
Diablo 2 classic friendly

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by cageman, Mar 15, 2017.

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  1. cageman

    cageman Member

    Mar 7, 2017
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    It might be interesting to start supporting diablo 2 classic. If the gameplay here is much better than on the battle.net servers a lot might switch. The battle.net servers have a lot of botting players, which made me play here instead.
    Main points needed:
    • Stash is currently weird due to enhanced stash size. Would be nice to either have the same size as LOD or old view of stash
    • Monsters mainly drop uniques at the moment, losing the possiblity for rare drops, especially at bosses. For diablo 2 classic rares are much more important and only a few drop at the moment.
    • (Optional) An improvement opposed to blizzlike classic would be the option to do the weapon swap on classic as well.

    These points would help a lot already by improving the gameplay for classic players.

    Kind regards,
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    As people pointed out in the other thread, classic is really not that popular compared to LOD, however your suggestions are good enough so let me answer.

    1. Easy fix, hopefully I'll get some spare time during the next weeks and work on this but the tricky part would be replacing the current patch checksum without causing issues for other players so need to think on a solution here.
    2. It's been like this for years and people love it, at some point we even tried to make a change and everyone was against it. Only bosses (most, not all) are twinkered this way but it's the same for unique,rare, etc however first value overrides the others which in this case is the unique items setting, however this doesn't blocks the possibility for rare drops and it's the reason why rare, set items, etc are really popular here and not uniques only.
    3. This is a feature that has been introduced in LOD expansion set, it's not available in classic.
  3. cageman

    cageman Member

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Thanks for your reply! 1. is the most important, since it is quite annoying. The other two would be really nice perks for classic, but hey we can't have it all.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Alright so I've fixed the extended stash size in classic, however as I said before this requires a client update which cannot be done at this moment as the file changed and therefore it uses a different checksum which will result into gameguard closing your game and not allowing you to connect to the server. I'll think on something when I free up my schedule.
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