
Let's change the market price of gems together! ( read pls )

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Minty, Apr 12, 2020.

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  1. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    I need you all guys and girls on this. I need your support and help to change the number of gems per Ber rune.

    I know 40 vex is fair. And simple math tells 640 is Ber.
    But we started an old ladder price 500 ber.

    I think we should all agree that 560 sounds fair for Ber. This way we ( who roll charms ) will have 20 rolls more per Ber.
    This means on 5 Bers we will have 100 rolls more. ( sounds great to me )

    The new price will affect the price and the number of Skillers on the server. We will have more Skillers on the server.
    This also sounds great to me. What do you think? Keep reading.

    I spent more than 6 Bers on one charm ( got nothing ) and I bought most of my gems for 500 ber. This is around 3000 gems.
    A person who sold me the charm and rolled the same charm spent 3 Bers and got nothing. This is around 1500 gems.

    If we apply the new price of gems 560 per ber. Together he and I would have 180 more rolls more on 9 Bers.

    I need you guys to participate in changing the price. We must help ourselves not to waste Bers on nothing.
    We should start buying gems at price 560 ber. Let's do us all a favor. Since 40 is vex, and by simple math 640 should be Ber. Please read the thread till the end. I need your patience and understanding.

    Let us at least change the price to 560 Ber. ( which is 80 gems less than 640 - which is an Ohm rune )
    A person who collects up to 560 will earn an Ohm rune more. Than regular 40 vex. This is fair.
    We all must start asking sellers to sell us 560 for Ber. I think it's a good idea. What do you think? Please reply.
    If we apply this new number of gems per Ber you will have 20 more rolls if you are using Gems for rolling charms like me.

    Please use your mind and sense of math before replying. Thank you, brothers and sisters.
    If you agree with me start saying in chat: Buying 560 p.gems ( Ber )
    This way we will have more rolls and more Skillers on the server. I am doing this for all of us.

    Don't think I don't collect gems. I collect every gem that drops, and people who do not roll GC's will have no idea what am I talking about. If you are not rolling GC and if you are not buying Gems please read carefully. You don't have our experience. People who do not buy gems and people who do still do not roll GC's will fight for 500 ber price which is insane. We are losing Bers here.

    We spend more around 3 hours just by rolling a Gc with just 3 thousand gems.
    I am talking to the whole community. Please support me in my cause. Start demanding 560 for Ber.
    Start saying: Buy 560 p. gems ( ber ), if you are with me. Please. I need support from everyone who is rolling Grand Charm.

    Do not think I am greedy. I am donating 2 Bers to this server in my thread called "Who rushed you 4 free". To new players who are learning to use the forum and to the Rusher who is rushing people for free. I don't want to brag but I already donated over 8 Bers this month to new players on this server and they will recognize themselves. I don't need to name them. But I can, and they will confirm.

    Please respect my idea because we will have more chances to create a Skiller. There will be more Skillers on the server with more chances and Skillers will be more affordable.

    #buy 560 gems ( ber ) - in chat.

    Sincerely Chat-Mafia
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  2. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    There are no fixed prices. We do say 40 per Vex but is just informative as one could sell/buy for less or more depend on the market demand at that time. You are free to buy/sell at what price you consider fair for you. As ladder progress prices will change because the demand will change so having a fixed price that only suit you now is not a good idea. Also changing prices won't affect your luck on Reroll as its just pure rng

    LE: I've Reroll many charms so far and bought alot of pgmes with 40 per Vex which is a fair price as most of the pgmes came from new players who can make some runes to start but what I do is not important as this is about influencing prices which is a bad idea in the long run so I will ask you kindly to stop this as I said before you are free to buy/sell at what price you consider fair but don't make all of us using your prices because it suit you for the momonet.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
    Ari, Intelli, DeeChan and 1 other person like this.
  3. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    I know what you are saying and I respect that. But you are probably not rolling a Grand charm ( IDK I might be wrong ) and you should have taken the time to consider what was I talking about. I know that prices cannot be as I want them to be. I am asking for the support and help of people who roll and buy perfect gems by what you said I see that you are probably not buying perfect gems at all. But I can be wrong. But sure I can withstand critics too. This doesn't suit just me you are wrong. It suites all of us who roll a GC, and it will suit you too if we start making more Skillers with more chances. That's if you give us a chance.

