
Baal knows I'm trying....

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by DarkSummoner, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. DarkSummoner

    DarkSummoner Supporter

    Jul 28, 2013
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    As stated a few times, I've been playing D2 for a long...long..long time... I know why there are ladder resets, and usually I embrace it as a new challenge like most.. But lately (here comes the old gamer bitch) I've noticed the choice places I like to MF have fallen way way short of the Quality of drops I have come to expect on this server. I find myself double checking that I'm still in Hell mode, because all the drops are the same in areas whether I'm in Normal, Nightmare, or Hell. I'm not asking to tweak drops in any way, just curious if i'm the only player who's noticed this drop in Quality drops? I'm of course reaching out to those people who have been on here for 3+ years. Is it bad luck or just really crappy rolls? ( for example: Nith dropping only gold and shit level items) End of ole timer epic essay ;)
  2. Escorb4r

    Escorb4r Supporter

    Feb 16, 2016
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    People have been finding Almost perf griffons , Templars even tyrael , Several coas and high runes , Im sure this is only about random luck . I was lucky to find a griffon of baal last week , so only good advice is to keep grinding and it will pay out over time. ps . drops might be the same but the Item lvl will never be the same as hell in normal and nightmare. since the higher difficulty (better item lvl)
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    It's a fresh ladder and when it comes to that people have too high expectations in getting same results they got in two years, way faster than before. For some the drop seems even better than before while for others it feels like it's lower but server side wise everything is the same as before so you may consider this either luck for those who found perf tyraels, zods, etc and badluck for those who are still trying to find them. This is no different than the previous ladder resets/wipes before this one so keep on grinding and you will get results, simple as that.
    DarkSummoner likes this.
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