
Customization Ideas

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RandAlThor, Jul 2, 2018.

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  1. RandAlThor

    RandAlThor Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    I was hoping it could be hosted here instead of (or in addition to) the suggestions subforum; to allow for maximum response/exposure. Obviously, this is up to you Admins, so please rename this thread as desired. It is my hope that this will be an active post for things we'd like done as a community; As such, I welcome all criticism - good or bad. I will get the ball rolling hopefully with something I worked on earlier today.

    Please Note: All or none of these ideas may be rejected by Admins

    That being said - The ideas presented in my post today have already been fully coded to demo for you. These edits are not set in-stone, and can be adjusted based on feedback. The video demo can be found directly below:

    Option 1: Store all gems in 1 bag with auto convert. Reroll items without withdrawing gems. Mass Deposit Gems
    How to Use ReRoll:
    Step 1: Put Skill Charm in Cube Alone, Transmute twice.
    Step 2: Place GemBag in Cube now and Reroll as many times as you desire; The gems used for the reroll are taken from your bag automagically. Spam Transmute and Pray.

    Whether you cube a chipped or flawless amethyst with your gem bag, you will get +1 Amethysts in the gembag. You then decide what exact gem you want only when you extract them with the remover of your choice. This means that you never need to cube chipped to perfects to store them, yet you can always get the exact gem type out you need, all in one bag. As with the current configuration, simply cube the remover by itself to change what it removes.

    Pros: Only 1 Gem Bag for all gems, Easy Extraction of any gem type, Effortless Re-Rolling, No Gem Count Limit, Gem Totals added, Mass Deposit Gems
    Remover needed for each gem type
    Potential Workarounds:
    The removers can also be reduced to 1 item; However, you would then need to cycle through all the possible gem options when transmuting instead of just the qualities for a specific gem. In the worst case scenario, to get from a Chipped Topaz Remover to a Perfect Skull Remover, this would be 34 transmutes(clicks).

    Breakdown of Mechanics/Limitations:
    Due to the way the cube recipes are structured on the back-end, a 3rd item, an item we will be calling Item X is needed. This item holds the information of the skiller or other item we are trying to Reroll.

    There are 3 cube recipes that enable this function:
    Skiller Alone = Skiller + Item X <---It being a Magic item lets us designate exact item info - In this case, level range for a skiller
    An exact level may also be specified, simply more options would needed to be added to Item X. I have done level ranges for this example to save time as it still gets the job done in this skiller scenario.

    Item X + Skiller = Skiller + Item X <---This converts our magic item X to an easily identifiable unique. Restores Skiller.
    Exact Text and item images can obviously be customized or re-formatted for best viewing/clarity.

    Skiller+Gem Bag+Item X = ReRoll

    This is why you must transmute twice - To first save the item info, then to copy it. Item X(Magic) cannot be used for anything besides the above formula. The skillers created during the reroll have their level requirement raised by 100(can never use) until you choose to save the skiller. This is necessary to avoid abusing the system.

    Option 2: Customize Item Color for any Item Quality

    How To change Color of Item:
    Cube a new item: "Color Dye" with desired equipment
    Color of Equip is now Light Blue; Transmute Equip again for the next color

    Allows you to change displayed colors of equipment. Change your Bright Green TM to a Dark Purple one...or White...or w/e. This process is easily repeatable and works on all item qualities. You only need 1 special item to allow changing to any of the 18 colors I have included. The method to obtain this item can be heavily customized...event only, rare drop reward, bought from akara, etc. I am currently using a standard key for demo purposes. With current progress on edits, Barbs who dual-wield may not use separate colors for each weapon

    Pros: New Customization Option, Easily Repeatable, Universal Item Compatibility, Possible New Must Have Item
    Not aware of any as of yet

    Current Colors List: Dark Blue, Bright Blue, Dark Red, Bright Red, Dark Green, Bright Green, Light Gold, Dark Gold, Light Purple, Dark Purple, Orange, White, Black

    So please let me know what you guys think! Questions, Comments, Improvements,Etc are all welcome.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2018
    eKc, sorkaikorka, TrailBlazer and 3 others like this.
  2. Og2blunts

