers
    Item Colours[236][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 // Wizardspike - Shown
    Item Colours[237-239][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2 
    //Elite Throwing
    Item Colours[240-243][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[240-242][7]: -2
    //Elite Javelins
    Item Colours[244-248][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[244-248][7]: -2
    //Elite Spears
    Item Colours[249-252][1,2,3,4,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[253][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior War Pike only - Shown
    //Elite Polearms
    Item Colours[254][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Orge Axe - Hidden
    Item Colours[255][1,4,6]: -2 //Colossus voulge - Shown
    Item Colours[256][1,4,6]: -2 //Thresher - Shown
    Item Colours[257][1,4,6]: -2 //Cryptic Axe - Shown
    Item Colours[258][1,4,6]: -2 //Great Poleaxe - Shown
    Item Colours[259][1,4,6]: -2 //Giant Thresher - Shown
    Item Colours[255-259][3][2][1,5,6]: 2, 0x84 //[ETH] CV, Thresher, CA, Great Poleaxe, Giant Thresher 0, 4, 5 soc colored light green
    //Elite Staves
    Item Colours[260-264][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //Elite Bows
    Item Colours[265-267][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[268][1,2,3,4,6]: -2 //Great Bow - Hidden
    Item Colours[269][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[270][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Crusader Bow only - Shown
    Item Colours[271][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[272][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Hyrda Bow only - Shown
    //Elite Crossbows
    Item Colours[273-274][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[275][1,2,4,6]: -2 //Superior Colossus Crossbow - Shown
    Item Colours[276][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[274-276][7]: -2
    //******ASSASSIN KATARS******
    //Assassin Normal Weapons
    Item Colours[176-180][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2
    Item Colours[181-182][1,2,3,5]: -2 //blade talons, scissors katar
    //Assassin Exceptional Weapons
    Item Colours[183-186][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2
    Item Colours[187-189][1,2,3,5]: -2 //greater claws, grater talons, scissors quahab
    //Assassin Elite Weapons
    Item Colours[190-193][1,2,3,4,5]: -2 //Rare Only
    Item Colours[194-196][1,5]: -2 //feral claws, runic talons, scissors suwayyah
    //Assassin Unique Weapons - only bartuc shown
    Item Colours[176-187][7]: -2
    Item Colours[189-196][7]: -2
    //******SORCERESS ORBS******
    //Sorceress Normal Orbs
    Item Colours[277-281][1,2,3]: -2
    //Sorceress Exceptional Orbs
    Item Colours[287-291][1,2,3]: -2
    //Sorceress Elite Orbs
    Item Colours[298-301][1,2,3]: -2
    Item Colours[301][7]: 8, 0x68 //Death's Fathom colored orange
    ******AMAZON WEAPONS******
    //Amazon Normal Weapons
    Item Colours[282-286][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    //Amazon Exceptional Weapons
    Item Colours[292-295][1,2,3,4,5,6,7]: -2
    Item Colours[296][7][2]: 8, 0x68 //Titans eth colored orange 
    //Amazon Elite Weapons
    Item Colours[302][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[303][1,4,6]: -2 //Grand Matron Bow - Shown
    Item Colours[304-306][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[302-306][7]: -2
    //******DRUID PELTS******
    //Druid Normal Pelts
    Item Colours[1093-1097][1,2,3]: -2
    //Druid Exceptional Pelts
    Item Colours[1163-1167][1,2,3]: -2
    //Druid Elite Pelts
    Item Colours[1183-1187][1,2,3]: -2
    //******BARBARIAN HELMS******
    //Barbarian Normal Helms
    Item Colours[1098-1102][1,2,3]: -2
    //Barbarian Exceptional Helms
    Item Colours[1168-1172][1,2,3]: -2
    //Barbarian Elite Helms
    Item Colours[1188-1192][1,2,3]: -2
    //Necromancer Normal Shrunken Heads
    Item Colours[1108-1112][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //Necromancer Exceptional Shrunken Heads
    Item Colours[1178-1182][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //Necromancer Elite Shrunken Heads (Necromancer)
    Item Colours[1198-1202][1,2,3,4,6]: -2
    //******PALADIN SHIELDS******
    //Paladin Normal Shields
    Item Colours[1103-1107][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2
    //Paladin Exceptional Shields
    Item Colours[1173-1177][1,2,3,4,5,6]: -2
    //Paladin Elite Shields (Paladin)
    Item Colours[1193][1,4,6]: -2
    Item Colours[1194][1,4]: -2
    Item Colours[1195-1197][1,4]: -2 //Kurast, Zakarum, Vortex Paladin Shields shown
    Alke, teh, Baalaeron and 2 others like this.
  15. Sonic

