
Guide Barb GOLDEN (Finder/Gold)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by NoCopyRight, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. Rohan

    Rohan Member

    Feb 11, 2017
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    Mine barb is 2700+ eg
    Nice gold droppin 1mln over a run, but the problem at all is the drop %
    Cause sometimes get 6-700k :/
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
    SGPB75 likes this.
  2. Devilwish

    Devilwish Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2020
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    My GF Barb setup is:

    Helm - Immortal King's with 2xLem
    Weapons - 2xCrystal Sword with 6xLem
    Armor - Barb Templar with Lem
    Gloves - Chance Guards
    Rings - 2xDwarf Star
    Belt - Goldwrap
    Boots - Infernostride
    Amu - Lucky crafted one with 2 barb 5fcr 18 mana 30 fire res 79%EG (but you can put mara or 70+EG magic one or crafted wont make that much of a difference)
    Inventory is full of GC's with 35+EG + anih and torch + Gheed's Fortune

    My mercenary has an interesting setup, probably the best but at the same time the most expensive one. You should get act 2 Nightmare Offensive for the might aura, dont get the one with holy freeze for the same reason you dont put raven on the ring slot (With this build you get - 125% ias + 64%Deadly strike + 31% Life leach)
    Weapon - Perfect ETH BOTD War pike
    Helm - Guillaume's Face with jewel Ias+ed
    Amu - Hightlord's Wrath
    Gloves - Lava Gout
    Ring - Carrior Wind (dont put raven because it gives cold damage and you will get significantly less gold per run because of corpse freezing)
    Belt - Nosferatu's Coil
    Boots - Gore Rider (what I use) or you can also put Goblin Toes (personal decision)

    My merc does 3000-13000 damage with that weapon and kills everything in 2 hits maximum. Its expensive but really efective. In my opinion it is the beast weapon for GF BARB merc.
  3. Ivan Dimitrov

    Ivan Dimitrov Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Nice setups there , but I want to ask how much time did it take to full run travincal?
    As I read Nocopyright it took 5-10 runs for full stash ? 30 mil that mean 3 mil per run at worst scenario. And it took some quite long time to kill them and dig the gold out.
    My point is that I'm using blizz sorc with 2000 eg and the time is much faster than barbarian .
  4. Evgeni Nedelchev

    Evgeni Nedelchev Senior Member

    Sep 12, 2019
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    This is impossible. I have the same barb , with almost 2400 % gold.
    It tooks me like an hour to have 30 mil gold.
    I really cant believe you guys are finding 3-4 mil gold per run only on travi councils.
    Or i am wrong ???
    SGPB75 likes this.
  5. Devilwish

    Devilwish Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2020
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    Guys NoCopyRight's post is from Jul 4, 2016, when the maximum gold in the stash was not 30 milion. That is the reason why he was having full character with gold for 5-10 mins. The absolute maximum you can make per run is around 1 million gold. So with the best gear possible for merc and golder barb it will take around 45-60mins to make 30 million gold. There is no faster way and there is no better character for gold farming.
    Gix, SGPB75, Tzutzu79 and 2 others like this.
  6. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I am running a GF barb with 3k+ % enhanced gold, not a top gear merc, but one with eth CoT lemmed, eth wealth, eth goldwrap, eth infernostride, LoH, Highlord's + Dwarf and insight as weapon (works fine enough) and, in best case scenarios, I make under 2 mil per run. There are runs where I barely make 500k, because council dudes drop more items / pots / scrolls / gems than gold, but I'd say that I average 1 mil+ per run.
    My barb is not fully equipped with EG charms, but at least half of the inventory is with EG charms, including 160% Gheed's.
    So I call it a bluff to state that someone is getting full gold (around 34,5 mil full stash + char) in 5-10 travi runs. I demand video proof of that.

