

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by EST4LIFE, Apr 5, 2013.

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    EST4LIFE Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    So for weeks now or even since the EU realm came online three charaters/accounts have been making pointless and useless games and keep them online for up to 92 hours is the highest I seen today. The three are ***********. (first is character name/second is account name) I never thought anything of it until now when the games have added up into a message saying "If you can't see created games change realm" This is very discouraging to newcomers in the US realm seeing how we are at a low player number already, though this week alone it is slowly growing. I myself have rushed 6 new players and got them started in this server. Now of course a newbie at level 1 can't see created games because when there is some they are hell games and they can't join/see them. So what will they do when they see that message THEY WILL SWITCH TO EU even if they are from the US area. This is why I am reporting this now I like this server and I am from canada so I lagg out on the EU realm I want to see the US realm pick up again. So something needs to be done about these accounts and the messages they are sending to the US realm through game names. I tried to upload a screenshot of the message but it did not work though I think you admins can see past created games if not there is another player that can provide a statement these games exist. Thank you for reading and please do something about this before new US players deviated from their own country server onto the EU realm.
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    First of all why are you using capital letters in a thread title? Did you ever read the forum rules?

    No idea if you realize but people just want to play on the most populated realm. There are plenty of new US players that move to EU because there are more games and more players. What should we do here? Let them play on EU or ban them so they can use US only?

    I suppose that player informs those who join US first and see no games that instead of leaving the server they should check EU realm right? I saw the games and this doesn't mean it will make people go to EU anyway. It just make them not to leave but switch the realm instead.

    A lot more players would be online on US if they would have patience as you and create more public games and not private ones like most are doing now since they are either maxed or got high levels. There are a lot of players that joined US and needed a rush and the others were too busy mf-ing and stuff so ofc they either moved to EU or just left the server.

    Come up with suggestions. As always we are opened to this. How can the new players get rushed when old ones are too busy to help ?

    EST4LIFE Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    Like I said I rushed six people already this week I always go out of my way to rush when I see new players in the game. There are three of us on the US realm that are always rushing people when they first start. This isn't a matter of the most popular server, say a new person comes on US realm see's that message and tries EU fine they stay within the server but after an hour of gameplay they start lagging and losing connection alot then just get mad and leave. Those players from US wont recommend the server to anyone because they will just say it laggs bad even though they never gave the US realm a chance. Three of the new players I rushed came from another server one I tried and left mainly because the owner was well a bad owner and the server lagged... Think of how that will represent your server if players leave it and start giving it bad rep because of the connection issues... There are forums that discuss private D2 servers I don't want to see this one get talked about in a bad way by the US/CAN areas because they are forced onto EU and lagg all the time.
  4. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Seriously, not everyone is a crybaby. Just like eu players played on US realm just fine and didn't whined about lag except server side issues, us players are doing just fine on eu.
    Also, that guy who created those games is actually doing that so the us players remain and create games. No idea when you are online but i've seen lots of players joining and asking why there are so few games while they didn't even knew to switch realm so instead of leaving , others told them how to move to eu and they are still playing since that day.

    I've told that guy to change it's game names. Maybe you should leave some opened loaders with public games too in order to encourage new players to stay active on US and not on EU.

    As i've said, there are a lot of players joining the US but the bad part is they are unpatient and they join 1 by 1. Instead of being patient and just play the game so others can join, they either preffer to leave or switch to a more populated realm which is EU

    EST4LIFE Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    I am online alot because I work seven days straight then I am off for seven days straight. I don't spend time in the chat channel to see that I do my MF games then before I create my new game I always check the public games I see anyone not above level 80 I join and rush them then get back to playing. I already have a loader set up with a game name saying join for rush but I can't be online 24/7 I have a life outside this game. Also I am not being "crybaby" or "whining", this is a matter I take seriously because I play online for the multiplayer experience though it's not very multiplayer on this realm. I could simply play offline with the PlugY mod but I like playing the game with others. So that's why I am saying all this and I don't know how other players can stand the lagg on EU realm when they are from US/CAN because theres a 30 second delay half the time for me whenever I click something or I just drop out of the game. I would think an owner would also like to see players from all over the world on both of his game realms if not why have one almost dying... Another note why someone from where I am from can't stand EU is because barly anyone can speak good english it's hard to play with that language barrier.
  6. reign_again

    reign_again Active Member

    Jul 22, 2012
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    As a player with lots of experience on high rates realms, I can honestly say that the only people who cry about not seeing normal and nightmare games, or public games overall for that matter, are noobs or idiots who just stumble across them by accident, being raised with the shitty Blizlike mentality.

    As a decent D2 player, you first gear up your mf main char, you farm like crazy, make another, preferably to complement the other (ubers, kill immunes, pvp etc) and then if you are PVM orientated (like I am) you rush some lvl 1 chars to hell, and make full game Baal runs to jump on the ladder race. Basically the only reason on this type of settings to make public games are when you level up to 90 in public Baal runs, and when you trade items, which are afk games in most parts. That's the benefit of PVPGN/D2GS servers, you can use loaders to play on your own (muling etc).

    It would be nice to use the /con command, or to have the site display the connected users, because it's hard to catch a glimpse of them on the chat if you want to ask for help or something.

    It's useless to play in parties, because you gear and lvl up very easily therefore you become potent and ready to slay mobs on your own in a few minutes/hours. This patch, like all high rates patches emphasize on soloing, especially here where the drop and exp is shared. That's why the D3 changed this little aspect.

    On the other "issue" regarding the low number of American users, compared to the European ones, it is what it is. Even if some players from the Americas play on the EU realm, overall they are still lower in numbers.

    You can't bend the server just because the small batch of users are hating on the bigger chunk.

    And there's the timezone, even if you have just one realm, the Eu users will play when Us users sleep.

    EST4LIFE Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    When did this become general disscusion... Also Reign I don't want your two cents on this subject or the next seeing how you are someone who told me and I quote you from a post on another thread "
    So deal with the fact that your are not meant to play this type of game" Obviously you have not evolved and realized that this world is multicultural and if we north and south americans want to evolve which we do everyday we will and will enjoy culture in any aspect from around the world and the big one these days is gaming. Even if that game is 12 years old already though I first started playing it release day in Canada. Gix removed the messages I reported already and handled the situation while giving me his opinion and I stated mine. So can a forum moderater please close this thread before it becomes a further problem seeing how it was a report and I admit not done properly but is no place for general discussion.
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