
Announcement Patch #13: QoL Improvements, Charm Inventory, Server Selection and More

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ezekiel, Dec 5, 2021.

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  1. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    We are pleased to introduce you to our new realm patch update! Patch notes can be found down below:
    • A new launcher has been released and you can now select different launch settings through it and keep your game client up to date http://d2.rocks/tools/EuropeBattleInstaller.exe
    • Charm Inventory has been added, stack your charms without sacrificing inventory space. Note: We updated the charm zone back to our previous default 6x10 space based on feedback.
    • The charm inventory is currently using default vanilla spacing 10x4 which is something we want to get more feedback about until the ladder reset https://i.imgur.com/rBUJogZ.jpg
    • We plan to look into other options as well, together with the community. Read the update post here http://forum.europebattle.net/threa...-selection-and-more.546678/page-5#post-980226
    • Character inventory has been increased with an additional two rows and graphics have been modified to fit native resolution and avoid enforcing external addons Original graphic layout has been restored.
    • Mercenary inventory graphics updated to fit the one ring usage.
    • Gem bag graphics have been updated.
    • Stacking uber keys is now possible via the following recipe: place two or more same type uber keys in the cube to stack them. Cube the stack alone for unstacking https://i.imgur.com/iDjlFTQ.jpg
    • Jerhyn has been placed outside of the Palace in Lut Gholein to avoid confusion for not talking to Drognan before entering the arcane; a very common situation during fast pace rushes.
    • Nihlathak's Temple portal now remains open indefinitely even after taking the waypoint to the Halls of Pain and completing the quest.
    • Ladder only runewords have been enabled on non-ladder as well, together with the unique items and cube recipes. The smaller non-ladder community will love this.
    • Maximum stash gold will be reduced from 33M to 30 Million (has not been applied yet). In case you have over 30M gold in your stash, make sure to reduce that number before the ladder reset.
    • Manual server selection option has been added, some of you probably figured this one out since last year but now it's officially implemented in the client-side too https://i.imgur.com/nMkv4GL.jpg
    • More regional servers have been added as we expand to other continents as well such as Asia, Oceania, South America and South Africa.
    • In order to connect to a specific server simply fill in the server number in the "Game Server Description" field. Example: GS 1, GS 2, etc https://i.imgur.com/sb9w6py.jpg
    • The system has been designed to accept any combination with or without spaces and it is case insensitive, you can also add your regular game description next to it https://i.imgur.com/d6sd7HN.jpg
    • A list of the currently available regions can be found here https://i.imgur.com/apvd9cd.jpg Note: Some servers are still being deployed.
    • Not selecting a server will still route you to the closest available location, manual regional server choice is purely Optional in case you experience high latency.
    • DDRAW video mode has been added, settings can be made straight from the new launcher as well as for Glide video mode.
    • BH Maphack has been updated to the latest version. Supports the latest inventory changes and widescreen resolution items movement.
    • All tools have been updated to their latest versions and their stability has been greatly improved http://europebattle.net/d2/tools
    • In case you are unable to run the new "Diablo II Launcher.exe", make sure your operating system is not missing essential files for day-to-day applications.
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable packages can be downloaded from here and here.
    • Microsoft .NET Framework can be downloaded from here. In case you are asked to use an older version .NET Framework 4.0 it can be downloaded from here.

    As always, you must be up-to-date with the latest patch version in order to create and join games and there are two ways of doing that:
    1. Restart the game launcher and let it auto-update to the latest patch version.
    2. Visit our website and re-patch the game by downloading our custom realm patch from http://europebattle.net/d2/join
    Run the game as an Administrator.

    Note: In case you are using integrated tools such as maphack and you updated your game manually by replacing all files, simply make a backup of your current config BH.cfg or d2hackmap.cfg and download again the updated tools from our tools page. This is no longer the case, as reinstalling the patch will keep your installed tools untouched.

    Please let us know your feedback or if you find any bugs regarding the mentioned patch notes, before the ladder reset.
    The charm inventory uses vanilla spacing at the moment, this is something that can be modified at any time in case we wish to increase or decrease the area in which charms become active or not.

    We would like to thank everyone for their continuous support and contributions to this community. Our special thanks and credits go to these exceptional people for helping directly or indirectly the gaming community with patches and updates: RElesgoe, Necrolis, Planqi, IAmTrial, Nefarius, Kingpin, dav92, Canight, Whist, PKCommunity, Devurandom, Tesseract, Meanski, Ezmake, Underbent, GreenDude, Cossack, Blizzrus, Lolet, RandAlthor, HellsLord, McGod, magicvoid1, Daemonjax, rondel123, Charlemagne and to our entire staff team. Hopefully, I didn't forget anyone and in case I did please send me a private message. You're all awesome!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2021
    Gix, Remind, DeeChan and 10 others like this.
  2. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    UPDATE 8/12/2021: The latest client patch before the ladder reset has been released, make sure to update your game client to avoid any visual bugs or errors.

