
Announcement Patch #12: QoL Improvements, Widescreen Support, Color Dyes and More

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Gix, Feb 16, 2020.

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  1. milenskipln

    milenskipln Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    For those like me who are experiencing fps drops there is a thick in settings for BH maphack CPU patch if i check it i get 60-70 fps and 30-40 drops if i unthick i have over 300+ fps
    For those who like muling i suggest using dialbo 2 exe with -w parameter no matter if you are using glide or not you can use fullscreenizer runing as administrator press refresh and select diablo you must do this over and over again for every new game here are some screenshot compare

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  2. andrey85123

    andrey85123 Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    need to simply replace all gems to perfects (this is being done in file TreasureClassEx.txt for few minutes easy)
    but admin prefers invent a bike (inconvenient gem bag)

    this is so strange :D
    I do not understand this...
  3. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    half of your msg is about this bro stop crying to make shit easier than already is. use bag to trade safe without drop on the ground and to not have hundred characters to store them or dont use it at all ur choice

    thx. first time i hear about fullscreenizer will give it a try :tup:
  4. stackthis

    stackthis Member

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Tried the new patch and mh.

    Weirdly, everything started lagging. CPU usage for single window went to 60+%. I do love the widescreen, but dropping things in cube with right mouse click now becomes unavailable.

    P.S. is there a reason why new mh now does not have shrine images folder?
  5. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @stackthis, is it possible that you applied the optional CPU bug fix from the website before and in case you re-patched the game manually then you are using the default libraries again.
    Like I mentioned in a previous post and we will be adding a note on the tools page too, Sting Maphack may not be fully compatible with widescreen resolutions. I recommend using BH Maphack instead which is fully compatible, far more modern and up to date. It has everything sting maphack has and more, infact we are slowly planning to port everyone to it in the future.
    As for the shrine images, you can download them from here http://europebattle.net/downloads/D2StingMapHack2.24.zip (clear your browser cache in case you see the old archive with no images being added)
    stackthis likes this.
  6. milenskipln

    milenskipln Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    more info about settings i can add and my glide settings if you like perspective from video options i have 2 exes one for windowed and one with glide
    Edit ( i typed nglide i want to say glide wrapper GLIDE3-to-OpenGL-Wrapper by sven)

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    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
    Kefflar32, Atox and Gix like this.
  7. astray

    astray Active Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Any plans to make dyes loot from mobs or to be available in webstore maybe?
  8. SGPB75

    SGPB75 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    I tested the wide screen and i am with mixed emotions and feelings - the situation is same with the "new" Gem Bag...
    First of all, i am totally agree with Volkov, Ivan and Leviathan, (and more dudes, with i talked in the game in the past 2 days...) - it will be absolute advantage in pvp!!!
    And it will be in any aspect of the game, not only the visibility/locking/movement/far casting/trap laying and/or mb from the char and/or from the shadow master/and more/and more/and more... The all gameplay with the all Characters will be different - this is the naked truth...
    Second of all, or maybe "The different point of view" - here is the PvM paradise (all of us know that...) and only ~10/15 players are The real deal duelists here, and in the matter of truth, a lot times some of them stay in the Duel games with 3/4 Characters (1 human being with 3/4 characters...) so the majority of the server (nearly 99 %...) will be very happy, simple because, they don't care about the advantages...
    So, maybe for some kind of conclusion, i think that the Wide screen and/or the Gem bag are personal choices and everybody will decide... And i personally choose not to use them! :)

    And something for final!
    I hope this season the authorities* to reconsider the 2 years model, because nearly the all last year (2019...) was with extremely low attendance, and all of us saw things like 30/40 open games (90 % of them with loaders for selling/buying something...) on all difficulties and 40/50** users (once again Loaders, not different Users / Human Beings...) in the chat, so i think (and not only i...) it's time to move to 1 year model/season (like any other servers around the world thru the years...) Of course, this is just an opinion and the most important - opinion for the future, not for the next season... :)

    Gix, i will tell you (or maybe i will remind you...) something because i know, you are difficult when someone (i talk about Leviathan...) is not in tune with you...
    Everyone has the legal right to express his views freely - whether they match to ours and/or we like it, or not! Of course, everything must be culturally and politely expressed, but that does not change the fact that people are different - and have different views of things! I hope you understand me correctly and not brand me (Toxic...) like him! :)
    For example Angeloffaith! This kid have literally 31 accounts (and this is not a joke - you can check them with /whois angeloffaith/2/3/4/5.../30) and i saw him a lot times staying in the chat with at least 8/9 characters/accounts/loaders... So once again - 1 Human Being with 8/9 characters/accounts/loaders...

    I just bought 80 jewels, and i was "hit" with the idea about some kind of Jewel Bag (similar to Gem Bag...) - unfortunately maybe it's too late for ideas, for the future season, but who knows!? :D
    Leviathan likes this.
  9. Bglzaborg

    Bglzaborg I'm not BG Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2013
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    You can see traps/missiles etc. on your mini map already if you use maphack. Widescreen is not a huge advantage. I actually believe that it is harder to aim on widescreen
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  10. SGPB75

    SGPB75 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2017
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    You may not have understood me correctly - or maybe I did not express myself correctly!? :)
    I'm talking about the way you "throw" the traps on the ground dude... Hahaha!:D
    If you still don't understand - just watch some videos in the net, with some PvP Trapsin! :)

