
Solved Rolling with the Grand Charms ( Area level , Item level , and me. )

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by Minty, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    A Quick and brief guide to pricey Grand Charms and where to find them, plus rolling it.
    Introduction: Area and Item level.
    A = Area level , ilvl = Item level , and alvl = after craft level.
    Whole text was inspired by gems.Don't forget to check out the picture in this Spoiler! Just do it!
    The Item level of every item that is dropped by a monster is determined by the area level (A: ), and doesn't vary. ((**Except in case where you kill Champion or Unique monster ))
    The Area Level is basically used to determine the types of items (and their mods) that can be dropped from monsters.It also plays a role in determining the possible item types from chests and chest-like objects, in all difficulty levels.
    **Champion monsters drop items where (ilvl = A +2), and random unique monsters drop items where (ilvl = A +3). Again, this does not vary! Champion and unique are colored monsters on your minimap.****
    Shortcuts used in text ====> A: = Area level , ilvl = Item level , and alvl = after craft level.
    So if you're in the Great Marsh (A = 50) any item that drops there will have a minimum "ilvl" of 50.
    Why are Area levels important? Because knowing some Area levels can help you hunt the good Charms, Items and Runes.

    A thing to remember:
    Don't confuse Area level with Item level (ilvl) and After craft level (alvl). A : is just a decoration saying where the item dropped, where ilvl and alvl are important.
    There are differences in d2hackmap configs so don't get confused I've added a picture that explains it better.In many configs, you will just see Q, M and A which is the basic info real info about a charm is as you can see below.

    Although A:88+ is everything to the ones who cannot see the whole information about the charm or item (all this is modified in d2hackmap config).
    All area levels by their numbers below.
    Decoding: all Area Levels!!!
    I've placed all areas under spoilers so it can be easy and better for all.Enjoy clicking. :)
    **** Example: Act 1 36 h67 Blood Moor . First number 36 is Area level on Nightmare difficulty , where h67 marks Area level on Hell difficulty. *****
    Act 1 36 h67 Blood Moor
    Act 1 36 h68 Cold Plains
    Act 1 37 h68 Stony Field
    Act 1 38 h68 Dark Wood
    Act 1 38 h69 Black Marsh
    Act 1 39 h69 Tamoe Highland
    Act 1 36 h79 Den of Evil
    Act 1 36 h77 The Cave Level 1
    Act 1 37 h69 Underground Passage Level 1
    Act 1 38 h80 The Hole Level 1
    Act 1 39 h85 The Pit Level 1
    Act 1 37 h78 The Cave Level 2
    Act 1 38 h83 Underground Passage Level 2
    Act 1 39 h81 The Hole Level 2
    Act 1 40 h85 The Pit Level 2
    Act 1 36 h80 Burial Grounds
    Act 1 37 h83 Crypt
    Act 1 37 h85 Mausoleum
    Act 1 38 h75 Tower Cellar Level 1
    Act 1 39 h76 Tower Cellar Level 2
    Act 1 40 h77 Tower Cellar Level 3
    Act 1 41 h78 Tower Cellar Level 4
    Act 1 42 h79 Tower Cellar Level 5
    Act 1 40 h70 Monastery Gate
    Act 1 40 h70 Outer Cloister
    Act 1 40 h70 Barracks
    Act 1 41 h71 Jail Level 1
    Act 1 41 h71 Jail Level 2
    Act 1 41 h71 Jail Level 3
    Act 1 41 h72 Inner Cloister
    Act 1 42 h72 Cathedral
    Act 1 42 h72 Catacombs Level 1
    Act 1 42 h73 Catacombs Level 2
    Act 1 43 h73 Catacombs Level 3
    Act 1 43 h73 Catacombs Level 4
    Act 1 39 h76 Tristram
    Act 1 64 h81 Secret Cow Level