    I am trying to create a movement #buy 560 gems for Ber, and my math is good. Everyone is earning here. I am not dumb nor greedy. I talk from experience.

    Every gem seller will say this is not a good idea. I already know this. My friends started to rebel too. Because they are getting used to selling 500 for ber. Add 60 more and we will have more chances. 20 rolls more. More chances to get a Skiller on this server = more good Skillers for all people who play. Prices of Skillers will drop.

    I already explained it good. On 5 Bers we will have 100 more rolls. This suite you too you just didn't think this through.

    Thank you for your reply Atox I appreciate Critics too.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  4. Atox

    Atox Senior Game Master Moderator

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I did not reply with critics I just told you that you are free to buy/sell at what price you think is fair but don't try to influence others to use your prices.
    I'm kindly asking you to stop with this. Cheers
    DeeChan likes this.
  5. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Ok, thank you. I will stop now. I just wanted to see on the forum what others might think of my idea that's all. I am trying to start a movement that will improve the server's marketplace. I started to buy at that price, and I wanted to get support from other Gem buyers who roll Grand charms. There is nothing wrong with getting support from other players. I think my thread is fine. I am a member too. I have the right to post and influence people here. I just posted a thread to see if people agree or disagree. I have a right to start a movement #buy 560 for Ber. Of course, people will keep buying 500 for ber if they want, and people will keep selling 500 for ber and someone might buy/sell for another price. I am trying to get a fixated price like 40 is vex. 560 should be Ber nothing else. I am a little worried tho because you are being harsh. LoL

    I apologize to you bro. The market won't change because of me, but it just might. I am trying to improve the server's market place - nothing else. I will stop this now. I apologize and thank you for your reply, and I can only hope my thread will stay open. Cheers

    P.S. I will delete and edit my replies to suit the forum better, that is if my thread stays up.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  6. Kefflar32

    Kefflar32 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2015
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    bro you play a game not politics with ur movement. you are not an influencer :ROFLMAO: don't pretend ppl need to follow ur own price because prices are not fixed, atox is right
    if i want to sell my pgems 600 for ber you wont tell me to sell less or more or do other deal because you post #560 hundred time in ur message. u can sell ur pgems for how much u want not set price for others
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  7. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    As it's been mentioned, there is no such thing as fixed prices in diablo or any other online game that has any sort of trading market. There will be mixed reactions regarding people trying to manipulate prices as you can see and this has happened before so if you want to sell for whatever price then feel free to do so and if anyone else wants to match that price then it's their choice. At the start of this ladder, people were actually selling a whole lot more gems for the same currency because people were not rolling as much but obviously that changes after a few weeks. Currently, there is a high demand for gems so your best bet is to start selling a lot of them at the price you're trying to suggest and hope others will follow.
    Waffle likes this.
  8. inayat

    inayat Head Game Master Moderator

    Sep 12, 2016
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    [08:44:47 PM] <Dolgua13> prise ceck pgems
    [08:44:56 PM] <miljko> 40 vex 500 ber
    [08:45:00 PM] <watchme5> 40=vex
    [08:45:05 PM] <watchme5> 640 ber
    [08:45:37 PM] <fegol> what a new prices ber - 500 lol
    [08:45:48 PM] <miljko> That price is for 5 years now
    [08:45:51 PM] <miljko> on this server
    [08:45:55 PM] <miljko> where did you play before?
    [08:46:11 PM] <watchme5> vex=40 640=ber 1000=jah

    The above chat is from 6 days ago.