    While it is true that a blizz sorc is significantly faster than a GF barb's merc, do not forget that barbs have horking as the ace up the sleeve. This means 11-12 council members PLUS another ~60% of that per run, at a higher EG% than sorcs (1.5 - 1.8 times the EG% is achievable). No wonder that most GF guides are centered on barbs. On the other hand, by doing more runs, a sorc gets more drops, including chances at high runes or lovely rare coronets / gloves.
    However, in the end, it's a matter of personal preference.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2020
  7. SGPB75

    SGPB75 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    For the past 18 years (i mean 1.10+ with the synergy bonuses - because before that, was completely different story...) my preferable choice for first characters are 2 - Blizzballer Sorceress (she and the Mercenary destroy everything - of course without Infinity...) and Find Item Barbarian, who can be used even without Enigma in certain occasions/Alvl's!
    I use 1 Barbarian build for 2 different situations (Extra Gold Farming and/or Magic Find Farming) - and the difference is only the gear on the Barbarian, and on the Mercenary. I will start with the gear of the Extra Gold variant, because here is the tricky part, and the tricky part is - the mathematical perspective of time! :)

    I use - 2 Phase Blades* with Lem runes ; Coronet 74 Extra Gold and 35 Lightning Resistance with 2 sockets/Lems (Of course CoT is great alternative, before obtain such helmet from gamble/drop...) ; Chance Guards Gloves ; 2 Dwarf Star Rings ; Rare Boots with 80 Extra Gold and some Fire Resistance (Of course Infernostride Boots are great alternative...) ; Armor is Enigma, but as i said/wrote (above...) you can do it even without Enigma! Especially here with the custom changes, because you can use the Town Portal to control/relocate your mercenary, and by the way, here is extremely easy with the existence of 250 scrolls of Town Portals - and most important, with the Map Hack futures like "Quick Back to Town Key" ; Crafted Belt - 79 Extra Gold, 28 Fire Resistance, 18 Mana, 12 Strenght and 10 Faster Cast Rate and the FCR is really important, because my amulet is without (The amulet is magic - 2 Barbarian 75 Extra Gold...) and i need some sources for the 105 FCR Frame - with the combination of 2 Wizardspikes (on swap - for teleporting/movement...) I prefer to have space in the inventory, because i collect a lot Rare Items (Necromancer Shrunken Heads / Druid Pelts / Sorceress Orbs / Etc... And by the way, i have even time to sell them, because ~90% of them are 35k gold!) - so, i have 3/4 free colons in the inventory, but the result is not bad at all - 2371% Extra Gold! :)
    Mercenary - Guillaume's Face (with Ias jewel + some useful affixes...) for CB/DS/FHR/STR - simply the best... ; Highlord's Amulet for IAS/DS/L.Res. ; Gore Rider Boots for CB/DS/OW ; String of Ears Belt for LL/DR ; Carrion Wind Ring for the CtC Twister, LL, Pzn.Res. Etc... ; Eth Bugged Duriel's Shell for Cannot Be Frozen and of course - for the life and the resistances ; LoH Gloves for the IAS/F.Res. and of course for the 350% DMG to Demons! And before the final part (The weapon...) let do little statistic for the important breakpoints/frames - 30 FHR (Frame) ; 50 CB ; 99 % DS (Level 95) ; 33 LL ; 15 DR and last, but not least 55 IAS (which is 10 FPJ and 10 FPA for the -10 WIAS Weapons and the CoJ on Level 95 is 81.8 %) :)
    So, yes - the weapon is the tricky part, and yes, the weapon is - Eth Reaper's Toll! AND YES THE COLD DMG WILL SHATTER SOME CORPSES, but there are 2 main factors that overcomes it! 1/First is the mathematical perspective of time, because the runs are ~30 seconds + "parking" the hero/character in act 4, selling some stuff (if you like...) to the NPC's and even creating the next game! 2/Second is also important, because when Ismail Vilehand* is buffed with Stone Skin and become Immune to Physical (Pretty Often!) the Decrepify Curse is extremely useful and even necessary! Put in the socket of The Reaper's Toll what you want - with 20 more IAS (Shael Rune...) you can reach 9 FPJ, but i personally prefer more dmg - so, i put Ohm rune...
    *Use Phase Blades instead of Crystal Swords, because sometimes, even with the Decrepify Curse - Ismail Vilehand is still on ~90% Imunne to Physical so - you will be forced to hit him too with the Berserk... And of course Phase Blades is much, much, much better than the Crystal Swords... There is not even a place to compare - better WIAS, better DMG, Indestructible... Maybe only the 136 Dexterity, but is worth it... :)
    The distribution of skills is exactly the same as any other Find Item Barbarian... The only difference is that i leave the BO with only 1 hard point skill and maximize the 2 synergys/bonuses of Berserk - Howl and Shout... Of course 0 STR (Enigma...) enough DEX for the PB's and rest - Vitality... :)