    A Thing to remember: All charms from secret Cow level, can be rolled into good vita charms (36-40 life).
    *****Note: First number 43 indicates Area level on Nightmare difficulty, and the second one h75 indicates Hell difficulty.*****
    43 h75 Rocky Waste
    44 h76 Dry Hills
    45 h76 Far Oasis
    46 h77 Lost City
    46 h77 Valley of Snakes
    48 h79 Canyon of the Magi
    43 h74 Sewers Level 1
    43 h74 Sewers Level 2
    44 h75 Sewers Level 3
    47 h78 Harem Level 2
    47 h78 Palace Cellar Level 1
    47 h78 Palace Cellar Level 2
    48 h78 Palace Cellar Level 3
    44 h78 Stony Tomb Level 1
    44 h79 Halls of the Dead Level 1
    45 h81 Halls of the Dead Level 2
    47 h82 Claw Viper Temple Level 1
    44 h79 Stony Tomb Level 2
    45 h82 Halls of the Dead Level 3
    47 h83 Claw Viper Temple Level 2
    45 h84 Maggot Lair Level 1
    45 h84 Maggot Lair Level 2
    46 h85 Maggot Lair Level 3
    46 h85 Ancient Tunnels
    49 h80 Tal Rasha's Tomb
    49 h80 Tal Rasha's Chamber
    48 h79 Arcane Sanctuary
    *** A 50 = area level 50, where h80 = A 80- area level 80 ***
    A 50 h80 Great Marsh
    A 50 h80 Flayer Jungle
    A 52 h80 Lower Kurast
    A 52 h81 Kurast Bazaar
    A 52 h81 Upper Kurast
    A 53 h81 Kurast Causeway
    A 54 h82 Travincal
    A 50 h79 Spider Cave (Arachnid Lair)
    A 50 h79 Spider Cavern
    A 51 h80 Swampy Pit Level 1
    A 51 h81 Swampy Pit Level 2
    A 51 h81 Flayer Dungeon Level 1
    A 51 h82 Flayer Dungeon Level 2
    A 51 h82 Swampy Pit Level 3
    A 51 h83 Flayer Dungeon Level 3
    A 52 h84 Sewers Level 1
    A 53 h85 Sewers Level 2
    A 53 h84 Ruined Temple (In Kurast Bazaar)
    A 53 h84 Disused Fane (In Kurast Bazaar)
    A 53 h84 Forgotten Reliquary (In Upper Kurast)
    A 54 h85 Forgotten Temple (In Upper Kurast)
    A 54 h85 Ruined Fane (In Kurast Causeway)
    A 54 h85 Disused Reliquary (In Kurast Causeway)
    A 55 h83 Durance of Hate Level 1
    A 55 h83 Durance of Hate Level 2
    A 55 h83 Durance of Hate Level 3
    A 56 h82 Outer Steppes
    A 56 h83 Plains of Despair
    A 57 h84 City of the Damned
    A 57 h85 River of Flame
    A 58 h85 Chaos Sanctuary
    ****A 58 indicates difficulty in Nightmare (area level 58) , h80 indicates difficulty in Hell.*****
    A 58 h80 Bloody Foothills
    A 59 h81 Frigid Highlands
    A 60 h81 Arreat Plateau
    A 61 h82 Crystalized Cavern Level 1 (Crystalline Passage)
    A 61 h83 Cellar of Pity (Frozen River)
    A 61 h83 Crystalized Cavern Level 2 (Glacial Trail)
    A 61 h84 Echo Chamber (Drifter Cavern)
    A 60 h81 Tundra Wastelands (Frozen Tundra)
    A 62 h82 Glacial Caves Level 1 (Ancients' Way)
    A 62 h83 Glacial Caves Level 2 (Icy Cellar)
    A 68 h87 Rocky Summit (Arreat Summit)
    A 63 h83 Nihlathak's Temple
    A 63 h83 Halls of Anguish
    A 64 h84 Halls of Death's Calling (Halls of Pain)
    A 64 h84 Halls of Vaught
    A 60 h81 Hell 1 (Abaddon)
    A 61 h82 Hell 2 (Pit of Acheron)
    A 62 h83 Hell 3 (Infernal Pit)
    A 65 h85 The Worldstone Keep Level 1
    A 65 h85 The Worldstone Keep Level 2
    A 66 h85 The Worldstone Keep Level 3
    A 66 h85 Throne of Destruction
    A 66 h85 Worldstone Chamber
    A thing to remember: Why did I place nightmare area level? Because later on some charms are easier to find that only show up at certain area levels, that You will probably want to have in your inventory whether is it Grand or Small Charm.