    Thank you everyone for your feedback, after analyzing everything we reached the following conclusion: http://forum.europebattle.net/threa...-selection-and-more.546678/page-5#post-980226
    - We are going to keep the regular 6x10 charm inventory that our realm has always been using and as a QoL addition you will also be able to use the new 2x10 rows for looting purposes, however, we are going to be looking for other options as well in the future now that we have the tools required to achieve that.
    - Given that this may also have been too short notice, we are going to give it much more time in the future to discuss such an option, especially considering that percentages were not that far apart.
    - To those who may have liked the initial idea, we have something coming for you in the future as well. We are planning to introduce various events and even possible public games, separately from the other regular games, where the 4x10 vanilla charm inventory will be enforced and thus giving everyone a decent amount of time to test things out and see if there is a change of heart in the future. This also gives people time to understand and get used to the charm inventory concept, as it seems many are not familiar with it.
    - The final patch before ladder reset shall be available for download in a few hours and it will include all these changes, as well as several fixes that were brought to our attention such as the two NPCs in Act2 that switched places. Will also be able to stretch and fit the character's gear layout to normal, however, the edges are overlapping a bit in a 640x480 resolution but then again I don't think I've seen more than a couple of folks using it and I doubt mouse click would be used over hotkey to close the window.
    Also, those using Glide make sure to give DDraw a try instead as it is far superior. A fix for the slow loading and symbols cycling due to modern graphics cards will be provided as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2021
  3. jenyas90

    jenyas90 Senior Member

    Oct 26, 2017
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    now only 4 lines work in the inventory, charms burn red and do not give a bonus to the hero

    Attached Files:

  4. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    I am glad, that developers do efforts to improve this game. Big kudos to devs.

    Yet, the balance idea is questionable. Stacking up 23 skillers gave a gaming experience of heroic strength. Take away 10 skills renders gamers weak. Whoever likes the feeling of being weak nowadays? Please, give those 10 skills back.
    Time2D2, ephwurd123, wytwo and 2 others like this.

    IMPRESSIVE Supporter

    Feb 15, 2020
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    I am against the Inventory being for certain charms, after so many years to be able to use them, why did you now decide on this update, to ban them, do you want to evict people?

    I also do not approve of the very arrangement of weapons rings and rings and all the things about the hero, return it as it was before
    Return the Fara and lesander to the places they were in act 2

    You will receive a lot of negative comments about the inventory that you have made an update, here you are very damn wrong, my personal judgment ....

    I don't know what kind of restart of the season you will start before the negative comments from the players come.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
    wytwo, lightning_fury and ameth like this.
  6. Henry2

    Henry2 Senior Member

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I think the inventory change is very reasonable. It has always seemed to me that the possibility of two rows of skillers was a bit excessive. With the charm bag we are much closer to the original experience while keeping the benefits of extended inventory, great solution imho :)
    Also the stacking keys haha, that's something I never knew I wanted, good job there :tup:
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
  7. Blessedone

    Blessedone Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
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    Personally I am happy with stash expansion and definetly with keys stacking (one less thing to mule really helps). But killing charms this way kills endless hours of grinding/trading useless since hadto take out half charms out. I would approve for example those new inv slots to be red not all beside vanilla or maybe even better make those 20 new squares in last few rows so it is possible to utilise them for normal looting. I was happy like puppy to have actuall free space when doing public games to loot and check later but not at the expense of rest of my charms. My really old offline PVP cold sorc with full inv high end cold skillers now cant use half of them for example lol. Overall tyvm for all the efford in keeping game and servers alive and getting fresh stuff into game. Time will tell how people react to this latest change though, hopefully we all adapt ;) .
    krustew and Nopik like this.
  8. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Fara and Lysander exchanged place in act 2 town. Since that is not in the change log, I guess, that is unintentional. Fix it plz. Fara is a shop run target and she is better to be closer to the eastern exit.

    IMPRESSIVE Supporter

    Feb 15, 2020
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    I completely agree with this opinion, also with the new patch you can not use maphak
  10. realaki

    realaki Supporter

    Jun 29, 2020
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    Hello, first of all i think the charm inventory change is really good, and overall very good job on the patch. I've got one big question tho. now i have the new "Diablo II EuropeBattle" launcher, and the "Diablo II Launcher" launcher. The latter lets me change options, and patches up my game if needed, but other than that its the same as if i clicked the "EuropeBattle" exe, just one less click. Can you enlighten me how i should set it up? Cause right now im thinking ill click the "Launcher" when patch is needed but other than that i just use the "Diablo II EuropeBattle" file for playing.
    Also one more question. These regional servers mean that not all games can be seen from my lobby? So there are 10 games on x server and 32 games on y server, and if I'm on x server I'll only see 10 games?
    Thanks in advance, good job on the patch :)
    Kefflar32 likes this.
  11. w3s7-s1d3

    w3s7-s1d3 Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2021
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    will you please poll a vote on it...
    I don't like it because it can't process the changes to items location, i know its me, but it took me more them 2 minutes to find the belt....
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
  12. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Indeed, unintended and an easy fix. It will be corrected.

