
Solved Stings MH Hidden Items acting wonky

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by roarby, May 17, 2018.

  1. roarby

    roarby Supporter

    May 13, 2018
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    Hello there.

    Over the last couple days I have been slowly working on making an Item filter for stings. Things seemed to be going well, but as I got done writing it and began testing it, wonky things happened and I can't figure out why.

    To start, here the item filter as I have it:
    //-------------------------PRIORITY ITEMS----------------------------
    //-------------------------THESE ARE SHOWN---------------------------
    Item Colours[2009]: -1    //SHOW FULL REJUVENATION POTION
    Item Colours[0+][1]: -2        //HIDES ALL LOW QUALITY
    Item Colours[0+][6]: -1, 0xa8    //SHOWS ALL ITEMS
    Item Colours[0+][7]: -1, 0x1a    //SHOWS ALL UNIQUES
    Item Colours[2096,2098]: 8, 0x69    //SMALL & GRAND CHARMS
    Item Colours[2013][5,7]: -1    //AMULETS
    Item Colours[2015][5,7]: -1    //RINGS
    Item Colours[5][3][Ethereal, Real][0,5,6]: RED, 0x0e //5,6 OS SUP WAR AXE
    Item Colours[98][3][Ethereal, Real][0,5,6]: RED, 0x0e //5,6 OS SUP NAGA
    Item Colours[201][3][Ethereal, Real][0,5,6]: RED, 0x0e //5,6 OS SUP ZERKER
    Item Colours[30][3][Ethereal, Real][0,5,6]:  RED, 0x0e    //SUP CRYSTAL SWORD
    Item Colours[123][3][Ethereal, Real][0,5,6]:  RED, 0x0e //SUP DIMENSIONAL BLADE
    Item Colours[226][3][Ethereal, Real][0,5,6]:  RED, 0x0e //SUP PHASE BLADE
    Item Colours[22][2,3][Ethereal, Real][0,4,5,6]:    RED, 0x0e //FLAIL
    Item Colours[255][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e //COLOSSUS VOULGE
    Item Colours[256][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4,5,6]:    RED, 0x0e //THRESHER
    Item Colours[257][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4,5,6]:    RED, 0x0e //CRYPTIC AXE
    Item Colours[258][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4,5,6]:    RED, 0x0e //GREAT POLEAXE
    Item Colours[259][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4,5,6]:    RED, 0x0e //GIANT THRESHER
    //Item Colours[22][2,3][Ethereal, Real][0,4,5,6]:    RED, 0x0e
    Item Colours[176][4,5]: -1        //KATAR
    Item Colours[177][4,5]: -1        //WRIST BLADE
    Item Colours[178][4,5]: -1        //HATCHET HANDS
    Item Colours[179][4,5]: -1        //CESTUS
    Item Colours[180][4,5]: -1        //CLAWS
    Item Colours[181][4,5]: -1        //BLADE TALONS
    Item Colours[182][4,5]: -1        //SCISSORS KATAR
    Item Colours[183][4,5]: -1        //QUHAB
    Item Colours[184][4,5]: -1        //WRIST SPIKE
    Item Colours[185][4,5]: -1        //FASCIA
    Item Colours[186][4,5]: -1        //HAND SCYTHE
    Item Colours[187][4,5]: -1        //GREATER CLAWS
    Item Colours[188][4,5]: -1        //GREATER TALONS
    Item Colours[189][4,5]: -1        //SCISSORS QUHAB
    Item Colours[190][4,5]: -1        //SUWAYYAH
    Item Colours[191][4,5]: -1        //WRIST SWORD
    Item Colours[192][4,5]: -1        //WAR FIST
    Item Colours[193][4,5]: -1        //BATTLE CESTUS
    Item Colours[194][4,5]: -1        //FERAL CLAWS
    Item Colours[195][4,5]: -1        //RUNIC TALONS
    Item Colours[196][4,5]: -1        //SCISSORS SUWAYYAH
    Item Colours[1160][3][Ethereal, Real][0,3]: RED, 0x0e    //BONE VISAGE
    Item Colours[1107][2,3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e //CROWN SHIELD
    Item Colours[1176][2,3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e //ROYAL SHIELD
    Item Colours[1197][2,3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e //VORTEX SHIELD
    Item Colours[1196][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]: RED, 0x0e //ZAKARUM SHIELD
    Item Colours[1176][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]: RED, 0x0e //GUILDED SHIELD
    Item Colours[1106][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]: RED, 0x0e //AERIN SHIELD
    Item Colours[1029][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //LEATHER GLOVES
    Item Colours[1030][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //HEAVY GLOVES
    Item Colours[1031][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //CHAIN GLOVES
    Item Colours[1032][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //LIGHT GAUNTLETS
    Item Colours[1033][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //GAUNTLETS
    Item Colours[1075][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //DEMONHIDE GLOVES
    Item Colours[1076][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //SHARKSKIN GLOVES
    Item Colours[1077][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //HEAVY BRACERS
    Item Colours[1078][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //BATTLE GAUNTLETS
    Item Colours[1079][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //WAR GAUNTLETS
