
Guide Getting Started - For New Players

Discussion in 'Guides' started by RandAlThor, Jun 1, 2018.

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  1. RandAlThor

    RandAlThor Senior Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    Disclaimer: All links,files and instructions have been fully explained by several people, who have already done a great job. I am simply consolidating the information and providing any updates(if applicable). All original sources and credits are linked below.

    I will be listing 2 different install methods.
    I highly recommend using the included portable install of Diablo 2. Both to save you time and effort, as well as to use known good configurations for the Diablo 2 client files.

    Recommended Install Method

    Step 1: Extract Diablo 2 Client Folder to a location of your choice.
    This install method uses a portable version of Diablo 2, which does not need to be installed. Simply extract the folder located inside the .zip to a location of your choice.

    Download these 2 files:
    Diablo 2 Client Download or Mirror
    Custom Realm Patch(Installer) or Mirror

    Step 2: Install the Custom EuropeBattle files
    Run the custom realm patch "EuropeBattleInstaller.exe" or "UsaBattleInstaller.exe"

    Choose the folder you installed Diablo 2 in when the installer comes up

    Click "Yes" on the popup advising you of the registry change. This is adding the server info to the connection gateway for you.
    The custom patch and server settings have now been applied, and the game is now ready to play.

    Step 3: Adding Maphack to the game
    You have 2 major options for maphack: Stings or BH. Links for both below.

    Stings Maphack: A widely-used maphack with easy-to-configure item filters, and no need to inject(more on that later)
    Integrated Version(No injection - Recommended) or Mirror

    Simply extract all the contents inside the "Integrated" folder into your Diablo 2 Install folder. There is also a "Configs" folder that has some custom item filters you may use if you wish. Instructions for that are detailed below.
    To run the maphack: Just launch the game as normal using loader.exe - the maphack will automagically launch with the game.

    BH Maphack: The newer maphack successor, with a few additional features(and compromises) over Stings; Deeper customization allowed.
    BH Maphack or Mirror

    Extract the 4 included files inside the folder "Default (Recommended)\Default" These should be BH.cfg, BH.dll, BH.Injector.exe and UI.ini. I recommend creating a folder for them, and placing it on your desktop.
    To run the maphack: Start Diablo 2, then run BH.Injector.exe, and select your Diablo 2 process.

    Step 4: Downloading/Configuring your Item Filter
    You can highly customize the item filter to match your specific needs. Links will be provided for additional resources.

    Using one of the alternative configuration files included in download:
    For Stings maphack:
    In the "Configs" folder of the download, you will see 5 files, labeled 1.txt through 5.txt
    - Open one of these files, and copy the entire document.
    - Now find d2maphack.cfg inside your Diablo 2 install folder and open it.
    - Delete all text, and now paste the contents of the previous file.

    For BH Maphack: In the "Configs" folder you will find 8 files, labeled 1.txt through 8.txt
    - Open one of these files, and copy the entire document.
    - Now find BH.cfg inside your BH Maphack folder and open it.
    - Delete all text, and now paste the contents of the previous file.

    Editing your own configuration file from scratch:
    I will not provide a guide here when there are already several stickied ones for these topics, please reference them below.
    For Stings Maphack
    For BH Maphack

    Step 5: Setup AutoTeleport (If Desired)
    AutoTeleport is allowed on this server. Enables fast teleports to many locations with simple key presses. You will need maphack. You will need an Injector.

    First, let's download the needed files:
    AutoTeleport or Mirror
    Injector or Mirror
    Now we...
    - Create a folder for the AutoTele files, you will also move the injector into this folder.
    - Move the AutoTele files from the downloaded "1.4.1" folder to your newly created folder.
    - Move the Injector files to the the newly created AutoTele folder also
    - It is now ready to use

    To run AutoTele: Open RemoteDll32.exe as Administrator.

    Select the Diablo 2 process from the list (It will not show if you ran Remotedll64 or did not run as Admin)

    To use AutoTele in-game: Simply press 0, 1, 2 or 3 on your NumPad
    0 = Go to Next Area
    1 = Go To Quest Area
    2 = Go To Next Waypoint
    3 = Go To Previous Area

    You can also change the keys being used by editing "AutoTeleport.ini" - Here is the key list you will need:
    // KeyList =
    // 1=Left mouse button
    // 2=Right mouse button
    // 4=Middle mouse button (three-button mouse)
    // 9=TAB key
    // 16=SHIFT key
    // 17=CTRL key
    // 18=ALT key
    // 19=pause key
    // 32=SPACEBAR
    // 33 PAGE UP key
    // 34 PAGE DOWN key
    // 35 END key
    // 36 HOME key
    // 45 INS key
    // 46 DEL key
    // 65=A key
    // 66=B key
    // 67=C key
    // 68=D key
    // 69=E key
    // 70=F key
    // 71=G key
    // 72=H key
    // 73=I key
    // 74=J key
    // 75=K key
    // 76=L key
    // 77=M key
    // 78=N key
    // 79=O key
    // 80=P key
    // 81=Q key
    // 82=R key
    // 83=S key
    // 84=T key
    // 85=U key
    // 86=V key
    // 87=W key
    // 88=X key
    // 89=Y key
    // 90=Z key
    // 96=Numeric keypad 0 key
    // 97=Numeric keypad 1 key
    // 98=Numeric keypad 2 key
    // 99=Numeric keypad 3 key
    // 100=Numeric keypad 4 key
    // 101=Numeric keypad 5 key
    // 102=Numeric keypad 6 key
    // 103=Numeric keypad 7 key
    // 104=Numeric keypad 8 key
    // 105=Numeric keypad 9 key
    // 106=Numeric Multiply *
    // 107=Numeric Plus Key +
    // 109=Numeric Minus Key -
    // 111=Numeric Divide Key /
    // 112=F1 key
    // 113=F2 key
    // 114=F3 key
    // 115=F4 key
    // 116=F5 key
    // 117=F6 key
    // 118=F7 key
    // 119=F8 key
    // 120=F9 key
    // 121=F10 key
    // 122=F11 key

    Congratulations, You now have the custom patch, maphack with custom item filters, and Auto Teleport configured and ready to be used.

    Credits and Original Content:

    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
    V4mpir, Remind and Quinneczech like this.
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