
Help me decide!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by LunaOP, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. LunaOP

    LunaOP Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Hi there fellow grinders!

    Well, since I've started playing on this server the only things I've racked most of my playtime on Necro. Then I became kinda bored, causing me to constantly strip characters and make another.

    Tried many builds, but couldn't really stick to one. That's where you step in.


    So far I have created FurySin(planning to respec into martial arts/melee in future), MF Item Find Barb that can't kill anything, the most recent addition the OP WindDudu, so far best equipped Strafezon /w Frozen Arrow, Blizzballer which I hate to use cause I'm sick of playing Soso, the Rattly Spooky Spook Zone Skellymancer aka. mower that can't be stopped by anything, Jab/Fenazon(It's my dream to someday fully equip her with 15ED EBOTD +3 Matriachal Pike and other goodies, as for now she's underequipped and just plain weak) and lastly Zealot which was respecced from Hammerdin, my second best equipped character(I to hate repair that BA Grief every 5 min tho).

    Due to creating all those characters they ain't well equipped, I don't even own Enigma ^^ .

    I'm exclusively interested in PvM.

    So the idea is that YOU guys help me decide what I should play or make.

    The most fun so far was Zealot and Strafezon. The other builds I consider are non paladin Zealot(Passion RW), some kind of high STR Barb build(no idea if I should go 1h/2h or which main attacking skill to use, Double Throw Barb is out of question), Martial Arts/Melee Sin.

    If you have something else fun to play in mind, don't hesitate and share your idea. They have to be at least semiviable tho.
  2. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Kicksin is fun to play and cheap to make since martial skillers are cheap and you can use 2x bartucs if going for dual claw build.
    2 martial 20 ias gloves are very cheap also.
    LunaOP likes this.
  3. LunaOP

    LunaOP Active Member

    Sep 28, 2016
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    I even rolled one with 12% FHR.

    I reckon I should focus on Dragon Tail, Bartucs drop like crazy from Travi.
  4. Ultimative

    Ultimative Forum Legend

    Mar 23, 2014
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    For pvm my choice will be summon necro - fast clear cows pit diablo even whitout eni
  5. MadVisions

    MadVisions Supporter

    Jul 8, 2014
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    if you ask me, the MOST fun pvm character is rift kick sin, Hands down :D
    its faar from being optimal but the speed is considered decent compared to the rest of the fun builds :)
  6. devilsreject

    devilsreject Forum Legend

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Hi! If you decide going for kicker sin ( the most fun build for me also) do not put too much stats in Strenght. Dex gives you ~ damage + loads of attack rating. Its really fun to play this build kicking your way everywhere.
  7. oniq_tam

    oniq_tam Senior Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Alright, first of all i have experimented with a lot of builds, and for me the barbarian is the most fun and most diverse when it comes to that. Here are some build i have tried and although not very fast runwise, if you are looking for something different, try some of these.

    1) Throw barb - one of the cheapest when it comes to getting the equipment required. If you have any ethereal throw weapons (warshrikes, lacerators etc.) definetly try this build. There are good build on the net that i have followed and had a lot of fun. PvM chaos throw barb is one of the fastest clearing char in the game. PvP you will get rekt by pretty much every decent dueler, but with some rare throw weps and enigma you can definitely laugh as you kill them.

    2) Gold find barb - pretty straight forward, if you have a gamble addiction and want fast gold for crafting, its really fun. There is a thread in this forum about a build and like the previous build, it is really cheap.

    3) Wolfhowl barb - if you haven't tried this beauty, you are missing on some fun. I tried it PvP last season and it was hella fun, with a barb tm and some of the custom items and increase in inventory, this is a character that can take you by surprise and rekt your bottoms. Also you can uber with this one, if you have the equipment.

    4) Last but not least - Armageddon/Fissure druid. Yes. Really. I have come to love this character and all of its pros and cons. I'm goind to speak from my experience and only PvP related. Although pricey, you can kill ANY character in the game, because people just haven't faced one. With a -20 ravenlore, 6 x faced weapon and some other tricks up your sleeve(which i won't mention, but you kinda get the idea), this druid can destroy your fire resist and make you wonder where did that came from. Casters are your main problem, but with some training and practice you can kill even the pesky 200 fcr sorcs. Again, google him and find some builds.

    Conclusion : if you are tired of the game or some of its builds, just pick one and go with it for some time. You might fall in love with some build you found ugly at first. Chilling with some characters and doing stuff some people consider waste of farm time is one of the best times i have had fun in this game. Cheers and hope i was helpful.
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