
Maximum Game Duration Increase

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DiabloDan, Apr 14, 2016.

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  1. DiabloDan

    DiabloDan Canadian Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Just a thought, but, I think the maximum duration of the game should be increased. After leaving the game idle for a few hours, you get disconnected. I feel like it would be good for the economy to boost the maximum duration that games will remain open to allow people more time to get better offers for their items they have for trade. What do you guys think? Even an extra hour or two could be enough to help players get more offers! Let me know what you all think :)
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Well, the default game time is set to 4 hours which should be more than enough but indeed, there are the trade games and you can't add a separate setting for them alone, it has to be a general setting for all games. Anyway, we used to have a higher game time limit set up to 24 hours but we kept switching it back to default, then increasing it a bit more and so on to avoid a possible instability issue caused by high values of game time limit.

    I've set the maximum game time back to 24 hours and we will monitor this config for the next several days just to make sure it won't cause any issues.
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  3. DiabloDan

    DiabloDan Canadian Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Nice! I feel like it could help, but, as you said, if it causes stability issues, we can always switch it back!
  4. RoyalAC

    RoyalAC Active Member

    May 17, 2015
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    Actually should not have any problems with the server even with a larger timer for afk. U got the option to set it - 0 for unlimited anyway :) I tested it back in time along with 120 users online and the performance of the machine, PvPGN and D2GS were perfect. The numbers here are much larger but I still think that there should be no problems with the uptime of the server :)

    Year later, my English is still sux.. sorry bout that :D
  5. Botlike

    Botlike Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Four hours is more than enough for any kind of trade. When the time limit gets you disconnected, you can just make a new game, simple as that. People tend to make a game where they offer something and then just stay afk for hours without even looking at the chat, most of them check their trade games only because of the time limit. I'm guessing that alot of open games will pile up in the list now, since Gix set the limit back to 24hrs. Lets see how it goes, but for me- 4 hours is the perfect amount of time. In my eyes the only thing that this will help with is people opening a game, after that going to work and coming back 10 hours later to check what offers they got, just an example. I trade alot and the time limit never bothered me or anything.

    P.S. Just my 2 cents. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
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  6. RoyalAC

    RoyalAC Active Member

    May 17, 2015
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    I totally agree with you @Botlike 4hrs are far enough. Increased timer will lead to more trade games with afkers all day which can hinder new players or others to orient themselves and find open games. As for the stability of the server not supposed to have problems.
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