    Item Colours[1145][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //BRAMBLE MITTS
    Item Colours[1146][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //VAMPIREBONE GLOVES
    Item Colours[1147][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //VAMBRACES
    Item Colours[1148][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //CRUSADER GAUNTLETS
    Item Colours[1149][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //OGRE GAUNTLETS
    Item Colours[1039][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //SASH
    Item Colours[1040][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //LIGHT BELT
    Item Colours[1041][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //BELT
    Item Colours[1042][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //HEAVY BELT
    Item Colours[1043][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //PLATED BELT
    Item Colours[1085][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //DEMONHIDE SASH
    Item Colours[1086][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //SHARKSKIN BELT
    Item Colours[1087][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //MESH BELT
    Item Colours[1088][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //BATTLE BELT
    Item Colours[1089][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //WAR BELT
    Item Colours[1155][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //SPIDERWEB SASH
    Item Colours[1156][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //VAMPIREFANG BELT
    Item Colours[1157][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //MITHRIL COIL
    Item Colours[1158][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //TROLL BELT
    Item Colours[1159][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //COLOSSUS GIRDLE
    Item Colours[1034][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //BOOTS
    Item Colours[1035][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //HEAVY BOOTS
    Item Colours[1036][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //CHAIN BOOTS
    Item Colours[1037][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //LIGHT PLATED BOOTS
    Item Colours[1038][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //GREAVES
    Item Colours[1080][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //DEMONHIDE BOOTS
    Item Colours[1081][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //SHARKSKIN BOOTS
    Item Colours[1082][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //MESH BOOTS
    Item Colours[1083][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //BATTLE BOOTS
    Item Colours[1084][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //WAR BOOTS
    Item Colours[1150][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //WYRMHIDE BOOTS
    Item Colours[1151][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //SCARABSHELL BOOTS
    Item Colours[1152][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //BONEWAVE BOOTS
    Item Colours[1153][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //MIRRORED BOOTS
    Item Colours[1154][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //MYRMIDON GREAVES
    Item Colours[1113][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //CIRCLET
    Item Colours[1114][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //CORONET
    Item Colours[1115][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //TIARA
    Item Colours[1116][5][Ethereal, Real]: -1    //DIADEM
    Item Colours[1124][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //DUSK SHROUD
    Item Colours[1125][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //WYRMHIDE
    Item Colours[1126][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //SCARAB HUSK
    Item Colours[1127][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //WIRE FLEECE
    Item Colours[1128][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //DIAMOND MAIL
    Item Colours[1129][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //LORICATED MAIL
    Item Colours[1130][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //BONEWEAVE
    Item Colours[1131][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //GREAT HAUBERK
    Item Colours[1132][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //BALROG SKIN
    Item Colours[1133][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //HELLFORGE PLATE
    Item Colours[1134][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //KRAKEN SHELL
    Item Colours[1135][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //LACQUERED PLATE
    Item Colours[1136][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //SHADOW PLATE
    Item Colours[1137][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //SACRED ARMOR
    Item Colours[1138][3][Ethereal, Real][0,4]:    RED, 0x0e    //ARCHON PLATE
    //*****************ALL ITEMS BELOW WITHOUT "//" AT BEGINNING ARE HIDDEN***************
