
You Might Be Addicted 2 Diablo II

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JohnDoe, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. JohnDoe

    JohnDoe Active Member

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Let's have some fun :p

    You might be addicted to Diablo 2 IF :

    • Trying to fired 25 arrows with a bow in the yard.
    • When you hit a deer with your car, hang out and see what's the damn drop.
    • You start throwing hammers at your neighbors.
    • Before going to work, you stand at the entrance and shouted several times.
    • Everything in your life is a quest.
    • If you've ever thought about sacrificing something to try make an iron golem (or even a polyester one )
    • If you think women on TV would look better wearing capes or carrying towering bows.
    • You run everywhere. Often changing directions suddenly, and never moving your arms while running.
    • If you've wondered if your boss or teacher might be corrupted.
    • Given serious thought to why every day belts don't let you carry more items .
    • If you've ever wished you could naturally glow in the dark.
    • You become a Shaman in the Fallen religion.
    • You think your grandma is Malah
    • You start wearing weird armor and make a sword and walk around screaming: DIE! TIME TO DIE! DIE! TIME TO DIE!
    • You think your sister is an assassin.
    • Whenever you see a wolf or bear or raven u look around real good, looking for a druid.
    • You call a fight a duel
    • When u see Russian female swimmers u think of Charsi.
    • You think Fara, Natalya and you would be a nice threesome.
    • You think little kids look like Fallen.
    • You start calling people noob's all the time.
    • Think your a sorc, n try to teleport to the gurls bathroom.
    • You go sit in the snow when its freezing because u want a higher " Cold Mastery"
    • U carry a flashlight around for better light radius.
    • U stay away from the cemetary, just incase someone might cast corpse explosion.
    • You give your wife a bul kathos wedding ring.
    • U ask a teacher if they can rush u through skool.
    • You wish your girlfriend was either a zon, sorc, or assn.
    • You make golems in your Clay & Sculpture class and proudly present them to the class.
    • On the top of your X-mas list is an Ethreal Botd.
    • When you wear your bling bling, you think it is a Cat's Eye

    In fact, the entire list is near 600 reasons that you may be addicted. I will try to filter out the best and most funny reasons but this is for now.

    Stay tuned :p :p

    • You carry around gold pieces instead of cash.
    • You keep a pet Grizzly Bear in your house.
    • When something bad happens, you simply say "ng" and walk away.
    • When you pass a grave yard u look for Blood Raven.
    • Every time you go outside in the dark, you wish you had Maphack for night vision.
    • You never touch hammers because you think they are blessed hammers.
    • You wear charms all over your body.
    • When a person dies you repeatedly say "Your deeds of valor will be remembered".
    • Your over 30, single, working at Mc.Donalds, and live with your parents. HAHAHAHA !!
    • You drink a lil bit and start trading your gear for another beer !!
    • You are scared to walk out a city bcuz u think someone will pk you.
    • U walk into a car dealership and say " Free?? "
    • In arguments you win you slap the person in the face and say pwned as you do it.
    • You realize that the assassin's ass is nice.
    • You always want to be Gheed when u grow up.
    • You rob a jewelry store because you saw an soj there.
    • U break ur pencil and go ask ur teacher if she can repair it.
    • You travel to india to learn the art of zakarum and become a devoted holy followerer.
    • You even dare to use the word UBER.
    • You ask your g/f to put on an Amazon outfit.
    • U ask ur parents for an P anihilus charm for cristmas.
    • You see Oprah Winfrey on T.V. (when she was fat) and immediately you think...She looks like Treehead Woodfist (Brute).
    • When u drink 12 cans of coke so u dont fall asleep at 4am and can keep playing.
    • You get scared at about 4 am hearing noises insted of thinging of the boogy man, u think shenk is comeing after you.
    • You buy a teddy bear and you call it "Crusher" (A2 Wendigo).
    • When you see Jordan with ring, you try to steal it from him.
    • You offer Cafeteria lady/man 3 SOJs for the food.
    • You put your character as an avatar on the forums.
    • When the sky darkens you blame Claw Vipers.
    • You memorize all the runewords.
    • You stay up till 4am playing the game.
    • A homless guy asks for change and you say "OMFG N00B STFU NO FREES".
    • You actually "summon" your dog for a walk.
    • When your girlfriend calls you an enigma and u just reply 'Jah Ith Ber baby'
    • You wanna go to picnic and u say to u'r dad : Warriv take me to the east :D
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
    Escorb4r and DiabloDan like this.
  2. DiabloDan

    DiabloDan Canadian Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Some of these are too funny hahaha :D
  3. JohnDoe

    JohnDoe Active Member

    Apr 17, 2016
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    Updated :)
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