
CE Necro - Rate my build

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by hyperbox, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. hyperbox

    hyperbox Active Member

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Hi all,

    Just wanna show my current CE Necro build and would like feedback as to what should I focus on improving next.
    Build was guided by Atox's CE necro guide (Great guide!! Link here) for cow farming, but I didnt max either CE nor Amp and went for max block.
    Kept both at comfortable radius. Currently 10.6 yards (CE) and 16 yards (amp)

    Lv91 CE Necro HyperBoxThree

    1k life w/o shouts
    72 Block*
    *= used to be max, but im guessing i lost some dex at some point switching some gear.. and was unaware..
    36 blockrate
    130 fcr
    90 fhr
    all res max

    Wizardspike (no socket) + Stormshield eld
    Swap: ugliest cta (2/3/1) + spirit

    Coa 2x shael (23/11) , AP** Enigma 767def, Magefist, marrowalk 20str
    **= considering on remaking it in a Breast Plate for more life..?

    crafted ring1 10fcr/4str/14dex/12life
    crafted ring2 10fcr/12str/18life
    crafted ammy 2 necro sk/ 20fcr/12 all res

    eth cv infinity (311ed/55 light pierce)
    gface ias jewel socket, highlords, carrionwind, dracs, dungos, eth gtoe

    anni 14/18 , torch 12/17 , 1x pnb lifer , 4x fhr scs

    currently looking to improve inventory better torch and anni.
    build is doing the job super nice.. key farm, trav farm, cows all in ~10 min

    I enjoy the high/max block cause it gives a relaxed gameplay, was using hoto/spirit w/o max block and would die pretty often, even in cows.. so often i would stash spare 2-3 insight polearms cuz of remaking the iron golem.

    appreciate all comments/ feedback.
    Nopik, Stefansg, Atox and 1 other person like this.
  2. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hi there, I never had any issues with golem or being killed in cows but it depends on how you play. You should never teleport into packs of cows use bone wall to get them closer for golem just max him out and some of the synergies if you have points to spare would make him strong. Also you could get some charms with life, don't need to be with skill or anything expensive if you can't afford any charm small large grand with life will do. Try hoto and spirit and maybe a rare circlet or shako just need to hit 125fcr if you going for that breakpoint if not 75 will do too.
    hyperbox likes this.
  3. hyperbox

    hyperbox Active Member

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Golem is fine, he never dies. As you suggested, I have him maxed + blood golem for life.
    Necro is the one who used to die lol.

    I admit have improved -ish my gameplay and rarely get hit.. moving around and using wall correctly, but back then with 1-2 hits due to a bad tele from random cow would kill the necro.
    I just wonder what is best advantages of hoto+spirit vs max block; more +skill? more hp?
  4. Evgeni Nedelchev

    Evgeni Nedelchev Senior Member

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Switch gear and u will stop dying
    Use Homu, not Storm
    Use Trang gloves not Magefist
    Find Cta 6 BO + Spirit on switch
    + Coa on necro ?? i never had an issue wth FHR cuz i never tp on packs, u should use ur B wall to call them near u so,
    u can switch Coa with Shako
    and 75 fcr is just fine but u can go for 125 if u like to "dance" faster. Happy gaming
    hyperbox and Atox like this.
  5. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Max block requires a lot of points in dex, points that are taken from vitality. If you don't have a decent amount of dex coming from other sources than points then is ok-ish but going for FHR Breakpoints is much easier and it will leave you with more points to go in vitality and like I said in the previous post just get some charms with life, you have a good amount of fcr/res/vita/fhr between hoto and spirit. You have 40fcr from hoto 35from spirit 20 from spiderweb 20 from gloves that's 115 fcr all you need is 10 more fcr which is a ring, circlet or amulet (depends on what you have best stats). Put some points in bone wall for synergy with bone armor or bone armor. But you could go for 75fcr which is not bad at all and use other items for necro like homunculus. Always try to have some breakpoints in mind when making builds.
    hyperbox likes this.
  6. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    FHR, mana and vita are, in this order, the reasons why you would wanna switch to spirit over storm.
    Also, going summons (skellies mainly) + CE gives you additional meatshield + kill power, the only thing to worry about would be to not tele inside mob packs. Max Summon skeleton, skeleton mastery, 1 point in Summon resist, as much as you can spare in Golem mastery.
    One more thing, too often overlooked: spend 3 skill points to get Attract and learn to use it for crowd control (the main point of the necro Curses tab). You will give mobs homework and be safer this way.
    hyperbox and Atox like this.
  7. hyperbox

    hyperbox Active Member

    Dec 18, 2020
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    How much ~health are you ending up with this setup (before BO)?

    Thank you all for the great tips!
    What you guys think on making Enigma on a Breast Plate instead of the Archon Plate?
  8. Quinneczech

    Quinneczech Fat! Old! HardCORE! Forum Legend

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Well, in pvm it doesnt really matter mate :) go for whatever armour suits your visual preferences the best :)

    Necro can be played naked, your equipment is more than sufficient. Just adjust your playstyle and you will do fine.
    hyperbox likes this.
  9. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Imo, you can go with BP or MP, without any point into strength. AP is overkill for a build that has no use for str, other than wearing Spirit monarch.
    And about 3 hard points into Attract, you might have misunderstood what I was trying to convey. To get Attract, you need Attract + 2 prereqs (Dim Vision and Confuse), therefore 3; by no means put 3 into Attract. To me, it's a quite useful tool, but it's a matter of personal choice.

