
[GUIDE] D2 runewords 1.11

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Aaape, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    Simply put, this guide deals with the new runewords which were implemented in
    the game with the release of the 1.11 patch.

    The new runewords function just like the old ones: by putting runes in a
    certain and precise order in a certain and precise item type with the certain
    and precise number of sockets, you greatly upgrade the item in question,
    adding a whole bunch of new modifiers and abilities.

    You'll soon notice that all 1.11 runewords made from armour are made for a
    specific class.

    All information concerning the armour runewords this guide uses was taken
    directly from Arreat Summit, the Battle.net Diablo II strategy guide. Here's
    the specific website address:


    NOTE: John Steinmetz brought this to my attention: The Blizzard 1.11 patch
    information says that there are ten new runewords this patch. However,
    while this is most probably true, Arreat Summit only gives information on
    seven of them. As such, there are three more which have yet to be
    accounted for. As soon as I get more information, I'll include them in
    this guide.


    Chapter One: 1.11 Runewords

    Armour Runewords

    Bone (Necromancer)
    Body Armour, 3 Sockets
    [Sol] + [Um] + [Um]
    15% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Armor When Struck
    15% Chance To Cast level 10 Bone Spear On Striking
    +2 To Necromancer Skill Levels
    +100-150 To Mana (varies)
    All Resistances +30
    Damage Reduced By 7

    Enlightenment (Sorceress)
    Body Armour, 3 Sockets
    [Pul] + [Ral] + [Sol]
    5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Blaze When Struck
    5% Chance To Cast level 15 Fire Ball On Striking
    +2 To Sorceress Skill Levels
    +1 To Warmth
    +30% Enhanced Defense
    Fire Resist +30%
    Damage Reduced By 7

    Myth (Barbarian)
    Body Armour, 3 Sockets
    [Hel] + [Amn] + [Nef]
    3% Chance To Cast Level 1 Howl When Struck
    10% Chance To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking
    +2 To Barbarian Skill Levels
    +30 Defense Vs. Missile
    Replenish Life +10
    Attacker Takes Damage of 14
    Requirements -15%

    Peace (Amazon)
    Body Armour, 3 Sockets
    [Shael] + [Thul] + [Amn]
    4% Chance To Cast Level 5 Slow Missiles When Struck
    2% Chance To Cast level 15 Valkyrie On Striking
    +2 To Amazon Skill Levels
    +20% Faster Hit Recovery
    +2 To Critical Strike
    Cold Resist +30%
    Attacker Takes Damage of 14

    Principle (Paladin)
    Body Armour, 3 Sockets
    [Ral] + [Gul] + [Eld]
    100% Chance To Cast Level 5 Holy Bolt On Striking
    +2 To Paladin Skill Levels
    15% Slower Stamina Drain
    +5% To Maximum Poison Resist
    Fire Resist +30%

    Rain (Druid)
    Body Armour, 3 Sockets
    [Ort] + [Mal] + [Ith]
    5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Cyclone Armor When Struck
    5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Twister On Striking
    +2 To Druid Skills
    +100-150 To Mana (varies)
    Lightning Resist +30%
    Magic Damage Reduced By 7
    15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana

    Treachery (Assassin)
    Body Armour, 3 Sockets
    [Shael] + [Thul] + [Lem]
    5% Chance To Cast Level 15 Fade When Struck
    25% Chance To Cast level 15 Venom On Striking
    +2 To Assassin Skills
    +45% Increased Attack Speed
    +20% Faster Hit Recovery
    Cold Resist +30%
    50% Extra Gold From Monsters


    Chapter Two: Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Are these runewords available only on Ladder?
    A: No. No they're not. They work in every mode, meaning Single Player and
    Multiplayer, which includes Open Battle.net and all Realms.

    Q: Are the armour runewords reserved for the specific class, or can anyone use
    A: A guy calling himself "Hi Gotec" confirmed that the Treachery runeword can
    be used by Barbarian mercenaries. Logic thus revealed that everyone can use
    them, meaning all classes and all mercenaries can share, enjoy and cherish
    the runewords together.

    Credits to: DeeJayTee
    eXistenZ, andreey and Gix like this.
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