Pls PC for torches: 19/20 sin 19/20 pal
Hi, pls pc for those charms
pls pc [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hi, pls pc[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] also raven 20/249 shako 141 def thanks!
Need one ele sk FHR. Pay good. Leave message or /w me in game *Bonczko
pls pc pal torch 16/20 grand charms: 12 fhr 52 mana 18 life 50 mana 16 life 56 mana 13 md 73 ar 6 md 33 ar + frw
pc assa t 20/14 ama t 18/19 bk ring 5ll
pls pc anni 20/14/6 ama t 20/14 sorc t 20/11 giant skull 31 str 2 os ?
thanks, someone said he got offered 6 Ber for a 32 life, which i thought it was a nonsense, probably just trying to rob me :/ Last time i bought...
hey, pls pc for Ele sks (I want to buy them and dont want pay more than they are really worth :p ) 20-29 life ? 30-35 life ? 36-40 life ? 41+ (ok...
thx.. and more pc pls ^^ [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] also eth CV non superior ?
pls pc Ama T 18/19 Light sk +40 GC 13md/73ar SC 5@
pls pc [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] also small charms 7 mf got any value ?
pls pc: deaths web 1/41 deaths web 2/41 white superior mask 15/14 (its high lvl drop so it will get 3 sockets) (lvl 9 pvp?) protector shield 3 os...
[ATTACH] so mad right now.. why jt had to be ama skills and not some other class :c does it even have any good value ?
pls pc: anni 18/15 gc 10 md 70 ar 12 fhr
hmm, thats true, damn.. forgot about the other mod :c
can someone pc this ? i think it could be nice for low lvl duels [ATTACH]
pc light plate 15/15/3os pls ?
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