    One more thing that was worth mentioning and forgot (but think I posted it somewhere else): 20 level 16 Heart of Wolverince charges, available from Oath rw, are a quite useful addition for skellies and/or revives. If I knew I'd do well with mana, I would even consider making an IG from Oath.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2021
    hyperbox likes this.
  10. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Short answer: get in SCL, switch, bone wall, tp on spot, bc + bo, switch. amplify+ group other pack with bone wall. Spam ce. Profit.
  11. Stefansg

    Stefansg Supporter

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Not familiar with this build but it looks strong.:tup: Why not mp instead of bp? It looks nicer and as sphinx said u can use it without any point in str.
  12. uuee

    uuee Member

    Jan 23, 2021
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    Magefist for +1 CE >

    Before BO (3,2K+ after self BO):
    hyperbox and inayat like this.
  13. milenskipln

    milenskipln Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    My setup was ~ similar before when I was learning CE necro.
    I was also using wizardspike for mana and spamming all the time CE.
    The real goal is to go for 75 FCR with as much possible + all skills for items
    It goes like that:
    Weapon : HOTO + 3 All skills
    Helm: Shako - sock with whatever you need really + 2 All Skills
    Amulet: Mara + 2 All Skills
    Shield: Homunculus - UM + 2 All Skills + 2 curses
    Armor: BP Enigma + 2 All Skills
    Gloves: Trangoul Claws + 2 Curses
    Rings: 2 SOJ + 2 All Skills
    Belt: Spiderweb + 1 All Skills
    Boots: Silkweave - Without them you are not really CE necro
    On switch:
    CTA - preferably in Crystal Sword so you dont mess using your switch hand sometimes to farm because they look similar.
    Spirit - Eth monarch - you need to roll it till you reach 35% fcr so you have 75% fcr for faster bo also.

    Amplify - 1 point

    Summoning Skills:
    Clay Golem - 1 point
    Golem Mastery - 1 point
    Summon Resist - 1 point
    And here you have some option
    To put 1 point to Raise Skeleton and 1 point in to Skeleton Mastery
    I did put 1 point but they are not really that useful when you continue to read the post:
    Sometimes when I decide to kill Baal they somehow help to kill him faster but otherwise they just waste your time because you are already doing everything super fast.

    Poison and Bone Spells:
    Corpse Explosion - 20 points
    Bone Spear - 20 points
    Bone Prison - 20 points
    Bone Wall - 20 points
    Bone Armor - 1 point
    Bone Spirit - rest

    Desert Mercenary Act 2 Nightmare Offensive
    Weapon: Infinity Eth Colossus Voulge (Question: Isnt tresher better? Answer: tresher isnt in this situation with rest of the gear of the merc. Tresher has lower range and lower avg dmg. Giant Tresher maybe is better but dont have it for now maybe later if I can get my hands on it I will update my post...)
    Helm: Eth Bugged Andariel's Visage Socketed with 15% IAS jewel.
    Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
    Armor: Eth bugged Treachery
    Gloves: Laying Hands
    Belt: Trangoul Girth
    Ring: Carrion Wind
    Boots: Eth Gore Rider upped

    All mana you can get you dont really need over 2000 life after bo or even less when you have always your bone armor on you
    life + mana small charms : 10+life/10+mana
    High Tier:
    3 to 4 PNB Skillers 1 or 2 of them you may want to be with some str so you wont investing any points in str when resetting
    Maybe 1 Cheap Curses Skiller with Life because you need to watch how much is your radius of CE and Amplify
    Strength: Depends on Anni and Torch. In higher levels your enigma will give you more str and if you decide to put fal in Shako you can somehow not put any points there.
    Dex: Max block (check after each level if its capped) Homunculus is the only way to go for max block and it really helps your bone armor to almost always stays on you also with the res when you put um as I told earlier and the Mana gained per kill.
    Vitality: Rest
    Energy: None
    Teleport ->Curse ->Corse explosion
    Put Bone Spear on your left click and spam it till you kill an enemy this way it will do damage to the pack and also put enemies in to faster hit recovery so they dont slow your merc for killing them.
    After that everything is domino effect.
    Note: I am Chaos Sanctuary, Worldstone , Halls of Pain fan.
    Never had much luck in cows hell with any hero. Maybe once there was cham and thats all for all my life.
    I did Bowazon for chilling in nightmare cows. And at least i find 19-20 life small charms there.
    Feel free to comment on my post I already corrected 3-4 mistakes because its too much info

    Merc Giant Tresher setup:
    Weapon: Infinity Eth Giant Tresher
    Helm: Eth Bugged Andariel's Visage socketed with Cham rune.
    Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
    Armor: Eth bugged Treachery
    Gloves: Immortal King's Forge
    Belt: Immortal King's Detail
    Ring: Carrion Wind (Wisp Projector for Worldstone Keep levels if you find your merc die too often from burning souls)
    Boots: Eth Gore Rider upped

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2021
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