
Finished [WEEKLY] U-B-E-R's

Discussion in 'Events' started by Charlemagne, May 29, 2015.

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  1. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Forum Legend

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Uber Boss Event Run


    .::Event Schedule::.

    [TABLE="class: grid, width: 1000, align: center"]
    [TD]Date / Time[/TD]
    [TD]U-B-E-R Portal Bank[/TD]
    [TD]Run's This Week[/TD]
    [TD]Friday, July 10th, 2015 (9:00AM - 10:30AM) DAY[/TD]
    [TD]5 U-B-E-R Run's[/TD]
    [TD]Charlemagne and Jesus[/TD]
    [TD]Pacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00)
    [TD]Friday, July 10th, 2015 (7:30PM - 9:30PM) NIGHT[/TD]
    [TD]5 U-B-E-R Run's[/TD]
    [TD]Charlemagne and Jesus[/TD]
    [TD]Pacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00)[/TD]

    [TABLE="class: grid, width: 1000, align: center"]
    [TD="align: center"]HELLFIRE TORCH STATS[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]WINNERS[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]Player Tanks[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]Drops Every Friday![/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]It Could Be You.[/TD]
    [TD="align: center"]Are You Strong Enough?[/TD]

    .::Event Details::.
    This event is sponsored by Charlemagne and Jesus. We hope to achieve more server activity and in-game enjoyment by sponsoring this gift for the realm. Please keep in mind that we are devoting a lot of time and labor to make this possible and the only thing we ask for in return is that you participate in a respectful manner. The number of U-B-E-R's we do each week is randomly generated and will change every week! With that being said, let us get to some U-B-E-R's shall we?

    If you haven't already noticed, the schedule for the event is listed above and will be updated frequently. The rules for this event are down below and will also be updated as time goes along. Announcements will be made In-Game before and after the U-B-E-R event to inform the rest of the community about the aftermath of the event and when the event will begin. All the U-B-E-R games will be public NO EXCEPTIONS! If you snooze-you-lose on this one. However, there will be multiple runs and I doubt that you won't be able to join at least one of the runs.

    Every time you join an U-B-E-R a sponsor will be present. These sponsors will be in-charge of organizing a proper team to assist all players in clearing the run. Our goal is to accomplish this as a team so that everyone benefits from the experience and enjoyment. Sponsors will be able to carry the entire team if the group can not defeat the run and we will have characters on stand-by to ensure a torch drop in every game. If a game is not going as smoothly as planned please do not make it harder on the sponsor by running around in the map. Be patient stay in town if there is a huge wipe and wait for your commands!

    When the game is full the sponsor will open the first portal and signal the players to enter. One by one we enter the first portal and await our Enchant. After all players are enchanted the sponsor selects the two tanks to take on the boss and the rest of the DPS will focus on add's to ensure the most EXP is milked out of the event. This process will continue just like before with the second and third portals. After each min-portal is finished the Tristram portal will be opened and two main tanks will take Meph while the rest of the DPS will take on the summoned minions. Once we get to the last boss it's free game. Attack, bonewall, whatever strategy you have to try and kill the last boss and win that torch! The death of the second Tristram boss is the signal that this Free-for-All starts. Now is your chance to take the prize and you are not alone in the competition. The winner gets the torch and is then required to ID it and announce the stat's for this forum post to be recorded. After the torch is identified and the stats are announced, the sponsors will exit the game and prepare the next run.

    If you get the torch in a U-B-E-R game do not join the next game after collecting your winnings. You may however re-join the event on the next week. If you do not pick up the torch you can leave at any time no matter what. If you find yourself stuck in lobby because the game is full don't worry! Gas has the Trivia event setup around the U-B-E-R's so that players who are waiting to join an U-B-E-R game can still try their luck at winning runes through the Trivia event. Only the sponsor and the person who picked up the torch will need to stay in the last game until the sponsor finishes logging the winner of that game.

    The idea of this entire event is to provide every member with a chance to win something for free. You always gain something out of it whether it's the amusement, one of the torches that will drop every week, or if you just get a couple levels. I say it can't hurt to have us all come together a couple times a week for such an event and that is why I am willing to spend most of my MF runs to make it happen.

    Donations may be made in order to support this event. If you would like to volunteer your services to the community free-of-charge then please whisper Jesus or Charlemagne in-game. Or simply send me a PM on here and I will service the request. The donations will be documented and made public so that everyone can see these donations are being used strictly for the event.

    I am aware that some of you have the client MapHack enabled. Let me remind you to turn off the chicken by pressing the default (Apostrophe ' / Quotation ") mark key while you are in-game. This is important if you do not want to drop-out while you are playing. Also, other client modifications provided by this tool like ItemFinder (F), etc. This could be the difference of you picking up the torch or not. A few more details may be added to this forum post in the future but for now I think this covers the bulk of the event. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you all at the event next month.