    If you interesting for the MF variant - PM or find me in the game :)
    The important things here are : First - WITHOUT ANY possible Source of Cold Dmg (when you are in MF variant/mode/whatever you called it - you can't afford to shutter some corpse/s!!!) so i prefer Infinity (with 20 IAS and 10% CB crafted gloves the Mercenary will reach 100% CB and of course, the Conviction aura will remove ~85% of the Defence - so, very good choice for weapon, but there are many more other options...) of course on Giant Thresher and/or Thresher to remain the breakpoints/frames same like the Extra Gold Variant... Second - The helmet is good to be 2 Barbarian 3 Find Item 2 Sockets/Ist runes, but even the good old Shako is great choice. The Amulet MUST be with FCR (because the belt is Trang-Oul's Girth, for the Cannot Be Frozen...) to achieve 105 FCR frame for teleporting/movement/howl's on Swap with the 2 Wizzy's and of course Grief PB and PB 6 Ist runes (For faster IAS...) or 6 Ist runes Eth Crystal Sword - slower, but some style points! :D
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
    Tzutzu79, sphinx25 and Gix like this.
  8. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I have only read some 10-15 of your most recent posts, but it's more than enough to see that you're a very knowledgeable guy in D2-related stuff. Tried to PM you here, but you probably have some sort of restrictions in place.
    I'd be really interested in a MF horker barb build, and strongly suggest that you put stuff together and write a whole guide on the topic. I can imagine that the accent would be on 84-85 lvl areas, mobs with low phys resistance, good enough FCR BP to keep up with horking, solo games ofc, but I would very much like to see your take on the build, strategy, a.s.o.
    SGPB75 likes this.
  9. Tzutzu79

    Tzutzu79 You're too late, Hahaha.. Moderator

    Jul 3, 2016
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    A very detailed guide from a specialist, gratz
    Would be nice for you to share the blizzballer guide also
    SGPB75 likes this.
  10. Engineer Valkov

    Engineer Valkov Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2017
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    Hey guys, I just made my barb yeastarday.
    So can anyone can tell me about he level of heroe. My barb is 90 lvl, have meaning lvl 90 or 95 for example.
    Thanks in advance.
  11. Chupacabras_DoH

    Chupacabras_DoH Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2019
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    @Engineer Valkov if you use this barb for gambling then 93 lvl isi minimal what you should have. but imo better is 95 so you have 100% chances to get 90 ilvl at least and have chance for 99 ilvl. Thats because in gamble what you can get is randomly from minimum -5, to max +4 of your char lvl

    for example, like you said your barb is 90 so item you gamble can have ilvl 85-94
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
    SGPB75 and colder like this.
  12. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    For coronets, tiaras, diadems, clvl 90 is more than enough, because these items have a hidden magic level (mlvl), which is added to the item lvl (ilvl), and their sum is the affix level (alvl = max(ilvl, qlvl) + mlvl) - https://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=31211678. Mlvl is 8 for coronets, 13 for tiaras, 18 for diadems (which have always alvl = 99, so can spawn any affix).
    Just my 2 cents.
    lightning_fury and SGPB75 like this.
  13. SGPB75

