
The Diablo II "Ed/Dmg" Bug

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by sphinx25, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    An interesting read (and short one) for buyers of max/min/ed jewels:
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    What is the ed/dmg bug?

    The "enhanced damage(ED)/+minimum(min) or +maximum(max) damage(dmg) bug" (ed/dmg bug) is a bug, where the modifiers on a jewel will not work properly, reducing its efficiency, when socketed in any non-weapon slot.
    It can cause the x%ED modifier to work in an inproper manner, or not at all.

    How does it work, and how can I best avoid it?

    fortunately, the ed/dmg bug has been long known, and has been tested thoroughly.
    The mechanics for the bug is illustrated by some type cases below. Compare these cases with your considered socket choice, and see if it will trigger the bug or not.

    Type cases

    Case 1, item has innate +%ED. You socket with a jewel with +max or +min dmg, or both.
    Example: You have a circlet/coronet/tiara/diadem with xx%enhanced damage, or a paladin shield with xx% enhanced damage, and you sock a +15 max dmg jewel.
    No bug! Will work as intended.

    Case 2: You socket an item with a +%ED Jewel. Then you socket another jewel with +max or +min dmg, or both.
    Example: You have a body armor with 4sox/100life. First you sock a jewel with 40%ed. Then you sock another jewel with +10min and +18max dmg.
    No bug! Will work as intended.

    Case 3: Item has innate +max dmg. You socket with a +%ED Jewel.
    Example: you have a circlet with +12max dmg. You sock a +40%ed and 15%increased attack speed jewel.
    Bugged! The %ED only applies to your overall min dmg, not your max dmg

    Case 4: Item has innate +Min dmg. You socket with a +%ED Jewel.
    Example: you have a circlet with +12min dmg. You sock a +40%ed and 15%increased attack speed jewel.
    Bugged! The %ED only applies to your overall max dmg, not your min dmg.

    Case 5: You socket item with a +Max Jewel, then you socket with a +%ED Jewel.
    Example: you have a diadem with 30% faster run & walk and 3sox, you first sock a +30max dmg jewel, then you sock a +40%ed and 15%increased attack speed jewel.
    Bugged! The %ED only applies to your overall min dmg, not your max dmg

    Case 6: You socket item with a +Min Jewel, then you socket with a +%ED Jewel.
    Example: you have a diadem with 30% faster run & walk and 3sox, you first sock a +18min dmg jewel, then you sock a +40%ed and 15%increased attack speed jewel.
    Bugged! The %ED only applies to your overall max dmg, not your min dmg.

    Case 7: You socket an item with a %ED/Max Jewel. The %ED only applies to minimum, not maximum.
    Example: you have a diadem with 30% faster run & walk and 3sox, you socket a +40%ed +15max dmg jewel.
    Bugged! The %ED only applies to your overall min dmg, not your max dmg

    Case 8: You socket an item with a %ED/Min Jewel.
    Example: you have a diadem with 30% faster run & walk and 3sox, you socket a +40%ed +10min dmg jewel.
    Bugged! The %ED only applies to your overall max dmg, not your min dmg.

    Case 9: You socket an item with a %ED +Min & +Max Jewel.
    Example: you have a diadem with 30% faster run & walk and 3sox, you socket a +30%ed +10min +18max dmg jewel.
    Bugged! The %ED doesn't have any effect at all, as it will not apply to either your overall min or max dmg (worst case scenario)!

    Credits: SpAz.

    edited by inayat
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2020
  2. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

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