
farming high level runes

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fatty180, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    high level runes are rare runes like Lo+ many people ask questions where to farm for high level runes including jah ber in order to make enigma for theirselves the method of farming high runes is too much time consuming farm cows open objects its a important thing to open objects as it dropped ohm for me farm chaos santuary tombs ignore the tombs which have light resist mons which countercasts lightning attacks But dont leave these 3 types of monsters of each talrasha tomb specters,revivers,skeleton and zombies many people think its useless farming there but it isnt i got a sur and a ber rune drop from there on same week.farm as many lvl85 areas as u can farm halls of pain if there is tiny mobs in huge group.farm worldstone keep level 2 if there are tiny mobs in huge pack as well as worldstone keep lvl 3 also specters spawn there which has increased chance of dropping runes throne room go straight for waves wave 2 is kind of special to me it dropped 2 chams from 2nd wave in this ladder and few ohms vexs and Los baal can also drop runes but ultra rarely go travincial for looting and u maybe luckly get high rune like jah which dropped for me in trav so far.farm durance lvl 3 as it is lvl 85 area u can farm for items and runes extra boss mephisto and ting bosses councils but there are not lvl85 mons but can drop cham farm ancient tunnels and pits is the best area in the game because those tiny mobs in one area can drop high runes so the concept is as u farm more lvl80+ areas u have more chance of finding runes in 1 game. D2 people leave comments and suggestions and maybe like if u think its good
  2. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    It just takes time and dedication.
    If it was that easy then everyone would have everything maxed.
    All trades would stop and people would get bored.
    Part of the excitement is farming and eventually finding something good.
    Fatty180 and Joaiuda like this.
  3. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    Yeah agreed
  4. Botlike

    Botlike Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Good info, Fatty. The only thing that kinda lost me is that the post is a wall of words, it's abit hard to read. Still helpful tho. My shorter version:
    Farm areas in Hell with big monster density and hope for the best, after all- RNG. Popular spots- cows, pits, AT, river-CS, WSK-throne. Other interesting spots- Council Tower, Tals Tomb, Arcane Sanctuary, Travi, Halls of Nih. Drop calculator, use it, love it.

    I've seen people farming Flayer Jungle for runes and finding them, so it's just personal preference and RNG. It's also important to be effective, which means- clear fast and kill as much as possible. Alot of people even skip the regular monsters and kill only the rest (champs/uniques etc).

    Good luck.
    Fatty180 likes this.
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