    Og2blunts Active Member

    Feb 28, 2018
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    That color customizer is pretty sweet
    TrailBlazer and RandAlThor like this.
  3. Darklingsoul

    Darklingsoul Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2017
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    That color mod is really nice, hope this gets a swift approval. I know many refer to the TM color as a vomit green and I'm sure this would spruce up true customization in the long run. It goes to show that D2 held the capabilities for most of these feats. long before Diablo III came into play. +1 to keeping the game fresh, you got my vote.
    eKc and RandAlThor like this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Option1: This is a way better idea than your first one which would have resulted in a huge text naming all the gem qualities inside of the bag.
    The only downside I can see is that it requires extra clicks to change the quality for each gem and also make people read more about how it works which we all know how it goes but still way better.

    Option2: Colors dye are fine, it's not a fresh idea and I liked it before when someone else suggested it in the past but up to a point otherwise too much modifications or colours and it becomes ridiculous.

    The total gems option that you shared a while ago is already added for the next patch update but you know that already.
    The one thing I wish you'd share by now (besides the total gems which you already did) as mentioned in one of my messages is the rolling directly from bags option but you preferred to argue instead.

    PS: If it's a suggestion then post it into the suggestions forum, active members don't just read the last 10 replies and they're done as you may think.
    As for the note you mentioned in your own post, I couldn't have said it better so have in mind this is not a modded realm and will never be one therefore any changes must be kept to a minimum.
  5. RandAlThor

    RandAlThor Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    The config is easily swappable - It can be altered so that removers are sorted by gem grade rather than gem type. This would allow (in most use cases) 1 bag to hold all the gems, and the perfect remover to remove any desired perfect gem(How it's currently used). Thus, other than the fact that there are 5 removers instead of 1, most times only the 1 bag and the 1 remover would be used.
    On a side note, with a simple code edit, you could allow depositing of a full cube of same type gems(different grades is fine) with 1 transmute. This would also only require minimal cube recipes on the backend.

    I never claimed it to be an original idea; I was just the one to actually do it :) Server has been around 11 years after all, it could use some basic updates.

    Please see original post for another video update containing this as well as a a few other small changes. (It will be approximately 15 minutes from time of this post)
    Also, I really don't see the need to mention anything supposedly said in PM, as it's not something thats needed or defendable on either side.

    There were 2 reasons I originally(and still wish) this was moved to the General Discussions Subforum:

    1)The Suggestions topic does not appear on the recent posts quicklist at the top, which many if not most use when checking the forum. The people who don't use it usually already have a specific subforum in mind, like a Preferred Language forum, etc. Simply look at any of the view counts to other subforums in comparison.

    2)These may be suggestions overall, but one of the goals of this thread was not only to offer suggestions, but discuss the needs and desires of the community as a whole. Tying into Point 1; It's harder to accomplish that with limited visibility and therefore input from the community.
    eKc likes this.
  6. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    We take the final decisions as you already mentioned in your first post too so keep that in mind and the thread clean.
    The process of rerolling directly from gem bags should be simplified, something like adding the magic item + gem bag and transmuting once is ideal but likely atleast one other item has to be used.
    Ezekiel and Kefflar32 like this.
  7. RandAlThor

    RandAlThor Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    If the only item it was used for was rerolling a baal charm or something you could use bag+charm = reroll. Being able to specify item types and level ranges however requires using item x...bag + charm + item x = reroll

    Thanks for the feedback @Og2blunts and @Darklingsoul - Appreciate it! Hopefully more will see the post and offer other ideas or improvements also :D
    eKc likes this.
  8. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Your ideas are nice, but this is not a (heavily) modded server and we would like to keep it this way.
    The changes we have made are already too much. (for our blizzlike concept)
    Suggestions/ideas are always welcome but a lot more modding will not happen anytime soon, if at all.
  9. LqnDo

    LqnDo Active Member

    Oct 13, 2015
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    I like your ideas! Especially the charm rerolling directly with charm + bag.

    @inayat, Imho, he is just improving the modifications that you guys made on the server, not adding new stuff (modified TM and now the server is all green, "vomit green"). The gems bags are a drag as they are currently (see attached pics). It just take so much time for the guy making em all perfects, then putting them in a bag one by one, then selling it to me and i spend like 3 hours pulling 1k gems out of bags and rerolling the charms, and his idea is improving the already modified implementation you guys made.

