
Ironman Event (feedback)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Gix, Feb 6, 2017.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Since the ironman event posted here had lots of participants and success, we are looking for suggestions and feedback to improve the following ironman events.
    Things to be considered before leaving a suggestion: event will run under multiple variants such as PVM (mixed classes, all different classes), PVP (ffa, tvt, 1v1), different Level Cap (9,18) so you don't have to suggest this to us. Additionally we will add an extra note telling people to disable their chicken before the event starts, english only should be used inside of the ironman games and a new rule that will allow signups to start about one hour before the event in order to avoid those people who announce their presence a day before and don't show up at the event which in this case we will notify everyone about the event a day or two in advance but the signup list shall open an hour before the event starts.

    Be reasonable and avoid off topic suggestions.
  2. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    First and foremost - people should be prevented from playing the next even for example , if they do something that is against the rules ( This is clearly disrespectful to other players ). This has (imo) to be done so that people start taking things a bit more serious :)
    Second, people should stick together during the leveling phase, let me elaborate. As many of you know drops from chest on 8p difficulty is better , if one player strays from the group he is able to open more chests, which equal more gold, pots, items which are not split equally between the party, second as he is walking around more and is being solo he is getting significantly less exp than the rest of the team , which allows him to stay longer in hostile territory, after people have hit the required level to be inside town. All players must stick together so that the exp gold and items is shared equally between all party members and there should not be extensive waiting for one or two players.
    Third - The PVP zone should be cleared of any shrines and monsters ( Either by the admin or the contestants )
    Fourth - Holy Fire skill on Paladin should be forbidden, on last event it wasn't that obvious, because there were a lot of Paladins, but it clearly gives an edge, especially on lower levels. On 18 level tournaments people have generally more hp from levels and vitality and it isn't that obvious, but on lowers level just the pulse damage is way too much.
    Fifth - I didn't think this needed to be done at all ( common sense and everything ) but all rules that need to be followed should be written ( or linked to, if they are in another thread ) in the Event thread, so there is no confusion.
    Sixth - If a player is DQ-ed because of chicken plugin or some other reason, he should be asked to leave the game and not return, after you died or got dq-ed for some reason, your part in the tournament is over.
    And the last one - Close observation of the duel by staff member.
    Also, as a suggestion, you might try inviting the players into the Game Channels a few minutes later and obviously some people need more warnings than usual about the Chicken option of the maphack. Although it is written in obviously appropriate place, there are still dq-ed players.

    I want to say that none of my suggestions comes from griefing, before somebody mentions anything. I think those are some little things that might improve the gameplay.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  3. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    1. It's already into the event rules but so far no one did anything bad that would lead to suspension
    2. That is something we discussed before hosting the first ironman and we decided to test it out first without adding it to the rules and while in the first ironman tournament (lvl 18) everyone sticked together in all games during leveling, during a lvl 9 ironman that's not really needed since getting maxed takes much less time.
    3. Already did that last ironman event, game 3 where I was preset as well and I agree with clearing shrines
    4. Will wait for more opinions on this one. Initially we had a larger banned skills list and if I remember right this was one of the banned skills but then we decided to stick to more normal ironman rules that have been working for years and avoid too many restrictions, however couple more skills might need some extra attention.
    5. Not sure what you mean by this, rules are written inside of the Event thread.
    6. Agree, would have been easier if the game could have been blocked to accept new players at all and while this is posible, it can only be done on gs level so it requires fully remote access

    You mean to invite them in the Game channels a few minutes earlier, right? Anyway, although the red bold text refering to disable chicken is clear enough we did made it clear in-game too multiple times but it's not up to us to repeat it individually to every player and each time, at the end of the day that's the player responsability to read the event thread.
  4. klaus

    klaus Senior Member

    Dec 31, 2016
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    Lets do one PVM on HCCL
  5. Quinneczech

    Quinneczech Fat! Old! HardCORE! Forum Legend

    Feb 6, 2017
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    THIS! It would be awesome!
  6. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    We could do a classic one in the future too but expansion is more challenging and so far no one survived.
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