    For those of you who are worried about the market being destroyed, do not worry, I have thought a great deal about this. I believe this event will not effect the market in any negative way at all as long as we properly moderate the situation and that is what we intend to do.. I will only be buying keys mainly 1-2 day out of the week. This leaves the market open for every other player after this. However, for 1-2 days players can be sure there is a demand for 100's of keys. Now what about the Torch market? The torch market will still have a high demand for Perfect Torches. It will only lower the demand for low-stat torches.. We do plan to structure this event and it is not my intention to destroy whats left of the existing D2 Market here. We might not even do a full 20 torch give-away if this deems to be a little too much. If anybody has suggestion's for this event or concerns please post them here so we can answer any questions.

    .::Event Rules::.

    [TABLE="class: grid, width: 500, align: left"]
    [TD]Do Not Rush In Portals. Wait for Sponsor's Command[/TD]
    [TD]Event Donations are (Volunteer Only) no special rewards are offered.[/TD]
    [TD]Must Be Level 75+ To Join Game[/TD]
    [TD]Only One Person Per Game. No Multi-Accounts (It Will Be Logged)[/TD]
    [TD]Share Torch Stat's and Announce Pick-Up[/TD]
    [TD]Respect and listen to the event sponsors. Do Not interrupt them.[/TD]
    [TD]Scammers will be reported and handled accordingly.[/TD]
    [TD]Verbal Misconduct Will NOT be tolerated from any participant.[/TD]
    [TD]Please Don't Steal Organs![/TD]
  2. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Very good idea to bring the community together for some monster slaying :) Kudos to Charlemagne for coming up with the idea and taking the time and runes to support this!

    Good stuff Char, good stuff. :)
    just do it likes this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Great idea and @Charlemagne has also been added to the moderators list of this forum section so he can update his thread if needed.
    Charlemagne, just do it and Jesus like this.
  4. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Forum Legend

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Thanks for the support everyone. The runs are going smoothly and I have accumulated enough for 10 whole U-B-E-R runs so far. I hope to get enough for at least 15 and we are shooting for 25 a week. [MENTION=1]Gix[/MENTION] I appreciate the status change. I definitely needed to fix that post ASAP. I am sure everyone will find me of much help in the community. See you all in-game.
    just do it likes this.
  5. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Give credit where credit is due. Not many are willing to sacrifice there time and as well money (Runes) for others. Whether its real life on in-game. All you want to get out of it is a "Thank you" so anyone else who thinks like that deserves the appreciation because its getting more and more rare by the year.
    Charlemagne, just do it and Gix like this.
  6. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Forum Legend

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Thanks Gas it's really appreciated. For those of you who want to make some steady profit from this event. Start farming us keys! Here are my prices and whoever can match or BEAT these prices will get my business.

    Destruction Key = Mal/each
    Terror Key = Ist/each
    Hate Key = Gul/each
    3x3 Key Set = Ohm/each

    Post a trade with me Here

    Whisper me In-Game I will always buy 24/7.
    just do it likes this.
  7. jmh033089

    jmh033089 Active Member

    Oct 19, 2012
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    How did I know, you two were going to do this. lol I am down.
    Charlemagne and just do it like this.
  8. just do it

    just do it Senior Member

    May 18, 2015
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    Jesus, Charlemagne and Gix like this.
  9. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Forum Legend

    Apr 30, 2015
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    The Day event went smoothly. We have decided to do 5 more tonight for players on different timezones. Thank you all for participating! Until next time, this is your host,

    just do it and Jesus like this.
  10. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Very good job on the thread and as well on the first 5 runs. Went very smooth, everyone had fun.. Seeing full game ubers and more wanting to join is a nice change!

    UPDATE: The 5 runs at night went just as good :)
    just do it likes this.
  11. just do it

    just do it Senior Member

    May 18, 2015
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    guys, thx for all you are doing...

    if ya need any help whisp me :D
    Charlemagne and Gix like this.
  12. Charlemagne

    Charlemagne Forum Legend

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Thanks JustDoIt! It's always great to have more and more supporters. This event would not be possible without it, so thank you!
    Jesus likes this.
  13. Trapstar

    Trapstar Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Very good event :)

    and good idea from both of u
    keep up the good work and all the best luck from here

  14. Endotoxin

    Endotoxin Supporter

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Last scheduled UBER says the 12th of June. Is it safe to say they take place same day/same time just incase the post isn't updated or is it just not taking place anymore?
  15. Jesus

    Jesus Forum Legend

    Apr 19, 2015
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    This Event is not active at the moment, i will un-stick it until Charlemagne has time out of his busy real life schedule :)
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