    The color, total gems number and the easier rerolls are things that would not break the blizzlike atmosphere u guys build up, it will make things easier, yes, but would not harm the community, only improve it.

    Attached Files:

  10. CSO

    CSO Member

    Jun 26, 2018
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    Is very good ideas i like olso !!! lets see if Gix is ok whit that , will be ok to change the color :d and olso whit the gems is really good becose is more fasst and beter for us to play easy ..
    RandAlThor likes this.
  11. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @LqnDo, @inayat is taking about adding even more modding in general because it's not the first time someone tries to make his personal mod out of this realm so he's making sure the OP gets that idea. Simple improvements to gems bags for example, even color dyes as long as they're not too complex for the regular users they're definetly welcome while more advanced stuff will belong to a mod instead.
    Keep in mind you're not gemming 3 gems but 1 instead and you can also use the maphack to one click move items which is already an improvement and saves way more time compared to the original and there are a lots of people that are happy to store their gems into bags instead of creating dozen of mule characters as well as the gems price which we have to make sure it stays the same as it helps the new players a lot. You would still need to take them out of the bag one by one btw but you will be able to deposit more at the same time as the guide says it will happen in the future and it was also mentioned there somewhere that we may add the option to extract the gems as perfect regardless of the bag quality which is pretty much similar to the OP idea, although having just one bag sounds better even though you would need to cube the gem quality to be extracted now too and not only the colour.

    How about people buying the Item X from Akara instead and cube bag + charm + item x directly? Upon transmuting you'll get back the bag (-3 gems) + charm (unusable level) + item x which then you get to transmute the charm + item x and make it usable. This eliminates the first transmute and makes it easier for everyone.
  12. RandAlThor

    RandAlThor Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    No disrespect meant; but you're missing the reason for the first transmute.

    In order to reroll something like a skiller, you need to know what level it is, so you know what prefixes/suffixes it can spawn. The purpose of Item X is to hold this information (See original post, "Mechanics/Limitations"). Therefore, adding Item X to Akara just means they dont actually need to have a charm at all now. They just buy the item and spawn one; Free Baal Charms for everyone.

    The only difference between doing it this way or with just gems...is you have to doubleclick the transmute button with the skiller first; That's it. That's not a hard or complicated step for people to remember imo.

    It's all optional anyways - so if double-clicking is somehow too confusing, they'll just keep doing it the current way...
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
    eKc and Darklingsoul like this.
  13. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    The idea is to make it as simple as possible to be used even if it's just optional because it may be easier for me, you or others but there are still many people who don't read simple instructions such as how to transmute gems or how to use the gems bag although the descriptive text on each item is pretty straight forward.

    Can you provide a video of your top 10-15 dye colours? I suggest picking a tone for each colour so we won't have something like dark red, light red, crystal red and so on for each colour etc.
    Have you tested if none of these break any other aspects or mechanics of the game? All runewords, different items, etc.
    Also as far as I know you won't be able to dye items like pala shields since they can't spawn with a colour mode and guess it's also available for rings, amu, quivers and circlet.

    Unfortunately the biggest problem with this rerolling formula is maintaining the charm ilvl because at this point any charm you will be rolling will be assigned a fixed ilvl after the reroll and that's not how it should work. So if you would be rolling a ilvl 72 charm for example, the result will be a newly generated charm with a fixed close range level that has been decided by us even before the transmute happend, it won't be the same charm that we initially placed into the cube and intended to reroll. I did some research and asked for some opinions, it seems this requires code editing in order to maintain the proper ilvl because adding the gem bag is what makes this difficult here since it occupies the first input slot where the charm should be and if you don't do that then you won't be able to take off mods from it meaning you cannot get the gems out of the bag and the recipe looses it's purpose. I'm not sure the temporary item idea will work well even if one will be created for every single charm type + every ilvl + every rarity meaning magic, rare and unique in order to preserve the ilvl so this is more complicated than it looks and requires more brainstorming and some advanced CE editing knowledge.
    If you or anyone else knows how to properly code edit a function that allows rerolling directly from a gembag AND preserves the charm ilevel exactly as the original rerolling recipe does then send me a PM so we can add it to our future patch updates.
  14. RandAlThor

    RandAlThor Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    I understand the goal; Again, my comments were not a dig at you - Simply trying to explain the limitations so we were on the same page.

