
New meta area to grind in diablo 2?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Fatty180, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. Fatty180

    Fatty180 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2016
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    Hell diablo 2 community i got something interesting to tell u all folks

    Recently few days ago i most of the time found 2+unique mobs spawned on river of flame after u pass out angel hadriel.
    Soo if u kill only 2 unique mobs per game this equals to pindleskin droprate right.
    With hammerdin i dont even need bos to kill 2 unique mobs only but holyshield important and it takes total 10 or 13 seconds to run it LUL sounds greattt.
    If u farm with a pitzerker barb 800 mf 2 unique mobs= possibly 4 right so divided by this amount of tyraels might drop rate per mob by 368315 by4 that equals to 92k chance to drop sounds Great.
    But why farm this over pindleskin? Because pindleskin cant drop 3 items in the game (Archanids sash,Azurewrath and most importantly Tyraels might)
    I think this is the best area to magic find in the game ilvl85 area wise.

    What are ur thoughts on this one comment below
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2018
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  2. ErrorIRL

    ErrorIRL KYSNOW2 Supporter

    Aug 25, 2018
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    I always farm them and never been lucky :D
    But hey, thanks for the tip
    P.S: I'm kind of player that loves to take out frozenstein every single game, open the unique chest from drifter cavern.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 2, 2018, Original Post Date: Nov 2, 2018 ---
    Screenshot034.jpg Screenshot155.jpg
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  3. SGPB75

    SGPB75 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    Fatty*, young fella, for this specific project the best is - Ruined Temple**!
    In Ruined Temple, on Hell, Battlemaid Sarina can have 11 minions (They are the big deal - not her...) , they are in ALVL 84 ; TC 87 ; RTC 17 and most important MLVL 87, so they can drop everything in the game - til Zod rune and of course Tyrael's Might...
    You can easily kill them literally in seconds, and there are many options for that - Heroes/Builds...
    Аnother bonus is that there may be another 2/3 boss packs!!!

    *I once told you about the Magic find Diminishing retunrs - because that with 800 mf is...
    Just check in the internet, now the game is old (like me...) and the all info is there - it's not like when my generation, started to play and calculating (most important part!) the parameters of the D1/D2 and other games, with similar great game-engine mechanics...

    **Absolutely same is for the others Temples (84/85 ALVL...) , but it is not always guaranteed in them, that there will be Boss Packs, and may be in most cases a waste of time...
    After all, the goal is to be seconds...

    ErrorIRL, Frozen River is 83 ALVL and the situation is absolutely same like Pindleskin and his minions - 87 TC ; 17 RTC, but with only 86 MLVL (for the boss packs minions - champions*** sucks at all...) so Tyrael's Might, Spiderweb and the almost useless Azurewrath are still mirage...
    On the other hand, Drifter Cavern (84 ALVL...) is a farm location from a lot of time - so keep going!!!

    ***Almost like the archers/casters in Pit/Tunnels with the ridiculous pattern drop of arrows/throwing potions and such ridiculous stuff...
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2018
    ErrorIRL and Tzutzu79 like this.
  4. ErrorIRL

    ErrorIRL KYSNOW2 Supporter

    Aug 25, 2018
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    Yep, i know about frozen river, but u still can get diadem, shard, etc. Worth doing atleast frozenstein :D
    SGPB75 likes this.
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