price check: 31 life off sk coa 2 soc 11dr 23 res 103 def
-jewel 7 str 35 ed -jewel 5 maxdam 9str 5 energy 10light res -jewel 6dex 40ed -jewel 26ed 7maxdam 9dex 6 energy
Price check: 15ias 35ed jewel 29ed 51ar 8str 12light res jewel magic circ 3 traps 2 soc magic circ 2 nec 20 fcr 2 soc
All styles. Wc, melee and throw :D
price check: 20 str 14dex 7 allres ring
price check: 10% chance of block, 15% faster block rate, 3 soc magic monarch
Price check: [IMG]
price check 44 life lightning sk
price check: 5fhr 3md 10 ar sc
Price check 26 life fire sk
Price check [IMG]
Price check: 7frw ele sk, 175 poi dam over 6 sec large charm 281 poi dam over 9 sec large charm 15ias 18ed jewel 3bo barb helm delirium base fhr...
Price check: 313 poi dam sc
Price check: [IMG] [IMG]
Another question :D 7 mf 11% fire res sc, and 18 life 100 psn dam sc?
Hi Price check: 20 life 9%light res sc, Eth Griffon 12 -15
Separate names with a comma.