    //*****************ALL ITEMS BELOW WITHOUT "//" AT BEGINNING ARE HIDDEN***************
    Item Colours[2019]: -2        //HIDE ARROWS
    Item Colours[2021]: -2        //HIDE BOLTS
    Item Colours[2022]: -2        //HIDE SCROLL OF TOWN PORTAL
    Item Colours[2023]: -2        //HIDE SCROLL OF IDENTIFY
    Item Colours[2036]: -2        //HIDE KEY
    Item Colours[2049]: -2        //HIDE EAR
    Item Colours[2097]: -2        //HIDE LARGE CHARMS
    Item Colours[2006]: -2        //HIDE STAMINA POTION
    Item Colours[2007]: -2        //HIDE ANTIDOTE POTION
    Item Colours[2008]: -2        //HIDE SMALL REJUVENATION POTION
    Item Colours[2010]: -2        //HIDE THAWING POTION
    Item Colours[81]: -2        //HIDE RANCID GAS POTION
    Item Colours[82]: -2        //HIDE OIL POTION
    Item Colours[83]: -2        //HIDE CHOKING GAS POTION
    Item Colours[84]: -2        //HIDE EXPLODING POTION
    Item Colours[85]: -2        //HIDE STRANGLING POTION
    Item Colours[86]: -2        //HIDE FULMINATING POTION
    Item Colours[2080]: -2        //HIDE MINOR HEALING POTION
    Item Colours[2081]: -2        //HIDE LIGHT HEALING POTION
    Item Colours[2082]: -2        //HIDE HEALING POTION
    Item Colours[2083]: -2        //HIDE GREATER HEALING POTION
    Item Colours[2084]: -2        //HIDE SUPER HEALING POTION
    Item Colours[2085]: -2        //HIDE MINOR MANA POTION
    Item Colours[2086]: -2        //HIDE LIGHT MANA POTION
    Item Colours[2087]: -2        //HIDE MANA POTION
    Item Colours[2088]: -2        //HIDE GREATER MANA POTION
    Item Colours[2089]: -2        //HIDE SUPER MANA POTION
    //Item Colours[2050]: -2        //HIDE CHIPPED AMETHYST
    //Item Colours[2051]: -2        //HIDE FLAWED AMETHYST
    //Item Colours[2052]: -2        //HIDE AMETHYST
    //Item Colours[2053]: -2    //HIDE FLAWLESS AMETHYST
    //Item Colours[2054]: -2    //HIDE PERFECT AMETHYST
    Item Colours[2055]: -2        //HIDE CHIPPED TOPAZ
    Item Colours[2056]: -2        //HIDE FLAWED TOPAZ
    Item Colours[2057]: -2        //HIDE TOPAZ
    //Item Colours[2058]: -2    //HIDE FLAWLESS TOPAZ
    //Item Colours[2059]: -2    //HIDE PERFECT TOPAZ
    Item Colours[2060]: -2        //HIDE CHIPPED SAPPHIRE
    Item Colours[2061]: -2        //HIDE FLAWD SAPPHIRE
    Item Colours[2062]: -2        //HIDE SAPPHIRE
    //Item Colours[2063]: -2    //HIDE FLAWLESS SAPPHIRE
    //Item Colours[2064]: -2    //HIDE PERFECT SAPPHIRE
    Item Colours[2065]: -2        //HIDE CHIPPED EMERALD
    Item Colours[2066]: -2        //HIDE FLAWED EMERALD
    Item Colours[2067]: -2        //HIDE EMERALD
    //Item Colours[2068]: -2    //HIDE FLAWLESS EMERALD
    //Item Colours[2069]: -2    //HIDE PERFECT EMERALD
    Item Colours[2070]: -2        //HIDE CHIPPED RUBY
    Item Colours[2071]: -2        //HIDE FLAWED RUBY
    Item Colours[2072]: -2        //HIDE RUBY
    //Item Colours[2073]: -2    //HIDE FLAWLESS RUBY
    //Item Colours[2074]: -2    //HIDE PERFECT RUBY
    Item Colours[2075]: -2        //HIDE CHIPPED DIAMOND
    Item Colours[2076]: -2        //HIDE FLAWED DIAMOND
    Item Colours[2077]: -2        //HIDE DIAMOND
    //Item Colours[2078]: -2    //HIDE FLAWLESS DIAMOND
    //Item Colours[2079]: -2    //HIDE PERFECT DIAMOND
    Item Colours[2090]: -2        //HIDE CHIPPED SKULL
    Item Colours[2091]: -2        //HIDE FLAWED SKULL
    //Item Colours[2092]: -2        //HIDE SKULL
    //Item Colours[2093]: -2        //HIDE FLAWLESS SKULL
    //Item Colours[2094]: -2        //HIDE PERFECT SKULL
    //-------------------------QUEST ITEMS-------------------------------
    //Item Colours[87]: -2        //HIDE DECOY GIDBINN (?)
    //Item Colours[88]: -2        //HIDE GIDBINN
    //Item Colours[89]: -2        //HIDE WIRT'S LEG
    //Item Colours[90]: -2        //HIDE HORDRIC MALUS
    //Item Colours[91]: -2        //HIDE HELL FORGE HAMMER
    //Item Colours[92]: -2        //HIDE HORADRIC STAFF
    //Item Colours[93]: -2        //HIDE SHAFT OF THE HORADRIC STAFF(?)
    //Item Colours[2014]: -2    //HIDE VIPER AMULET, TOP OF HORADRIC STAFF
    //Item Colours[174]: -2        //HIDE KHALIM'S FLAIL
    //Item Colours[175]: -2        //HIDE KHALIM'S WILL
    //Item Colours[2038]: -2    //HIDE POTION OF LIFE
    //Item Colours[2039]: -2    //HIDE A JADE FIGURINE
    //Item Colours[2040]: -2    //HIDE THE GOLDEN BIRD
    //Item Colours[2041]: -2    //HIDE LAM ESEN'S TOMB
    //Item Colours[2042]: -2    //HIDE HORADRIC CUBE
    //Item Colours[2043]: -2    //HIDE HORADRIC SCROLL
    //Item Colours[2044]: -2    //HIDE MEPHISTO'S SOULSTONE
    //Item Colours[2045]: -2    //HIDE BOOK OF SKILL
    //Item Colours[2046]: -2    //HIDE KHALIM'S EYE
    //Item Colours[2047]: -2    //HIDE KHALIM'S HEART
    //Item Colours[2048]: -2    //HIDE KHALIM'S BRAIN
    //-------------------------NORMAL AXES--------------------------------
    Item Colours[1]: -2        //HIDE HAND AXE
    Item Colours[2]: -2        //HIDE AXE
    Item Colours[3]: -2        //HIDE DOUBLE AXE
