
İs this İAS and Crushing Blow Bug?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by lawyerzzzz, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. lawyerzzzz

    lawyerzzzz Senior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
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    Hi everyone,
    I have frenzy barbar and I use BOTD+Last Wish....
    BOTD give 60 İAS and Last Wish give 69 Crushing Blow....
    But these runewords do not give ias+crushing blow in same time:S
    Strange side of the problem; Sting MH showing only on the left side RW's fetaure...For exampla when BOTD in the left hand and Last Wish in right hand I have 105 İas but only 25 CB but when Last Wish in my left hand and BOTD in right hand I have 45 İas and 94 CB....
    İn normally when I use these RW's in same time i must have 105 İAS and 94 Crushing Blow....
    This is bug or Sting Map Hack fault???
    Secreen Shots are in this topic:)
    Allready thx for all help....
    P.S: Now i dont have str bug...İ will give a lot of str to try...

    1.jpg 2.jpg
  2. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Frenzy is a curious skill, and one of the few that lets you use two weapons to attack with. being so it does not work like other single weapon attacks. In a sense, frenzy takes the average base weapon speed of both weapons into consideration when the game decides how fast you attack, with emphasis on the main weapon.

    A frenzy barb with two different weapons of different speeds can have up to four different attack speeds that are all variable by how much frenzy is charged up. We of course want the fastest possible attack (5 frames per attack, 2 attacks per frenzy, 10 frame frenzy animation), the fastest attack speed with allow us to do the most damage possible. Not only will faster attack land more hits and thus more damage, but it also gives us higher chances of casting spells and magic effects (like amp, cb, and crit, static field)
    for the fastest attack speed, we want a particularly fast weapon to be the main weapon.

    Main/Primary weapon is the one which is equipped first. You will be able to quickly change which weapon you want as your primary be re-equiping (double click) your secondary weapon.
    The default setup puts your main weapon on your right hand (gloves side). Your right hand will be your main weapon ever time you enter a game, pick up your corpse, or switch to secondary weapons.

    As we know from the weapon lists the more the base weapon speed is, the faster it attacks, and all +xx% increased attack speed actually subtracts from the base number makeing it more than it was before and thus faster

    Here's an equation and tables that you should be able to easily relate to how much ias you need to reach the fastest attack speed

    R = right hand weapons base speed with any on weapon ias modifier
    L = left hand weapons base speed with any on weapon ias modifier
    WSM = combined weapon speed multiplier

    right hand primary
    WSM = (R + L)/2

    left hand primary
    WSM = [(R + L)/2] + L - R
    You may be able to tell by looking at this equation that the smaller your L and larger your R the smaller your WSM will be
    (small meaning more negative and large being more positive).

    Then simply find your WSM in the corresponding table for what lvl frenzy you have, then find your total off weapon ias on that horizontal, follow that to the top where you can see what frame your frenzy will be attacking at. It specifies the least amount of ias you must have to reach that breakpoint.

    Clearly the more negative your WSM is, the faster frenzy you have.

