
Solved Failed to join game

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by andrey85123, Feb 25, 2020.

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  1. andrey85123

    andrey85123 Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Again and again this error, Impossible to play, in half the case the game crashes with an error Unhandled Exception 0xc0000005, the new ladder is just disgusting, everything was fine before ladder reset, why did you break everything?

    Reinstalling the game does not solve the problem, with maphack without maphak no difference.
  2. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Nothing has changed on our end and no one broke anything, the patch update has nothing to do with your error as that merely involves replacing one of the MPQ files and that's it. What the new ladder brought is a whole lot more players online, you know the players you made a post about being a lot less than advertised on the website during peak times. Well, now there are a lot more than a thousand players and there were only a few hundred before the ladder reset because everyone was waiting for it after the announcement. How can that be "disgusting" exactly?

    Unhandled Exception 0xc0000005 error is a fairly popular error in general, not only for diablo. There are a lot of players that do not experience your issue so if you are getting this error even without using a maphack then I suggest you follow the steps that @Atox mentioned in his post.
    Read this post and perform a proper game reinstall http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/common-game-errors-and-fixes.532466/#post-881523 after deleting all other diablo clients you may have installed in your computer. Many times other configurations or mods may cause conflicts. Start the game without a maphack or any other 3rd party tool, run it in window mode and let us know what happens.
    Don't forget to clear registry files and choose a new folder path for the new installation.
    You also didn't mention when do you get this error exactly, what operating system are you using or any other details that can help us troubleshooting. It may also be caused by a poor connection between your provider and the servers or the routing might experience some temporary issues. Also, what's your in-game account name?
  4. andrey85123

    andrey85123 Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    All this is done, but it does not solve the problem
    An error (Unhandled Exception 0xc0000005) occurs ONLY when Failed to Join Game, this error is not related with battle.net button or other reasons.
    There is no antivirus
    OS Windows 7 x64
    UAC disabled
    With the Internet everything is in order and on other servers such a problem does not arise
    Accounts *aw1 - *aw9

    small report on fresh installed client (GMT time):

    account *aw4

    05-04 = FTJ
    05-04 = attempt to create a game s1/1 on hell = FTJ
    05-05 = attempt to create a game s2/1 on hell = FTJ
    05-07 = attempt to create a game s3/1 on hell = FTJ
    05-07 = attempt to create a game s4/1 on nightmare = FTJ
    restart client
    05-09 = attempt to create a game s1/1 on hell = FTJ / ERROR UNHANDLED EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION (c0000005)
    restart client
    05-11 = attempt to create a game w1 on hell = success
    05-11 = attempt to create a game w2/1 on hell = success
    05-12 = attempt to create a game w3/1 on hell = FTJ / UNHANDLED EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION (c0000005)
    restart client
    05-14 = attempt to create a game test1 on hell = FTJ / UNHANDLED EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION (c0000005)
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2020, Original Post Date: Feb 26, 2020 ---
    today it was over 100 FTJ and nobody does anything, nobody cares it, good job
  5. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    We are trying to help you and would be nice if you cooperate with us instead you leave comments such as
    As @Gix mentioned in a post above, nothing has changed on our end. I suggest you do a clean instal just like in this post http://forum.europebattle.net/threads/common-game-errors-and-fixes.532466/#post-881523 all the files can be found on our website http://europebattle.net/d2/join
    Make sure after you've done a full clean instal that you give it a test before instaling any maphacks.
  6. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    If no one would have cared then we wouldn't have spent any time replying your messages and troubleshooting your problem. You told me that you are using google translate so this may also be a language barrier as google will not always translate full phrases properly, however, please try not to be disrespectful.
    There are thousands of players online that do not experience your current issue, therefore it's harder to track the cause of it as your problem is an isolated one.

    Since we discussed in-game a few minutes ago and you said you have multiple different mods installed on your computer that could also cause conflicts and issues, additionally there is also the possibility of a routing issue between your internet provider and the server. For instance, your internet could work just fine for most connections but some routes that lead to some of our servers could be saturated, busy, broken, etc and thus cause this kind of issue. You could track the server IP address you are connecting to when you get the FTJ because we are using multiple servers and maybe you get FTJ error only on some of those servers whenever you connect to them. If everything was good before and we did not change anything on our end then something could have changed on your end or somewhere in between the server and you, like I said could be a conflict between clients, a bad routing which may be temporary and so on but your issue seem to be isolated and this cannot always be solved instantly just by snapping fingers. There are quite some reasons that could cause all this and it's not always easy to track them right away.

    You can record a video like you told me via whisper and you should be doing a traceroute as well as tracking the server ip address you're connecting to with sting maphack. Sting maphack has this feature to show you the server ip address in the right corner. This way maybe we can check if only some of the servers are causing this issue for you or not and I suggest running only one game client for the time being. Also, I forgot to ask you do you fail to join the game only during busy hours or is it the same during early in the morning too for example? And which maphack are you using exactly? Is it the integrated maphack or the stand-alone version? Let us know when did you install it as well and from where.
  7. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I will quote here the message I received from you so we can keep it all together in one thread. I guess there is a language barrier in here since you told me you're using google translate, however, in your first post you said there is no difference if you play with or without maphack but as we can see in the video everything is perfectly fine until you start maphack and auto teleport so one of these two seems to cause these problems for you after all. We couldn't see much of the video once you activated maphack and auto-teleport though so it would be nice if you can record some of that too.

    What I want you to do right now is run the game with sting maphack only, without teleport and see if that works good for you. If it does, I want you to close everything and run the game with auto-teleport only, without maphack and let us know what happens so do not combine the both of them, this way we can see if one of the addons is causing you problems. Now we can actually have something that we can work with and as I told you in a previous post, the game seems to be working just fine without any 3rd party tools like maphack or auto-teleport so let's see which is the culpit now.

    /edit Problem solved. I had another russian player confirming this to me as well, it appears your government blocked multiple ips outside of Russia according to this article and few of our newest game servers seems to have been in range of the blocked IP addresses. Total nonsense I know, unfortunately China's great firewall model is being followed by other countries too, however, I've asked the hosting company to provide us with fresh IP addresses to avoid similar scenarios in the future.
  8. andrey85123

    andrey85123 Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    After long trials, it was found that the problem arises from the inability to connect to one of the game’s servers 94.130.1xx.xxx due to any blockages from my provider (RUSSIA / Rostelecom), many thanks to Gix for his help
    Gix likes this.
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