    You should read the entire post, it's not working because you overwrote the library files and this is normal. Just download the maphack again from our tools page http://europebattle.net/d2/tools, you can skip downloading the config file in case you use your own or make a backup for it. You can avoid the manual download in the future by using the new launcher.

    It's right there, in the first post.
    The charm inventory uses vanilla spacing at the moment, this is something that can be modified at any time in the future in case we wish to increase the area in which charms become active or not.
    We are able to tweak and modify the charm zone based on feedback.
  13. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    While you may be against, there are others who aren't and that's why we're doing it before the ladder reset and not after in order to receive feedback and such. The idea of a bigger inventory was always to have more space not to stack it entirely with charms but we can always maintain our previous charms are and still keep the additional two rows.
    And we decided exactly for this reason, to get feedback as this has been suggested many times before and it has both of both worlds a default inventory where charms can be placed and more space to hoard items. There is a reason why we collect feedback before the ladder reset and not after, this is a setting that can be easily modified.

    The arrangement of weapons and rings is required to keep the native resolution, let's be honest that's something you will get used to it in no time. In the future we shall use the original graphics again but for that a new addon will be required which we plan to introduce via the new Launcher and it will take some time.

    The new launcher gives you the possibility to choose pretty much any game parameter, without you typing it. It also allows you to run ddraw and glide video modes straight from it and the auto-update is far superior. With the regular loader you would need to re-patch your game manually if multiple game client files are changed, while the launcher does that automatically and it's more practical.

    It's still the same and you can see all games from the lobby, all regional servers are connected to one realm. The only difference is that if someone from far Asia was having a high latency before, he will now be able to join a server closer to his location and be able to enjoy the game a whole lot more. If the game is public (for example a trade game or rush game, etc) then you are able to join his game too.

    I cannot see how it would take you 2 entire minutes considering it's only a few pixes away but again, the gear graphics it's something you get used to maybe after a few hours of playing. Using native inventory graphics at the moment would require the widescreen addon otherwise the top and bottom of the graphics would be covered by the game borders so this is something we want to make more popular first and then we could use the bigger inventory and the native gear graphics as well. Other than that, this is the reason the thread exists, as we collect feedback before the ladder reset happens.
    realaki likes this.
  14. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    this is so good ty for all:love:
    ppl who ask wtf u cant read what is say in first post?? even say to leave feedback dont be stupid read all to understand

    for me i like use this original inventar for charm is more balance and have more space for find items when i farm.
    Nopik likes this.
  15. offline

    offline Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2017
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    good changes, but... standard inventory will kill some of fun builds like orb sork and ele bow ama and many other. for me biggest inventory for charms was a feature of this server. without it, it will lose the server uniqueness. with more charms inventory people playing more time to finish good pvp/pvm character.
  16. ameth

    ameth Senior Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    So, are you going to create a vote poll then?
  17. lightning_fury

    lightning_fury Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2017
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    I'm definetly against the charm-placing size change! It will kill the server identity. Agree with some kind of vote for it
  18. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    We will not, a lot of people dont use forum.
    Making a poll here does not equal everyones vote/opinion.

    Instead of complaining about certain changes that have been out less than 12 hrs, play first and then see how the game feels.
    And with play i mean at least more than a few hours, there are still days before the ladder reset.
  19. starxplor

    starxplor Supporter

    Jun 12, 2017
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    On Linux with wine-6.19 (Staging)
    I downloaded the installer and ran it, pointing at the D2 directory I have been playing with. When launching the game, it no longer defaults to full screen and the -ns flag no longer works (sound plays until in a game when the settings take over)

    I went back to my backup copy I had been using and it launches and seems to update so I am able to create a new game and verified charm area exists and is required to activate charms, so I will continue to use this for now.

    My current char has 8 slots free in charm area. I love that I can temporarily put non-charms here while rearranging and selling stuff!
  20. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Listening to feedback is more important besides, as @inayat said not everyone uses the forums and polls could be easily manipulated so hearing people out is way better.

    If you were using a shortcut with those flags and it got replaced then that's the reason for it. What file/shortcut exactly are you currently using to run the game? And how about the new launcher, get dotnet and you should be able to run window/fullscreen/etc with a single mouse button.

    You can use the inventory in full, charms zone doesn't restrict you from using other items in the game so you now have additional space to pick up and move things around.
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