
Announcement Patch #13: QoL Improvements, Charm Inventory, Server Selection and More

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ezekiel, Dec 5, 2021.

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  1. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    4x10+1 @sphinx25 is something I would also appreciate but yet it is not possible

    5x10 sounds like a really good middle ground indeed, allowing 10gc + torch and quite a lot of small charms. This option does not work in regards to the PVP balance as it would neither be classic nor "balance for everyone" with double stack inventory. In particular, the physical damage builds would benefit a lot more from the extra space for small charms. It would give an advantage only to the builds who use max ar dmg or poison dmg charms. So the 5x10 would not be a fair one.

    About duels, I don't really see the difference much with or without extra item space. The players who do precast for example would also admit it and state that they know they are losing 2 charms for the sake of precast or etc. @Evgeni Nedelchev I also play duels in full public games and you can easily notice if you play a few duels if someone has added way too many abs/rez.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2021
  2. ephwurd123

    ephwurd123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Sorry but cant agree with you 6x10 was one of the coolest thing in the server and I dont see why only characters who using physical or poison dmg will have more advantage than the others
    I also grind/trade to build my characters for duel because thats the most I like to do and a change like 5x10 will not be a such problem when before we are playing with 6x10 which you can also stack res max dmg poison dmg and everything you like so no big matter I think :)
    markodzzz likes this.
  3. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    I think you misread what I said for 5x10, the middle option between the old and the proposed charm inventory.

    I meant that this does leave us with two options either:
    4x10 (+4x10 for items) the charm inventory like Classic - finish characters quicker, make more heroes per ladder

    6x10 (+2x10 for items) same amount of charms as until now with additional two rows for items
  4. AnnaMaria

    AnnaMaria Member

    Jul 7, 2021
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    my question is this : if there will be a lot of PG and there is no need to spend them anymore because of the less need for Gc , then maybe you should consider adding any recipes with Pg to the game ? well, for example 100 Pg = some kind of subject and already this subject + a number of runes and as a result get a unique Sc or Gc or a new item ? :unsure:
  5. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Quite the opposite what I would forecast. For example, look at this ladder end. Ppl dropping everything into trash, but PGs. Ppl still want PGs.

    Less space for charms means higher demand for premium charms. And they are from rolling. As it seems now, PG prices will skyrocket next ladder. Not that it is a good thing. PG grinding is a stressful gaming style.
    Blessedone and Joaiuda like this.
  6. Evgeni Nedelchev

    Evgeni Nedelchev Senior Member

    Sep 12, 2019
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    4x10 the classic one is great, but i think this server is unique with 8x10 inventory.
    In the end the new charm inventory will be better for farming, --> a lot of ppl play for this, and will be( may be) worst for dueling.
    As the administration said : we can change the inventory any time..... i guess we can try the new system from the start and see what happens
    inayat likes this.
  7. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    About The Grandfather…

    Will it be pvp weapon again?

    The other ladder was “too strong” now is “stronK” but doesn’t seem impactful that much.
    It lacks that punch.
    Was it up to 350% Ed and 3 max/per level?

    Now is up to 250% and 2 max/per level?

    Maybe we tweak it a bit.
    Up to 300% Ed and 2,5 max/per level.

    I mean,

    Don’t ignore the Elderly.
    wytwo likes this.
  8. starxplor

    starxplor Supporter

    Jun 12, 2017
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    I find it quite relaxing to farm gems. I kind of hope they grow in value.
  9. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    I agree to disagree.
    First: it all about the outcomes.
    PvM? Yeah. Sure. Speed matters.
    +23 to skill point thru charms was huge boost, but then again - you can farm without skill charm at all. I have like 3-4 skill charms on Paladin and 5 on CE necro. Others are life/Rez.
    About PvP. It will actually narrow it to more balanced and profound pvp experience where the skill cap would be lifted higher. Could come up with some new tech or diligent old school.
    At first it won’t feel as your favorite character is powerful but as an old 1,3 cs saying: He has 100hp, u 2.
    You and your rival have same inventory slots - make up for the best of it. Yeah, some might abuse - the vast inventory space in public duels - but in the end - BM is a coat of dishonour - and I don’t like to wear that one. Respect is earned.
    My prejudice: most of us want more power but be honest: some dmg outputs go out of control and are no near possible for some classes to sustain more than 1 hit.
    Maybe most of you support the Idea to be PvM season… and which one weren’t? That farm. These charms. Items. Level 99 hunt. Crafting. Etc.
    I mostly see few same guys over the years in duels. Here and then with some additions. In duel games it’s almost No English language whatsoever, therefore I assume you’ve known each other quite well.
    Another point of view: cheaper inventory = more people getting involved in pvp.