    SGPB75 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    First of all, i want to apologize for the late answer, but i was very busy in the past 3 weeks!
    Fellas, thanks for the kind words, but in my opinion is absolutely normal, when we talk about 20 years game and play the game from 20 years... And even from my point of view it's strange, when someone, who claims to play the game from 5/10/15/etc years - still does not know the basic stuff!? And i don't talk for the tricky stuff like - Swap casting and/or Far casting ; CtC glitching/bugging ; Bugging SM for MB ; Name/Chain/Stun locking ; Telestomp and/or Understomp for Monster/Item locking/droping ; and more ; and more... I talking for some normal/usual/basic stuff... For example - last time in the daily drop topic, some dudes claimed, that you can find Zod rune in only 2 Alvl's in Act 1... Before month/2, some other dudes claimed, that you can find Zod rune from Chest in Act 1... And the usual questions - what is MF/EG/TC/RTC/Alvl/Mlvl/Ilvl/Etc/Etc/Etc... and how works ; where is possible to found this/that ; what/which monster have this/that ... And i'll repeat - i don't talk for new players...
    For God's sake.................... There still players, that arguing for stuff, that proven from years, and EVEN from the Blizzard in the patch/glitch notes - for example you can find players with Light Facets in Traps Assa gear ; Jewels with ED/Max Dmg in Barbarian Arreat's Faces ; without any FCR/FHR frames/breakpoints (and even i don't talk for the two separate FHR frames/breakpoints for Druid in Human Form 86/99 and/or Paladin 86/280 - dependent of the enemy weapon and/or Druid/Paladin wielding weapon/s...) so yeah - it's really stange and annoyng, because even now/today i saw other topic, about the mercenary native aura, and + all skills items - from admin/s...
    And the all info is in the web, and on only one click distance.............

    Spinx25, dude i really don't know about the problem, but i have corespondations with Gix/Tzutzu79/Franco/Rzabg/Bacardi87/Etc and even i can't PM you - so maybe the problem is in your side. About the Barb - i like to use the MF Variant in City of the Damned, because you can kill and hork 3/4 Uniques for 15/20 seconds and you will stay in act 4, which is the easiest act for town movement - Deckard Cain is near to you, the Wp is near to you, the NPC's are near to you... And only the Uniques, because the Champions in Alvl 84 are with Mlvl 86 and like Pindleskin - Tyrael's Might, Arachnid Mesh and Azurewath are imposible. I only kill and hork Champions, when they are Stranglers, for the better Rune odds, but of course, if you want, you can kill/hork and the minions! They don't have such odds like the Uniques, but still are capable to drop any item/rune in the game - my best from them is Death's Web and you can check the video in the daily drop topic... And the most important part is that, the killings are from the mercenary, because here with the custom changes, the mercenaries are very, very powerful and the kills are with 1/2 hits! So, in 90% of the time, i stay on the 2 Wizzys, because the mercenary kills faster, than i press the switch for more MF, but the Wizzys are great in such occasions, because of the FCR for the teleportation/movement/howls/find item skill - and of course, the resists and the mana! Second Alvl that i prefer is the Upper Kurast and the Temples there. The runs are slower compared to the City of the Damned, but the Super Chests there are good counterpoint! My methodic there is to kill (again in the 90% is the mercenary...) and hork how many is possible for ~ 1 minute! Champions and Uniqies in Alvl 85, and only Uniques in Alvl 84, and of course the first priority are the Super Chest! And the ~ 1 minute is + "parking" the hero in act 4, because as i said - is the best act for town movement! :)

    Tzutzu79, dude, there's a lot builds/info in the net, and mine is not so different, except maybe one exception in the cold section...
    Lightning skills - 1 point Static Field, 1 point Telekinesis, 1 point Teleport
    Fire skills - 1 point Fire Bolt, 1 point Warmth, 1 point Inferno, 1 point Blaze, 1 point Fire Wall, 1 point Enchant* and 20 points for Fire Mastery/Fire Ball/Meteor
    Cold skills - 1 point Icebolt, 1 point Frozen Armor, 1 point Frost Nova, 1 point Glacial Spike, 1 point Frozen Orb, 1 point Cold Mastery** and 20 points for Blizzard and the rest of the points into Ice Blast, and here is my variant, because if you want/like crowd control, you can put the points on Glacial Spike and of course if you want more Cold Dmg - just leave the Meteor skill and put the points in some of the Blizzard synergies, but in my opinion more Fire Dmg on the Fire Ball is better... What about the gear - well, this kind of hero is for starting hero, aiming for 3 attacks (cold/fire and from lightning - Static Field and Telekinesis are also attacks...) and the 4 is from your mercenery, so even with very crappy gear you can kill everything in the game... For example, check my video in the daily drop topic, with the first Griffon this season (3 day after the restart...) from Baal and of course i was without Torch and Anni... Of course, when we talk of some kind of end game gear i usually use - DF ; CoH ; NW with Shael Rune for 86 FHR frame ; Mara ; Spirit ; WT Boots for STR/VITA/MF ; Magefist ; Arachnid Mesh ; 1 ring with 10 FCR for 105 frame and with res ; 1 SoJ/Bul and on swap 6 Ist's CS and 4 Ist's Monarch. Merc is with the same items/frames/breakpoints like the Barb Merc, but with Insight... :)

