The subject is Bow Amazons and Necromancer's Corpse Explosion There seems to me a few bugs with Corpse Explosion. CE does not damage Gargoyle Towers or Lighting Spires, in the interest of fairness I would like CE to damage everything within its radius (apart of course those who are immune to physical and fire). Also there are a few unique monsters in Hell difficulty that do not take damage from CE even though they have no immunity to fire or physical damage. I have encountered only a hand full and mostly in act 4. Also, Bow Zons are the weakest characters in the game most bow zons go for freezing arrow for the damage. In the interest of fairness I would like to see pierce and guided arrow work together so after a guided arrow has pierced a monster it turns around and hits them again. This was considered an exploit back patch 1.09 (I think) and fixed in 1.10. If it is to take effect it should only apply to player versus monster not player versus player. I believe it will breathe new life into the build and make for more interesting game play along with, making a weak character just a bit stronger. Thank you Gix for your awesome servers.
I havent been on retail in years but ce never effected those towers as far as mobs could be a lag issue i've had no probs.Bowazons weak? Youre doin it wrong plain and simple im 2-3 shottin stuff.Sound like a gear/spec issue more than anything.Baal will always take alil while to kill with a bowa always been like that make a hybrid with jav/shield on switch.1 in jab and lite fury works wonders with an up'd titans.
Paladin two main builds: Hammerin and smiter both way better than bowzon. Sorceress two main builds: Lighting and cold both way better than bowzon. Druid two main builds: Fury and Elemental both way better than bowzon. Barbarian two main builds: Frenzy and Whirlwind both way better than bowzon. Necromancer two main builds Bone and summoner: Bone is on par or worse than bowzon, summoner way better. Assassin: I don't know So, like I said the weakest character in the game (or just about). To add insult to injury bowzons are some of the most expensive builds, a medium Faith worth more than a near perfect Enigma, and Fortitude or Chains of Honor not cheap either. While the other characters fair far better with cheaper equipment (hammerin, smiter, sorceress, elemental duird, summoner... I would like to add that it wasn't always like this 1.09 or before, D2 (non LOD) the bow zon with a Windforce was the strongest character in the game. Beating any Sorc, Barb or Paly in pvp and pvm (necros were just crap). But after many tweaks to the game's design (+skill stuff, synergies, charms, enigma...) the bow zon became inherently weaker than the other characters. Anyways my argument is pointless anyway the last time LOD was updated was 4 years ago. So I guess nothing will change and the good old days will remain the good old days.
about bowazon: for pvp you go for hybrid build anyway. pve bowa is not the best but one of the funniest classes. depending on your gear/set up, it can indeed be a very fast killer. try to google for nice builds. there was one i liked with windforce and merc with faith.