    Fun builds will take a hit, gold barbs will suffer -430 % extra gold /might dwell of the charm configuration but I haven’t consider the math behind the engine - example there is no comparing between 10x extra skillers with stats or life/mod like fhr/frw and 10 like plain 40% extra golds. Maybe we could apply rule where only the bottom 4 rows would work in pvp and as far for PvM: we could add the extra 2 rows where u compose according your needs and as I’m taking my time writing - it sound really solid solution - as a midway to happiness: stronger for farm and balanced in pvp.
    Note: there is absolutely no way a 5-th row is going to work. Not in Blizzard engine. I am putting this out as a Barb main: imagine 3 max 20 ar 20 life on 17 slots - is truly powerful asses which non-physical damage dealers can not compensate with the same amount of slots. So 5 is a No Go.
    I’d rather suggest this: Anni and Torch to have a fixed spot or u can “lock” them everywhere you want and still have that extra skiller - again - looking for solutions from everyone’s perspective is something I know I am not suited to do cuz of me not having insight on Assassins and Druids for example.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2021
  10. markodzzz

    markodzzz Forum Legend

    Jan 16, 2017
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    new inventory :tdown:
  11. wytwo

    wytwo Supporter

    Jul 26, 2018
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    I'd like to leave just an idea for the inventory change and the reasoning behind it after i red all the comments by now.

    An 8x6 Charm inventory space. It would allow the maximum of +16 skills compared to the vanila +13. That i think would give the oportunity to have enought skillers for the price of having less SC. Which in its case i think many would take a skiller or two out for more SC's. (still has the freedom of choice)
    Max GC - 12 / Max Sc - 10 (+anix) / Torch

    The 4x10 would offer. Max GC- 9 / Max Sc - 11 / Torch.

    Personal reason for this is that the numbers are pretty close to the 4x10, not too drastic and still has the capability of using more Skilers ( as i read is something important in the overall picture ) + you still have a shit load of free space.

    Is this actually possible?

    Atox likes this.
  12. MMladenov

    MMladenov Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2017
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    If I could choose to keep the at least the non-ladder chars with the old version of inventory - definitely the first thing to do.

    My opinion: all of the changes are great - well done to the team behind, except the inventory ..
    This change is not okay in many ways, probably a lot of players will refuse to play here because of it.
    colder, ephwurd123, Stany and 2 others like this.
  13. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Yeah, lvl 99 runners has been suxxd
  14. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    how u know this? u cant make lvl 99 even now
    wytwo, AnnaMaria and starxplor like this.
  15. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @wytwo, it is possible but having the charm zone at the bottom is more practical and convenient for sure, however, it's worth taking this into consideration for the future.

    @MMladenov, would be great if you leave a proper feedback and come with some logical arguments rather than being dramatic. That "probably" is often just an exaggeration, as when the widescreen was introduced and it became popular very quickly. We made this thread because we wanted to hear honest opinions as to why would someone personally like it or not and not leave the impression that his opinion is everyone else's opinion.
    wytwo, AnnaMaria, milenskipln and 2 others like this.
  16. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thank you everyone for your feedback, after analyzing everything we reached the following conclusion:

    - We are going to keep the regular 6x10 charm inventory that our realm has always been using and as a QoL addition you will also be able to use the new 2x10 rows for looting purposes, however, we are going to be looking for other options as well in the future now that we have the tools required to achieve that.
    - Given that this may also have been too short notice, we are going to give it much more time in the future to discuss such an option, especially considering that percentages were not that far apart.
    - To those who may have liked the initial idea, we have something coming for you in the future as well. We are planning to introduce various events and even possible public games, separately from the other regular games, where the 4x10 vanilla charm inventory will be enforced and thus giving everyone a decent amount of time to test things out and see if there is a change of heart in the future. This also gives people time to understand and get used to the charm inventory concept, as it seems many are not familiar with it.
    - The final patch before ladder reset shall be available for download in a few hours and it will include all these changes, as well as several fixes that were brought to our attention such as the two NPCs in Act2 that switched places. Will also be able to stretch and fit the character's gear layout to normal, however, the edges are overlapping a bit in a 640x480 resolution but then again I don't think I've seen more than a couple of folks using it and I doubt mouse click would be used over hotkey to close the window.
    Also, those using Glide make sure to give DDraw a try instead as it is far superior. A fix for the slow loading and symbols cycling due to modern graphics cards will be provided as well.
    wytwo, Stany, colder and 10 others like this.
  17. krustew

    krustew Active Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    keep the new iventary thats fire ! btw can yall fix that rejoin thing so we can do duels without it ...
  18. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    What rejoin thing are you referring to? Are you referring to Anya's quest bug - that results in not counting your bonus resist from Anya's quests on all difficulties after you die and is fixed with a rejoin?
  19. Stany

    Stany Supporter

    May 20, 2018
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    Thanks for the info, @Gix. However, the character items layout will be still ugly o_O, but it is what it is ...
    Thanks for the great support which is one of the best part of this server :tup:
  20. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Thanks for your feedback @Stany take a closer look at what Gix wrote and you might be pleasantly surprised.
    Stany likes this.
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