    Sonic Member

    May 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Hiii, I'm touching the cfg with my settings, everything looks really fine and the guide and practical cases of this thread was really useful, congrats to all =D

    I would like to know if it's possible to bind a mouse button for toggle actions. For example I tried to change the hidden items key, but nothing happens, so I don't know if it's possible or if the label is wrong:

    OLD: Hidden Items Toggle: 0, VK_7
    NEW: Hidden Items Toggle: 0, MOUSE3

    This way I could test really easy if other changes are applied properly or if I'm filtering too much with a simply click in the wheelmouse.
    Thanks in advance! :tup:
  16. roarby

    roarby Supporter

    May 13, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    so mousebutton 1&2 is

    following that trend, try VK_XBUTTON3
    if that doesnt work, it may just be easier to remap your mouse button 3 to 7 or some other key to toggle hidden items.

    I would try it out before saying anything but I'm on my phone, so not much I can do other than this.
  17. Sonic

    Sonic Member

    May 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Thank you for the info! At this moment I was using the same workaround you suggested. But seems that VK_XBUTTON3 doesn't work (leaving mouse3 mapping by default again of course). So I will keep using the remap function, but this affects all Windows interface and system. Sooo now I will save this mouse profile only for D2 ^^ Thanks for the try!
  18. vitasnsk

    vitasnsk Active Member

    Apr 2, 2017
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  19. Evils

    Evils Active Member

    May 18, 2018
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    Trophy Points:
    Hi how can i set this monster specific to MH so it can show differently...
    Its on a PVT sever dolls became from a random Champ monster...
    An Evil Force
    The name of almoust all champions.. i couldnt find the number of it.. i think it doesnt have any string on it...
    Is there any chance to put on MH when An Evil Force appears show anything diff?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  20. asd123asd

    asd123asd Member

    Apr 25, 2018
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    Trophy Points:
    Hello, I have a question im trying to make my runes appear as orange text and orange minimap but instead its orange text and RED X on the minimap just like jewels i tried searching for the 0x62 in the whole cfg but i didnt see any other entry for items containing the rune codes. Also i tried adding a minimap arrow from black marsh to tamoe highland but it doesnt show aswell, and finally im trying to change the minimap color of full rejuvs from the same color as closed chests to something else and it doesnt want to change it. can someone give any ideas what is messed up? the cfg is in the cfg spoiler

    Show CFGCheck Info : 0
    Enable Language Check : 0
    GameFilterSupport: 0
    Localization Support: 0
    CFG Version Eng : "Edit d2hackmap.cfg to configure your maphack"

    Reload Config Key: VK_NUMPAD9
    Reveal Act Automap Key: VK_SUBTRACT
    View Player Stats Key: VK_OEM_2
    First Player Stat Key: -1
    Next Player Stat Key: VK_9
    Previous Player Stat Key: VK_OEM_COMMA
    Perm Show Items Toggle: 0, -1
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, -1
    Socket Protect Toggle: 1, VK_INSERT
    View Socketables Toggle: 0, VK_6
    Item Basic Stats Toggle: 0, VK_6
    View Socket Base Items Toggle : 0 ,VK_6
    Item Value Toggle: 1, -1
    Item Levels Toggle: 1, VK_8
    Show Item Variable Prop Toggle: 1 , -1
    Quick Next Game Key: VK_d
    View Equipment Key: VK_Y
    Quick Back To Town Key: VK_F

    //BugKD Toggle: 0, -1 , 2
    //BugKM Toggle: 0, -1 , 2
    //BugKB Toggle: 0, -1 , 2

    Item QLevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6
    Item MLevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6
    Item ALevel Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6
    Item After Cube Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD6

    Hidden Items Toggle: 0, VK_7
    Switch Item Show Mode: VK_9
    Default Item Show Mode : 0
    Show Identified Item : 1, -1
    Show Base Stat: 1, VK_OEM_4

    Default Game Name: ""
    Default Game Password: ""
    ULC Mask Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Auto Quit Toggle: 0, -1
    Bug Alert Times: 3
    Skip Quest Message: 8

    Item ExtInfo Toggle : 1 , -1
    Item ExtInfo File Eng: "ItemInfo_Eng.cfg"
    Default ExtInfo Colour : 8