    Summary: Grand Charms and which one to roll.
    Secret Recipe: 3 perfect gems and Charm put and transmute in your Cube. :3
    ***Notice: You should use Area levels to see where to look (farm) these charms in case you don't want to " roll " :***

    Ilevel 50+ = plain skillers (plain mosters NM Great Marsh and beyond)
    ilvl 61+ = skillers with 31-35 life
    ilvl 77+ = skillers with 36-40 life
    ilvl 91+ = skillers with 41-45 life (Hell A:99, Hell Nithlathak A:95 and Hell Diablo A:94)

    Fletcher's: +1 Amazon Bow and Crossbow Skills, ilvl 50
    Fletcher's is a relatively poor-valued skiller to have, though, still definitely worth keeping, and valuable with a good suffix.

    Acrobat's: +1 Amazon Passive Skills, ilvl 50
    Valued by most Amazons too help boost up her AR, dodging skills or valk.

    Harpoonist's: +1 Amazon Javelin and Spear Skills, ilvl 50
    The most valuable Amazon skiller, since javazons make up the vast bulk of Amazons out there.

    Entrapping: +1 Assassin Traps, ilvl 50
    Useful to the trapassin, which are quite common, so fairly high demand.

    Mentalist's: +1 Assassin Shadow Disciplines, ilvl 50
    Not of the greatest use in PvM, since there isn't really anything significant enough in the Shadow Disciplines tree to base a PvM character around, Mentalist's skills are sought-after for PvP, to boost Fade and Venom. Useful if you play PvP, or can trade with those who do. Sniper Viper's also use these, though they are far from common these days.

    Shogukusha's: +1 Assassin Martial Arts, ilvl 50
    Useful skiller as there are lots of MA assassin builds that relying on elemental damage and the +skills that fuel it. Valuable.

    Expert's: +1 Barbarian Combat Skills, ilvl 50
    Useful to any barbarian but a Singer, these are relatively valuable.

    Fanatic: +1 Barbarian Combat Masteries, ilvl 50
    Often, these will provide a much bigger bonus to a melee barbarian than an Expert's skiller would, especially if he's invested in a weapon mastery. Not very often in demand though, but useful nonetheless.

    Sounding: +1 Barbarian Warcries, ilvl 50
    Fantastically useful to a Singer barb, somewhat useful to a berserker who relies on War Cry, only marginally useful to any other barbarian.

    Trainer's: +1 Druid Summoning, ilvl 50
    Not overly valuable as most druids rely more on elemental skillers, shape shifters or sharps for their damage than these

    Spiritual: +1 Druid Shapeshifting, ilvl 50
    Not in the highest of demand but can be valuable to fireclaws/rabies fans.

    Nature's: +1 Druid Elemental, ilvl 50
    One of the strongest characters in 1.10 is the Wind Druid, and this skiller directly boosts their power, making these very valuable. There are less Wind Druids out there than Hammerdins, but these skiller are almost as valuable as the Lion Branded.

    Hexing: +1 Necromancer Curses, ilvl 50
    Most necromancer players don't really care enough about the duration of their curses to waste space on Hexing skillers, so these aren't very valuable. Keep them, just in case.

    Fungal: +1 Necromancer Poison and Bone Spells, ilvl 50
    Very highly in demand, and always tradeable. Venomancers and Bonemages are very popular, and these skillers help both considerably, making them very valuable. With a good suffix, these can fetch quite high prices.

    Graverobber's: +1 Necromancer Summoning Spells, ilvl 50
    Another very valuable skiller, as its the rare necro that doesn't invest a fair amount of skillpoints in summons. Normally only sought-after by specialist summoners though

    Lion Branded: +1 Paladin Combat Skills, ilvl 50
    Potentially the most valuable skiller.Hammerdins are recognized as one of the most powerful characters in the game, and these directly boost their killing ability, making Lion Branded skillers incredibly tradeable. With a good suffix, these can be obscenely valuable. A Lion Branded grand charm of Vita, for instance, could easily go for an elite unique.