    frenzy Skillvl 20-21 [​IMG] 42% SIAS

    WSM    10fr      11fr      12fr      13fr       14fr       15fr
    -55       5%         -         -         -          -          -
    -50       10%        -         -         -          -    
    -47       14%        -         -         -          -          -
    -45       16%        -         -         -          -          -
    -42       20%        2%        -         -          -          -
    -40       23%        4%        -         -          -          -
    -35       30%        9%        -         -          -          -
    -32       35%        13%       -         -          -          -
    -25       48%        22%       6%        -          -          -
    -18       63%        32%       14%       2%         -          -
    -17       65%        34%       15%       3%         -          -
    -13       75%        40%       20%       7%         -          -
    -12       78%        42%       22%       8%         -          -
    -7        92%        52%       29%       14%        4%         -
    -3        105%       60%       35%       19%        8%         -
    -2        109%       63%       37%       20%        9%         -
    2         125%       72%       44%       26%        14%        5%
    3         129%       75%       46%       27%        15%        6%
    7         147%       86%       54%       34%        20%        10%
    8         152%       89%       56%       35%        22%        11%
    12        174%       102%      65%       42%        27%        16%
    13        180%       105%      68%       44%        29%        18%
    15        194%       113%      72%       48%        32%        20%
    17        208%       120%      78%       52%        35%        23%
    18        215%       125%      80%       54%        37%        24%
    23        259%       147%      95%       65%        44%        32%
    25        280%       157%      102%      70%        50%        35%
    27        304%       168%      109%      75%        54%        39%
    30        345%       187%      120%      83%        60%        44%
    32        377%       200%      129%      89%        64%        48%
    35        434%       223%      142%      99%        72%        54%
    40        566%       270%      168%      117%       86%        65%
    45        780%       330%      200%      138%       102%       78%

    frenzy Lvl 22

    frenzy Skillvl 22-23 [​IMG] 43% SIAS

    WSM       10fr      11fr      12fr      13fr       14fr       15fr
    -55       4%         -         -         -          -          -
    -50       9%         -         -         -          -          -
    -47       13%        -         -         -          -          -
    -45       15%        -         -         -          -          -
    -42       19%        -         -         -          -          -
    -40       22%        3%        -         -          -          -
    -35       29%        8%        -         -          -          -
    -32       34%        11%       -         -          -          -
    -25       46%        20%       5%        -          -          -
    -18       60%        30%       13%       -          -          -
    -17       63%        32%       14%       2%         -          -
    -13       72%        39%       19%       6%         -          -
    -12       75%        40%       20%       7%         -          -
    -7        88%        50%       27%       13%        2%         -
    -3        102%       58%       34%       18%        6%         -
    -2        105%       60%       35%       20%        7%         -
    2         120%       70%       42%       24%        11%        4%
    3         125%       72%       44%       26%        13%        5%
    7         142%       83%       52%       32%        18%        9%
    8         147%       86%       54%       34%        19%        10%
    12        168%       99%       63%       40%        24%        15%
    13        174%       102%      65%       42%        26%        16%
    15        187%       109%      70%       46%        29%        19%
    17        200%       117%      75%       50%        32%        22%
    18        208%       120%      78%       52%        34%        23%
    23        250%       142%      92%       63%        42%        30%
    25        270%       152%      99%       68%        46%        34%
    27        292%       163%      105%      72%        50%        37%
    30        330%       180%      117%      80%        56%        42%
    32        360%       194%      125%      86%        60%        46%
    35        414%       215%      138%      95%        68%        52%
    40        535%       259%      163%      113%       80%        63%
    45        728%       317%      194%      133%       95%        75%

    frenzy Lvl 24

    frenzy Skillvl 24-26 [​IMG] 44% SIAS

    WSM       10fr      11fr      12fr      13fr       14fr       15fr
    -55       3%         -         -         -          -          -
    -50       8%         -         -         -          -          -
    -47       11%        -         -         -          -          -
    -45       14%        -         -         -          -          -
    -42       18%        -         -         -          -          -
    -40       20%        2%        -         -          -          -
    -35       27%        7%        -         -          -          -
    -32       32%        10%       -         -          -          -
    -25       44%        15%       4%        -          -          -
    -18       58%        29%       11%       -          -          -
    -17       60%        30%       13%       -          -          -
    -13       70%        37%       18%       5%         -          -
    -12       72%        39%       19%       6%         -          -
    -7        86%        48%       26%       11%        -          -
    -3        99%        55%       32%       16%        5%         -
    -2        102%       58%       34%       18%        6%         -
    2         117%       68%       40%       23%        10%        3%
    3         120%       70%       42%       24%        11%        4%
    7         138%       80%       50%       30%        16%        8%
    8         142%       83%       52%       32%        18%        9%
    12        163%       95%       60%       39%        23%        14%
    13        168%       99%       63%       40%        24%        15%
    15        180%       105%      68%       44%        27%        18%
    17        194%       113%      72%       48%        30%        20%
    18        200%       117%      75%       50%        32%        22%
    23        240%       138%      89%       60%        40%        29%
    25        259%       147%      95%       65%        44%        32%
    27        280%       157%      102%      70%        48%        35%
    30        317%       174%      113%      78%        54%        40%
    32        345%       187%      120%      83%        58%        44%
    35        395%       208%      133%      92%        65%        50%
    40        507%       250%      157%      109%       78%        60%
    45        680%       304%      187%      129%       92%        72%