    State Monitor Toggle: 0 , -1

    State Monitor[2] : 1 , "Poison" , "Trucizna"
    //State Monitor[11] : 1 , "ColdSlow" , "Zniedoleznienie"
    //State Monitor[61] : 1 , "LowerRes" , "Zmniejszenie odpor"
    //State Monitor[62] : 1 , "OpenWound" , "³öѪ"
    //State Monitor[60] : 1 , "Decrepify" , "Ë¥ÀÏ"
    //State Monitor[1] : 1 , "Freeze" , "Zamarzniecie"
    //State Monitor[8] : 3 , "Salvation" , "¾ÈÖú"
    //State Monitor[159] : 3 , "Fade" , "ÄÜÁ¿Ïû½â"
    //State Monitor[149] : 3 , "OakSage" , "Oak¼ÓѪ"
    //State Monitor[16] : 3 , "QH" , "Ç¿»¯"
    //State Monitor[10] : 3 , "FrozenArmor" , "Zbroja mrozu"
    //State Monitor[20] : 3 , "ChillingArmor" , "Ladowata zbroja"
    //State Monitor[88] : 3 , "ShiverArmor" , "Zamrazajaca zbroja"
    //State Monitor[32] : 3 , "BattleOrders" , "Boo"
    //State Monitor[51] : 3 , "BattleCommand" , "Dowodzenie"
    //State Monitor[26] : 3 , "Shout" , "Okrzyk"
    //State Monitor[134] : 3 , "ShrineSkill" , "Kapa"
    //State Monitor[137] : 3 , "ShrineExp" , "Kapa expa"
    //State Monitor[101] : 3 , "HolyShield" , "Swieta tarcza"

    Show Exp Toggle: 1, -1 , 2
    Show Ping Toggle: 1, -1
    Out Town Select Toggle: 0, VK_5

    //Kill Count Toggle: 0, -1, 3
    //GetHit Count Toggle: 0, -1, 2

    //Show Base ED Toggle : 1, -1
    //Show Party Position Toggle: 1, -1
    //Show Party Level Toggle: 1, -1

    //ustawienia mapy
    Center Map Scroll Key: VK_PAUSE
    Scroll Map Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL
    Diagonal Scroll Toggle: 1, -1

    //Scroll Mode: 2
    //Map Scroll Key1: VK_J
    //Map Scroll Key2: VK_H
    //Map Scroll Key3: VK_Y
    //Map Scroll Key4: VK_U
    //Map Scroll Key5: VK_N

    Map Scroll Offset1[1-5]: 20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset2[1-5]: -20, 12
    Map Scroll Offset3[1-5]: -20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset4[1-5]: 20, -12
    Map Scroll Offset5[3]: -40, 10

    //Player Blob File: "blobplayer"
    //Monster Blob File: "blobmonster"
    //Object Blob File: "blobchest"
    Missile Blob File: "blobdot"
    //Item Blob File: "blobitem"
    //Boss Blob File: "blobBoss"
    //Npc Blob File: "blobNpc"
    //My Blob File: "blobMe"
    //Corpse Blob File: "blobCorpse"

    Full Visuals Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Weather Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Infravision Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Light Radius Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY
    Screen Shake Toggle: 1, VK_MULTIPLY

    Reveal Level Automap Key: -1
    Auto Reveal Act: 1
    AutoMap Toggle: 1, -1
    Auto Next Game Name: 1
    Auto Next Game Password: 1

    //Locale MPQ:"d2locale.mpq"
    Input Line Toggle: 1, -1

    //Extrawork Dll Action: 0
    //Version Checking Dll Action: 0

    Enter Game Sound : 0
    Right Click Swap Toggle: 1, -1
    Ctrl Click Swap Toggle : 1 ,-1
    Quick Drop Toggle : 1 ,-1

    Message Log Toggle: 1
    Message Log File Size : 10000

    Game Time Toggle: 1, -1
    Clock Toggle: 1, -1
    Layer Level No Toggle : 0, -1
    Server Ip Toggle: 0, -1
    Area Level Toggle: 0, -1

    Automap Active Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Ready Rooms Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Screen Area Toggle: 0, VK_SCROLL

    Automap Active Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Ready Rooms Colour: 0x77
    Automap Screen Area Colour: 0x55
    Mini Shrines Toggle: 1, -1
    //Life Bar Transparency: 2
    //Life Bar Colour: 0x08

    Perm Show Orbs Toggle: 1, -1

    Dangerous Monster Action: back to town
    Dangerous Monster Chicken Toggle: 0, VK_NUMPAD8
    Dangerous Monster[Burning Soul 2, Black Soul 2]: lr,-30 // fr, cr, lr, pr