    *Only for the 8 level Diadems Imbue, because here with the custom changes, you can make 8 level hero for ~ 1 minute - ench/shrine/Rikanishu and minions and with some luck, you can make very good Diadem - for more info check my video with one 8 Level Imbued Diadem on 247 page in the daily drop topic!
    **The common goal is 17 Sklvl with/without skillers in the inventar - the rest are sc's with 7 mf ...
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
    sphinx25 and Chupacabras_DoH like this.
  14. MMladenov

    MMladenov Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2017
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    I read the topic and I can suggest a low-cost option for the merc, which will highly improve his performance:
    - Weapon: Tomb Reaver 3 socks (can be not eth)
    - Armor: Treachery

    I`m not a fan of the +cold dmg on merc items, so this can be quite useful. Of course we can put 3xLem in the Reaver ^_^
    Bee happy!
    colder and Atox like this.
  15. Evgeni Nedelchev

    Evgeni Nedelchev Senior Member

    Sep 12, 2019
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    My GF Barb setup is:

    Helm - Immortal King's with 2xLem or good Tiara with skills, life, EG + 1/2 socked with LEM
    Weapons - 2xCrystal Sword with 6xLem
    Armor - TM barb or Enigma
    Gloves - Chance Guards
    Rings - 2xDwarf Star
    Belt - rare one with EG , res, life, mana
    Boots - Infernostride
    Amu - Mara or cast ring with skil, life, eg +++ for cast brake if use TM( not important but u will TP faster)
    Inventory is full of GC's with 40 EG + anih and torch + Gheed's Fortune + 6 free spaces for items

    Might Merc with normal gear: Guli, forty, obedience, dracul, gore, verdungo, dwarf, highlord

    Around 2300 GF only on the barb, 0 on merc.

    Collecting 30m gold in 50-55 min with average 600-650k per run.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
    Tzutzu79 likes this.
  16. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    @SGPB75 question to you (since I cannot PM you, some restrictions are in place apparently): what would be the target mf% for a mf barb to get loads of rares? That is, based on your experiments in this server, with the increased inventory size.
  17. ivan g

    ivan g Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    very bad choice , 3-14 cold dmg . monsters are melting --- no gold.
    Remind and colder like this.
  18. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    They do drop gold, but only with the kill. You are right in the sense that there will be no corpses left to hork, which deprives a horker of his main line of business and ~ 40% of the revenue.
    SGPB75 and Remind like this.
  19. SGPB75

    SGPB75 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    Evgeni, Mladenov, there's a lot of options/variatons/builds, and don't get me wrong - all of them are good! But the main problem is still the same! When Ismail Vilehand is buffed with Stone Skin and become Immune to Physical (Pretty Often!) the only 2 variants to kill him are : Variant number 1 - Huge, huge, huge amount of magic damage on your Hero (no comment for Berserk with the ETH 6 Lem runes Crystal Sword/s..........) and/or on your Merc ; Variant numer 2 - Amplify Damage curse or Decrepify curse...! And trust me, i tested (and many other players of course...) the Amp. Dmg. curse variant (with Atma amulet, because is very hard to find good magic/rare weapon with Amp.Dmg. curse) and the Decrepify curse variant (with The Reaper's Toll...) many, many, many times... And the conclusions are very simple... The 5 % chanse to cast Amp. Dmg. curse is very low, and i won't even talk about losing millions of useful things from the combinaton of The Reaper's Toll and Highlord's Wrath amulet like Deadly Strike (which if you don't know is double damage....) ; LpH ; IAS ; Light. Res. ; The slow efect from the Decrepify curse ; ETC ; ETC ; ETC... The time perspective of the runs is the biggest difference! And even the cold damage is not a "big pain in the ass" as you thinking! There's a hundreds of topics in the internet, about the shatter (shatter Vanka, not :D melted!) corpses and apropo - for the Cold Damage Mechanics with formulas, with explanation, with everything... In general, (if we talk only for Cold Damage because, for example, the Freezes Target is completely different story/mechanics) - the chanse is 20% and only if the cold lenght is more than 1 frame (0.04 seconds) and most important - only if it is on the last frame before the monster animation/dead...
    With simple words - sometimes the shattered corpses are 0 - sometimes the shattered corpses are 1/2... That's all - nothing more, nothing special...!
    So maybe it is some kind of point of view, because i personally want to kill the 3 important Super Unique Councils (Toorc/Geleb/Ismail...) without skipping some of them, if they are immune to something, that i (or my merc...) can't break... And most important, i want to do the runs, for the fastest period of time! And yes, with the shattered corpse/s will miss the chance, to found some item/s (yes item/s - don't care for 40/50K gold more or less...) but if we honest, the chance from the Sklvl is NOT 100% guaranteed - my personal goal is up to 57 % Find Item Skill, which in most cases, is most close to the classic 50/50 scenario to find an item - instead of 100%... :)

