
Strange idea, i doubt it will set foot, but just spreading my thoughts

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by realaki, Dec 19, 2021.

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  1. realaki

    realaki Supporter

    Jun 29, 2020
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    I'm sure everyone is familiar with the feeling of loggin into our lovely d2 server lobby, only to instantly get spammed with a lot of messages, consisting of 3+ lines, and advertising what items the sender has to offer :)
    I know I know everyone is in the rush to make some money, but how about.... only posting about what ppl want to buy? I think the summarized demand of items is a smaller set than the summarized supply of items.
    So everytime someone writes a message about wanting to buy something, he will for sure find at least one seller, while the other way around it's nothing like it (I'm speaking of experince :D).
    I have no idea about how it could be introduced, monitored, ruled or anything like that. As I said, I just wanted to share my thoughts. Maybe we as a community could start a movement, 1 plus ppl not spamming sell lists, and only writing what they need, 1 time less polluted diablo 2 lobby :).
    What do you guys think?
    i.e: english is not my first language don't be harsh on me :D
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Hello there,
    A bit strange indeed, considering a lively lobby is something that many love to see in a game like diablo2 as it brings a lot of nostalgia and interaction. Almost everyone who posts their own message usually gives it a decent time in between the next trade message though (at least a few minutes in general) so that's not really spamming. Here is a good example of spam https://imgur.com/a/M7Lp1Za where battlenet spam bots used to and still flood the lobby channels to this day which obviously does not happen here at all. Also, if someone reposts their message too fast then they will always get a reminder either from the other players or from moderators via whisper but that happens occasionally as most people do follow the channel rules otherwise they could get a temporary mute for flooding.
    Regarding your idea, think of this simple example: why do you think popular websites like ebay or craigslist (or pretty much any similar website) have mostly selling ads and not buying ads? It is because people, in general, will prefer more to have something to choose from rather than post what they're interested in themselves. You can see the same thing here and pretty much everywhere else too.
    And what about the times when people share their thoughts and discuss either a build or strategies at a fast pace and there's quite a lot of text going on? Spamming is a bit different and depends on the situation as well. Considering the ladder reset is fairly recent, it's only normal for more people to be active in the channel and post their messages but fear not as we'll take measures if it becomes too spammy.
  3. realaki

    realaki Supporter

    Jun 29, 2020
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    Oh didn't see this reply here, my bad. You are right. At this time i had a problem with the people, and not the methods they use. The method is good, and should not be regulated.
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