    Captain's: +1 Paladin Offensive Auras, ilvl 50
    Useful to fanatic zealots, frost zealots, and tesladins, these skillers are valuable, but nowhere near the degree Lion Branded skillers are. Still definitely worth hanging on to, and potentially very valuable to the right player with the right suffix.

    Preserver's: +1 Paladin Defensive Auras, ilvl 50
    Only of use to the rare Cleric and Defiant builds, making these the least valuable of all paladin skillers.

    Burning: +1 Sorceress Fire Skills, ilvl 50
    Definitely valuable. Many sorceresses use Fire as their secondary attack, and some as their primary.

    Sparking: +1 Sorceress Lightning Skills, ilvl 50
    Most useful Charm for farming and a must have for Lightning sorc.

    Chilling: +1 Sorceress Cold Skills, ilvl 50
    Definitely the most valuable sorceress skiller, as practically every sorc out there uses cold, and either Blizzard or Frozen Orb is almost universal. A very valuable skiller indeed.
    Strength: +(3-4) To Strength, ilvl 1
    Strength: +(5-6) To Strength, ilvl 14
    Large charms are far better. However, these can be valuable coupled with a good prefix, skillers in particular.

    Dexterity: +(3-4) To Dexterity, ilvl 1
    Dexterity: +(5-6) To Dexterity, ilvl 14
    Useful combining with dexterity builds and Champions.

    Life: +(5-10) Life, ilvl 1
    Life: +(11-15) Life, ilvl 9
    Life: +(16-20) Life, ilvl 19
    Utterly worthless by itself, it'll still add considerably to a very good prefix's worth. A Lion Branded of Life (combat paladin), for instance, would be pure gold.

    Sustenance: +(21-25) Life, ilvl 31
    Sustenance: +(26-30) Life, ilvl 45
    Sustenance: +(31-35) Life, ilvl 61
    Surpassed by both large and small charms, this would still add greatly to a very good prefix's worth, especially skillers. As a basic rule of thumb: any skiller with any life suffix is a keeper.

    Vita: +(36-40) Life, ilvl 77
    Vita: +(41-45) Life, ilvl 91
    Vita: +(46-50 Life, ilvl 110
    This prefix is a little misleading. In truth, at ilvl 77 the max +life you can get is +40, and at ilvl 91 +45. +50 is only possible at ilvl 110 according to Arreat Summit, which is of course impossible. Strange people at Blizzard. Anyhaps, this suffix can almost double the value of a good prefix its coupled with, especially a skiller, but isn't really worthwhile on its own, as small charms surpass it.

    Craftsmanship: +1 To Maximum Damage, ilvl 1
    Adds to the value of any good prefix, worthless otherwise.

    Quality: +2 To Maximum Damage, ilvl 41
    As above, but adds significantly to the worth of any prefix.

    Maiming: +(3-4) To Maximum Damage, ilvl 71
    As above, but almost doubling the value of any prefix.

    Inertia: 7% Faster Run/Walk, ilvl 19
    Adds to the value of a good prefix, worthless on its own. Again, small charms provide much more per inventory space.

    Balance: 12% Faster Hit Recovery, ilvl 1
    Adds significantly to the value of any good prefix, not worthwhile on its own. Small charms provide more FHR per inventory space, but these are still useful.
    1. ilvl 50
    -> 1/461 chance to get a specific a plain Skiller from Charms that have ilvl 50+, so ~ 21/461 for any Skiller.
    2. ilvl 77+
    -> 1/485 chance to get a specific a plain Skiller from Charms ilvl 77+.
    -> 1/23233 chance to get a specific Skiller of vita(+40 life).
    3. ilvl 91+
    -> 1/485 chance to get a specific a plain Skiller from Charms item level 91+.
    -> 1/24201 chance to get a specific Skiller of Vita(+45 life).

    A thing to remember: **Champion monsters drop items where (ilvl = A +2), and random unique monsters drop items where (ilvl = A +3).So item level 91+ or any can be found in Area Levels two or three levels under but only from above mentioned Monsters.
    Once again picture for ones who missed it.Look the file below.

    Thanks for reading my post, I hope you can find this information useful. Enjoy clicking!
    All information was used from official sources. See you around

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2016
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