    You yourself are saying prices have been like this for 5 years now. Even telling people 500 = ber. While others clearly say 640 = ber.
    And after you spend around 3k gems on a skiller and didnt get anything good, suddenly the prices need to change so you can get more rolls?
    Rolling skillers is all about RNG and luck, as are most things in D2, suck it up and deal with it. It is what it is.
    People will sell at whatever price they want to sell at.
    The richer a person becomes, the easier they going to spend it and overpay for something, just because they can.
    Starting a movement or influencing is not going to change the minds of the general population, just so YOU can get more rolls. Cause thats what this is basically all about.
    Especially if you have been adamant in chat for some time now that 500 = ber and even asking people where they played before cause they make a different price.
    Waffle, DeeChan, Kefflar32 and 2 others like this.
  9. bolzer

    bolzer Senior Member

    Oct 13, 2017
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    i think noone want to change the market price of gems.
  10. tonkatabg

    tonkatabg Senior Member

    Dec 1, 2016
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    lol I thought supply and demand makes the price :D
    And now this guy want a fixed (communist) price lol
    and after that selling a skiller for 10-15 ber runes :p
    will you lower the price to 6 bers ? will everyone will do it ?

    Naa not gunna happened . if you good enough you will buy as much gems as you need at price you want :p
    bolzer and Kefflar32 like this.
  11. Minty

    Minty Senior Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Yes, Inayat I did say that. And I was wrong. That price 500 ber was the last ladder only.

    When I said that on this ladder I was just selling gems and I was trying to earn my way up. Now I am creating price 35 gems vex which is more profitable for new players who play less than many people here.
    Now situation changed and I am creating Skillers by rolling Grand Charms and I am not selling my gems anymore.
    I collect them each day and no gem passes me by.
    And Inayat not only "I" will get more rolls, but all of "US" who roll charms. There will be more Skillers on the server and price will drop. I wish somebody who rolls Charms will understand me nothing else.

    Now I am trying to create a new price. And I will talk with many Gem buyers to start changing and to make gem price stable.

    I understand Gix and Atox perfectly. I do respect what they say.

    Maybe this thread was supposed to go to softcore market place WTB. For now, most people are reading me well and they do not understand what I plan to achieve with this given price 560 ber.

    This is what I will spam from now on ever 5-30 minutes:
    Buying your perfect gems and your bags 35 gems Vex // 70 gems - Ohm // 140 gems - Lo // 280 - Sur // 560 - Ber ( message me privately using /w Chat-mafia )

    This will suit many people. It will suit the most us who roll Grand charms in order to create good Skillers.

    5 minutes is allowed between chat messages but I won't spam that frequently. This Kefflar dude is just trolling my every thread. Kefflar go play the game I don't care about your opinion anymore. Lol go create your own threads. Stop trolling mine. You trolled even my Who rushed you for free page. You didn't reply to the given rules there.

    I already wrote everything. People are reacting just the way I predicted. Nobody is reading me well. I already explained what will happen on the market if we get 20 more rolls per ber. But many are not seeing the bigger picture. That's not my fault. 100 more rolls per 5 ber is a nice chance for us to make you guys good Skillers.

    Tonkatabg please show some respect. Communist or not this is no way to talk to people. You didn't think before you wrote, and I can forgive you. Yes, prices will be lower when there is a lot of Skillers on the market.

    I will talk with many of my friends privately and try to talk to them on the new price. I see that forum is not reacting well.
    I can't believe you didn't read me well.

    Enjoy your day people and chill out. I predicted negative replies. I am waiting for positive replies and replies that are coming from Gem buyers who roll Grand charms. I will do my best to change the price to 35 vex / 70 Ohm / 140 Lo / 280 Sur / 560 Ber.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  12. Gix

    Gix Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Just because people do not agree with you or share your opinion it doesn't mean they are trolling you. They definitely read it very well, it's hard to miss a post where you're repeating the same words a dozen times but your approach isn't that good and people are free to share their own opinion as you did too so you'll just have to respect that. Like I said before, there will be mixed reactions regarding people who try to manipulate prices back and forth so it's best if you just enjoy the game and buy or sell the gems at the rate you want for your own personal use, no need to fight over this subject.
    colder, Atox, Kefflar32 and 1 other person like this.
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