    The current setup is as simple as I was able to come up with while still maintaining the abuse protection, and the varying types/levels that will be used for inputs. This might change if I have some great idea/workaround, but for now...a double transmute is the best option.
    With that said, if you or anyone else can think of a way to generate a unique item with EXACT parameters, I would be happy to implement it with that instead; reducing it back down to 1 transmute as requested.

    I'm not sure what you mean by this: "Can you provide a video of your top 10-15 dye colours? I suggest picking a tone for each colour so we won't have something like dark red, light red, crystal red and so on for each colour etc."

    The video demonstrating the color change equip function is the 2nd video in the original post. The color names are what Diablo 2 has named them, not myself. They can be renamed or described however you wish. If you're asking me to remove color options; that can be done as well - light/dark yellow and gold are very similar, can be safely removed without impacting customization much for example. Other than stuff like that; a "dark blue" that might look like garbage on a weapon, looks great on an armor; or vice versa. So it might be hard to just do 1 tone for each color, youd definitely miss out on some neat ones imo.

    Here are the colors on weapons and armor, after I have removed the light and dark yellow.

    I have not noticed any issues with the following tested equipment: Runewords, Uniques, Set, Magic, Rare, Normal. I have tested weapons armor and helms of most if not all of these variants. I have noticed ZERO issues as of yet, including with items that have additional states/auras on them(like Azurewrath).
    Here is a screenshot taken with the following equip all dyed black: Azurewrath PB, Enigma Armor, Shako, Exile Vortex, Wartrav Boots

    Regarding pally shields, quivers, etc:
    Paladin Shields can be color changed without issue. You are correct that at default they dont have a color palette associated to them, this can be edited easily however. This will be something you will likely want to edit regardless...for many, if not all items.
    Quivers, Jewelry and (I think) Circlets dont have in-game(animation) graphics being used. They have inventory graphics, but don't affect your characters animation image. Therefore any color changes to items like this would be viewable from inventory only.

    Being able to change the inventory image color on demand is both easy and not.
    For items that don't have an inventory color, you could purchase a dye and put w/e color you want on it with a very simple code edit. For armors like a TM that are already told what color it is in inventory; you cant swap it to a new one.
    The correct way to do inventory colors is to create a new image for each item.
    Rip out an image of an archon plate for example, and color it manually in photoshop with 10 different colors or w/e...then insert back into game as new images that archon plate can use. For obvious reasons, I spent my time doing the character animation colors for the demo. Inventory colors have not been altered.
    This process can also be used to replace the animation graphics coloring, if there were errors that became present, or visual flaws that we wanted to change.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2018
    eKc, Fatty180, ezclap and 2 others like this.
  15. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Unfortunately the biggest problem with this rerolling formula is maintaining the charm ilvl because at this point any charm you will be rolling will be assigned a fixed ilvl after the reroll and that's not how it should work. So if you would be rolling a ilvl 72 charm for example, the result will be a newly generated charm with a fixed close range level that has been decided by us even before the transmute happend, it won't be the same charm that we initially placed into the cube and intended to reroll. I did some research and asked for some opinions, it seems this requires code editing in order to maintain the proper ilvl because adding the gem bag is what makes this difficult here since it occupies the first input slot where the charm should be and if you don't do that then you won't be able to take off mods from it meaning you cannot get the gems out of the bag and the recipe looses it's purpose. I'm not sure the temporary item idea will work well even if one will be created for every single charm type + every ilvl + every rarity meaning magic, rare and unique in order to preserve the ilvl so this is more complicated than it looks and requires more brainstorming and some advanced CE editing knowledge.
    If you or anyone else knows how to properly code edit a function that allows rerolling directly from a gembag AND preserves the charm ilevel exactly as the original rerolling recipe does then send me a PM so we can add it to our future patch updates.

    Additional improvements to the gem bags, gems total and dye colors will be added later on during a mid-season patch update or in the next ladder.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2018
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