    Item Colours[4]: -2        //HIDE MILITARY PICK
    Item Colours[6]: -2        //HIDE LARGE AXE
    Item Colours[7]: -2        //HIDE BROAD AXE
    Item Colours[8]: -2        //HIDE BATTLE AXE
    Item Colours[9]: -2        //HIDE GREAT AXE
    Item Colours[10]: -2        //HIDE GIANT AXE
    //-------------------------NORMAL WANDS-------------------------------
    Item Colours[11]: -2        //HIDE WAND
    Item Colours[12]: -2        //HIDE YEW WAND
    Item Colours[13]: -2        //HIDE BONE WAND
    Item Colours[14]: -2        //HIDE GRIM WAND
    //-------------------------NORMAL MACES/HAMMERS-----------------------
    Item Colours[15]: -2        //HIDE CLUB
    Item Colours[16]: -2        //HIDE SCEPTER
    Item Colours[17]: -2        //HIDE GRAND SCEPTER
    Item Colours[18]: -2        //HIDE WAR SCEPTER
    Item Colours[19]: -2        //HIDE SPIKED CLUB
    Item Colours[20]: -2        //HIDE MACE
    Item Colours[21]: -2        //HIDE MORNING STAR
    Item Colours[23]: -2        //HIDE WAR HAMMER
    Item Colours[24]: -2        //HIDE MAUL
    Item Colours[25]: -2        //HIDE GREAT MAUL
    //-------------------------NORMAL SWORDS------------------------------
    Item Colours[26]: -2        //HIDE SHORT SWORD
    Item Colours[27]: -2        //HIDE SCIMITAR
    Item Colours[28]: -2        //HIDE SABRE
    Item Colours[29]: -2        //HIDE FALCHION
    Item Colours[31]: -2        //HIDE BROAD SWORD
    Item Colours[32]: -2        //HIDE LONG SWORD
    Item Colours[33]: -2        //HIDE WAR SWORD
    Item Colours[34]: -2        //HIDE TWO HANDED SWORD
    Item Colours[35]: -2        //HIDE CLAYMORE
    Item Colours[36]: -2        //HIDE GIANT SWORD
    Item Colours[37]: -2        //HIDE BASTARD SWORD
    Item Colours[38]: -2        //HIDE FLAMBERGE
    Item Colours[39]: -2        //HIDE GREAT SWORD
    //-------------------------NORMAL DAGGERS-----------------------------
    Item Colours[40]: -2        //HIDE DAGGER
    Item Colours[41]: -2        //HIDE DIRK
    Item Colours[42]: -2        //HIDE KRIS
    Item Colours[43]: -2        //HIDE BLADE
    //-------------------------NORMAL THROWABLES--------------------------
    Item Colours[44]: -2        //HIDE THROWING KNIFE
    Item Colours[45]: -2        //HIDE THROWING AXE
    Item Colours[46]: -2        //HIDE BALANCED KNIFE
    Item Colours[47]: -2        //HIDE BALANCED AXE
    Item Colours[48]: -2        //HIDE JAVELIN
    Item Colours[49]: -2        //HIDE PILUM
    Item Colours[50]: -2        //HIDE SHORT SPEAR
    Item Colours[51]: -2        //HIDE GLAIVE
    Item Colours[52]: -2        //HIDE THROWING SPEAR
    //-------------------------NORMAL POLEARMS/SPEARS---------------------
    Item Colours[53]: -2        //HIDE SPEAR
    Item Colours[54]: -2        //HIDE TRIDENT
    Item Colours[55]: -2        //HIDE BRANDISTOCK
    Item Colours[56]: -2        //HIDE SPETUM
    Item Colours[57]: -2        //HIDE PIKE
    Item Colours[58]: -2        //HIDE BARDICHE
    Item Colours[59]: -2        //HIDE VOULGE
    Item Colours[60]: -2        //HIDE SCYTHE
    Item Colours[61]: -2        //HIDE POLEAXE
    Item Colours[62]: -2        //HIDE HALBERD
    Item Colours[63]: -2        //HIDE WAR SCYTHE
    //-------------------------NORMAL STAVES------------------------------
    Item Colours[64]: -2        //HIDE SHORT STAFF
    Item Colours[65]: -2        //HIDE LONG STAFF
    Item Colours[66]: -2        //HIDE GNARLED STAFF
    Item Colours[67]: -2        //HIDE BATTLE STAFF
    Item Colours[68]: -2        //HIDE WAR STAFF
    //-------------------------NORMAL BOWS--------------------------------
    Item Colours[69]: -2        //HIDE SHORT BOW
    Item Colours[70]: -2        //HIDE HUNTER'S BOW
    Item Colours[71]: -2        //HIDE LONG BOW
    Item Colours[72]: -2        //HIDE COMPOSITE BOW
    Item Colours[73]: -2        //HIDE SHORT BATTLE BOW
    Item Colours[74]: -2        //HIDE LONG BATTLE BOW
    Item Colours[75]: -2        //HIDE SHORT WAR BOW
    Item Colours[76]: -2        //HIDE LONG WAR BOW
    Item Colours[77]: -2        //HIDE LIGHT CORSSBOW
    Item Colours[78]: -2        //HIDE CROSSBOW
    Item Colours[79]: -2        //HIDE HEAVY CROSSBOW
    Item Colours[80]: -2        //HIDE REPEATING CROSSBOW
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL AXES---------------------------
    Item Colours[94]: -2        //HIDE HATCHET
    Item Colours[95]: -2        //HIDE CLEAVER
    Item Colours[96]: -2        //HIDE TWIN AXE
    Item Colours[97]: -2        //HIDE CROWBILL
    Item Colours[99]: -2        //HIDE MILITARY AXE
    Item Colours[100]: -2    //HIDE BEARDED AXE
    Item Colours[101]: -2    //HIDE TABAR
    Item Colours[102]: -2    //HIDE GOTHIC AXE
    Item Colours[103]: -2    //HIDE ANCIENT AXE
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL WANDS--------------------------
    Item Colours[104]: -2        //HIDE BURNT WAND