    frenzy Lvl 27

    frenzyi Skillvl 27-30 [​IMG] 45% SIAS

    WSM       10fr      11fr      12fr      13fr       14fr       15fr
    -55       2%         -         -         -          -          -
    -50       7%         -         -         -          -          -
    -47       10%        -         -         -          -          -
    -45       13%        -         -         -          -          -
    -42       16%        -         -         -          -          -
    -40       19%        -         -         -          -          -
    -35       26%        6%        -         -          -          -
    -32       30%        9%        -         -          -          -
    -25       42%        18%       3%        -          -          -
    -18       56%        27%       10%       -          -          -
    -17       58%        29%       11%       -          -          -
    -13       68%        35%       16%       4%         -          -
    -12       70%        36%       18%       5%         -          -
    -7        83%        46%       24%       10%        -          -
    -3        95%        54%       30%       15%        4%         -
    -2        99%        56%       32%       16%        5%         -
    2         113%       65%       39%       22%        9%        2%
    3         117%       68%       40%       23%        10%        3%
    7         133%       78%       48%       29%        15%        7%
    8         138%       80%       50%       30%        16%        8%
    12        157%       92%       58%       37%        22%        13%
    13        163%       95%       68%       39%        23%        14%
    15        174%       102%      65%       42%        26%        16%
    17        187%       109%      70%       46%        29%        19%
    18        194%       113%      72%       48%        30%        20%
    23        232%       133%      86%       58%        39%        27%
    25        250%       142%      92%       63%        42%        30%
    27        270%       152%      99%       68%        46%        34%
    30        304%       168%      109%       75%       52%        39%
    32        330%       180%      117%       80%       56%        42%
    35        377%       200%      129%       99%       63%        48%
    40        480%       240%      152%       105%      75%        58%
    45        638%       292%      180%       125%      89%        70%
    credits Jink
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2020
    sorkaikorka, SGPB75, colder and 4 others like this.
  3. Wtfleethax

    Wtfleethax Active Member

    Feb 17, 2018
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    weapons that give deadly/OW/CB are only giving it for the certain weapon. So BOTD doesnt have any cb/ow/deadly on it and when u equip it in the left slot it doesnt show the CB from LW. the CB from LW only can proc on the LW. But if u wear ex. Gore Rider then both weapons get the bonuses of ow/cb/deadly since its not a weapon, same as with highlord amulet. I hope i made myself clear with that bad explanation :D
    lawyerzzzz likes this.
  4. lawyerzzzz

    lawyerzzzz Senior Member

    Jan 14, 2020
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    So.... two wepaons working with correctly or not^^? Botd+LW working corretly or not?:)
  5. colder

    colder One of the Legends Game Master

    Nov 10, 2014
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    Hi, anytime when barb is using dual weapon you will get a bug and resources will be used from weapon, at last, picked on EQ , never mixed from both and it can't be fixed so make sure you need IAS more or CB%, I recommend if your barb is WW not frenzy breakpoint 40 IAS and best CB% so pick on your eq LW(rejoin to make cb higher) and make sure you are using gloves with 20 ias like LoH and Highlord amulet to get 40 ias bp, it will be the best setup on your EQ.
    I hope i helped here
    lawyerzzzz likes this.
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