
Guide Hardcore Hammerdin

Discussion in 'Guides' started by D2Addict, Jun 19, 2024.

  1. D2Addict

    D2Addict Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2023
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    Strength, Enough to Wear gear (50 or so)
    Dexterity, Enough for 75% block after using Holy Shield while Buffed (try to keep it below 90 base dext points)
    Vitality, All Remaining Points
    Energy, None

    Skills: Max them in Order of the guide
    20 Blessed Hammer
    20 Blessed Aim
    20 Vigor
    20 Concentration
    Remaining Points are used in Holy shield
    Note: All skills should be maxed at level 97 (with all skill quests complete)

    Gear: There is not cutting corners here sadly if u want to tank alot
    Helmet: Crown Of Ages 2 Sox 2 Bers in them
    Amulet: 2 Pala 20 Fcr And (optional) dext/str/life
    Weapon: Heart Of The Oak
    Armor: Enigma, Archon Plate/Wire Fleece/Great Hauberk (Higher Defense = lower chance for attack to hit you)
    Shield: Spirit in a Sacred Targe w/ 40-45 all resistances
    Gloves: Magefist (Fcr, Mana Reg)
    Rings: Nature's Peace, 10 Fcr Ring w/Dext-Str-Res-Life
    Belt: Arachnid Mesh
    Boots: Waterwalks (Upped) Or Hotspur (Upped)

    Upper 3 Rows Will be mostly small charms with life/res or Skillers with 30+ life, Lower 3 rows will be mostly clean/life skillers

    Note: For this build and most others i push for maximum possible Dexterity over strength bugging as it is harder to reach max block than to strength bug items most times it just equip the items play with over 70 str for a few hours and then reset your stats (without Sandstorm treks equipped) most times that 15 str from treks is the reason items won't equip after re-spec tho i might be wrong when it comes to other characters, this is also a 125% fcr build most underestimate reaching that breakpoint on hardcore but rather out run the enemy than charge at it (i mean tomb vipers most others won't really deal much dmg unless your amplified or your res has been lowered)

    This is my current build for hardcore and it has yet to disappoint me so far the only problem is lagging out and ofc Tomb Vipers (The Real End-Game Boss of Act 5) from Nihlathak tho the mercenary tanks 90% of the hits and if he doesn't move they don't deal any damage :D so try to tele stomp nihla instead of pull him out of the vipers or just don't kill him if he's surrounded honestly its probably not worth the risk.

    Mercenary: Act 1 Cold Arrow

    Helm: Andariel's Visage + 15 Ias Jewl
    Armor: Treachery, this is mandatory to reach 89% ias for the breakpoint
    Weapon: Insight, Diamond Bow
    Gloves: LoH AKA Laying Of Hands
    Ring: Raven Frost
    Belt: Eth Razortail Or Eth Noseferatu's Coil
    Boots: Gore Rider or Goblin Toe

    Why Cold Arrow? Simple she will freeze every monster surrounding where you tele stomp 90% of the time (unless cold resistant) before u ask Yes she deals crap damage and No act 2 mercenary is not a bad option its the first option if your willing to wait for Amplify damage to run out before stomping any monsters

    Edit: forgot to mention, she makes doing Nihlathak safer as normally the cause for the random amounts of charge/crushing blow damage applied to you is the act 2 mercenary moving in your entity/players pixels normally if you do not move only the poison damage would be applied i can go over it all day and the ways it happens other than the mercenary walking in your entity but thats if someone wants all the details about it and how to avoid it
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2024
    colder, kiwifruit, Herlikium and 2 others like this.
  2. D2Addict

    D2Addict Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2023
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