    I told it - 99% PvM players!!! :LOL:
    Leviathan likes this.
  11. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @SGPB75, that is correct. All these are personal choices and one can decide if he wants to use maphack, widescreen, etc or not. The vast majority are indeed PVM players and we will always keep it that way, there will obviously be PvP as well but we are not a PvP only server nor we plan focusing exclusively on it. As you can know, it's hard to please both sides and make it work for absolutely everyone.
    Expressing thoughts freely doesn't give anyone the right to be rude towards people that sacrifice their free time to help others though and while I personally had no negative experience with Leviathan, I did saw few of his unedited and moderated posts he made in guides threads bashing and insulting people trying to help others and I don't consider that being nice at all, especially when family is involved. Using the naked truth excuse isn't going to work, one can express his opinion in a nicely manner as well and he can help improving a guide or point out things that can be improved instead of bashing and laughing at the person who made the guide, otherwise he can keep his thoughts to himself and that's that. I'm not a fan of forums drama, especially when it comes to online games as things can escalate quickly.

    This has been suggested before however, jewels are different than gems as they have magical properties and a bag cannot preserve these properties.
    PS: We have a separate category for suggestions http://forum.europebattle.net/forums/suggestions.846/
    Atox and SGPB75 like this.
  12. sphinx25

    sphinx25 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Actually, @Gix , the jewel bag idea could be worked easily - I think. Here's how it works: when a player chooses to put a jewel (or more) in a jewel bag, it loses original properties and gets a set of "fixed" properties - let's say jewel of fervor (or any junk suffix / prefix). When removed from the bag, all jewels are the same in terms of affixes, plain and simple junk jewels, which o the job for crafting people.
    If the player wants to keep a jewel, considering it valuable somehow (self-use or trade), s/he simply does not cube it into a jewel bag, end of story.

    Please let us know if the idea could be easily worked programatically. If so, it could be implemented in a soon-to-be-released crowd-pleasing small patch :).
    Cash_Please, Kefflar32, Atox and 2 others like this.
  13. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I think this is the only way to make it work but what will happen with those people who are going to cube an important jewel into the bag and then ask for it back because they didn't read the instructions. Anyhow, you can open a thread in the suggestions forums and discuss it in there.
    Kefflar32, Atox and SGPB75 like this.
  14. Devilwish

    Devilwish Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2020
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    What is the difference between STING and BH maphacks i never knew it was a thing
  15. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Sting Maphack has been released about 15 years ago but hasn't been updated since, however it works great for 1.13c. It is pretty much the popular choice and easy to configure.
    BH Maphack is also quite old, however, the source code was made public and therefore people were able to improve it over the years. It used to have less features that sting maphack, stats range was missing but the latest version includes pretty much every feature that sting maphack has and more such as the drop notification. In terms of configuring the maphack, it's really not that complicated compared to sting, besides it's fully compatible with widescreen resolutions. This is the more modern, up-to-date maphack.
    V4mpir likes this.
  16. Bglzaborg

    Bglzaborg I'm not BG Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2013
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    Okay so you are talking about planting the traps on the floor... Lets be honest pure trapsin is rubbish in pvp, dont call me pvm player if you play pvp trapsin ;). Hybrid sins use traps mainly as a threat, with basic legit absorb gear the traps aint no problem no matter how or where they are planted. I agree with you that it will slightly change the tactical gameplay in duels but you guys are overreacting. Anyway its not unfair if anybody can use it if they want. Its not that you have to pay money for the widescreen

    I also remember a discussion about the big charm inventory that it is not balanced in pvp cuz you can use so many skillers (especially rich ppl with life skillers). Did pvp die out? No. Is pvp still fun? I guess.
    People tend to fight changes instead of trying enjoy the positive effects of it (same for gem bags: dont use them if you dont like it. Its so easy)
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
    Kefflar32 and V4mpir like this.
  17. V4mpir

    V4mpir Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Hi people, all the changes and improvements seem very nice and balanced to me. For some changes (like the java bug fix) we will see how much and if it really affects or even brakes the (pvp) game and i suppose the stuff will make the changes accordingly(like it is said in the announcement).I dont think we should panic here as this server preserves the vanilla feeling and the balance. I only try to think how the gem bags would be a bit more convinient (though the changes are good i really hoped the bags were a bit more convinient). Congrats to @Gix and all the mods! (btw i love the widescreen and it seems to work great for now!)
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  18. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Please keep this thread clean and use the private messaging system for personal matters.
    colder likes this.
  19. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    After today's daily restart, the following vanilla bug fix has been reverted back to it's original state.
    • Fixed a vanilla bug concerning Amazon’s Dodge, Evade and Avoid skills. They will no longer trigger a dodge animation which means they will no longer interrupt the character while performing actions.
  20. Cave

    Cave Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2016
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    Hello, everyone, Euz here. I stumbled upon this thread and I thought I give my two cents towards this... widescreen implementation. It has been done to another realm that I won't mention here and it pretty much changed a whole PVP meta. To put it short: it made some characters/builds obsolete. Name locking, chain locking and using skill-locking from way farther away, puts some characters/builds at a serious disadvantage. I don't know, maybe it will lower the skill gap between PVP players (which I doubt it), but I really can't see how it can be healthy towards a whole PVP meta.
    However, I understand that priority goes towards PVM players, but can't anything be done about it? Is it possible to force a resolution change when certain action has been made? For example when you hostile anyone (or someone hostiles you), resolution goes and locks down to 800x600. Is such thing feasible? :p
    Fatty180 and Ha0s like this.
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