    Item Colours[105]: -2        //HIDE PETRIFIED WAND
    Item Colours[106]: -2        //HIDE TOMB WAND
    Item Colours[107]: -2        //HIDE GRAVE WAND
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL MACES/HAMMERS------------------
    Item Colours[108]: -2        //HIDE CUDGEL
    Item Colours[109]: -2        //HIDE RUNE SCEPTER
    Item Colours[110]: -2        //HIDE HOLY WATER SPRINKLER
    Item Colours[111]: -2        //HIDE DIVINE SCEPTER
    Item Colours[112]: -2        //HIDE BARBED CLUB
    Item Colours[113]: -2        //HIDE FLANGED MACE
    Item Colours[114]: -2        //HIDE JAGGED STAR
    Item Colours[115]: -2        //HIDE KNOUT
    Item Colours[116]: -2        //HIDE BATTLE HAMMER
    Item Colours[117]: -2        //HIDE WAR CLUB
    Item Colours[118]: -2        //HIDE MARTEL DE FER
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL SWORDS-------------------------
    Item Colours[119]: -2        //HIDE GLADIUS
    Item Colours[120]: -2        //HIDE CUTLASS
    Item Colours[121]: -2        //HIDE SHAMSHIR
    Item Colours[122]: -2        //HIDE TULWAR
    Item Colours[124]: -2        //HIDE BATTLE SWORD
    Item Colours[125]: -2        //HIDE RUNE SWORD
    Item Colours[126]: -2        //HIDE ANCIENT SWORD
    Item Colours[127]: -2        //HIDE ESPANDON
    Item Colours[128]: -2        //HIDE DACIAN FALX
    Item Colours[129]: -2        //HIDE TUSK SWORD
    Item Colours[130]: -2        //HIDE GOTHIC SWORD
    Item Colours[131]: -2        //HIDE ZWEIHANDER
    Item Colours[132]: -2        //HIDE EXECUTIONER SWORD
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL DAGGERS------------------------
    Item Colours[133]: -2        //HIDE POIGNARD
    Item Colours[134]: -2        //HIDE RONDEL
    Item Colours[135]: -2        //HIDE CINQUEDEAS
    Item Colours[136]: -2        //HIDE STILETTO
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL THROWABLES---------------------
    Item Colours[137]: -2        //HIDE BATTLE DART
    Item Colours[138]: -2        //HIDE FRANCISCA
    Item Colours[139]: -2        //HIDE WAR DART
    Item Colours[140]: -2        //HIDE HURLBAT
    Item Colours[141]: -2        //HIDE WAR JAVELIN
    Item Colours[142]: -2        //HIDE GREAT PILUM
    Item Colours[143]: -2        //HIDE SIMBILAN
    Item Colours[144]: -2        //HIDE SPICULUM
    Item Colours[145]: -2        //HIDE HARPOON
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL POLEARMS/SPEARS----------------
    Item Colours[146]: -2        //HIDE WAR SPEAR
    Item Colours[147]: -2        //HIDE FUSCINA
    Item Colours[148]: -2        //HIDE WAR FORK
    Item Colours[149]: -2        //HIDE YARI
    Item Colours[150]: -2        //HIDE LANCE
    Item Colours[151]: -2        //HIDE LOCHABER AXE
    Item Colours[152]: -2        //HIDE BILL
    Item Colours[153]: -2        //HIDE BATTLE SCYTHE
    Item Colours[154]: -2        //HIDE PARTIZAN
    Item Colours[155]: -2        //HIDE BEC DE CORBIN
    Item Colours[156]: -2        //HIDE GRIM SCYTHE
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL STAVES-------------------------
    Item Colours[157]: -2        //HIDE JO STAFF
    Item Colours[158]: -2        //HIDE QUARTERSTAFF
    Item Colours[159]: -2        //HIDE CEDAR STAFF
    Item Colours[160]: -2        //HIDE GOTHIC STAFF
    Item Colours[161]: -2        //HIDE RUNE STAFF
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL BOWS-----------------------
    Item Colours[162]: -2        //HIDE EDGE BOW
    Item Colours[163]: -2        //HIDE RAZOR BOW
    Item Colours[164]: -2        //HIDE CEDAR BOW
    Item Colours[165]: -2        //HIDE DOUBLE BOW
    Item Colours[166]: -2        //HIDE SHORT SIEGE BOW
    Item Colours[167]: -2        //HIDE LARGE SIEGE BOW
    Item Colours[168]: -2        //HIDE RUNE BOW
    Item Colours[169]: -2        //HIDE GOTHIC BOW
    Item Colours[170]: -2        //HIDE ARBALEST
    Item Colours[171]: -2        //HIDE SIEGE CROSSBOW
    Item Colours[172]: -2        //HIDE BALLISTA
    Item Colours[173]: -2        //HIDE CHU KO NU
    //-------------------------ELITE AXES---------------------------------
    Item Colours[197]: -2    //HIDE TOMAHAWK
    Item Colours[198]: -2    //HIDE SMALL CRECENT
    Item Colours[199]: -2    //HIDE ETTIN AXE
    Item Colours[200]: -2    //HIDE WAR SPIKE
    Item Colours[202]: -2    //HIDE FERAL AXE
    Item Colours[203]: -2    //HIDE SILVER EDGED AXE
    Item Colours[204]: -2    //HIDE DECAPITATOR
    Item Colours[205]: -2    //HIDE CHAMPION AXE
    Item Colours[206]: -2    //HIDE GLORIOUS AXE
    //-------------------------ELITE WANDS--------------------------------
    Item Colours[207]: -2    //HIDE POLISHED WAND
    Item Colours[208]: -2    //HIDE GHOST WAND
    Item Colours[209]: -2    //HIDE LICH WAND
    Item Colours[210]: -2    //HIDE UNEARTHED WAND
    //-------------------------ELITE MACES/HAMMERS------------------------
    Item Colours[211]: -2    //HIDE TRUNCHEON
