
Classy noob weapon or mistaken?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by dahappygoat, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. dahappygoat

    dahappygoat Senior Member

    Nov 12, 2017
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    Hey guys, as some of you know I've been around for a few days now and I've changed my sorc build to a frozen orb chain lightning hybrid w/ dual elemental masteries, lightning storm, +item skills to cast energy shield+shiv armor+tele so that I can survive a lot more content in Hell. Before I was trying to make some weird ass enchantress and it stopped being appealing to me as soon as I realized I needed very specific items and a bunch more skill points to be somewhat effective(only lvl.76 so far), but I'm having ten-fold if not twenty-fold the success of that on my first build and I find this hybrid pretty awesome actually in a lot of areas, especially if you manage to get crazy all-resist. Anyway, now that I'm starting to get a bunch more loot and different +skill magic items and uniques and whatnot, I ran into this poley and if I'm not mistaking it's actually really quite brutal for a potential polezon wep? Especially at semi-earlier levels if I used a decent runeword inside of it I'm assuming??? Btw I do have a lowbie amazon specced in pole/jav tree, the one from my youtube playthroughs, so this is pretty awesome. Screenshot002.jpg
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