
HC Ladder Reset Progress

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by OBG, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. OBG

    OBG Active Member

    Feb 26, 2023
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    So I've been having a blast with this ladder reset. Haven't gotten as far as I would have liked, and the time these days just seems to disappear for playing but something about fresh-starts just triggers the happy-brain chems for me. Hit a nice milestone so thought I'd share:

    No deaths, every class though NM and level 75, each one leveled up Solo. The 'goal' now is to get them all through Hell so I can do some group farming for gear I need for each build. Some Notes on each journey:
    • Did Sorc first, always seems the easiest to me to get going, farm Trav to twink out each of the other classes. I did it in stages, each class to 50 through Normal, then each from 50-75 through NM. Ended up doing Lightning level build with repsec into Meterorb. Conviction Merc is nice to get some damage done...but man does he wander off way more than I remember. Self-Conviction might have to be the way.
    • Did a singing Barb and leveled as such, has been amazingly fun. Never had one, and was a little surprised that warcry doesnt every increase in range...i sorta assumed it did for whatever reason. Oh well, it works good and is fun times. Horking corpses for 2x drops is fun, and I've been fortunate to find 4x Ali Baba's with all the classes (1 eth) so getting him setup for tarav MF runs is well underway.
    • Got a titan to drop, so Zon was easy to do NM with respec into it. I did drop a point in Valk, surprised how well she stays alive and distracts with just +skill gear. Got a +bow skiller to drop....figures. Did get a +1 cold skills sorc skiller to drop though so can't complain. Zon does zon things so nothing unique here really it was pretty simple.
    • Necro is somewhat new to me, played one at the tail end of last ladder when i first found this place and enjoyed it. Did summoner and it was fun...but this time went Bone Spear and am loving it...tempted to respec though to a Psn Nova build...not sure how it will do in hell though so appriciate any input anyone has. Spent 30-45 mins to roll a nice white base from Act 2....then when I finished my last class Druid, got a +3 Spirit, +3 Amp, +3 Bone Prison base to drop....figures.
    • Speaking of Druid....First time playing one. Went elemental and make this was easy mode once you can turn on the hurricane and toss out those cyclones. Had crappy resists (negative through most all of NM till i hit 61 and could use the wizardspike I found and a Splendor shield). I literally can't spend enough mana to make a dent in that blue orb...its got me rethinking what to use for a Merc in Hell. Bear, Spirit, wolves are nice distractions too while I line of the wind. Would play again :)
    • Pally sucked. I went fire aura level build which is great for norm, respec to FoH since it sorta got a buff and some interwebz posts were saying its amazing....man this was a slow and methodical grind fest. I hate that FoH is limited AOE to basically just Arcane Sanc...not that i love hammers...i suck at lining them up...but I'm seriously thinking Hell is going to be old skool Fanaticism melee beater. Did get 3 different +36 resists pally shield baes to choose from thanks to my druid, so should be able to get good resists, block rate and such. We'll see.
    • Assassin. Along with Druid was a first time for me. I like it a lot. Lightening traps and death sentry build for leveling has destroyed everything through NM with ease. Had me some Natty boots for 40% run speed and I just move way to quick to get any benefit from my Merc. Not sure how this holds up in Hell, need to get conviction i'm sure to break lightening immunity but looking forward to this for sure.
    Anyways, enough about me and thanks for listening. Love to hear how everyone else journey is going, what goals you've set for yourself this reset, etc. Happy hunting all!
    colder, Scof1eld, kiwifruit and 3 others like this.
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Great progress @OBG, keep on slaying!
    OBG likes this.
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