    Item Colours[212]: -2    //HIDE MIGHTY SCEPTER
    Item Colours[213]: -2    //HIDE SERAPH ROD
    Item Colours[214]: -2    //HIDE CADUCEUS
    Item Colours[215]: -2    //HIDE TYRANT CLUB
    Item Colours[216]: -2    //HIDE REINFORCED MACE
    Item Colours[217]: -2    //HIDE DEVIL STAR
    Item Colours[218]: -2    //HIDE SCOURGE
    Item Colours[219]: -2    //HIDE LEGENDARY MALLET
    Item Colours[220]: -2    //HIDE OGRE MAUL
    Item Colours[221]: -2    //HIDE THUNDER MAUL
    //-------------------------ELITE SWORDS-------------------------------
    Item Colours[222]: -2    //HIDE FALCATA
    Item Colours[223]: -2    //HIDE ATAGHAN
    Item Colours[224]: -2    //HIDE ELEGANT BLADE
    Item Colours[225]: -2    //HIDE HYDRA EDGE
    Item Colours[227]: -2    //HIDE CONQUEST SWORD
    Item Colours[228]: -2    //HIDE CRYPTIC SWORD
    Item Colours[229]: -2    //HIDE MYTHICAL SWORD
    Item Colours[230]: -2    //HIDE LEGEND SWORD
    Item Colours[231]: -2    //HIDE HIGHLAND BLADE
    Item Colours[232]: -2    //HIDE BALROG BLADE
    Item Colours[233]: -2    //HIDE CHAMPION SWORD
    Item Colours[234]: -2    //HIDE COLOSSUS SWORD
    Item Colours[235]: -2    //HIDE COLOSSUS BLADE
    //-------------------------ELITE DAGGERS------------------------------
    Item Colours[236]: -2    //HIDE BONE KNIFE
    Item Colours[237]: -2    //HIDE MITHRIL POINT
    Item Colours[238]: -2    //HIDE FANGED KNIFE
    Item Colours[239]: -2    //HIDE LEGEND SPIKE
    //-------------------------ELITE THROWABLES---------------------------
    Item Colours[240]: -2    //HIDE FLYING KNIFE
    Item Colours[241]: -2    //HIDE FLYING AXE
    Item Colours[242]: -2    //HIDE WINGED KNIFE
    Item Colours[243]: -2    //HIDE WINGED AXE
    Item Colours[244]: -2    //HIDE HYPERION JAVELIN
    Item Colours[245]: -2    //HIDE STYGIAN PILUM
    Item Colours[246]: -2    //HIDE BALROG SPEAR
    Item Colours[247]: -2    //HIDE GHOST GLAIVE
    Item Colours[248]: -2    //HIDE WINGED HARPOON
    //-------------------------ELITE POLEARMS/SPEARS----------------------
    Item Colours[249]: -2    //HIDE HYPERION SPEAR
    Item Colours[250]: -2    //HIDE STYGIAN PIKE
    Item Colours[251]: -2    //HIDE MANCATCHER
    Item Colours[252]: -2    //HIDE GHOST SPEAR
    Item Colours[253]: -2    //HIDE WAR [IKE
    Item Colours[254]: -2    //HIDE OGRE AXE
    //-------------------------ELITE STAVES-------------------------------
    Item Colours[260]: -2    //HIDE WALKING STICK
    Item Colours[261]: -2    //HIDE STALAGMITE
    Item Colours[262]: -2    //HIDE ELDER STAFF
    Item Colours[263]: -2    //HIDE SHILLELAGH
    Item Colours[264]: -2    //HIDE ARCHON STAFF
    //-------------------------ELITE BOWS---------------------------------
    Item Colours[265]: -2    //HIDE SPIDER BOW
    Item Colours[266]: -2    //HIDE BLADE BOW
    Item Colours[267]: -2    //HIDE SHADOW BOW
    Item Colours[268]: -2    //HIDE GREAT BOW
    Item Colours[269]: -2    //HIDE DIAMOND BOW
    Item Colours[270]: -2    //HIDE CRUSADER BOW
    Item Colours[271]: -2    //HIDE WARD BOW
    Item Colours[272]: -2    //HIDE HYDRA BOW
    Item Colours[273]: -2    //HIDE PELLET BOW
    Item Colours[274]: -2    //HIDE GORGON CROSSBOW
    Item Colours[275]: -2    //HIDE COLOSSUS CROSSBOW
    Item Colours[276]: -2    //HIDE DEMON CROSSBOW
    Item Colours[277]: -2    //HIDE EAGLE ORB
    Item Colours[278]: -2    //HIDE SACRED GLOBE
    Item Colours[279]: -2    //HIDE SMOKED SPHERE
    Item Colours[280]: -2    //HIDE CLASPED ORB
    Item Colours[281]: -2    //HIDE JARED'S STONE
    Item Colours[287]: -2    //HIDE GLOWING ORB
    Item Colours[288]: -2    //HIDE CRYSTALLINE GLOBE
    Item Colours[289]: -2    //HIDE CLOUDY SPHERE
    Item Colours[290]: -2    //HIDE SPARKLING BALL
    Item Colours[291]: -2    //HIDE SWIRLING CRYSTAL
    Item Colours[297]: -2    //HIDE HEAVENLY STONE
    Item Colours[298]: -2    //HIDE ELDRITCH ORB
    Item Colours[299]: -2    //HIDE DEMON HEART
    Item Colours[300]: -2    //HIDE VORTEX ORB
    Item Colours[301]: -2    //HIDE DIMENSIONAL SHARD
    //-------------------------AMAZON BOWS------------------------------
    Item Colours[282]: -2    //HIDE STAG BOW
    Item Colours[283]: -2    //HIDE REFLEX BOW
    Item Colours[284]: -2    //HIDE MAIDEN SPEAR
    Item Colours[285]: -2    //HIDE MAIDEN PIKE
    Item Colours[286]: -2    //HIDE MAIDEN JAVELIN
    Item Colours[292]: -2    //HIDE ASHWOOD BOW
    Item Colours[293]: -2    //HIDE CEREMONIAL BOW
    Item Colours[294]: -2    //HIDE CEREMONIAL SPEAR
    Item Colours[295]: -2    //HIDE CEREMONIAL PIKE
    Item Colours[296]: -2    //HIDE CEREMONIAL JAVELIN
    Item Colours[302]: -2    //HIDE MATRIARCHAL BOW
    Item Colours[303]: -2    //HIDE GRAND MATRON BOW
    Item Colours[304]: -2    //HIDE MATRIARCHAL SPEAR
    Item Colours[305]: -2    //HIDE MATRIARCHAL PIKE
    Item Colours[306]: -2    //HIDE MATRIARCHAL JAVELIN