    Automap Level Names Toggle: 1, -1
    Level Name Colour: White
    Staff Tomb Level Desc: "%2<=Here"
    Minimap Size: 3
    Minimap Toggle: 1, -1
    Minimap Cell Colour: 0x84
    // format: Minimap Cells[level number][cell no.1, cell no.2, ...] : 1 , color2 // 1 for enable, -1 for disable
    // example:
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1 , 0x62
    //Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Rogue Encampment][The Secret Cow Level]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Blood Moor][Den of Evil]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Stony Field][Cairn Stone]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Forgotten Tower]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Dark Wood][Tree of Inifuss]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Black Marsh][Tamoe Highland]: 1 , 0x62
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 1][Tower Cellar Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 2][Tower Cellar Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 3][Tower Cellar Level 4]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tower Cellar Level 4][Tower Cellar Level 5]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Tamoe Highland][Pit Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Pit Level 1][Pit Level 2]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 1][Jail Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 2][Jail Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Jail Level 3][Inner Cloister]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 1][Catacombs Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 2][Catacombs Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Catacombs Level 3][Catacombs Level 4]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Cold Plains][Crypt]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Barracks][316]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Far Oasis][Maggot Lair Level 1]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 1][Maggot Lair Level 2]:1
    Minimap Cells[Maggot Lair Level 2][Maggot Lair Level 3]:1
    Minimap Cells[lost city][Claw Viper Temple Level 1] :1
    Minimap Cells[Lost City][Ancient Tunnels]: 1 ,0x62
    Minimap Cells[Claw Viper Temple Level 1][Claw Viper Temple Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Arcane Sanctuary][Horazon's Journal]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Kurast Bazaar][Ruined Temple]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 1][Durance of Hate Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Durance of Hate Level 2][Durance of Hate Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Flayer Jungle][315]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Plains of Despair][Izual on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[River of Flame][Hellforg on Minimap]: 1

    Minimap Cells[Crystalline Passage][Frozen River]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Frozen River][Anya on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[118][Arreat Summit]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Anguish][Halls of Pain]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Pain][Halls of Vaught]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Halls of Vaught][Nihlathak on Minimap]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 1][Worldstone Keep Level 2]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 2][Worldstone Keep Level 3]: 1
    Minimap Cells[Worldstone Keep Level 3][Throne of Destruction]: 1

    Monster Death Anims[1+]: 1
    Monster Level Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster TC Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster Rune TC Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Monster Resists Toggle: 1, -1
    Monster Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Level Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player Distance Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Player HPPercent Toggle: 0 ,-1
    Boss Name Toggle: 1 , -1

    Automap Items Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Rune Numbers Toggle: 1, -1
    Automap Party Default: 1
    Automap Names Default: 1

    Auto Invite Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD4
    Auto Party Toggle: 1, VK_NUMPAD5
    Auto Loot Permit : 1, VK_NUMPAD6

    //Item Colours[?]: ?

    //Example :-
    //Item Colours[Shako][Unique]: 1,0x20 //show unique shako name red and automap white
    Item Colours[Ear]: -1,-2 //hide ears

    Item Colours[Jewel]: Red
    Charm Colours[1+]: Purple
    //Rune Colours[18+]: Orange
    Rejuv Pot Colours[2]: 9,0x20
    Item Colours[2008]: -2
    Healing Pot Colours[1+]: -2
    Mana Pot Colours[1+]: -2
    Gem Colours[1+]: green,0x20
    //Amethyst Colours[4+]: 10
    //Topaz Colours[3+]: 10
    //Sapphire Colours[4+]: 10
    //Emerald Colours[4+]: 10
    //Ruby Colours[4+]: 10
    //Diamond Colours[4+]: 10
    //Skull Colours[4+]: 10

    Item Colours[2140-2146][2]: 1,0x62

    //Examples :-
    //Gem Colours[Chipped]: Purple
    Rune Colours[1-19]: -2,-2,-2,-2
    Rune Colours[20+]: 8, 0x68

    Good Gold Number: 2700
    Good Gold Colour: Gold
    Poor Gold Colour: -2

    //Example :-
    //Poor Gold Colour: -1,-2

    Hidden Corpses Toggle: 0, -1
    Automap Corpses Toggle: 0, -1
    //Normal Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Boss Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Minion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Champion Corpse Colour: 0x08
    //Monster Corpse Colours[0+]: 0x08
    //Monster Corpses[0+]: 1

    Party Player Text Colour: 2
    Neutral Player Text Colour: 9
    Hostile Player Text Colour: 1
    Neutral Player Colour: 0x6f
    Hostile Player Colour: 0x5b
    Friend Minion Colour : 0x7f
    Player Minion Colour: 0xcb

