

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Alex_1987, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    May I create a topic to ask some random questions about duels?

    I play assa with WW and traps. WW is 3.5 k damage each approx, LS is 7k approx. My life is not great yet, only 3k under BO.

    First question I have is what to do with cold sorc. I had raven, snowclash and... she 1-shot me with 14 k damage only. How is it possible? I mean I had 90 res to cold and 35% absorb? Then, on mutual agreement, I weared 2nd raven (which is against "respectable rules"). 90% res, 55% cold absorb. And she still 1-shot me. Is it normal? Because literally every hero can eat few dozens of my LS shots...
  2. Chudovische

    Chudovische Active Member

    Oct 24, 2021
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    Only few players can take 2 blizzard shots and remain alive.
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  3. Joaiuda

    Joaiuda Highlord Cringe Supporter

    Oct 25, 2016
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    90 cold rez :) that is sweet but Cold mastery /alone/ removes most of your resistances thus that so called absorb is efficient when you somehow remain in 75 Rez even after her mastery kicks in.

    My advice is to get knowledge - get a hold of what “the enemy” has and what it actually does instead of waiting for guidance.
    Everybody can tell you how to “walk that certain path” but it would be you making the steps.
    sphinx25 likes this.
  4. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Well, I guess it makes no sense to ask how is it fair and balanced that sorc 1-shots you while you need 10-20 hits to kill her with LS.

    But I instead would ask about cold mastery. How does it work and what resists should I have (total / max) to be able to fight this? Because indeed I am not familiar what enemy does in every 7 match-ups yet. I play this game for a month or so. That's why I asked...

    And I believe learning through "guidance" is totally fine. Some games exists for a very long time and a lot of experience is already collected by previous generations of players. And this experience already became a "theory". Would be stupid to ignore it. Seriously, you would never get anywhere "decent" in chess for example just by your own play without actually learning a theory.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
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  5. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    The way to duel blizz sorc is is to stack cold rez and collect life skillers. I have quoted the commonly used PVP rules in public duels below, and you can read more in the respectable pvp thread topic about the rest of the elements. http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/respectable-rules-for-pvp.533860/
    In addition for a ww/trap build, you should also have some weapon block to help.
  6. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Yeah, I read that before. What total cold res should I achieve to be competitive? I.e. to which extend sorc lowers my resists with her abilities? And also how can I actually stack 250 cold resists??? Sounds like a lot...

    Also, I noticed that some people use both Wisp and Thundergod. This might explain why my traps don't do any damage... But isn't it too much according to the rules?
  7. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Specifically stacking cold rez is not the easiest on a Ww-trap but if you can always add 100cold rez from a Kira (70rez) with a Thul rune, a raven for 20% abs, change dancers for cold rez boots, left ring with cast + cold rez, and some small charms with cold rez too. I even have a claw on with a jewel with 30 cold on my one and it might not be enough, of course there you lose dmg or open wounds but it is a way.

    Some characters do stack 400 rez and that is fair enough, for your specific build it might be a bit hard but my rough guess would be if you get it to around 200cold rez + 20% abs (raven) and you are more than 4k life you would survive a 16k blizzard. Bear in mind a blizzard can make even more than 16k dmg with 19 skillers and max spired/shard
    Alex_1987 likes this.
  8. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    May I also ask about common resist combinations I can think of?

    From what I understood:
    Thundergod + Wisp is not allowed. Only 1 of them.
    Dwarf ring + Nokozan is ok
    Snowclash + 1 Raven is ok if total cold res is not crazy high. Snowclash + 2 ravens is forbiden under any conditions. 2 ravens are ok.
    Guardian Angel should be prohibited, right?
    What would be poison resist combination?

    Am I correct with my assumptions? Are there any other common items in use?
  9. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    You are correct about TG + Wisp, it is indeed a bit too much.
    Infernostride boots are good for +10% and 30 fire resist and +10% . When for ww/trap I usually use either +5 from vex on a helmet or a dwarf.
    I'm not sure how effective snowclash would be in comparison to 2x raven (loosing 20 cast again)
    Poison resist can be from Iratha amulet for 75% pzn length reduce and 30pzn rez, or Sandstorms for res, or Andy helmet.

    Of course, you can have rings, amulets, circlets with jewels with resist and etc
    I must mention that a dual claw assassin benefits from the weapon block skill that works on spells, so you generally needs less +max rez/abs to stack on such a hero.
    Alex_1987 likes this.
  10. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Thank you! These are indeed useful things to know.
    About claw block. It does not work when I run, does it? Means I have to only walk or tp?
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 16, 2022, Original Post Date: Feb 16, 2022 ---
    Also a question. I use shadow master and would be happy if she casts MB more often. I read that just 2 points to this ability is enough (while the whole SD tab is 1 except for venom). But it does not seem she MB too often. Do I need to reassign much more in MB? If yes, then from Venom or LS synergies?

