
Discord Server & Trading.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Arphen, May 4, 2017.

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  1. Arphen

    Arphen Member

    May 2, 2017
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    Well....hello! ( that's always a good way to start! mommy told me anyway...).

    I know it's been brought up like 5 months ago if "Do we have a Discord server" and I've read and the answer is pretty much " no :(". It would be amazing if we could get one running! A lot of people are using it now days and not just for the voice chat ( don't wanna bring up the TS/Vent/Skype is better discussion ),but for the aspect of having different channels to quickly chat depending on what we need ( general,help and oh god,trading!).

    Trading would also be easier ( at least for me ),when I can just have it on a second monitor meanwhile I play and see if anyone sells something I need or wants something I have.

    That's about it with my suggestion. Thanks for reading.

    Last words : Give it a try,it can't hurt too bad! (that's what he said)

    --- Arphen
  2. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Why would someone use discord to trade items rather than the game and main channel itself? If you want to see if someone sells anything while playing then run two game instances at the same time and place one of your characters inside of the main channel or use a chatbot like Topaz and you'll see it's way better. We don't have an official discord channel (although I've already created one but isn't really being used), we have a teamspeak server too which also isn't that popular for diablo2 either. Usually discord/teamspeak/etc are more popular in case of FPS games, WoW raids, however moving trade from game/chat to discord doesn't have much sense as people use voice chat platforms mainly for chatting and everyone is way more comfortable with using the channel or create a buy/sell game when it comes to items trading.
  3. Arphen

    Arphen Member

    May 2, 2017
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    I am not saying you are wrong because you have a valid point but...you must also consider a lot of people use Discord (I for one have Discord on all the time rather than a 2nd D2 Client) now daily ( like Skype used be back in the day ) because of how popular and well its made and like i said,it's not just for the trading ^^. For general usage.

    I for one would like to join this Discord server you've made,I've looked all over the website and the forum and I've not found the invitation link sadly :( Maybe making it public would ( over time ) make it more used.

    Thanks for taking time to reply tho! Loving the server & community.
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