
[Guide] Bone Necromancer for PvM&PvP

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Aaape, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    This build is great for both PvP and PvM since a necromancer can do great damage to groups of monsters with Bone spear, and still do Huge damage to Persons with Bone Spirit.



    � Strength - 50 Strength. Without items you should have 65 Strength total.
    � Dexterity - Either enough to max block, or none, whatever your preference is
    � Energy - None
    � Vitality - All the res goes here


    20 - Bone Spirit (Your main attack)
    20 - Bone Prison (Bone Spirit synergy)
    20 - Bone Wall (Bone Spirit synergy)
    20 - Teeth (Bone Spirit synergy)
    20 - Bone Spear (Bone Spirit synergy and a good Group killer).
    1 - Decrepify (Slows down your opponents)
    0 - Bone Prison (don't touch this, with Marrowwalk's on it gives +33 to bone prison if no points where put there to begin with. It is called the Marrowwalk bug)

    Helmet: Harlequin Crest, socketed with a Jah Rune. This gives +2 skills, life and mana, and damage reduction.
    Amulet: Maras with high res, or +2necro/cast/stat/res amulet. Either wait, +2 skills is essential for that high damage.
    Armor: Dusk Shroud Enigma. Since necro�s don�t need much strength for other items, keep the Enigma in a Dusk Shroud. Enigma allows you to teleport and also gives the strength needed for the other items.
    Shield: Homunculus, with Jah, Sur, or Um! Homunculus is a very nice and affordable shield for Necromancers.
    Rings: 2 x Soj's. +2 skills and huge mana boosts make these rings the best combination for a PvP necromancer.
    Boots: Marrowwalk. Marrowwalk are the best boots for a necromancer because of the Marrowwalk bug, if a necro does not place any points in Bone Prison at all, and uses these boots, the Bone Prison charges get converted into +33 to Bone Prison.
    Gloves: Frostburns. Since we are not putting any points into Energy, Frostburns add to mana, along with the 2 x Soj�s.
    Belt: Arachnid's Mesh. +1 skills and faster cast rate makes this the absolute best Caster belt in the game.
    Weapon: Heart of the Oak flail. +3 skills, 30-40 resist all, and cast rate push the Heart of the Oak above all other PvP necromancers weapons.
    Shield on Switch: Lidless. This shield is a good second slot shield when used with Call to Arms. It gives +1 to the 2 essential war cries.
    Weapon on Switch: Call to Arms Runeword, +battle orders and command is very good to have.
    Charms: 8 x Poison/Bone Charms with 35+ Life, 1 Annihilus Charm, 7 x life/mana sc's.
  2. GitaaS

    GitaaS DiabloMu Assistant Admin™

    Dec 18, 2008
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    lawl, i`ll try this, maybe in a year after i get all that stuff :D
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