    (Avoid double posting by using the Edit button if you wish to add new content to your post within a short amount of time)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
  11. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Weapon block works only when you are standing still, teleporting or attacking (yes, while casting whirlwind)

    About shadow master casting more MB, I have heard about similar theories/myths and I do keep testing them. I have not received consistent results to "state any as a fact", so if anyone knows better, is welcome to share his knowledge. Bear in mind some PvP players might also use Shadow warrior in certain situations, as they can control what spells it uses.
    Alex_1987 likes this.
  12. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Am seriously thinking about my build. Philosophically...

    Cold sorc, ww barb, hammerdin simply 1-shot me using like 1-2 abilities. I play some kind of hybrid sin with ww, maxed venom, 15 shadow-life skillers and LS with 7k damage. With this I need to hit them like 10-20 times. Or 3-5 very good ww vs sorc (no way it works vs pala or barb). Does not look like a battle of skill tbh...
    Are all these hybrid assa builds simply a bullshit here because inventory allows to boost abilities of my opps to some ridiculous values of damage? Do I need to just pack all my inventory with clean traps and hope to shoot them faster?

    I mean, I may choose to not duel with them of course. But then there will be no one to duel with...
  13. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    I used to play a similar build like you when I joined due to the balance until 1.10 but, it was not very effective to many of the PVP players here, plus dmg is boosted lot more to some builds with 19x skillers in comparison to Venom and its 50dmg per skill, or Claw mastery and its small bonuses on top of the physical dmg of a claw (which is also very very low dmg compared to a barbarian's physical dmg WW).
    A hybrid would also aim for half/half inventory, like 9/10 sd/10ts or another combination depending on your items and charms. You could easily have similar WW dmg and LS dmg 10-12k. In general you would change your items/charms for different duels, e.g. Barb - maximise trap dmg, aim for DR close to 50 and block close to 60, paladin - max trap dmg and you also need a claw with a fools mod if you would attempt to attack with WW as if high defense due to holy shield.
    Alex_1987 and Kefflar32 like this.
  14. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    bro u dont keep same items for duel all class wtf :D
    if u start to learn this game recent there is low lvl duel rly fun too if u dont want fast kills. joaida say it very good in his msg go look what other trapsin ppl do bcz u will learn more from their build
  15. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    C'mon there is no low-level dueling :( There are couple of games daily packed exclusively with sorcs, palas and barbs. I mean, it is as it is.

    I will try to go kiwi's way. Will indeed pack my skillers half to half and rearrange skillpoints to maximize LS synergies instead of venom...
  16. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    It would be easier to start with more shadow life charms, as trap life charms are generally a lot harder to find. e.g. LS and all its synergies max alongside that's 80points and then 1 point to all shadow skills - the rest depending on your claws and preference.
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  17. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    not so soon bro ppl farm now and lld needs more brains and special item build
    many ppl who pvp start with easy popular builds like u say sorcs, pala and barb then u make other class later when u have runes and items. i duel last weekend with two good javazon u will see them how they play if u enter duel games bcz javazon is rly good in pvp
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2022
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  18. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    We will see, we will see then :)

    Yeah, I indeed collected a full inventory of pretty good SD 30+ life charms. It's just not very effective as it seems. Will replace half of them to traps clean and try it in battle. Ideally yeah, I would want traps with smth useful (fhr / life) but these are extremely expensive. And since I am getting 1-shot anyway, does not look like 200-300 additional hp will save my day...

    So... I respeced and have 12k LS damage. Pala with grief and wisp still take like maybe 5% of his hp damage from 1 LS shot. And still 1-shot me with hammer. Is that how it supposed to be?
  19. kiwifruit

    kiwifruit Game Master

    Apr 17, 2020
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    how much life have you got? 12k ls dmg for a hybrid is good. My one is on around 13k currently. Bear in mind you are comparing yourself to a build with the dmg that a (non-hybrid hammer) would do. If you were a pure trap, with 19 trap skillers and 2 two decent claws you would be making a lot more dmg. In general, this is quite a hard duel as the damage from a hammerdin is not much absorbable. Also, paladins could have more +max resist as a bonus from the "resist lighting skill" (it gives them +1 for each two hard points in the skill)

    It is hard to reach enough AR to cause a pala any dmg with WW, and usually ends up eating a hammer or two. Also, remember when you "walk/run" you can't block a hit, make sure to either be standing still or "attacking". Also about hammerdins, you have to practice a bit to start understanding how they play, it is one of the more challenging duels surely.
    In case you have not read it already, adding a quote from Bui's hybrid guide below
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2022
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  20. Alex_1987

    Alex_1987 Senior Member

    Jan 10, 2022
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    I did not know about "resist lighting skill". Is it then allowed to use TG as an addition to this skill for pala? Or no one controls it?
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