    Sphinx25, last time i forgot something important! When The Champions are upped versions (Berserker/Fanatic/Ghostly/Possessed) the Berserkers (Only them!!!) are with Mlvl + 3 (like Unique monsters and their Minions!) so, in Alvls 84 you can "get" absolutely any item/rune in the game from them! With some practice you will learn how to recognise them, but in general they have colored (Blue/Red/Green/ETC...) skin/affix, and they are slightly separate from the main group...
    What about the MF?! Well... I can't provide you a link/s (because Inayat will delete them :D again) so check in google this [Guide] - A mathematical treatment of Magic find in Diablo 2! Astonishing almanach written (even videos in youtube!) by my friend Drmalawi/Malawiglenn and by the way, he is Math Teacher with PHD in Theoretical Physics - so, just think about it...
    I will tell you something from personal expiriance... This season i'm on the road to number 50 (for the protocol - 43!) Sacred Armors, and unfortunately all of them are Magic/Rare/Set (the IK Armors are only 2, which is also interesting and weird...) and the 90% of them are with very high MF Barb (~800) but for some kind of kontrapunkt, i will tell you that, in the first half, of the last season, i was on streak with 6 Unique Sacred Armors (from only ~50!) separate in 2 groups (i mean, 3 with the Find Item Barb again with ~ 800 MF, and 3 with Heroes with ~ 100 MF - just from the Enigma...) and 8 IK Armors...
    So, for the last i will tell you something that i mentioned in the Fatty180 topic, about High Magic Find - Find Item Barb is not recommended, for new players or for players without patient... :)
    If you want quick results just do Nihlathak runs - 1 button with the Auto Teleport bot/program... Next is - 1/2 mouse clicks for the kill ; next is - new game, and again with 1 button, with the Map Hack bot/program ; next is - repeat the procedure 1000/2000 times and you will get everything here! :)

    Short video with example - from the last season/2! Berserker in Alvl 85 with Mlvl 88 - the Grand Charm is with Ilvl 88, but as you know (i really :D hope!) the Ilvl = Mlvl...
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
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  20. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    @SGPB75 To be honest, I haven't found yet a TM (neither) or a Griffon's, but I won't slash my veins over that :).
    My question was directed more at the ideal MF %, for a MF barb, to increase the number of rares that drop, when farming normal / champion / unique packs, not act bosses or SU's. That's because rares can spawn with uber-godly affixes, that spank uniques' asses, although this takes enormous patience + luck.
    So far, I've done a small number of runs with around 900 (barb + merc, with merc doing the killing), and the huge proportion of drops are magic items, extremely few rares or uniques.
    I'll do my homework and read the guide that you provided, for which I say Thank you.

    PS: I've tried looking up the guide, found a single source, which requires an account to view, and registering fails, so it's off-limits. There are some Youtube videos in the post, but they are marked as private, so again off-limits. Therefore, as @Gix suggested, could you please create it here as a distinct guide, with credits to your friend as the author?

    PPS: another important question that I missed - should I focus on quick runs to superchests with such a build, or clearing unique / champ packs, with merc killing and barb horking? Which one works better, in your experience?
    That is because I noticed that some random chests (super or not) drop only rares.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
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