    //-------------------------ASSASSIN CLAWS-----------------------------
    //-------------------------NORMAL HELMS-------------------------------
    Item Colours[1001]: -2    //HIDE CAP
    Item Colours[1002]: -2    //HIDE SKULL CAP
    Item Colours[1003]: -2    //HIDE HELM
    Item Colours[1004]: -2    //HIDE FULL HELM
    Item Colours[1005]: -2    //HIDE GREAT HELM
    Item Colours[1006]: -2    //HIDE CROWN
    Item Colours[1007]: -2    //HIDE MASK
    Item Colours[1044]: -2    //HIDE BONE HELM
    //-------------------------NORMAL ARMOR-------------------------------
    Item Colours[1008]: -2    //HIDE QUILTED ARMOR
    Item Colours[1009]: -2    //HIDE LEATHER ARMOR
    Item Colours[1010]: -2    //HIDE HARD LEATHER ARMOR
    Item Colours[1011]: -2    //HIDE STUDDED LEATHER
    Item Colours[1012]: -2    //HIDE RING MAIL
    Item Colours[1013]: -2    //HIDE SCALE MAIL
    Item Colours[1014]: -2    //HIDE CHAIN MAIL
    Item Colours[1015]: -2    //HIDE BREAT PLATE
    Item Colours[1016]: -2    //HIDE SPLINT MAIL
    Item Colours[1017]: -2    //HIDE PLATE MAIL
    Item Colours[1018]: -2    //HIDE FIELD PLATE
    Item Colours[1019]: -2    //HIDE GOTHIC PLATE
    Item Colours[1020]: -2    //HIDE FULL PLATGE MAIL
    Item Colours[1021]: -2    //HIDE ANCIENT ARMOR
    Item Colours[1022]: -2    //HIDE LIGHT PLATE
    //-------------------------NORMAL SHIELDS-----------------------------
    Item Colours[1023]: -2    //HIDE BUCKLER
    Item Colours[1024]: -2    //HIDE SMALL SHIELD
    Item Colours[1025]: -2    //HIDE LARGE SHIELD
    Item Colours[1026]: -2    //HIDE KITE SHIELD
    Item Colours[1027]: -2    //HIDE TOWER SHIELD
    Item Colours[1028]: -2    //HIDE GOTHIC SHIELD
    Item Colours[1045]: -2    //HIDE BONE SHIELD
    Item Colours[1046]: -2    //HIDE SPIKED SHIELD
    //-------------------------NORMAL GLOVES------------------------------
    //-------------------------NORMAL BOOTS-------------------------------
    //-------------------------NORMAL BELTS-------------------------------
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL HELMS--------------------------
    Item Colours[1047]: -2    //HIDE WAR HAT
    Item Colours[1048]: -2    //HIDE SALLET
    Item Colours[1049]: -2    //HIDE CASQUE
    Item Colours[1050]: -2    //HIDE BASINET
    Item Colours[1051]: -2    //HIDE WINGED HELM
    Item Colours[1052]: -2    //HIDE GRAND CROWN
    Item Colours[1053]: -2    //HIDE DEATH MASK
    Item Colours[1090]: -2    //HIDE GRIM HELM
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL ARMOR--------------------------
    Item Colours[1054]: -2    //HIDE GHOST ARMOR
    Item Colours[1055]: -2    //HIDE SERPENTSKIN ARMOR
    Item Colours[1056]: -2    //HIDE DEMONHIDE ARMOR
    Item Colours[1057]: -2    //HIDE TRELLISED ARMOR
    Item Colours[1058]: -2    //HIDE LINKED MAIL
    Item Colours[1059]: -2    //HIDE TIGULATED MAIL
    Item Colours[1060]: -2    //HIDE MESH ARMOR
    Item Colours[1061]: -2    //HIDE CUIRASS
    Item Colours[1062]: -2    //HIDE RUSSET ARMOR
    Item Colours[1063]: -2    //HIDE TEMPLAR COAT
    Item Colours[1064]: -2    //HIDE SHARKTOOTH ARMOR
    Item Colours[1065]: -2    //HIDE EMBOSSED PLATE
    Item Colours[1066]: -2    //HIDE CHAOS ARMOR
    Item Colours[1067]: -2    //HIDE ORNATE PLATE
    Item Colours[1068]: -2    //HIDE MAGE PLATE
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL SHIELDS------------------------
    Item Colours[1069]: -2    //HIDE DEFENDER
    Item Colours[1070]: -2    //HIDE ROUND SHIELD
    Item Colours[1071]: -2    //HIDE SCUTUM
    Item Colours[1072]: -2    //HIDE DRAGON SHIELD
    Item Colours[1073]: -2    //HIDE PAVISE
    Item Colours[1074]: -2    //HIDE ANCIENT SHIELD
    Item Colours[1091]: -2    //HIDE GRIM SHIELD
    Item Colours[1092]: -2    //HIDE BARBED SHIELD
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL GLOVES-------------------------
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL BOOTS--------------------------
    //-------------------------EXCEPTIONAL BELTS--------------------------
    //-------------------------ELITE HELMS--------------------------------
    Item Colours[1117]: -2    //HIDE SHAKO
    Item Colours[1118]: -2    //HIDE HYDRASKULL
    Item Colours[1119]: -2    //HIDE ARMET
    Item Colours[1120]: -2    //HIDE GIANT CONCH
    Item Colours[1121]: -2    //HIDE SPIRED HELM
    Item Colours[1122]: -2    //HIDE CORONA
    Item Colours[1123]: -2    //HIDE DEMONHEAD (MASK)
    Item Colours[1160]: -2    //HIDE BONE VISAGE
    //-------------------------ELITE ARMOR--------------------------------
    //-------------------------ELITE SHIELDS------------------------------
    Item Colours[1139]: -2    //HIDE HEATER
    Item Colours[1140]: -2    //HIDE LUNA
    Item Colours[1141]: -2    //HIDE HYPERION
    Item Colours[1142]: -2    //HIDE MONARCH
    Item Colours[1143]: -2    //HIDE AEGIS
    Item Colours[1144]: -2    //HIDE WARD
    Item Colours[1161]: -2    //HIDE TROLL NEST
