
Elite or GG Runners thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fatty180, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    Elite runners thread

    This is the place,where elite runners belong.
    Anyone has a personal project that involves rerunning some monster/area for items?Good,add yourself to the list
    Post your progress,brag about the items u have found,rant all the items u have not found yet,discuss the strategies,this thread should be all about that.

    Some rules:
    1) Dont start a new project unless u realize how hard/time consuming it will be if u start ur project here try to complete it.
    2)You have to specify what kind of run u want to do and what is ur primary item u hunt for Completing ur project means either completing the specified number of runs or finding the item.
    3)Dont include projects like runs for experience.
    4)When starting ur project,Please give a short intro of project,what character you will be using,what is ur average time and strategy.
    5)You have to count the runs and report about ur progress from time to time.Counting can be done by pencil and paper.

    My own project is "10,000 nithalak" runs i hope to get the tyraels might and complete the grail then.Character is lvl96 pitzerker barb named barfx.He has around 680 magic find.I dont kill any mobs on the road to nithalak,I just kill nithalak only while my merc kills minions.P1 mostly the average time with auto tele to nithalak is around 15-20 seconds.Today i made 520 nithalak runs so those runs will be counted as my plan was to reach 10k nithalak runs.
    I can also provide interesting statistics about drops later from nithalak.
    If u are interested and decided to do project feel free to edit it or post with ur name,project name,runs done,best finds and target item on progress list.

    Progress List
    Forum name: Project name: Runs done: Best finds: Target item:
    Fatty180. 10k nith runs. 520 runs. Mang,mangs lession. Tyraels might.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 22, 2017, Original Post Date: Sep 21, 2017 ---
    Progress List
    forum name: Projectname: Runsdone: best find: targetitem
    Fatty180,10knithruns,700runs,Crowns of ages(unique corona),Tyraels might
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 22, 2017 ---
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2017
    ignoramus likes this.
  2. Sadi

    Sadi Member

    Sep 9, 2017
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    forum name: Sadi
    Projectname: 1k pit run
    Runsdone: 450 atm
    best find: Templar's might necro
    Target = tyrael's/deathweb/griffon's eye
    And a summary of notable things :
    21 : ohm + stop
    48 = skiller targe lem pul
    56 = ist
    73= vx
    91= ohm
    98= ga
    104=steelrend, guise vortex 4 eth
    137 : gloves orange
    145 : mal
    151 : scarab rare
    15x : tal armor
    174 : belt orange
    194 : ring orange
    258 : magi eth
    310 : gul ohm
    315 : bone visage vert
    346 : TMMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    348 : mal
    from 340 to 400 3 ohms and a skiller shitty
    420 : steelrend eth
    450 :dne
    457 : done
    479 : done
    489 : done
    505 : done
    526 : done
    550 : done
    577 :ddone
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
    Fatty180 likes this.
  3. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    Progress List:
    Forum name: project name:runs done:bestfind:target item
    Fatty180,10k nith runs,700runs,coa(unique corona),Tyraels might
    Sadi,1k pit runs,450,Templers might(unique sacred armor),Tyraels,might,deathweb and griffons eye

    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 23, 2017, Original Post Date: Sep 23, 2017 ---
    Progress List:
    Forum name: project name:runs done:bestfind:target item
    Fatty180,10k nith runs,900runs,coa(unique corona),Tyraels might
    Sadi,1k pit runs,450,Templers might(unique sacred armor),Tyraels,might,deathweb and griffons eye

  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @Fatty180, use the EDIT button instead of double posting.
    Fatty180 likes this.
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