    Automap Monsters Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Normal Monster Colour: 0x62
    Boss Monster Colour: 0x5b
    Minion Monster Colour: 0x66
    Champion Monster Colour: 0x68
    Act5 Barbarian Colour: 0x9f
    Super Unique Colour : 0x6f

    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Stygian Doll 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Gloam 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Burning Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[734]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Black Soul 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 3]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Soul Killer 4]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Frenzied Ice Spawn]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb viper 1]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Tomb Viper 2]: 0x9b
    Monster Colours[Undead Soul Killer 2]: 0x9b

    Monster Colours[411]: 0x20 //wake of fire
    Monster Colours[412]: 0x20 //Charged Bolt Sentry
    Monster Colours[413]: 0x20 //Lightning Sentry
    Monster Colours[417]: 0x20 //Death Sentry
    Monster Colours[352-354]: 0x20 //Hydra1-Hydra3 »ðÁúÒ»´Î3Í·£¬·Ö±ð¶ÔÓ¦1,2,3

    Monster Desc Colour: Red
    Enchantment Descs: 0
    Extra Strong Desc: "S"
    Extra Fast Desc: "F"
    Cursed Desc: "%2C"
    Magic Resistant Desc: "%8m"
    Fire Enchanted Desc: "%1FE"
    Lightning Enchanted Desc: "%9LE"
    Cold Enchanted Desc: "%3CE"
    Thief Desc: 0
    Mana Burn Desc: "%3MANA BURN"
    Teleportation Desc: "T"
    Spectral Hit Desc: "H"
    Stone Skin Desc: "%4SS"
    Multiple Shots Desc: "%12MS"
    Ghostly Desc: "Ghost"
    Fanatic Desc: "%11Fan"
    Possessed Desc: "Poss"
    Berserker Desc: "%4B"
    Champion Desc: 0

    // Auras Enhanted:
    Aura Descs : 0
    Might Aura Desc: "%4Aur"
    Holy Fire Aura Desc: "%1Fire"
    Blessed Aim Aura Desc: "%0Bless"
    Holy Freeze Aura Desc: "%3Freez"
    Holy Shock Aura Desc: "%9Shock"
    Conviction Aura Desc: "%1Conv"
    Fanaticism Aura Desc: "%5Fana"

    // Immunities:
    Immunity Descs : 0
    Physical Immunity Desc: "%4i"
    Magic Immunity Desc: "%8i"
    Fire Immunity Desc: "%1i"
    Lightning Immunity Desc: "%9i"
    Cold Immunity Desc: "%3i"
    Poison Immunity Desc: "%2i"

    Automap Chests Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Closed Chest Colour: 0x09
    Locked Chest Colour: 0x08

    Automap Missiles Toggle: 1, VK_DIVIDE
    Hostile Missile Colour: 0x62
    Guided Missile Colour: 0x5b
    Tracer Missile Colour: 0x97
    Other Missile Colour: 0x84
    Missile Colours[All Arrows]: -2
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[teeth]: 0x20
    Missile Colours[BoneSpirit]: 0x20

    Ethereal Item Prefix: "[Eth]"
    Ethereal Item Postfix: "[Eth]"

    Hide gold below 8000
    //Poor Gold Colour: -2
    Hide Arrows
    Item Colours[Arrows]: -2
    Hide Bolts
    Item Colours[Bolts]: -2
    Hide the scrolls (town portal and identify)
    Item Colours[Scroll of Town Portal]: -2
    Item Colours[Scroll of Identify]: -2
    Hide different potions
    Item Colours[Stamina Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Antidote Potion]: -2
    Item Colours[Thawing Potion]: -2
    Hide rejuvenation potion (the small one not the full one)
    //Item Colours[Rejuvenation Potion]: -2
    //Hide health potions Minor, Light and Normal (1,2,3)
    Healing Pot Colours[1,2,3,4,5]: -2
    // Hide mana potions Minor, Light and Normal (1,2,3)
    Mana Pot Colours[1,2,3,4,5]: -2

    //item colours[2098]:5
    //item colours[0-200]:-2
    //item colours[201]:11
    //item colours[202-1157]:-2
    //item colours[1158]:11
    //item colours[1159-2095]:-2
    //item colours[2096]:11
    //item colours[2097]:-2
    //item colours[2098]:11
    //item colours[2099-2142]:-2
    //item colours[2143-2145]:11
    //item colours[2146-9999]:-2
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