    Item Colours[1162]: -2    //HIDE BLADE BARRIER
    //-------------------------ELITE GLOVES-------------------------------
    //-------------------------ELITE BOOTS--------------------------------
    //-------------------------ELITE BELTS--------------------------------
    //-------------------------PALADIN SHIELDS----------------------------
    Item Colours[1103]: -2    //HIDE TARGE
    Item Colours[1104]: -2    //HIDE RONDACHE
    Item Colours[1105]: -2    //HIDE HERALDIC SHIELD
    Item Colours[1173]: -2    //HIDE AKARAN TARGE
    Item Colours[1174]: -2    //HIDE AKARAN RONDACHE
    Item Colours[1175]: -2    //HIDE PROTECTOR SHIELD
    Item Colours[1193]: -2    //HIDE SACRED TARGE
    Item Colours[1194]: -2    //HIDE SACRED RONDACHE
    Item Colours[1195]: -2    //HIDE KURAST SHIELD
    //-------------------------BARBARIAN HELMS----------------------------
    Item Colours[1098]: -2    //HIDE JAWBONE CAP
    Item Colours[1099]: -2    //HIDE FANGED HELM
    Item Colours[1100]: -2    //HIDE HORNED HELM
    Item Colours[1101]: -2    //HIDE ASSAULT HELMET
    Item Colours[1102]: -2    //HIDE AVENGER GUARD
    Item Colours[1168]: -2    //HIDE JAWBONE VISOR
    Item Colours[1169]: -2    //HIDE LION HELM
    Item Colours[1170]: -2    //HIDE RAGE MASK
    Item Colours[1171]: -2    //HIDE SAVAGE HELMET
    Item Colours[1172]: -2    //HIDE SLAYER GUARD
    Item Colours[1188]: -2    //HIDE CARNAGE HELM
    Item Colours[1189]: -2    //HIDE FURY VISOR
    Item Colours[1190]: -2    //HIDE DESTROYER HELM
    Item Colours[1191]: -2    //HIDE CONQUEROR CROWN
    Item Colours[1192]: -2    //HIDE GUARDIAN CROWN
    //-------------------------NECROMANCER SHIELDS------------------------
    Item Colours[1108]: -2    //HIDE PRESERVED HEAD
    Item Colours[1109]: -2    //HIDE ZOMBIE HEAD
    Item Colours[1110]: -2    //HIDE UNRAVELLER HEAD
    Item Colours[1111]: -2    //HIDE GARGOYLE
    Item Colours[1112]: -2    //HIDE DEMONHEAD (NECRO SHIELD)
    Item Colours[1178]: -2    //HIDE MUMMIFIED TROPHY
    Item Colours[1179]: -2    //HIDE FETISH TROPHY
    Item Colours[1180]: -2    //HIDE SEXTON TROPHY
    Item Colours[1181]: -2    //HIDE CANTOR TROPHY
    Item Colours[1182]: -2    //HIDE HEIROPHANT TROPHY
    Item Colours[1198]: -2    //HIDE MINION SKULL
    Item Colours[1199]: -2    //HIDE HELLSPAWN SKULL
    Item Colours[1200]: -2    //HIDE OVERSEER SKULL
    Item Colours[1201]: -2    //HIDE SUCCUBUS SKULL
    Item Colours[1202]: -2    //HIDE BLOODLORD SKULL
    //-------------------------DRUID HELMS--------------------------------
    Item Colours[1093]: -2    //HIDE WOLF HEAD
    Item Colours[1094]: -2    //HIDE HAWK HELM
    Item Colours[1095]: -2    //HIDE ANTLERS
    Item Colours[1096]: -2    //HIDE FALCON MASK
    Item Colours[1097]: -2    //HIDE SPIRIT MASK
    Item Colours[1163]: -2    //HIDE ALPHA HELM
    Item Colours[1164]: -2    //HIDE GRIFFON HEADDRESS
    Item Colours[1165]: -2    //HIDE HUNTER'S GUISE
    Item Colours[1166]: -2    //HIDE SACRED FEATHERS
    Item Colours[1167]: -2    //HIDE TOTEMIC MASK
    Item Colours[1183]: -2    //HIDE BLOOD SPIRIT
    Item Colours[1184]: -2    //HIDE SUN SPIRIT
    Item Colours[1185]: -2    //HIDE EARTH SPIRIT
    Item Colours[1186]: -2    //HIDE SKY SPIRIT
    Item Colours[1187]: -2    //HIDE DREAM SPIRIT
    //-------------------------1.12 ITEMS---------------------------------
    Item Colours[2140]: Orange, Orange //TERROR KEY
    Item Colours[2141]: Orange, Orange //HATE KEY
    Item Colours[2142]: Orange, Orange //DESTRUCTION KEY
    Item Colours[2143]: Orange, Orange // DIABLO'S HORN
    Item Colours[2144]: Orange, Orange // BAAL'S EYE
    Item Colours[2145]: Orange, Orange // MEPHISTO'S BRAIN
    Now my problem.
    I have random items showing up white on the screen. For example, I have antlers set to hidden, yet only rare antlers show up, and they are colored white like normal items. The same thing applies to random uniques, any item socketed with something, and other random rares.

    Any ideas on why this happens?

    Thanks for reading and quite possibly helping me!

    best regards
  2. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    You should post this in sting guide so all maphack questions and answers are kept in one thread
  3. roarby

    roarby Supporter

    May 13, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Quite possibly. Saw many other threads in this section for stings, so just went for it. I feel it'd be redundant to just post it again in that topic though at this point.
  4. nycter

    nycter Senior Member

    Dec 20, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    you should hide all crap items 1st like
    Item Colours[1-306]: -1, -2 //weapons
    Item Colours[1001-1202]: -1, -2 //armor
    and then display the rest items which u want to see
    + your cfg will be much more short
    Last edited: May 18, 2018
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