
Baal Hell Protocol

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by aethyllnor, Oct 24, 2016.

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  1. aethyllnor

    aethyllnor Supporter

    Apr 24, 2015
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    Member's of the D2 Community - I have been grinding for xp recently and noticed that the runner's get really upset when a person make's the next game. To the point where they either stop running, or make a private BH.

    All this post is about is a request to not make the next BH if the one going is already full. It slows down the runner and the whole flow of the BH's.
    North44 likes this.
  2. sickone

    sickone Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
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    As i am in the same position i can only confirm this. People not catching on to a game tend to create the next game already. This means for the runner his speed flow is broken down due to having to 1. Create the game with no success and 2nd have to try to connect to "his/her" game afterwards not beeing guaranteed getting a spot at all. Alot of ppl would say "pah .. who cares" ? Well i do. I came up with fastbaals for a reason. 99% of the BH's cant hold a runner for more than 10 runs. Ppl either stand in town and dont move until everybody leaves or everyone (specially the runner) farms the mobpacks on the way to the throne room. For ppl like me who have the goal of the highest lvl possible this is really annoying and time consuming. I know for a fact that many ppl liked the fastbaals and sticked with me for as long as i would run, but careless ppl forced me to create private games and thats not the way i wanted to go :( I hope you understand now that we don't say "let the runner open" because of our ego. It has many reasons with just one of them beeing speed. If you couldnt join the game fast enough because its full, just try again next game. Thats all from me hope you understand.
    Best regards sickxy
  3. devilsreject

    devilsreject Forum Legend

    Jul 3, 2016
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    For old players its common to wait for the person who does the whole thing - creating games, teleporting, clearing etc. Many of the people, however don't do it anymore for no reason. You guys are right, but nothing can be done - free world, freedom of speech etc.
    I'd personally advise you to create lets say "Sickone bh-1" and tell the people following you from the first game that if they want fast and easy xp to let you make the next game every time. You have to watch for newcomers over games also and try to speak with them. If you don't talk - no chance, right ? :)

  4. sickone

    sickone Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Oh it has been said by many people many times :D I know its an oldschool thing but im an oldschool player from the beginning of D2 just hoped i could bring back the oldschool fast exp feeling we all enjoyed in the past. And as i said im not the kind of person who says "WHO CREATED THIS ? U RUN! I DONT RUN!" <- this is kindergarden bullshi* . Its not about the ego, its about the speed loss for all. I know the run isnt just fast because of me. I provide very fast teleporting / clearing of throne and makeing TP for everyone but i dont fight alone. Its the work of everyone what makes it fast. Just to make it clear ^_^ We will just have to live with interupts i guess.
  5. Xyllo

    Xyllo Member

    Oct 28, 2016
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    I have heard a complaint from some players regarding the creation of new BH games when the current one is full.
    How does waiting increase the speed of exp? 20 ppl wait for 8 ppl to finish a run? And after the run is done the ones in it do not have a guarantee to join the next run?

    The rule for who teleports should not be the guy that created the game. It should be the highest level character that has Teleport.
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